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Hello /r9k/, when I was a kid, I thought nudity was evil and something "bad" (For some reason I don't know) I was deeply ashamed to talk about girls in front of my parents, the sex talk at puberty made me extremely uncomfortable and when I started realizing myself, sex just felt like it was some forbidden "evil" act that the rebellious kids do. I don't know what I feel that way and even now that I consciously understand there's nothing wrong with it, this idea of it being something extreme doesn't go.. It's like it's been embedded in my mind from when I was little.

My question is, does any of you feel that way? Have you identified why? What could possible go wrong with a man to have these thought like sex is comparable to committing a minor crime or being a rebel/evil in one's mind?
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>told my whole life that jesus wants you to wait for sex until you get married
>all the kids in my church eventually started hooking up but not me
>fast forward to now being a 23 yo virgin because I was the "good" kid and believed in Christianity
I didn't believe in being the "good" christian guy to wait for sex, I just felt that anything related to nudity was "bad". Could it be possible trauma? I cannot trace anything back into my childhood that could possible cause this, maybe someone knows from experience and can help
It probably is something from your childhood. Might have been something as simple as your parents yelling at you for being naked in an inappropriate setting and you misinterpreting it as nudity itself being bad. Im no psychologist but i would venture to guess its something close to that.
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I don't feel that it is taboo and I'm not afraid of it. However, I've been unattractive for most of my life, and therefore alone as well. So, when i got offered sex by a girl at my uni, I saw it as such an impossible thing that I rejected her and her offer. Tbh, I've kind of accepted the fact that I'll never be intimate or in a relationship with anyone. I'm better off alone - it requires much less work and creates much less stress.

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So guys... I lost my virginity last night. Got super drunk and hooked up with a chick. She was a solid 8/10. Got head, went down on her, fucked etc. I could barely perform cause I was drunk as fuck but I still stuck my dick in a vagina. So does this mean I have to leave now? I didnt even cum...

>I fucking love you guys, I cant leave like this
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
For fucks sake, that's exactly me a couple of weeks ago. I was drunk as hell and stuck my dick inside a vagina but couldn't cum.

How old are you?
Kys fgt. You can just join the normies shutting up this board.
I did too recently. I too couldn't cum. Does that mean we are still virgins?
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>lost my virginity
>Got super drunk
>hooked up with a chick
>Got head
Saturday evening and normies in on full force. Shouldn't you be out doing normie stuff? Like getting drunk and getting head.

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Let me tell you a story, r9k. This is a story of how I came to realize everything you have been saying about women is correct. They are vile parasites, and although there are the few that are decent, there are too many awful ones to make it worth it.

The story begins with my mother. She had just graduated from high school, and was moving on to college. Unsure of what to do with her life, she decides to go into "General Studies." As if that is a degree. After getting into thousands of dollars of debt, she fails out, and begins working at Walmart. She desperately needs a way out of the hole she dug herself into, when all of a sudden, she stumbles upon a young, beta, and fairly rich engineering student, dutifully working in the Walmart hellhole in order to graduate with as little of his decent resources wasted as possible. She has a wonderful idea: "Why! I shall simply pursue this fine gentleman, and leach off of his resources!" She then relentlessly pursues this man, while having the gall to, years later, lecture her spawn about "avoiding women who throw themselves at you." Eventually, he is seduced, and they get married. She marries him, and he marries her crippling debt. In an instant, his carefully cultivated finances collapse around him, but he stays, having been brainwashed since childhood into believing this is a necessary sacrifice. He ends up getting his degree, then getting a well-paying job at the state transportation department. He works hard to climb the government ladder, while she stays at home and embarks on the "heroic," and "difficult" job of raising us kids. The status quo at this point involves her basically doing the bare minimum required, and then hammering him down with endless honey-do projects, like residing the house, and building garden things for her. Eventually, she gives birth to her 3rd child, and she slams the door to her vagina right in his face.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Eventually, the man's father dies, and he inherits some refreshed finances, which she instantly blows on a brand new, huge house, forcing him to work overtime constantly in order to just pay the taxes. She instantly switches gears, getting lazier and heavier. She gets horses, but refuses to do any of the menial chores involved in their care, such as feeding them, or cleaning out their shelter that she forced him to build. Literally every time he sits down for 2 seconds, she appears next to him, nagging him about the next project he "had" to do. She even demanded an intercom system be installed, so she could nag the entire house at once. She demands he build a garden for her, and when he does, she starts growing whatever the fuck she wants, and pretending that it isnt a fun hobby, but actual chores, and uses it to foist even more of a workload on the poor guy. Eventually, she deems the spawn old enough to fend for themselves, and gets a job at a hospital as an EMT, it averages less than 10 hours a week, but she acts like it is harder than the average 60-70 hour workweek the man puts in. She continues drooping more and more of the housework in pursuit of her own interests, all the while pretending she is compensating for it elsewhere. Every time she has a shift, he sits at the computer cracks open one (1) beer, and takes an hour for himself, for once. She notices, and starts nagging at him for having an alcohol problem, despite the fact that she will down an entire bottle of vodka, if given the oppurtunity. One of the spawn (me), eventually reaches that age where he understands exactly what is happening in the household. Also, she begins taking every comment this poor toadspawn makes, about the house, about his food, about literally everything, and twists it into this huge personal slight aganst HER. He goes off to college, which offends her too, somehow.
Her husband takes the remaining spawn for a fun night at the frozen yogurt joint, "You are spending to much money," she lectures, as she blows 300$ of HIS money on shoes. Not to mention that she has designated the household finances as "her" money, or "our" money. He is assigned an allowance out of his own paychecks, and she gobbles up everything else. She is a real parasite, and has everything set up so if he tries to leave, she will take everything, despite the fact that her contributions to the household finances total in the negatives.
The end.
Also this is a general women hate thread, seeing as there is none in the catalog right now.
I'm not defending her, but it's his own problem if he's going to put up with that shit

