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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 2871. page

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hey, robots, 24 year old virgin here
I meet this girl at a game store and we been hanging out and shit, talking about lots of things, we seem to get along very well.

here's the problem, when I asked how many guys she's been with, she said 10, and I am sure she has had sex with almost all of them.
she also hangs out with I think 3 of her ex's, because she wants to be friends with all of them.

I think i know the answer, but you think she is worth my time? or should i try and find a virgin like me?
45 posts and 12 images submitted.
Pump and dump at most anon
You're almost certainly not going to find a virgin like you, but this girl probably isn't the one.
A girl who regularly hangs out with her exes is always bad news, it doesn't matter how many guys she has slept with.
I want to save my v-card for a long term relstionship.

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On today's episode of: Riker
16 posts and 14 images submitted.
Riker hangs himself

The end
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Riker: RED ALERT Viewscreen on. Ladies, I'd like a viewscreen into your pants later on, if you know what I mean.
Riker: I don't know what this is...I swear.
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Picard: It's our lovely baby boy!

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>started my concerta medication today
>took the pill literally 20 minutes ago
>tfw nervously waiting for it to kick in

I'm shaking like hell and that's surely because I'm so fucking nervous and anxious about the results. Anyone else here use ADHD medication?
76 posts and 10 images submitted.
Concerta is crap, the worst of ADHD meds.

t. Stimulant user
You probably won't feel anything, I have to take five ritalin to feel it.
It's actually great, if you desolve it under your tounge and then chew it up and wash it down with a coffee, enjoy your nice cozy strong and lasting focus
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It's been about 30 minutes now, still not feeling any more concentrated. Maybe it needs another 30 minutes. I'm still shaking from anxiety, not sure if it's masking the effects of the drug. I should do some reading later to see if the drug is doing anything.
My eyes/forehead feel kinda weird I guess.

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>He doesn't use his blanket as masturbation aid/jizz rag

Such plebians.
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
>His bed isn't a crusty nest of soiled sheets and used tissues
>He doesn't have a cum jar in his NEET lair

I just cum on my shirts desu, all my shirts have probably been cummed on dozens of times by now
I did and I do miss it but when I changed the sheets the mattress was yellow
I live with my mother and I don't want her to see it, so I stopped doing it

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Write a letter to someone who may or may not ever read it. Include initials (if desired).
23 posts and 6 images submitted.
Dear OP,

You're so fucking ugly holy shit
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Dear K

I miss you all the time
How do you know what I look like?
Dear Soulmate that I may or may not find in this life or the next,

Where are you? Will you please come out? I'm terribly lonely and I need a cuddle or two. How will I find you? When I do I just want you to know that I'll love you unconditionally, and nothing would stop me from making you happy. Just please...come out, I need to see you, because at the rate I'm going now, I don't think I'll live much longer.

Love your future soul mate.

First step:

Make compliments without exaggerating:

>Stacy your dress looks good!
>Hey anon, looking good! Nice pants!

Step two, always, and I mean ALWAYS held your head high, like you're some sort of Greek, fierce warrior.

Autist will be mad at you because you're not staring at the ground, but LOOK at everyone in the eyes and NEVER look at your feet

Third step

Work out, it gives you dopamine and a good frame

Last step: Be yourself

This means being spontaneous, speaking your mind, not "trying too hard", follow your passions, and people will flock to you.

Thanks for your attention, you all are beautiful, cheers!
16 posts and 7 images submitted.
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just read the actual guide faggot

Kek no. Trash guide, absolutely worthless.
The key to being charismatic is to be yourself. What you're describing is some beta suck-up shit.
t. wannabe norman
Will work-out increase my testosterone levels (the one kind) and contribute to my hair loss?

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/dropout/ thread

I have maybe a month where i can get my diploma, otherwise it's a GED for me. even then its a stretch. been a while since my class graduated but a few strings were pulled.

any robots have a GED? any robots have nothing at all? general discussion
35 posts and 9 images submitted.

also feel free to share reasons for dropping out
im working on my master thesis, my partner and best friend lied so he wouldnt need to to do the last additions on it. fuck him.
I got mine a few weeks ago, applied to a college and their admissions deadline is at the end of this month. GED is super easy, I haven't taken a high school math class beyond geometry (and failed all of them) but still earned a 55% on the GED math.

What you'll need to do is take the SAT / ACT and hope to god your language / English skills can counterballast your math. My SAT scores come in in 3 days so wish me luck robots. If I don't make it in to this one I'm going to community college with the failed normies and college rejects like myself
good luck on the SAT man

also thats good news, i consider myself a pretty passionate writer but i suck major dick at mathematics

what do you plan to do once you get it?

