>a fat girl fell in love with me
what should i do
she is not fat at all, she is chubby and short and her face is average
uhm, impregnate her, marry her and live a happy life?
Date her.
If you don't, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could've been. People like us don't get these opportunities often (if at all)...act on it.
Post a pic. We can't tell you what to do without looking at her
>tfw no 5'0 chubby girl will ever fall in love with you
>tfw skelly
>every time I eat the fat just goes around my hips and ass
Don't tell me to lift please, I just want a normal weight
P-post dat f-f-fat asssss
lets see ur butte
Ur low t brah. Get to the doc and ask for a blood test.
most likely low t, i was the same until i got a prescription.
This Is An Age Poll. Take The Poll And Get An Idea As To The Average Age Of /r9k/ Users.
>be 34
>poll stops at 24
(OP) here. I'm the same age mate
sauce`(origiante ofc)?
Abbi Seccra robloxx
I have a girlfriend and have lots of sex these days. Does this mean I am no longer allowed to browse the sacred threads of r9k?
What a brag this was. Wew.
I just feel this board is for elliot rogers and wizards. Don't think I belong on here now that i'm a certified CHAD.
you should block 4chan from all of your devices too
Oh yes you certainly are. You showed everyone.
WTF i LOVE police now
*unzips boner*
The guy with the mustache is hot! But that other guy isn't. He's like Italian or something.
>weird sadomasochist D/s undertones
>"men" who look like their parents were cousins
>unnecessary exclamation points
>"look at what i'd fuck i'm such a slut XD" posing
unintentionally great thread
>he's still trying to suppress his naturally inherent bisexuality
You don't have to be a faggy flame dude. But you can at least admit you find some men attractive and that you want to suck a dick and stuff at least once
this isn't /r9gay/ culture
this is "you now have multiple strains of hepatitis from eating things that were accidentally contaminated with human waste" gay culture
>25 degrees outside
>too warm in my room decide to go up to asda and buy a fan
>Halfway there I see couples holding hands, kids having fun and people out with their friends
>Start to tear up a bit
>Realise I never had or never will have any of this
>Go back home worse than I went out
Anyone else here hate summer ?
Did you at least get the fan?
Seriously nonny I'm on the edge of my seat to hear the conclusion to this
Quit being a sorry sack of shit. If you don't like the way your life is going do something to change it.
its only this hot for a week then the rest of summer is overcast
let the normies get their week of fun
Lol 25 degrees is below freezing how is that hot
ITT: We post our fidget spinner
My cousins have these meme spinners, they're like 8 and 10 years old. Should I be concerned?
No, fidget spinners is cool.
Here is my fidget spinner
underage b&
How do I get a huge hairless bearmode bf?
Can you please post more gifs/pics like this one, OP? Don't hold out on me; I know you have more.
Welcome back anon for round 2
wtf is this lmfao
why did u post a picture of a dude wearing bikinis?
i like how there's no workout on earth that can make his face not look mutie
What is it like to be white and make sweet love with a cute darkskin black girl?
Thats one of that nice 2000 dollars sexbots ? I saw them on ebay.
Nah I'm pretty sure this is a real niggeress.
Feels good man. Something intense about the color contrast.
Who here 9/10 turbo chad but still cant get a gf?
Life is so cruel
Why has this guy become a meme again?
what do you mean?
dude, just rape. Doesn't your prophet say it's cool?
So you're on the changing room after a hard workout session, just about to enter the showers.
This guy comes in and looks at you, and smirking he touches the side of the device on his head.
What do you do /r9k/?
sex him then steal his glasses
Sue him for stealing my likeness after i snap a phot back for evidence.
>inb4 he runs
I'm doing a cardio heavy routine to see if i can do a marathon. Beanpole looks like he'll be winded before he hits the main lobby.
I fuckin' take his silicon valley virgin ass and snap him like a damn twig.
>ask him, loudly so that everybody can hear it, why he's taking unsolicited photographs of my naked body
>beat the ever-loving shit out of him regardless of his response
>not even a normal ass-kicking with a few bruises, either; I'm talking punches and knifehands to the throat, caving in his cheekbone or the bridge of his ugly fucking nose with headbutts, pulling his head down and kneeing him in the face, slamming the curved part of his head against sharp corners with all my might, breaking limbs and digits at the joints, throwing him over my head and straight onto the ground, basically going for permanent damage to or destruction of important parts of his body that he can't function without
>stomp his glasses and spit on him for good measure
>don't break the camera because it probably has evidence of other incidents like this on it
>call 911 myself and tell them they need to send an ambulance with the squad car because he might actually be dead already
What caused me to fall in love with a meth-addicted escort with a 5 year old daughter and an overbearing ex that is still very much in her life?
Same thing that got me involved with a heroin addicted vagrant who was staying with her mom and working with me over the winter who's ex(not so ex) was still in contact with her while in another state
It's called thinking with your dick .
Get the fuck out of that asap
It's already over. I just can't get over her and I can't get my head around why I can't let it go. There are so many things that I hate about her but I just want to be with her.
