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AND EVERY WEEK MY SCHIZO SYMPTOMS GET WORSE... I was diagnosed as developing schizo and every week I'm getting worse. I'm just a ticking time bomb until I'll be completely mental. Walking down the street is difficult when I want to push people in front of cars and burn them and cut them and vomit on them and jump in front of a car
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
"I dunno man, I'm so crazy I think I need to check myself in to a hospital" - If you find yourself saying this you are BONED go play a video game instead. You will emerge worse than you went in.
don't do this
I like the ward though. It's a peaceful environment without stress. To me at least.

But it doesn't fix my problems.

It can't give me a restart in life. It can't make me desirable. It can't fix my head. I've been on antipsychotics and I'd rather be dead
If you're a boy: you're fucked
If you're a girl: there's always someone that finds certain problems attractive. Always, but don't expect them to be Chad or even a 7/10

Is masturbating once a day too much?
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
If you want your life to amount to anything, yes.

If you don't, then four or five is ok.
Daily reminder that your palm will never be a vagina.

Just give up masturbating, it's nigger-tier.
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I'm trying to No Fap, this shit is difficult. I'm also on the same boat as you OP
too much built up sexual tension is bad though, it occupies your mind and makes you aggressive and irritable

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timefrog.jpg edition
422 posts and 55 images submitted.
your nan mate
Feeling really sorry for yungen

He's being bullied on every social media account he has
Does anyone here want a cuteboy bf??;_;
Not really I want a pretty girlfriend

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Who else's life was a downward spiral after high school?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
is it really downward if you don't know where "up" is?

even success is unappealing.
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>get btfo by a post
>wait 6 hours
>get the last word in before 404
right here buddy
i think it's gotten better though

had a big drug thing downward spiral and dropped out of uni. i didn't do anything for months after
bounced around aimlessly, got some help with depression and anxiety
still not conventionally good but at 24 i'm doing okay
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Elaborate with green text anon,
sounds like a really good story

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Choose me a whore for tomorrow. My dick haven't gotten wet in a while
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
I choose your mum.
Be warned anon,I emptied my load in her blown out cunt a few days ago and I saw her ram a cork up there. I think she plugs her pussy with sperm to keep it most and lubed for her next partner.

I have hepatitis C.
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look at her ass, yummm

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I challenge /r9k/ to post somebody uglier than eggman

It can't have a disorder. It has to be physically ugly and subhuman.
57 posts and 14 images submitted.
Alopecia is a disorder
>phone poster
>a bunch of threads have been made with rapid succession with image.jpg filenames

Nice agenda, fuck off.
>PC poster

Kys my man
I'd tell you to kill yourself too but at this point it's evident that only one of you offing themselves isn't enough.

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Have you ever found someone that looks exactly or nearly exactly like you? A friend of mine found this trap on /b/ and asked if I had been posting nudes. Bottom is obviously me, before I got my haircut.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
u r qt pls d8 me
Shameless self-bump. Originality.
No. I'm a special snowflake and no one looks like me.

But you're a qt. Please let me be your gf
Sorry femanon, I'm trying to get a qt weeaboo girl from school to go out with me

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>cum to something degenerate
>feel gross
>wait a little bit
>cum to something more vanilla to feel more clean
does anybody else do this?
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
I just did this holy shit. Its the only way to not fully pass over
sauce on this pic btw?
I never feel bad abt the things that make me feel good
Then again I am not a pedo, my only dgn fetish is crossdressers. Even after I fuck them though I dont feel dirty though.
I do feel gross abt beating off in the bathroom at work but cumming again would hardly alleviate that
Girl from soc
Glad to know someone else knows that feel

What kind of porn do you like, femanons?
43 posts and 5 images submitted.
Scat. It's all I can really get off to. I rarely orgasm if the porn doesn't involve poop somehow.
I love watching to babes fuck each other with strap ons
>fem dom stuff
im a switch and kinda fantasize about being in charge
>tease and denial/ruined orgasm stuff
same reason as above, plus i love to hear men moan and beg, gets me off desu
desu i dont really like black guys but i enjoy the contrast in skin colors, its aesthetically pleasing lol. also it kinda reminds me of when cute girls get raped by monsters in anime, but that sounds a bit racist
>black girl, white guy
same reason as above but i only really like it if theyre cute and seem to be really into it
i think i just like it because its so wrong? i dont actually want to act out incest roleplay, i just kinda like to watch incest porn
>shemale stuff
this sorta occurred because i was (and still kinda am) grossed out by traps and didnt understand their appeal so i watched porn to kinda understand it. i think it gets me off because it seems so wrong. would be disgusted by a trap irl
>double penetration/3 somes with bi guys and a girl
i like when the guys are fucking the same girl and dont mind touching each other, idk seems interesting

and those are the porn interests of an 18 year old virgin girl :^)
I'm asking the women- I already know what you like.

