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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 10341. page

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How do I find a gf that hates children?
19 posts and 6 images submitted.
>not wanting to birth more white babies into the world

Why do white guys complain bout white genocide and never want children? Mexicans are flooding America and will wipe you guys out in about 50 years. If the media keeps it up, black guys will continue impregnating your women too.
I don't have any duty to "repopulate the earth".
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But I'm not white though???
>If you aren't willing to make a billion babies you can't be against others doing it.
This is how stupid this argument is.

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My birthday is tomorrow, it's making me sad. I got nothing to do and noone to be with.
12 posts and 6 images submitted.
you got us bro.btw how old will you be tomorrow?
21. I'm starting to feel old.
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Happy Birthday, OP. I didn't have anyone to be with on my birthday either. I hope yours goes well.
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That's about par for the course when you're on /r9k/. Or did you expect that people here are party people with dozen of friends?

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yeah just seeing whats the hype i guess. a bee just flew out of my backpack btw
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I snorted the bitch ass cooch and was feeling wheezy so I went back home and didn't want to the sex again. It was very bad when you know about what happens when you are using the
olfactory senses to obtain the feeling of the cooch, as it is when the fish factories are like that, I believe. Not always. Most times you feel it like as similar to the Gorillaz
song, my dude
im no bitch ass but bitch send me ur ass
I like this art it is cool and nice
thanks! i was just making strokes and going from there. no drugs were used

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injured on the job.webm
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Have you ever been injured on the job, Robots?
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
Considering I've never had a job no
>implying I'm dumb enough to work at a dangerous place

That's for high-school dropouts.
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>Going through school to become EMT
>Course requires I do at least 24 hours working under an ambulance crew
>Bust my ass because I wore boots too big for me climbing into ambulance

>Finish school, am now EMT
>Bust my ass climbing out of ambulance again because of boots
I blame my dad for it. He pushed me into getting black boots that were stiff as fuck instead of getting articulate brown boots. REEEEEEEEEE
cut my ring finger just today as I was unloading a pole saw.

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>a 6 (six) star poster joins the thread
260 posts and 29 images submitted.
you were saying?
>you were muted for 2 seconds because your comment were not original
hello plebians
sup faggots? you should spend less time shitposting and more time contributing if you want to get stars like these
fuckin bastards i hate you so much

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Someone offers you:
>A new, clean toothbrush
>A used, dirty toothbrush

Why would you ever want a non-virgin gf?
49 posts and 3 images submitted.
I see what you're saying. Maybe I can acquire a slightly used tooth brush.
ive seen this post before, but it still remains true.
New fresh toothbrushes are sometimes too rough
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at this point i dont care
i fuck her once or twice or more but will never love her

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>tfw gf has ugly titties
26 posts and 6 images submitted.
>tfw my ex-gf had small but cute tits

God, I still get hard remembering her moans when I stimulated/sucked her titties
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my gf's are bad and she knows it so she doesnt even get them out for me to suck on
>ex gf has small titties
>current gf has fake titties

I just can't win.
Oh no, poor, poor you. Your girlfriend has "ugly" boobs. I'm so sorry to hear that you poor soul.

Get out.

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Hey anon, I haven't seen you since HS, how you been? You going to the 10th year reunion? How's your career going? You find a girl yet? Just kidding bro
21 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>Just kidding bro
Why did he ask the question if he already knew the answer
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LOL those are definitely the eyes of a man who regrets not pulling out
>implying he actually fucked
he has brown eyes
she has brown eyes
baby has blue eyes

guy got cucked by an ubermensch.
At least I didn't get cucked. That's obviously not his son

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>dating profile
>no replies
>change dp to chad
>one girl I messaged who ignored me messaged me back almost instantly saying "omg so sorry I didn't reply how are you doing?"

when did you realise you were ugly?
172 posts and 28 images submitted.
when I was born. couldn't stop crying for years until I finally gave in and accepted my fate
Post your original and "Chad" picture.
No..... i will not dothis
Okay, so you made it all up.

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How do you feel about the 2000s, looking back? How would you compare that decade to now?
50 posts and 7 images submitted.
2001-2003 were the most emotional years of my life.
last years of the golden age, things are just terrible now, and only going to get worse.
>those brief few years in the mid 2000s where golden dollar coins were suddenly everywhere and being pushed on you
They just kinda faded away. I occasionally get one back at the store, but that's it.
It was actually a really nice decade if you weren't an Amerifat or a South East Asian.

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When did you realize that we, robots, are a step in evolution towards a peaceful society ?