Also to add I'm assuming you have some self serving motive where you feel the need to be a shining beacon of light to her and save her from lying in the bed she made.
She doesn't care about you, she doesn't wanna change , you can't save her, she's gonna leave you for the ex.
Ahh, well that's the stage I'm in too. well until she added me on normie book last night and messaged me. Can't wait to see how she tears me down this time
Anyways as dumb as it sounds just give it time, time heals all wounds, even if it's just a shitty patchwork of a job . You'll think about her here and there but less and less slowly it won't hurt as much
We're all gonna make it
It is scientifically impossible to kill yourself.
Even if you try, you will always be in a reality where the suicide didn't work or kill you.
Let that sink in
It's a thought experiment, not a scientific fact because your death isn't just a single quantum event but rather something that exists on a classical, irreversible scale.
>It is scientifically impossible to kill yourself.
Wrong. It's effectively a riff on Schrodingers cat, so it's not that you can't kill yourself, it's under particular interpretation of QM if your suicide is triggered by a quantum event, then you shouldn't be able to die (or more accurately reality will branch off and you'll continue to live in one of those branches)
>buy lottery ticket
>commit to killing yourself if you don't win
>become millionaire
you die every second since the person you were last second is gone until quantum particles arrange themselves in the same position again
so most of the time "you" are dead
let that sink in
Well meh mistake actually, if my life wasn't back on tracks i'd feel depressed as fuck. I can't imagine how it feels for people who peaked at elementary school or high school.
While you're a racist NEET fapping to animes and crying about minorities all day long, your old classmates are now successful happy dentists,engineers,lawyers,doctors,other professionals, they're travelling the world, living life to the fullest while all you've been doing for the past years was cry about minorities and roasties on a japanese cartoon site + fap to little anime girls,make the same threads everysingle day and post the exact same shit
Exact same routine forever..while others are out there fulfilling their dreams and living to the fullest
Man,that would be depressing as fuck. Thankfully i came back from rock bottom and can live life again
>going on Normiebook
Heh. You deserved it.
So what do you for a job OP? Other than post here
You ruined my day.
fuck you for starting to improve.
i hope you realize you're not welcome here any more.
Are mixed girls the cutest girls in the world? Also why are mixed girls the cutest girls in the world?
nice repost, someone posted this same topic and this same picture a week ago or something
Screen cap or you're a fag
>>>/s/ more than likely will find a thread about mixed girls
I'm mixed and want to date, love and marry another mixed person but it's so hard to find any motivation to improve my life to a level where that's possible and I was never taught discipline.
Which one are you? I'm a bit of chad, le gentleman, and the neckbeard
Yore ass loel
odd mix of the bottom three except I have a mortgage and live alone.
you need a cyborg/MGTOW tier with money and no gf.
i hate the faggot nu-males the most
i'm le gentleman
Femanons, would you wear this at the gym?
Women have to go through this much training just to get BLACKED?
>implying fembots go to the gym
>implying fembots FUCKING EXIST
i watch BLACKED but id never advertise it, or advertise the fact i watch porn at all for that matter lol. i usually dont like professional porn because it seems so sterile and rehearsed but BLACKED stuff just looks great.
>be extremely hungry
>feel like shit, depressed, want to kill myself
>everything is good now, what was that I was worrying about?
why is this?
Low blood sugar? Some people just get irritable when that happens.
idk, I didn't eat any sugar nor did I crave any. I ate some toast and I feel like another person now.
It's your hypothalamus. Imagine you're freezing to death in the winter. Someone offers you a painting. You wouldn't have a damn thing to do with the painting, you're interested in warmth. The same applies for food and other basic needs (including socialization).
Natural mechanism that makes you take care of yourself so that you don't die, it's pretty obvious. If you are sick, hungry, thirsty you feel irritated so you have a reason to fix your problem
When did you realize they were normies?
When I read about them going to prom. They were turbo autistic normie niggers with their own clique.
Shame they didn't decide to just pop each other. Instead they had to sperg out the cunts.
Finding out they were normalfags was one of the biggest disappointments of my life desu. I bought into the "they were bullied and only shot the popular jocks who tormented them" meme but when I started reading about the shooting and saw a few docs it became clear they were just a couple of normalfag scum.
How were they normies? I'm ignorant
They weren't normies. Cyborgs at best.
Klebold fell harder for >tfw no girlfriend meme than possibly anyone in history
Harris self esteem issues that made him a narcissist with violent fantasies
Both of them were hated by pretty much 95% of the people at the school, especially Harris.
Thank you
Then why do I always see chads or other Stacies around them?
I have big boobs and a big butt and I am not around any Chads or Staceys. Stop generalizing.
Post asshole you dirty slut
No you larping faggot
woman hate general.