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Q: Why does /r9k/ deify women?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
Because they're autistic
>Q: Why does /r9k/ deify women?
A: because they deserve it! Women are goddesses that NEED to be worshipped
Because the dick likes what the dick likes. When the dick is happy, there's no reason to "deify" women but tumblr keeps trying to force things that the dick don't like
Madonna-whore complex and no father figure

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have you ever fapped to a girl while she was sleeping?
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
No but one time my sisters friend slept over and I jacked off using her soap lather puff thing she left in the shower.

Actually was pretty erotic.
Female friend once, while she was sleeping on my sofa. I jerked off while sucking her toes and kissing her feet.
one time a girl i knew fell asleep in a skype call with camera on and her boobs were kind of peaking out, had a good wank right then and there
One time I was talking to a girl via cell when she was tired and she fell asleep. I let the call run for like 30 minutes and left the phone by my pillow so I could hear her breathing.

Maximum robot.

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Has a normalfag ever laughed in your face? Why are they so hateful and disrespectful? and when I get angry they laugh harder and say I'm psychotic
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
nothing to post? that's fine
The normies fear me because im big and creepy.

I'm the guy who always gets the nervous "your not going to shoot us all are you anon heheh"

I'm too old for this shit now, but a laugh in my face would be met with a tackle, biting and retarded pounding to their face and chest.
the violence is why they called me psychotic but they're the ones who are wrong
For some, I think that if they took life seriously for once it would destroy their ego.

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So there is this cute lil pettite asian girl in my art class who I am crushing on so hard,
She looks so sweet and innocent aww shit.
And she has that haircut with the bangs that I like so much.

>mfw she probably has a bf
>mfw that cute face has probably been fucked and jizzed all over by some Chad.

I wish I could go back in time and change myself.
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
>haircut with the bangs
>implying any guy likes bangs on Asian girls

This actually terrifies me.
Will the only relationship I could hope to get is with someone who had 10 more partners than me?

There was this thread in the afternoon about a guy who's sister was a slut and he told her bf about it and the bf had no idea. How fucking depressing is that
What if its just one or two guys before you and she sucked their dicks and let them fuck her every day for as long as they were together?

I always feel like shit when i see a cute girl and her BF together, I can just imagine the things she must do for him in the bedroom.
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tfw its too late to find a qt virgin gf

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who /cantstopeating/ here?
just had a tendie dinner earlier and still have room for this creation. It's Neopolitan ice cream with gummy bears and walnuts.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why the FUCK did you fucking put gummy bears?!
they're sour gummy bears
oink piggy porker oink
I get urges to eat shitty foods, but i simply don't.

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There's a sick young bird which hangs around my back garden. It's leg is fucked but it can fly away over to places I can't reach.

I want to help the fucking thing for some reason, I feel really bad for it. But I can't get near it.. it just flys away.

I could just forget about it.. but man do I feel sorry for the fucking thing,
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
is it fenced in? its biggest thread is probably a cat.

you could just leave out some fresh water and birdseed for it, that's all it really needs. try sitting out there when you see, but not getting close, just letting it get more comfortable in your presence. or try throwing food to it when you see it.

it's sad but sometimes nature just takes its course and things die, it's sad. it reminds me of seeing a dead baby duck covered in ants, and i asked my mom why that happened. maybe if we keep developing technology we can prevent things like that from happening :(
I threw food to it, but it wont let me get near it. I also worry that if I try to catch him.. it will get more injured from struggling.

Guess I will just forget about it.. fuck, empathy can be very annoying.
>Guess I will just forget about it
well you shouldn't forget about it, it's a living creature struggling, injured, and afraid of someone trying to help it. it's a sad situation. just don't beat yourself up forever if you can't help it.

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You robots have any luck with online dating? Which is the best site?
55 posts and 14 images submitted.
>have any luck with online dating?
No. Hundreds upon hundreds of failures. I'm not exaggerating. There was a fun thread a year or so ago- we play a game
go to
put in your zip, search within travel distance that's reasonable like 5 to 15 miles come back with results for the rest of us to laugh at
*screencap result and share
I met a nice girl off okc, going to propose next year
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Talking to a tumblrina on OC for about a month, she doesn't want to Skype ""yet"" so I'm 95% sure she's cat fishing. Before that I was on Match for a year with zero luck.

Online dating doesn't work unless you're a normie.

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What's your opinion on fat girls?

And I don't mean chubby, I mean fucking fat.
85 posts and 13 images submitted.
sometimes when I'm really really horny I think I'd like to try it at least once

these feelings fade when I'm not horny though, so I doubt I could ever date one
No thanks.

If I have the ability to prevent myself from being morbidly obese I shouldn't have to accept those who are so disgustingly lazy and gluttonous to become obese.
Fat women don't deserve love.
just finished jacking off to japanese ssbbw porn

that ought to say plenty

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be truthful.
182 posts and 38 images submitted.
Like 4.5 inches
kill me to be honest family
never measured it, and I see no reason to measure it considering size doesn't matter for my usage of it (expulsion of urine)
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Here. It fills out regular condoms pretty nicely.

