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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 9310. page

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How the FUCK do you hook up with girls in college???

10,000 fucking girls here and not one wants to fuck me. Meanwhile you can hear the guy next door fucking some girl he just met. What's the secret? I don't want to be a virgin forever.
63 posts and 8 images submitted.
Literally go to an even mildly loose late nite social situation and tell her what she wants to hear
Going outside is the first step.

Join groups and clubs allowing you to join social circles where you can meet girls or become friends with people who have girls in their circles. The only way to meet girls is to have friends with whom you can go out in a socially acceptable manner.
Also helps if you're attractive obviously. I'm rude and dismissive to girls when they talk to me because Im genuinely not interested in these hoes I just wanna smoke my weed and play BP with my friends at parties but they only laugh and giggle and smile at me more as the 'conversation' goes on.
>Being in college and regularly hearing people your OWN AGE fucking while you're a kissless virgin

I honestly think this would drive me to suicide. How do you guys deal with this shit?

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I don't even know what to do with my life at this point
I never tried hanging myself
Would it be painful?
Or should i just wait for a heart attack to take me away from my miserable life?
66 posts and 21 images submitted.
You would have to tie the rope around the support beams of the house and hope the entire thing doesn't collapse.

Either way painful death for sure.
W-why do you say that? ;_;
What is the least painful way to die for me?
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>tfw 130lbs
I hate you fat fucks so much, especially the ones living in Canada. You're a burden on the medical system and a waste of my tax dollars.

On top of all that you're just a real fucking eyesore too. I can't stand to walk down the street and look at one of you disgusting, greasy pigs. I have to look away, off in the distance, so that I don't have my day ruined by your hideous form.

That usually doesn't save me though, because most of you let off an ungodly stench of rotten cum, McDonalds grease, cheap liquor, and shit, which makes me lose my appetite for the rest of the day, just by coming within 15 feet of you.

All in all, fuck you. Just fucking kill yourselves.
OD. Not only is it not painful, it's fucking enjoyable.

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>Spain fag
>Live in a shitty hut in the middle of La Mancha
>Fucking windmills everywhere like god damn Don Quixote, but modern windmills
>Browse 4chan most of the time because my slow internet can handle it, youtube always chokes like a ukrainian hooker on Chechen cock
>Drink 80 cent per liter box wine and browse /k/ while regretting shitty spanish gun laws

My life is like a fucking Spanish novel from the 1600s. At least enjoy your gun laws, burgerbro
96 posts and 21 images submitted.
nigger what you're living sounds like the fucking life.
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I live in better conditions in one of your colonies


get gud fgt
>those horribly done nails
>that filthy as fuck room
any more? I require more of the succ

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First dubs names my new kitten, no foolin'.

Be gentle.
64 posts and 8 images submitted.
Swiggity Swooty, Kitty got Booty
Pesky Bee
poop eater
special agent jack bauer

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>even if I ever get a gf, she'll probably be a chestlet

feels bad man
85 posts and 22 images submitted.
I know that goddamn feel, fuck

I secretly go to prostitutes with big tits to satiate my preference...
retard that is not really how it works. unless you already know who might become your gf. they usually become bigger if treated properly (unlike dicks).
>retard that is not really how it works.
no it is

I'm an undesirable male so if someone settles for me it'll probably be the most undesirable type of woman (chestlet)
>most undesirable
naw, the ugliest ones are the fat chicks, and they usually have big breasts. cheer up, faggot.

itt: if you roll trips you must tatoo a pepe on your body
80 posts and 9 images submitted.
hope i find a good place to do it
Please no that would suck
I'll do it. No doubt desudesu.

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does r9k like fooly cooly?
144 posts and 39 images submitted.
that reminds me i haven't listened to ride on shooting star today
It's the greatest piece of animation ever made.

Every time I watch it I discover something new.
It has a very special feel because it was recomended by my first ever friend 11 years ago
It's very good but not the best anime of all time imo. There's lots of stuff that's better, it's not even the best Gainax anime

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I remind you that if you're good at math(precalculus and above) you cannot be a robot.
51 posts and 11 images submitted.
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>tfw doing CivE
>good at math but suck at physics
Kill me
wait, why cant robots be good at math?
Yeah, there are millions of autists who are good at math and have no friends.
I'm good at math and a semi-failed normie. Definitely not a robot. That said i see no reason why a robot couldn't be good at math.

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Just downloaded tinder 5 minutes ago, how many matches can I expect to have and when do I start fucking?
143 posts and 32 images submitted.
> i have a baby but that doesnt change anything

hahahah fkn women
It depends, are you good looking? Do you have any interesting talents? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I made one 2 days ago and while I'd consider myself attractive I don't really have any interesting photos or any hobbies. I matched with one girl who is really cute but she hasn't responded so I now I just want to kill myself even more
I don't know what bothers me more.
>that she has a baby
>that she thinks she should be living a pre-baby lifestyle

I'm sure that kid is going to grow up just fine with an absent mom, no father, and only a grandparent or two. Being a stronk independant wemon is more important.
You have to be a genuinely very good looking guy to have more than a 1% success rate with Tinder.

