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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 11377. page

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Hello fellow robros(normies need not reply), recommend me some good anime that aren't mainstream as shit(jojofags and shonenfags get out)
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
The Monogatari series m8.
Dumb Tomokoposter.

Yosuga no Sora
He said not mainstream.

Basically, check ABe's trilogy and the rest of his work, Legend Of The Galactic Heroes, Rose Of Versailles, Area 88, Cashern Sins, Kon's work, Katanagatari, Seirei No Moribito, Shinsekai Yori, Gilgamesh, Akagi, One Outs, Kaiji, Basilisk, Shigurui and titles alike.

Read Blame!, Liar Game and Innocent.

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How do I find a gf who'll finger my ass?
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
Get a gf (male) silly
maybe stop posting pictures of frogs on the internet?
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I have a feeling they'd probably think I'm gay and get all sad, but I'll look into
>maybe stop posting pictures of frogs on the internet?
Not an option

Someone explain to me the psychology behind this please. It's about this girl I know.

>Girl starts dating this older guy.
>He's tall, slim, decent looking, super fucking confident
>Has myriad of skills ranging from music to cooking
>Very sociable with everyone
>A master flirt
>No kids

She LEAVES as in fucking dumps this one for

>fat as fuck
>works at walmart
>has two kids
>mouth breather
>not personable
>very limited and boring range of interests

And marries the guy. Why?
37 posts and 5 images submitted.

How old is the girl, and what are the races of all three people?
Because he was himself.
more of these girls people

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The last good year was now 10 years ago
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
I was just thinking about how fun 2007/2008 was for me, it only feels like last year

think it was because this was just before normies invaded the internet thanks to facebook and smartphones
2009 was the best year for me personally, maybe 2007 would have been but i was sick as fuck almost that entire year and some of 2008 when i developed some kind of rare gastric bullshit, October 2009=best month of my life
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2007-2009 was god tier for me.

Playing runescape after school, transitioning to playing wow instead in mid 2008-2009.

Only worrying about doing school work right as I got home so I'd have a good excuse to game the rest of the day away.

JUST before my parents had any obvious marital problems (end of 2009). Happy and healthy family dynamic

Before any of the early hints of the mental illness that would eventually fucking wreck my high-school experience.

Delicious home made family meals every single night. Both mom and dad 9/10 tier home cooks. I can still smell the altered version of butter chicken my mom used to make at least once a week because it was my favorite. Ate as much as I wanted because this was before I even considered losing weight.

All my pets were still alive, out of my two dogs and three cats, only one cat is still around. His age is starting to show, then he was a chipper youngster.

Before I ever smoke, drank, or smoked pot.

Before I lost hope in myself, and hope that the world would be kind to me.

>I wish there was a way of knowing your in the good old days, while you are still in them.

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fellow robots,

something unbelievable happened, I installed this dating app and got to know a few girls. (I'm as shocked as you would be)

>don't reeeee me, I didn't have sex for more than an acutal decade now...
>10 years the kv lifestyle

Anyhow that one girl, is perfect. We are so in tune, we've been chatting day and night on Whatsapp and she also looks way too pretty. She comes this WE to watch a few movies with me.

She would have come tonight, but her husband is out of town and she's waiting for him to return so he can take care of the child while she's coming by. (She told me in the beginning that she was married).

After ten years it's not even sex or closeness, you'd think I need. Thing is, that I'm falling in love with her and have no idea what's happening and I really don't want to talk about her husband with her. I just know that he knew the dating app thing (also she's pretty much messaging me all the time).

What would you do, fellow robots? I see great heart-ace in my future.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Also coming to you with this, since you are the only people who actually might understand what all this means to me.
>had sex
>kv "lifestyle"
Thats not how this works you dumb fucking normalfag, it doesn't matter how long it's been, now take this shit too >>>/adv/ where these relationship threads belong
g-guys? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing...

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hey bros, can someone lighten this image so I can find out if this chick is fat or not please?

Thank you!!!!!
10 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Technology is a curse and a blessing. Sorry.
She's definitely at least chubby

You can see the outline of her legs and hips, whether she's chubby or outright fat will probably be obscured by the hoodie either way but that's a pretty serious midsection there to my eye
She's fat, are you blind?

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Robots, how do YOU fap?

I fap by squishing my cock
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
I do the shakey with my willie really super fast until cummies splurt out.
gently sliding my foreskin over the head of my dick if I want to enjoy myself

wrapping my hand around my dick in a fist and stroking quickly if I just want to cum
I squeeze mine with a vice and then bludgeon it with a ball-peen hehehe hammer.

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Hello robot r9k. Are you a good boy?
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
Yes, I work hard and am willing to pay off my debts to society and then some.
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yes, now hand over the sauce before i crash this bike with no survivors

Originale desu

/Tall and handsome/ thread

You must be over 6'2 and highly attractive to post in this thread.

Not welcome: Chads, uglyfags, shortfags, poorfags, gays.

So tall and handsome robots, who else likes tall girls?
13 posts and 4 images submitted.

you are a funny boy

You can't be handsome and a robot. Get off r9k normie. Just because you feel like you're depressed because your ex gf broke up with you, that doesn't make you a robot. You will never be a robot, or one of us.

