Does your parents' know you're suicidal?
Yes and they don't care.
vision should never have given thor back his hammer
all he can do with it is get drunk and fight trolls
they suspect something.
my grandma came over for no reason and told me I should talk to someone, but she wouldn't say who.
but I knew. They must think I'm crazy.
Yeah, almost 1 year ago I had a meltdown, I told them I'm never okay with myself and the thought of suicide never leaves my mind and them piling pressure on top of it all isn't helping
realizing what I said I went straight to my room and locked myself in, next day they acted like nothing happened, it's like wasn't there. when I came back from work they said we need to talk, finally. they didn't let me speak, when I do they talk over me and tell me stories about irrelevant stuff, and then they started asking why I'm suicidal. they wanted to help, but it only piled more dread, shame, and made me feel guilty for ever being born. then my dad told me I need to get a better a job.
They forced me to lose on education and socializing just because they were lazy and made poor life decisions, they want me to go through the same path for simply being born.
Really I just hoped they'd throw me in a psych ward and forget about me for a couple of years.
I've been saving money, have my eyes on a small apartment 3 hours away and moving out in at least 1 month, going to work for a year or two, save a decent amount of money, put it in my little brothers' bank account, enjoy all my favorite video games/movies/books/music and off myself.
I will pay 1 Bitcoin to the poster who can let me know of the most painless way to kms and with NO llegal drugs or objects.
>inb4 helium tank
Suppliers contiminate helium tanks with other gases these days so it wont do the trick anymore
Throwing yourself off of a really tall building would work. You'd end up going so fast that hitting the ground would be an instant death, though I suppose there's a slight chance you'd survive and be horrifically crippled making future attempts impossible.
Overdose on legal (RC) opiates, fentanyl derivates or something.
Exhaust fumes from a car act as an axpyxiant, just like helium does. Duct tape a hosepipe to the exhaust and put it through the window
Also try carbon monoxide
Also 100% oxygen will kill you for reasons I forget
Closed garage and a turned on car
You'd need the building to be at least 3 stories tall
You want to stop fapping ?
You want to not have boners ?
You want to have zero sexual frustration ?
You want to stop fucking care about women ?
You want to stop being anxious around women ?
You want to ignore them ?
You want to stop being able to cum ?
You want to stop caring about sex ?
You want zero libido ?
I have the solution : antipsychotics !
One of the main side effect of antipsychotics is to destroy your libido ! Trust me, it works ! You will no longer care about sex and women and your life will be happier !
100% Guaranteed !
Amazing isn't it ?
So take a pill and get the fuck out of this sub.
Does it get rid of the desire for love, intimacy and affection?
On 100mg quietiapine and still have a sex drive. However
Lexapro killed my dick.
take some more, zyprexa works better imo
you should go back
New anti depressants killed my dick
Cant even jack off anymore
This is supposed to fix depression?
Lexapro if you're wondering
Another victim to the SSRI meme.
Redpill me on SSRI
It doesn't work, instead of feeling highs and lows, you flatline. If you ever try to get off of them, you get some sort of weird withdrawl that leaves you 10x more suicidal for like a month.
>"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Can people stop saying this nonsense? Honestly. It makes things worse. Some people are not pretty or even average. Why do we need to make beauty so important? There's other things like intelligence and talent.
I mean, it's true, but not to the extent some people try to imply.
Someones 6/10 might be a 7-8/10 to someone else.
I don't particularly light fat women, but I know there are men who are into "BBW" Of course men fetishize things far more than women, Women never like obese men, they closest they get are dad bods, which are slightly fat.
Beauty is subjective CAN be a platitude,
but on its own, I think it's true.
It is true. There are objective beauty standards but it doesn't take into account the subjectivity of people themselves. My roommate is currently beta orbiting a girl who he thinks is a 9/10 and she is a solid 4 to me. Neither of us are right. Unless you have a deformity or are a burn victim or something you can be all over the map depending on who asks.
beauty is very important. but people can look attractive with the right clothes.
Why doesn't r9k appreciate the beauty of female pop stars?
They do, fuck off. This doesn't need to be a thread.
No they don't. r9k lusts over girl next door cutesy girls not stunning confident women like the girl in the op
fucking niggers
I do. They just happen to be Korean pop stars
do you wanna have a bad time kiddo?
Always, mister.
I wonder what it feels like, pouring your heart and time into a game, just to have rabid fujoshit garbage shit it all up and associate it with bestiality and trannies.
Toby knew it from the beginning but didn't stop
What does this photo mean?
Normies don't apparently fap as often as I thought.