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My parents weren't assholes, and they provided food and internet for me but they micro neglected me and that's for sure
>tfw didn't learn to tie my shoes until 14 (a girl from my class taught me it)
>dad knows how to play the guitar and never taught me
>never taught me how to drive
52 posts and 10 images submitted.
That's just neglect. Don't use gay sjw terms.
>Blames his parents for his own failures

So this is what a beta looks like,
I'm sorry for the autism?
This except my dad tried to teach me how to drive but all he did was yell at me when we drove. My mom did the same too. So now I don't drive anyone in my family

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>her face when she finds out you also go on /r9k/
108 posts and 41 images submitted.
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This is more accurate.

Then they leave.
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>your face when """she""" calls herself a fembot
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>her face when it's MY United States of Uguu
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>her face when your penis is <6 inch.

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So, I was thinking about why people on 4chan dislike liberals so much.
I mean we literally do not care what you think, as long as you let others think or live however they want.
You dont have to vote for a liberal party if your believes are diffrent but especially here are many right winged people, so I guess you can give me an honest and or well explained awnser to that.
Keep in mind that this is not an "overthink what you believe" kind of question.
I would just like to know.

If you just want to roast me for what I think you can proceed by doing that.
So this is also a roast thread

I dont care as much about you hating me as you do about me hating you.
Really, I just want to know.
102 posts and 14 images submitted.
Liberalism allows people to freely make choices. People make the wrong choices.
>Roast thread

Sry u hav 2 b at least 18 2 post

Kind regards

Big nilly joe
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Because liberals are bad with money. You people are the reason my country's economy is in the shitter
I am 20.
And like 40% of the people here are minors.

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You're listening to your favorite band/artist when suddenly:

>"Yo dis witeboi is listening to music. It better be hip hop or we take turns cuttin you up til you bleed to death"

How fucked are you?
121 posts and 21 images submitted.
20% chance i'm listening to hip hop.

I like my chances of finally dying.
>tfw black
>tfw no favorite band/artist
Hope the niggers kill me anyway, I'm tired of this

Pull out my 9mm since I don't live in a socialist hell hole and claim stand my ground self defense once the violence is done. Go home and play video games.
100% chance I'm listening to conservative talk radio and have been preparing for the nignog uprising with the .45 in my holster .

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They're both escorting in my city next month. Katrina $1300. Elsa $1600. $2500 for them together.

Should I do it bros?
129 posts and 10 images submitted.
no because there is better use for money than some whores, you dumb idiot

i sure would like to fuck a girl but never pay for it, its not like whores matter that much for me that they would get my money
i mean, can you really put a price on losing your virginity, anon?
Lol at 1 costing More than the other one
$1300 - $2500 is the price apparently.

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>Get sorted into Gryffindor
>10/10 chicks throw themselves at you every day of the week so they can feel your gigantic, dragon-slaying "bravery" throbbing inside them

>Get sorted into Ravenclaw
>300k starting salary upon graduation, any job you want. Literally no one will disagree with you, and if they do you can shut them up with the million things their pea-sized brains missed

>Get sorted into Slytherin
>Get connections for life and you're set, never have to work hard another single day. Plus, no one is going to fuck with you on the off chance you're a badass Dark Wizard

>mfw sorted into Hufflepuff
>Get a D- in life up front, best I can hope for is a degree in magical accountancy. No woman will ever date me unless they're also a 2/10 Hufflepuff.

Should I just end my life now, guys?
98 posts and 21 images submitted.
Dude just make Horcruxes lmao
Did any other anons wish with all their heart some kind of powers/magic were real? I can't get over the fact that they prob don't exist, makes life a little worse.
All kids do this anon. It's how we learn early on that dreams don't come true.
Just Imperio some hot girl. It works every time here in Slytherin.

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Anyone else hate it when normies say that they're "depressed" or "suffering from depression"? Same with "My OCD is acting up lololol," etc. I fucking hate it when they trivialize shit like that.
79 posts and 8 images submitted.
>implying normalfags can't have depression
Actually they are and you are not.

You are sad because your brain is functioning as anyones would having fucked up their lives that badly. The normies brains are malfunctioning and being depressed for no reason.

You can do nothing right loser. Little cucker. Not even depression.
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wow +1 congratulations on your rhetoric absolutely inspiring
How often do you actually encounter people openly announcing that they are depressed?

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How do you differentiate between a girl just being friendly or ACTUALLY liking you?
117 posts and 15 images submitted.
When a girl is either friendly to me or likes me I will let you know famalam
She wants to spend time with you outside workplace/uni or any area where you've met her. If she's just being friendly she wont be exclusive with you.
You can't
enjoy the ride
You dont, you just try something if you want some fuk and see how she reacts.

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How was your lunch break wagie?

I just finished an entire large dominos pizza and a venti vanilla latte from Starbucks while sitting on the couch in my comfortable home.

I think I'm gonna take a nice relaxing nap.