Every robot who hasn't an hero'd or supreme gentleman'd is an evolved human learning to live within confining social and financial boundaries.

Thing is, we won't reproduce most likely, and Chad and Stacey's children have a high chance of being robots unless they are given a lot of care and attention.
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
Donate a testicle or sperm. This way you can reproduce as an utter sperg

I don't need to reproduce for myself, but my genome may be useful to society. Their loss keke kek
id love for my shit genes to be spread. i might even do it if i ever get to live on my own
The kingdom is at hand.
The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

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Guys, my best friend judt killed himself.

I just have no clue what to do. He was my best friend and now hes gone. He was high on dxm and he just shot himself with his dad's shotgun. Fuck guys I just dont know what to do.

Hold me anon

13 posts and 1 images submitted.
We don't have any major wars this generation but we definitely have the highest rate of suicide within the younger adult population.

Basically it's the robot generation.

There is no place for men like us to be, except at work and at home.

Except anime cons, anime cons are the shit.
Damn anon that's tough

Sending internet condolences

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>quarter drunk already and it's just past noon
>job interview and class afterward within the hour
Select all images w/ a store front
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
What are you drinking fag
1/2 Bacardi rum 1/2 black coffee nigger
Ah shit thats fucking great. I wish I still .

Drinking in the morning is great
Might get myself a bottle of Port when i've finished writing my essay

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>tfw no Latina girlfriend with smelly feet
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
>tfw Latina girlfriend but her feet aren't smelly
Make her wear flats
just imagine those soft meaty toes wrapped around your dick head
>smelly feet

Stop this meem. Feet only get smelly when they get sweaty in shoes. If they're exposed they do not smell.

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Daily reminder that frogposters need to go back to r*ddit.
7 posts and 4 images submitted.
I see wojak there too, by the way. We'll need new characters.
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pepe the frog belongs to 4chan culture.
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Brett is the best new meme.
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That can be arranged


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Why do women call men "daddy" during sex? It's fucking weird.

Imagine how freaked out she would be if you started calling out "mommy" during sex.
43 posts and 9 images submitted.
its hot as fuck bruh
>when she kissed your neck and whispers "Fuck me harder, you dog." into your ear

I don't fucking get it either. I'd also rather not analysing it because it smells like disgusting Freudian stench.
if you're a faggot maybe, faggot.

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Were there any robots during pre historic times
49 posts and 8 images submitted.
No from what i read everyone was a genius and smarter than modern humans and everyone played a pivotal role in society everyone had a specialized skill that they were masters of and social anxiety didnt exist yet
>tfw chud-lug throw stick in big mammit
>tfw stay-see bear chud-lugg child not me child
>tfw berrypicker for life
Social isolation was less of a problem I would assume. And wives were sometimes stolen.

Yes. The weak men and ugly women of any tribe would be bullied just as modern day robots are now.

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/nofap/ general or whatever. share your nofap stories, tips or just shitpost.

I've never been a compulsive masturbator, but I'd "force fap" at least once per week (always thursday nights) when my libido was lower than usual (I have depression). In a good week I'd masturbate 7 times at most, and that was my weekly hard limit (yes I kept track of how many times I fapped). Some of the faps were results of watching porn but not all.

I started nofap august and I've gone through a lot of shit in the last 16 days.

The first week was good, but I felt very stupid and would fall in love and think of marrying & having children with every single female human that crossed my view. It was fucking annoying. I'd also have love-dovey thoughts so embarassing I'd blush and call myself "baka" while covering my face.

In the second week my balls hurt multiple times and I honestly think my dick is shrinking.

I have felt 10-20 minute long cravings of "sexual anything" that are so fucking bad that I feel psychologic pain all over my body and sometimes I even want to die.
21 posts and 5 images submitted.
Being on 4chan is also hard as fuck. I have to avoid all threads with naked people or qt girl OP pictures, so r9k in particular is the hardest board for me to visit atm (good thing I can hide the threads). Unfortunately I don't have any time killer as good as 4chan (no reddit doesn't do).