Little longer than my iPhone 6s.
16 cm length
14 cm girth


So, is this like, porn or something? I mean, maybe it's not intended to be, but I've had serious full body "orgasms" just from laying in bed with the lights off and the computer screen or phone screen off and listening to it, Funny enough I never even really liked her actual porn that much, this is way better. Any body else get any similar feelings from ASMR?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
seeing her doing porn for years before kind of made the ASMR shit a lot less interesting to me, but she makes decent ones
Really just sounds like incorrectly set up recording equipment to me

This girl is new and is the best girl I've ever seen entering the business. Watch her fast while she doesn't delete her channel.
softannapl is so boring now. it's all the same vids :/

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if I'm 20 with no college education and no passion/hobby/interest/talent/anything should I just kill myself?

I can't see myself being anything besides useless

when I was a kid people always ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?" and I never knew the answer, I thought I would figure it out when I grew up. but now I'm grown up and I still don't know. I don't want to do anything.
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
Heh nah don't kill yourself yet

You can always get by leeching off welfare unless you live in a 3rd world hellhole. So many cool games and technology to come in the next 5 to 10 years

When people asked me as a kid what I wanna be when I grow up I said a bum living under a bridge
you're only 20 go take some classes at community college or some shit until you find something you like to do, dude. you act like you want to be a failure
>until you find something you like to do
there's nothing I like to do. I don't even like my shitty "hobbies"
you said you had no college education so you haven't even tried taking classes in things that even sound remotely interesting so get out of here

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>Make friends with grill somehow at college
>Seems normie as fuck but likes me for some reason
>Hang out more
>Tells me that she's a hooker
>wants to be roommates
>okay, she's kinda cool I guess, no customers at home though
>pays for my college without telling me about it first
>tells me to "just worry about school" while she "works" for us
>pays 100% of apartment and utilities
>cooks for me literally every night

Did I wife her without knowing it or something? Pic very related, makes me walk with her.
27 posts and 1 images submitted.
obviously this is fake but this story still makes me feel real comfy inside anon

I would like to think there are women this nice in real life. Haven't met any women like this yet, but I would like to believe they are out there
When I like a woman, I don't think of her as a "hooker", I think of her as the woman I like a lot and have a good time with.
>Going to college
Do you know what NEET actually stands for?

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>no degree
>labor worker
how do I get gf?
34 posts and 2 images submitted.
Go to trade school and become a plumber or electrician in less than a year making more money a year than most people with 4 year degrees. Women love money. Also take my virgin poll.
im same, i wash dishes min wage (10.50) though what do you do
we do the same.. I might have said wassup in another thread. anon hold me.. my fingers hurt
you don't mane

I'm a warehouse worker making $13.50. Girls aren't remotely interested in me.

I'm gonna go to CC and learn software programming

ITT: normie memes

>you are what you attract
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
this one's actually true
Sounds pretty stupid to me desu.
>little kids attract drone strikes in the middle east
>women attract rapists
>/fit/ guys attract fat girls

sooo true xD
>/fit/ as fuck guy who has been lifting 6 years with strict dieting
>Kissless handholdless virgin
>Make 60k a year
>Own a house.
>Only attract single mothers, massive whores with multiple stds, and obese women who come to the gym just to drool over /fit/ guys while pretending they are working out.

Why the fuck would normalfags say you attract what you are? Wouldn't I be attracted /fit/ female virgins?

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I have a bug chasing fetish, but not exactly a typical one. Doesn't have to be hiv, preferably with a girl. Just any sex that permanently corrupts and infects your body, that you gave into in the moment and leaves you sitting there afterwards contemplating how you've completely ruined the rest of your life for that one act of hedonism. And with the horror, loving it. Shame there's barely any content for straight bugchasing.

Anybody have something to top that?
20 posts and 6 images submitted.
kind of like scat, but not shit, just diarrhea. straight liquid diarrhea being released into tight panties or whatever
Specifically into panties?
just slightly tight fitting underwear, panties, breifs, etc...
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I watch girls beat the ever living shit out of each other and the winner rapes the loser with a strap-on

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>implying white women aren't the best

I'm serious too. Asian women are nice and good but they're runner up.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
There really isn't a best kind of woman, they're all just...awful.

Oh I was just talking about in the bedroom. Reeeeee get out virgem Un-normie robot.
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>white girls best in the bedroom

As a white guy, black women may not be as attractive on average but they fuck a hell of a lot better than most white women do.
Lets see.
White people have: Emma Stone
Hispanics have: Crispy
Mila Kunis belongs to whatever group.
And then theres a bunch of Japanese and Koreans.
That's all I know that match what I'm looking for.

Far too many white women are tanned with dyed blonde hair in a ponytail. It's not cute at all, and not attractive to me.

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