Have fun getting back to work for the next 5 hours. I'm sure the bossman needs that deadline met.
53 posts and 9 images submitted.
>Implying I'm a wagecuck
these get less believable as time goes on
As if OP had the money for what he claims. And he's too fat to walk up the basement stairs anyway.
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What's that, wagie? Can't believe that someone's NEETing up while you slave away to enrich someone else?

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trannies why do you think you can get away with this?
78 posts and 13 images submitted.

do you ever notice how autistic people can't make arguments coherently through text so they resort to drawing? perhaps thats why there are so many shitty "comics" like this and redpillcomics.
redpill comics at least has an agreeable artstyle and is short and to the point

Patriarchie comics is literally "people who disagree with me are ugly and make funny faces!!!" the comic, literally everything wrong with political cartoons, it's just embarrassing even if you agree with the message
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>pass as female
>can use girls bathrooms since before it was legal
>no one ever sees my penis anyway

Not really that hard anon

pi pi pic?

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>tfw no /gentle femdom/ gf to hug me and tell me everything will be ok
>tfw no older-sister type gf to take you on an adventure
>tfw real women are shit anyway so I'll remain alone, jaded and empty until I die

Why is the real world so dull and shitty?
69 posts and 31 images submitted.
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I know that feel bro.
I know that fucking feel too hard.
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Damn, why must we suffer?
Why must we exist in such a horrible universe?
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>Haruko will never want to fooly cooly you
>she will never take you on an adventure on her scooter
>she will never teach you how to play her guitar.

Real life a shit.
But I guess we gotta do best with what we got.
Fuck, don't do this to me anon.

>you will never come home one day to find her loafing around in your room
>you will never slowly develop a mutual affection for each other
>you will never confess your love to your alien oneesan

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what happens after we die?

im going to die soon and im scared
70 posts and 15 images submitted.
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Attention whore waiting for


questions, nothing to see here.
You still exist, just in fragments.
Eternal memes and anime
>Eternal memes and anime
i always knew i was going to hell.

Guys, I've already made my decision and I'm planning to kill myself but the only thing that stops me from doing it is my dog.

She is the only living being that actually loves me. Throughout last 10 years I wanted a real relationship with a human but now I don't have any chance for that.

I want to commit suicide but my dog would die out of starvation and even if she would find a new owner she would miss me and I don't want her to feel like that. I just love her too much.

Should I just wait until she dies (she's 10 years old) so I can finally kill myself without having any regrets?
55 posts and 9 images submitted.
Get more dogs.
Don't leave your dog you shit. Dogs are unwaveringly loyal and even in death she'll still be yours. If you have a dog you have a reason to live
If you off yourself before she dies, I hope you'll burn in hell.
You said it yourself, anon. Just wait it out and make her last years as good as they can be. Spend time with her, etc.
T. Someone who just lost their 12 year old doggo and only companion

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Where the deutschbags at?
How ya doing? How are ya feeling? How was your weekend?
173 posts and 21 images submitted.
If you're German you have zero reasons for being a robot. German girls are the least slutty and most atistic friendly women in all of Europe.
I'm here, please be my gf.
I'm a NEET and have avoidant personality disorder.
Is that really true?
I can't tell because I never talk to girls
I'm pretty sure the fault of robot-ism is in most cases the weakness of self esteem and self worth of the guy and not the hostility from the girls. That stuff is just mostly overblown in women hate threads.

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Why white people do shit like this?
83 posts and 20 images submitted.
Atheism. ORGINAL
White people do what? I only see a picture of a pig.
anon you might be autistic because you clearly have difficulty reading facial expressions
he's being forced
Hello /pol/ my old friend. Are you leading a holy crusade against blacks and muslims today? Or just watching some good anime?

Sup faggots. I got a backed up Humble Library and I wanna give that shit away.

Give me a email address (use https://10minutemail.com or some shit). Name a couple of your favourite movies, shows, games and/or albums and if you have good taste i'll give you a good ol' game. Say if you've already got a game on the list so I don't give you a duplicate. No asking for specific games.

I will also release a code for a less than great game not on the list if someone rolls dubs.

Resident Evil 5, Remember Me, Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2, Crusader Kings II, Hitman 2, Terraria, SW:Battlefront II, Empire at War, KOTOR 1 and 2, Supreme Commander 2, Murdered: Soul Suspect, PAYDAY 2, Psychonauts, Kane & Lynch Collection, GRAV (Early Access)

Sixteen games to give away. :^)
85 posts and 18 images submitted.
[email protected]

Favorite game is mirrors edge
Favorite albums are the one album manganas garden has and Headlunge by capyac is pretty good too, the best song is creature of desire, pretty /r9k/ IMO.
I don't really watch TV or movies that much.

I'd really like a story based game since I don't always have good internet connection yknow not good for online stuff
free Steam keys? Kreygasm
[email protected]
My fav shows are breaking bad, big bang theory and super natural
My fav movie is clover field, enders game and coralline.
I'd appreciate mass effect 2 or psychonauts
You got a shitty game. Checked

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