I'm assuming this chart takes women into account. Which will bring the number down.
Also people can easily lie.
better table
>not in the past year
>18-24 male
>20% of active age men don't masturbate all year
Yeah, I don't buy it.
Does fucking a girl's tits even feel good?
I would imagine if it was sufficiently lubricated and large enough yeah. I fuck my hand every night and thats much less soft and appealing than a tit.
Its harder and more awkward to do than it looks in porn. Requires a combo of both huge tits and a big Dick. I don't have a big Dick so when I tried it once it was awkward and embarrassing because we both knew why it wasnt going to work but didn't want to say anything. True story.
If they're real, yes.
I have done it and have an average size dick. She needs to have big tits obviously and also use some oil or whatever so your dick can slide better.
howcome every board you goto no one has a GF and there's tfw no GF threads?
>go to /b/, no GF thread
>go to /fit/
>go to /v/
>go to /r9k/
>go to /jp/
>go to /pol/
why do people pretend the only outcasts are on r9k and that you have to be an outcast if you come here? it isn't logical at all.
>/r9k/ is exclusively for no gf threads
that's not what i was saying at all..
Bullshit,many people on /v/ have gfs,/fit/ are just failed normies,/b/ is 99% underage so they don't count and /pol/ has become famous due to Trump so they probably had an influx of normies with gfs as well
/jp/ is the only one of those that can be comfortable for a robot
but /jp/ doesn't have the same stigma that /r9k/ does.
people come here and make a thread, "the reason none of you autist neckbeard don't have a GF". this thread gets made everyday here, but why? this isn't the only board that posts TFW no gf threads.
Doesn't it suck you missed out on teenage love? On prime teenage pussy? On taking virginites and first kisses and shit? Wow man, that really really sucks. You might as well just end it honestly unless you become a millionaire or something. You missed out.
OP is a teen that just got his first girlfriend
21 yr old dating a 17 yr old here. Its great. She was a virgin before me. My last gf I was 18 and she was 15, also a virgin before me. Honestly, dating younger is always the better option unless you prioritize sex over everything, in which case you should date older. Younger girls still live with and are controlled by their parents. Unless you have a place of your own, youll get sex once a month.
Having your own car and your own appartment is alot more impressive to teens though
if you know what i mean.
it feels bad now im kinda too old
what you mean
>4chan sucks because too rightwing
>try to find less rightwing chan
>they lean too far left
Why can't people be gray? It's always gotta be extreme black and white. Everyone is shit that is an extremist (inb4 irony) and I've yet to find any chan that isn't one or the other. This place is a petting zoo, and the others are no fun allowed. Were is sane fun chan? Hm?!? That is when I found the solution. IT was staring me right in the face, the place that sane fun people can find a home. Come home guys..
>pic example of left leaning bullshit when trying to escape the zoo
You can thank the left for the now rightwing 4chins. At least we are tolerant enough to have a homo board, which is probably where you should go.
Give it a year until the election hype dies down and normalfags stop spamming politics on every board on this site no matter how irrelevant the election is to a thread
With the internet, people flocked to their left/right wing hugbox echochambers, and because of that, their views got more and more extreme due to the lack of any opposition to their delusions
The "alt-right" and SJWs are a manifestation of this
I know your struggle my friend. I'm a socdem and even leftypol hates me since i'm not anti-capitalist.
Eh, he's alright. Not the best I've seen on r9k tho.
I am ugly stop posting my pics pls i cringe when i see them.
Eyy Stan, how was Christmas?
You aren't Stan you pretender garbage fuck
Post proof if you are going to make that claim
Fordyce's spots: who else has them? Penis, lips, or both?
>just fuck my genetics up senpai
Me, my penis looks like raw chicken skin
nothing like starting off the day with a zoomed in pic of a scrotum
I got them all over my balls. Gives them a nice texture.
Fell you anon
It's what you do every day anyway
>make finger guns at cashiers and waitresses when they provide me with services
>carry lens cleaning wipes in my pockets
I shouldn't have started a thread at 6 am
At least you didn't do it in public.
How do they react to the finger guns?
>At least you didn't do it in public
Bam with the snappy come back. You should write for Gilmore Girls.
>play an online multiplayer game
>we win
>teammate tries to add me
Steam or Psn? come on senpai be my qt gf
Shit happens all the time on CSGO, but I know its only because I'm super sociable and fake like I have humor while playing.
I just ignore all the adds.
Any time I've ever added someone we never talked again, so now I just keep my friendslist clean.
iktf. I just want bar-tier socialisation.