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>get FL studio
>have no idea what to do
>uninstall it
Yet another thing in life I fail at
29 posts and 5 images submitted.
i make decent trap beats ill help you out fellow bot
reinstall, go to /prod/ on /mu/, check out the tutorials in the OP, and actually give this a shot. you can do it, anon!
Why don't you buy an acoustic instrument this time? Or a hardsynth?
Try watching a tutorial first you fucking moron

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hey robots, what are you doing?

> listening music
> playing OSRS; pest control minigame
> smoking weed

feels good to be alive sometimes.
20 posts and 9 images submitted.
>doing coke
>listening to a movie instead of watching it
>dicking around on omegle
>smoking weed
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>liking pest control
You must have severe autism

i never said i like PC, i'm going for the elite void robes.

I sorta started OSRS after my buddy bought me membership. I used to play back in 2008, but forgot fuckin everything. I'm drunk as shit and farming lobbies in Catherby. How the fuck should I start leveling my agility? Im sick of being able to sprint for like, 2 seconds.

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How do l get a house like this?
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
Start sucking dicc boi
talk to a construction company
take out a loan
buy a ladder and a couple bottles of windex to clean all that fucking glass, also a broom to sweep the bird nests off of that ledge
Can buy/rent houses like that on Craig's list or build it yourself/hire someone. Also gotta keep local tax shit, water stuff in mind as some have plumbing. This looks like a cool property to make and after just rent out to other people so you can make some cash. Comfy.
Be someone's cuck and hope they have mercy on you.

It's truly a pathetic, rat-like way to live. I'd rather be living a rat-like life in an alley way sticking up passerbys with a lead pipe for their shoes, cellphones and wallets than be a rat begging for handouts. Or even if you earn the money for the property and "home" your own self I'd rather be an angry, snarling hungry rat than one who's learned to live with hunger and who does everything he can to stay content with what little he has.

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You're all very pathetic. But to be honest I like that in men. Thank you /r9k/ for being how you are, it makes me very happy knowing there are men who fit my specific taste.
38 posts and 1 images submitted.
is oneesama e worth watching?
Very much so, especially if you are into classic anime.
That's cool I guess.
You're welcome, or whatever.
I'm sick of homosexuals pretending they're women. It's boring to hear the same generic attempt at emulating something you're not and will never be.

i wanna lick jelly's bean
36 posts and 1 images submitted.
and suck the jelly out of it
*smacks lips*

hol up jelly. . so you be sayin . . .

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So that's it huh? We're some kind of suicide skwad?
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
When ya shitz so fiya the squad goes ON FLEEK
I'm trying to archive all his dumb shit before it gets taken down, but I gotta go to sleep now cause he put so many unnecessarily large files. Can someone with no life archive it please?
Thank you. Could you also save his journals and post them here/some place else? I do not want to download WinZip onto my borrowed PC.


WHAT? No one cares? What is the wrong with you? We've got JOURNALS of a killer here. I got them saved, though.

Oh I see, Americans went to sleep. Europeans could not care less. Aside from me.

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How desperate are you into getting a girl?
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
Not at all I'm practically a wizard.
Not really my man
A rich asian man is going to fill that cute white pussy with his mongol seed

Can't wait for /pol/tards to flip shit
I bet you anything she's not even a virgin.

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how do i cure bad eyesight?
i dont want to wear contacts nor glasses
31 posts and 8 images submitted.
Carrots. Eat a fuckload of carrots.
Breakfast? Carrots. Lunch? Carrots. Dinner? Motherfucking carrots.
Eat, breathe and shit carrots until you have the eyes of a god damn eagle.
Eye surgery
eye surgery

you're welcome
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pay some surgeons to cut open your eyeballs and reshape your cornea

just do what i'm doing: wait until we have the ability to implant synthetic eyes. i'd totally let some surgeons rip out my shit human eyes if i got bitchin' cyborg eyeballs in their place

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How does /r9k/ feel about Trek?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
Normie shit. Go away reddit.
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it's my favourite show!
I tried watching TNG and the first few episodes were godawful. I assume it has to get better but damn where can I skip to?
If Riker doesn't have a beard yet then just keep skipping.