When the fuck does this nofap shit start feeling good?
Sounds painful. Why didn't you stop?
Not trying to be rude but what's the point of nofap if you're a virgin? Not like you have anything better to do than to jerk off and you dont have any tight pussy to cum in... Seems like a way to make your sad life much sadder
Dude just stop. It's widely accepted as fact that you think clearly and make more rational decisions after fapping, why throw that away? It serves literally no purpose

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What's the ultimate robot major?
>inb4 computer science
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
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If not CS then maybe Japanese
philosophy, it's for fucking autists
Math, maybe physics

>degree in Japanese

Waht m8

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itt we talk about anything related to spyro
17 posts and 7 images submitted.
My childhood then?
ANYTHING can be argued to be related to Spyro OP, same way feminists can argue that all video-games are misogynistic and get away with it.
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inb4 the next spyro game ember shows up and gets depressed seeing spyro and cynder make out then finds the antagonist and falls in love with him and the shitstorm intensifies

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>When you have to lie and say you're in a relationship just to get the desperate betas off of you
There's nothing that I hate more than orbiters. You're all so pathetic. It makes me sick knowing that I browse the same website as you and even more for knowing that you're not even deterred by these words. You're trash. You're scum. You're literal garbage, not even worth being under my feet. Grow a backbone of please kindly fuck off.
30 posts and 8 images submitted.
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>tells robots to get a backbone
>lies about being in a relationship to get them to fuck off

>femdom girl
>thinks she's better than betas

don't worry girl, your insecurity is just a phase
What show is that pic from?
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ok kid, here's your response

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>tfw drinking isn't interesting or fun anymore

It was the last thing I had. Now theres nothing.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
give it up for a while (at least 3-7 days). then go exercise and come back home and drink slowly.
have gone on dry periods that lasted months.

Its just does nothing for me anymore.
well try something healthy
smoke weed
it isn't interesting or fun anymore either, but it's better for you and doesn't make you an asshole like the liquor

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>therapist smirks when you tell her you have no friends
10 posts and 3 images submitted.

That was your first mistake, anon. Dump that bitch.
and why would you do this to yourself?

>implying women are capable of understanding

Better switch quick
>telling her you have no friends

You deserve it.

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Before I state, I'm not a robot, have a job have/had a GF(s).
I hate women as much as anyone else does on here.
But I am the only the one that hates beta male cuckolds and white knights even more?
Like women will be conniving, whorey and have the mentality of children but they can't help that, it's in their nature.
On the other hand I hate the men who fucking enable women to get away will the above shit and not stand their ground even more. Worse is how guys will throw bros under the bus even for something that DOESN'T EVEN GET THEM PUSSY with a whore!
It's pathetic to see beta lords on Minecraft or IRL trying to talk to my GF or my ex trying to "Protect" her and do all this white knight shit. I don't fucking get it shes not going to fuck you even if you did live close by and its so cringey to see these pathetic men get manipulated into buying gifts and "Serving" their queen for nothing in return even as friends.

Bros before hoes is dead, its all about who can score the most even if it means running over people for pussy.

None of the SJW shit would be possible if it were not for pussy whipped men giving into these women and desperately trying to show they are "doing the right thing". It doesn't even matter if it's a robot, a normie or chad. I personally think this Chad vs Robots is a roastie ploy to divide men and brotherly bonds on something as unimportant as getting your dick wet.

We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and realize its men that are allowing women to get away with this.
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
I agree, I takes a lot of discipline to not let your dick control you. I mean we make fun of women for being whores and its true but at the same time gotta stick to your standards.
I still want to know what level of desperation it takes to get to start whiteknighting women on the internet on stupid games is?
Pussy is a powerful weapon. Women are lucky to have it.
To virgins it is. But once you get over that. It really isn't.
Ill be honest .... In a situation where i would actually talk to a girl , i'd tell her you were cheating if you were , not becouse im a white knight or becouse i want to fuck her , but becouse i fucking hate chads and the thought of thats brings a little joy to my dim world

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>mfw just found out I have hepatitis B
>mfw kissless handhold less virgin
>mfw I realized that there is no hope of me ever getting laid anymore
>absolutely no hope of getting married.
>got the hepatitis from a big chain hospital but can't sue cause live in a third world country and the hospital people have gangsters who will break my legs if it try.

Should have just hired a hooker. I'm only 22 man. Hold me /r9k/
21 posts and 6 images submitted.
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Sorry if true m8. Where do you live?
Thanks bro. I live in India. I wish I was at least in USA so I could get millions of dollars in lawsuit and live a neet life. Now I have to work with a crippling illness because there's no disability benefits/neet bux in this shithole of a country.

Dunno India more than from what I've seen in documentaries and news, somewhat thankful I wasn't born there. I guess you could always advertize for a woman who carries the same disease? Wouldn't matter if you porked eachother.
Isnt marriage just preplanned in india? I mean there is no 7yo loli which supposed to marry u? Also cant u just grab any women in street and rape her?

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