>tfw you will never live life on easy mode
>can commit crimes and get away with it
>it's illegal to mutilate your genitals as a child but ok to mutilate boys
>all sorts of publicly and privately funded support networks, shelters, programs
>your health problems, like cancers, are given top priority (never see any ribbons/blue for prostate or testicular cancer)
>even for male dominated issues like homeless, you have special female only shelters despite being much less likely to be homeless and less at risk (and will have a much easier time finding someone to be a roommate with, or leech off of)
women just coast by in life without a worry
It's just sex and was most likely consensual, but why is she allowed to teach, be in school or have contact with kids(while in a position of authority/power)?
If she was a man, she'd have lost her job, friends, family, reputation, and everything else. Unbelievable.
You could fill a woman hate thread to bump limit just by using female prison officials as examples
Here's something you have to realise and accept:
>If a man leaves his kid in the car and the kid dies, the man will be prosecuted almost as if he'd deliberately and sadistically murdered his child.
>If a woman deliberately and sadistically murders her child, she'll be dealt with as if she had made a big mistake.
The system is like this because the system was always framed in misandric terms. ALL societies are misandric because misandry is inherent to society. Even in Islamic societies, which you may think of as being 'harsh on women' or 'misogynistic', always have misandric outcomes - Mohammed killing boys and men and saving women most of the time, all Islamic countries today execute almost exclusively men, etc.
Society is always going to be full of self-privileging women, and polcuck mentality males who desperately seek status and are willing to harm other men in order to gain it - in fact even most men who'll claim to be sympathetic to men will always lean towards misandry and disposability towards males. Even if the most red-pilled male is prone to having higher sympathy for women and expecting greater agentic responsibility from males.
Just don't get spooked, don't believe that there is any worldly 'justice', wait for these turds to be evaporated on the day of judgement.
>cigarettes are 10+ a pack for a brand that's not HiVal tier
>fucking Taxachusetts
>decide to pick up pic related
>go the day without smoking
>decide to go for a similar product with reloadable cartridges
>2 pack costs about $7, go through about 2 cartridges a day
>saving a total of about 3 bucks a day
>decide to look into actual vape
>a 50 investment gets me a vape, 300 ml of the liquid, ranging from some nicotine to zero
>pumped, ready to quit, already see savings
>read about vape "culture"
>fucking christ, man
>sicc clouds, bomb juices yo
>now afraid to be seen in public with one
What the fuck man, why do these faggots need to make a "lifestyle" out of this? Its just a hobby at best. I play several instruments, but you don't see me make a lifestyle out of it. I just want tp quit smoking
>a robot
>caring about our social status
It's as if you are a normie
Just wait you'll be #vapenation blowing clouds in three months
I wonder what your first coils will be, their ohm reading, what mod will you have? Drip or tank?
I just got a cheap, chinky 20 dollar model from vape.com or some such site. Believe me, it does the trick just fine, amd you wont see me doing modding or fucking with ohms.
More a cyborg. I relate to robot tendencies, but I'm no aspie, and I understand how to navigate the social infrastructure. I feel like a sociology class would help you faggots a little.
Just get one OP. They're a great investment and can give you all the buzz of nicotine without the shit attached.
If any vape-fags try to talk to you about it just say
>wut? Idk, I just bought the one with the best rating
>whats that? Oh those, idk, I just use the one the brand came with
>clouds? Nah, that seems childish
>juice? I mean the apple one tastes okay but I mostly go for unflavoured.
Guarantee they'll walk away from you. If not, just say;
>Look, I just like nicotine.
6 months ago i thought i had found my misaki on a forum. she cared about me so much and i always talked with her when i felt sad or happy. i only talked with her and couldn't tell my love to her. last month she didn't write me for a whole month. now 2 days ago she told me that she got a boyfriend.
then i told her my emotions and she said she was feeling the same for me but couldnt tell me because she thought i was just wanting her as a friend. since i called her "my best friend" always.
im crying for 2 days. she really loved me. but im so stupid. i lost her.
and what hurts me most is that faggot is now holding my misaki's hand and probably kissing and whats even worse is fucking her. goddammit i want to kill myself.
>tfw you will never find your true misaki
>tfw all misakis in 3d are just whores in disguise
i miss you so much misaki. i want to come to your hikikomori training again but you never come
misaki i'm sorry that i went into 3d shit. i promise i will never go back to 3d again. can you please forgive me.
hug me now and tell me that everything is going to be okay
Go outside you pathetic freak.
thank you misaki that felt so much better.
anons she is the only person that will truly love you and only girl that will never give you up. dont hurt your misaki. she is always there within you.
>sunlight magically solves all your problems
Classic normie logic. Fuck off back to Facebook.
Do any fembots want a black boi bf
I'll date you anon, I'm a wetback though if you don't mind :3
Do you enjoy fighting games?
arab fembot reporting in. our babies would be cuter than lightskin ones
>you will never know what it feels like to have your dick sucked
But I do, it happened yesterday kiddo
It doesnt feel that good. It sucks desu
Sometimes i put my saliva in my hand and beat my dick.
Is the same feel anon ?
It's really good but the girl has to know how to do it, if the girl can't suck it's boring