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Why do some people refuse to accept that transsexuality (MtF or FtM, not some tumblr shit) is an actual condition?

pic unrelated
79 posts and 3 images submitted.
go to the nuthouse you insipid fuck. your shit isnt normal its a disease stfu about it and sort yourself out
I am not trans. Several of my friends are.
The supposed reason Dysphoria is legit is because their brains are more similar to the opposite gender, but the problem with that is that its also true for homosexuals, so why do some feel the need to cut their dick off but others don't?
I guess brains can be more similar to opposite gender in different ways/structures. Like a similarity in one part of the brain causes homosexuality, the similarity in some other part causes transsexuality.

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Coworkers found out I'm a virgin and this one bitch was like "Anon we found your normiebook profile." She showed my anime profile picture. Somehow a lot of my shit is public on my cuckbook and was quick to change the settings. My facebook is full of autistic shit? They prob all ready looked through. What do?
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
tell them the truth and be yourself, awkwardly denying it and acting like a child is only going to solidify their suspicions of your autism.
>having a kikebook
>having a kikebook and not having everything set to private
>having a kikebook with your real name
Dumb frogposter
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I found him boys
Found the normalfag
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>has failbook
>calls others normie

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fuji can roll me over with a steam roller and that would be okay. i love fuji with all my heart. i will post daily about fuji until everyone on r9k realizes my love for fuji. my love for fuji is strong. stronger than the bonds of. something. fuji is my life and soul and heart and being. thank you
17 posts and 4 images submitted.
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hug/10 a winner is you
Who is Fuji?
What makes him special?
he is of upmost importance. thank you fuji for existence. fuji gave me life.
i'm glad to hear anon. love is an active energy and active energies are all that matter in this world. i hope to see your thread every day for as long as your love for fuji burns. stay true to yourself, stay true to fuji.

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please post in my thread originally
15 posts and 5 images submitted.
My names jeff xd
I love this duck
<3 ly OP
Would you say you really really like that image?

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What's it like to have a qt put her feet in your face?
39 posts and 6 images submitted.
The pre cum and spaghetti spilling start
Try it with your own feet.

>tfw foot fetishist and aroused by my feet
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Is feet the official fetish of r9k?
Post feet

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I genuinely hope all the teenagers and 20-somethings who do street races after midnight die in real life
19 posts and 4 images submitted.
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keep crying bitch boi. i'll rev my engine extra loud for you tonight.
yeah me too. An old lady in my area was killed because some dumbass street racing lost control of his car and rammed her. I'm pretty sure he got off with very little punishment, some rich immigrant kid I think. These sorts of people deserve to die
Paul walker deserved to die for fueling this shit
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Street racing is some all-American shit. Going out, souping up your jalopy with nitrous and bullshit Madam Mim jet fuel, busting your knuckles open on an engine block, spending every dollar you have (ie. $0) to get better parts, dodging the cops, fucking duckbills and leather jackets...

Like, you'd have them playing video games instead? That's shitty.

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If you woke up tomorrow as a 14 yr old and had the chance to change your life, what would you do differently?
49 posts and 7 images submitted.
Kill myself. I am not going through High School again.

Speed up my maturity somehow. I screwed up a lot in the past with everything not just with girls but girls included because I matured so damn slowly.
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Don't drop out from school, start behaving like a stoic and not a beta, get a decent haircut, become a stronger person in general.

Basically all the things I've been doing in the last two years, but earlier.

My advice to all Robots is reading up on stoicism, it's a very practical philosophy to live by.
No point thinking about what can never be.

payday 2 is free get it while you can.
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
forgot the link
240hrs log into it already, game is shit after a while
i'd be super mad if my payday wa free

thanks OP
thanks anon, you're the hero we need but not deserve

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Are any of you robots severely autistic to the point of creating a "tulpa" ?
99 posts and 18 images submitted.
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I went to school with that kid and I can't believe he did this.
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I do. She's nice person, although I communicate to her much rarely then she'd like me to do.
She can give me really nice, warm feelings. Like you're being cuddled by the person you love.
She's not the fan of physical talk, like normalfags do. She likes that kind of communication, that I express my emotions when I touch her. Its like, normals need some kind of drivers/OC on top of hardware to communicate with each others, meanwhile, for me its just easier to access the hardware itself, its much easier and nicer.
She doesnt have a real-time hallucinations though, I was too lazy for emulating one. I still have to travel to my own kind of realm to contact her. Sometimes, she can suddenly appear on the edge of my thoughs, like I was watching something funny, and I suddenly felt her presence.
We need to get some blacks on this to create some dank squad senpai memes
yep right here, have me a tulpa,little over 4 years ago now. We mostly be comfy, play vidya, or fuck around on the internet. She likes shitposting here and other boards so I type for her.

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