>Play online game
>Person wants me to join their clan
Is there any place for feminism on tinder? I saw this line on reddit and it's worked quite well for me, almost every girl replies to it and finds it funny. I'd rather use this than a boring open and get ghosted. Was I out of line?
>Says be witty
>Says don't be shy
>Begs for public opinion, so here it is:
i want to kill that person
I'm consistently astounded by the amount of feminists I see on tinder. Its as common in bios as people who put 'vegan'. Its good though because its a warning sign right there, no purple hair necessary.
If you don't look like Chad and don't message blatant whores then you're going to get fucked you dirty turbo autist
Beside that, the shit on reddit is mostly fake
I should have seen the word feminist n the bio as a red flag straight away. lesson learned
Let's make this thread again, this time without homosexuals ruining it with their inferior male asmr
Post your 3x3's
Patricians only
fuck you guy in the other thread
ASMR Darling is better than that tranny
post in this thread you fucking dweebs
I can't go back to regular Asmr I need lewd jasmr but I'll never forget where I started
fuc 3x3 u gae
Who are middle right and bottom middle
>been awake for 40 hours
>try to go to sleep
Well stop doing meth then.
Or start doing heroin
Grow up and drink strong alcohol.
>Day after christmas, wake up early
>Drive back home from leave, takes 14 hours
>stay up all night
>get in uniform, go to muster
>get dismissed early since I can't do my Zinc training
>come home, pop 50mg melatonin, still wide awake at hour 32 of being up
Just kill me
>tfw i know a 19 year old prostitute that gets even fucked by 50 year old neckbeards and does blowjobs without a condor just to have enough money for drugs
How many times have you hit her up?
>just to have enough money for drugs
I would feel sorry for her if she really needed that money to survive, but doing that shit just to get drug is her own damn fault.
Society is sick
Sounds like the life, desu.
Can we just have a thread where we talk? I'm feeling kinda shitty guys.
alrighty lets talk my man
whats going on?
Just a bit depressed, I don't really care what we talk about, as long as I have someone to talk too.
How's your holiday season been going, anon?
dont forget to wipe from front to back
been okay
family stopped caring that i cant get them anything for christmas since im a neet
had some nice christmas dinner
havent thought about killing myself for awhile
and im probably gonna get drunk soon
so all as well as it can be im guessing
why are you depressed though?
New year is coming
Wanna have someone to talk so you dont come into 2017 alone ?
Post your contact info, and fill this, so you can know your new friend a bit beforhand (keep it short and a bit vague) :
>2 thing you like/be obsessed with
>2 thing you hate
>Contact info
>seafood and meeting with people
go back to soc btw
>tfw have to work on new years
I'd rather stay home and drink in the dark.
>im so alone abloobloo, i got no friend and gf bloobloo
And when you make something so they stop wailling in their own shit
>go back to soc reeeeeeee
You deserve everything that happened to you, little shit
I lied to a guy I met on here about a lot of things including where I'm from, my name, my everything because I didn't plan on having feelings for anyone but it happened. Last night he confessed that he has feelings for me, he actually fell for my personality and I feel terrible. There's no way I could ever tell him the truth but I was wondering if it would be a good idea if I "meet him" again but this time be who I actually am the name and everything
Would I fuck it up? I'm not good with secrets
Why did you lie in the first place anon? Don't "meet him" again, you're just going to make the web of lies more intricate, and it will blow up in your face.
just admit the REAL You so it lets easy
he probably loves you still
i hope you do good my greatest ally :O
There's no other way OP. You'll have to legally change your name and stick to the rest of your story. It becomes true once you repeat it a thousand times. Don't back out now.
Compulsive liar, I enjoy it
There's no way, it would be embarrassing to tell him the truth my only option is to disappear from this persona and re meet him again and pretend I never knew him
>Do you really hate women, Anon?
>Do you hate me?
Yes,I utterly loathe you until you show me a reason not to,roastie.
No i do not! but you are not good friends unless you arent a feminine female! be butch but straight to be my friend and partner misses!
the reason being the whole ;)
I hate women but I would never say that to anyone's face
What kind of fucking autist would actually do that? I'm not that stupid.
I would say no I don't hate women lol and then get away from her as quickly as possible
Yes now quit talking to me and get out of my room #5 on arbys value menu
How do I get a bitch to let me do coke out of her ass
dont do that!
it will absord into her ass and she will die!
also coke is bad!
Step one: get coke and money
Step Two: proceed
That's the best idea I've heard all night! Hire a hooker I bet if you offered her enough coke she would let you. Wish you luck mate.
Any fucking bitch that does coke will do that for you as long as you let her snort some.