I'm 6'4, 6'2 is the minimum

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>Spend your whole life on the computer
>Not above 100 wpm
>What are you, some kind of faggot?

28 posts and 13 images submitted.
the faster you type the more pussy you will get

Challenge me you fucks, the highest I've gotten on my account is 162 wpm. If I were to finger a girl she would literally die.
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I average between 120-130.

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>Meet someone on r9k thread
>we talk for a couple of weeks
>they were my only friend and it seemed a lot longer
>We got along fine and they were really nice
>One day they delete me because they dont trust me anymore; accuse me of being older than I say I am because they're underage.
>My youtube channel only has a favorites playlist, and I get a subscriber
>Subscriber is friends with the person that blocked me
>Look them up on youtube
>They were in a video baiting an appointed pedo
I still haven't forgotten. The night I was blocked from my friend. It's like it had happened a week ago. When it happened a year ago.
>still no friends
There are still missing details but I'll let this start the feels thread.
118 posts and 31 images submitted.
this is why you shouldn't bother with real people.

i have no friends but i'm totally fine with it. fuck that drama.
I know it wasn't my fault. The girl saw me as someone to exploit and was trying to get everything out of me to please a large crowd. But I got exiled and the only thing I get is being accused of being a pedophile. When there was no sort of relationship of that sort going on. It will never leave my mind because it reminds me of what people will do for glory and status. I never knew could happen to me.
You should confront the one that subscribed to you.
>lol who are you
If they have bad intentions/are doing it to mock you, they'll head for the hills at being called out.

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>be new in office
>hired on skill in software intensively trained on for a week
>constant worry about task being too advanced and being exposed
>no self esteem/anxiety
>constantly spilling spaghetti
>nervous so make silly mistakes that I luckily cover before anyone sees
>embarrassed to type in front of others because slowest typing speed
>scared to talk cos everyone can hear and don't wanna out myself as retard
>95% of colleagues 2x my age
>have to be careful with what's said around age mates, because corporate environment
>probably gonna faint in a corporate meeting

Lads, my heart can't take it anymore
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
>tfw ignored by r9k
KEK the faggs are jelous of you because you are not a NEET. The fuck you overreact so much. They know you are the new guy so they won't be so hard with you and you just got recruited therefore they won't fire you . You have to realize that 90% of people just don't give a fuck about your mistakes, ecpecially if you are new. Take a chill pill and pretend you can do your shit. I do that all the time in high school and i just get good grades by pretending to be coinfident. I experienced that good classy clothing gives you a coinfidence boost, also smile. YOu get used to that after 3 days. Good Luck Anon
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>work retail at target
>come I at 4:30 in the morning to put shit up
>people constantly calling in or just not showing up
>work mostly in health and beauty section
>we get the most shit out of the entire store, just no one gets it because we get tiny boxes, inside more tiny boxes
>today we get 3 pallets worth which is more than usual, usually we only get 2, and try were all packed up fucking high
>have to sort this shit out every day mind you, so they go on the same aisle
>usually we get finished before or around 8
>too much shit
>"what's taking so long over here?"
>manager pestering me whole day
>"you have 4 people over here, you should be able to do this faster"
>actually, we can't
>when I say I come in a 4:30 and set stuff up and work it, I mean all by myself, the other 3 are always doing something completely different
>2 have to set repacks, and then do make up which are completely different things, and THEN they help after the fact
>the other one is some old ass grouchy old lady who does "pulls" all day, which again, isn't doing the main job
>after we finally get finished at 9:30, we are forced to help out rest of team at another side of the store
>the dude who normally does it wasn't here today
>literally over there working everything by myself again
>take little breaks because my foot hurts (have a seed wart)
>"hurry up Anon we only have 20 minutes"

At least retail is better than the food business, I have much more stories about working at whataburger and sonic

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I had to take a nap. Now then. I'm willing to give a monetary reward of 10 dollars (I don't know how to give money online) and/or lewd pictures of myself. I have several men wanting to deflower me so lewds of me I guess are worth something.

It's a website that assigns you with a random study buddy where the both of you will help you stay on task. The wensite says it has confidence you'll find a good study buddy. It's not chegg.
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Is that you? I think we'll need some proof.
If it's not clear, a study buddy website was posted here on r9k within the last 6 months. I can't find it in my history. Thread was talking about OP needed help with school and some anon posted a link.

Other requests can be made but within reason.
It's Ella Frey

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Hands up

Your phone and wallet. Or your life. NOW
19 posts and 8 images submitted.
My wallet? What is this, 2001?
>Last words?
>my life
thanks man, finally

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why is rap so shit today. now its all autotune and fucking shit lyrics by nigger lanklets that couldnt fight me 3 on 1, bragging about their yeezys and prostitutes they bought for the music video that always has niggers commenting "this shit is liiit *emoji*".

>inb4 rap is always shit

N.W.A is practically beethoven compared to these fuckers

pic related is cancer that is always played by that fat punjabi motherfucker on his $300 beats speakers
66 posts and 6 images submitted.
You hear RTJ3 yet? I really enjoyed it but mostly in the same boat as you for rap right now
>why is rap so shit today
Electronic music. Literally add some crappy music, spit some most generic verses and there you go - +10 million views. Why risk putting creativity and additional job when easy product gets the same views?
fuck you, broccoli is great

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