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>tfw so dumb cant tell time
23 posts and 6 images submitted.
You mean you can't read an analogic clock or you can't look at the sun and guess the hour?
I used to babysit a kid with a bunch of mental disorders (seeing the devil and stuff like that), and one time he guessed the time plus/minus a few minutes by looking the sun
Dude, you can't really beat someone with Savant Syndrome as a normal human being.
If it helps, the kid probably sucks at everything other than spatial perception.
>brain works really well when not anxious
>completely shuts down when anxious
>almost anything makes me anxious

it's great, because when i calm down later i do a great job of analyzing how much of an idiot i am.

I wanna kill myself. No college. No job. Pretending to study for next years' exams.Have not stepped outside my parent's house in three months. Taking daily pills for mental condition.
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>just 18
>a year's worth of time to study
>spent just three months inside
>already on medication
You're going to have a lovely life, sweetheart.
OP here. Is this ironic or serious? Btw the medication started a year ago.
It was an implication that if you're already wanting to kill yourself and are on medication, there's a very great chance you're going to off yourself before 30. The "lovely life" bit was quite sarcastic.
Hang on for a few years. You have the whole rest of your life to an hero if you want to. Things can change a lot between say 18 and 25. Sometimes, okay occasionally... err, in rare circumstances, for the better. And sometimes for the worse. You won't know unless you wait it out some.

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i want to fuck a single mature mom so bad
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
Me too, where to find one?
You know, I used to not think false consciousness was real, but you fixed that.
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Go find the late 30's to mid 40's sitting alone at a bar. Jesus. They are just craving attention. Stand next to them while ordering a drink and watch how much they froth even when you're not giving them attention. Say hi to them and it's game over, you can take them to bed.
>tfw currently dating one

Amazing feel. Her autismo daughter is about my age so I also get a friend to hang out with who likes vidya and stuff.

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>this /r9k/ has nothing but normalfags
>the other /r9k/ has nothing but stormfags

I can't win.

By the way, They claimed all black people smell bad no matter what? Is it true? I always take very good care of my body.
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
They always smell different. The oils are different.
You need to be shot, demon.
Get out tumblr.
dont all people smell different ?

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Would you guys date Jusge Jeanine? She seems perfect for you robots.
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
Maybe like 40 years ago.
her skin is too dark, they wouldnt go near here. they hate minorities remember?

but they will parade her around to show how non rwcist thwy are. "look a black girl that supports, trump see?"
No but I'd have a one night stand with her. Older women are hot
>they hate minorities remember?


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How do robots cope with being ugly and socially inept? Do you just become filled with cynicism and slowly start hating everything?
14 posts and 6 images submitted.
Pretend im hot and fuck fat women who are absolutely haram
Yeah that's how it goes, especially after you get one to many pieces of brain dead "advice" from normies that just want to make themselves feel good for "helping"
It's great that when point out the flaw in what they said they immediately start to reeeeee and say it's all your fault
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I'm moderately handsome under my fat and I can pretend to be social pretty well. I'm heading for the top, baby.
Drink alone at home. Don't go outside unless necessary.

How do I get banned from /r9k/
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
Be originally unoriginal.
Are you under the age of 18, honestly
By posting a certain flavor of pizza

22 and I don't like children either

How would you guys express your emotions on this board visually if wojacks and pepes didn't exist?
8 posts and 5 images submitted.
i'm not a pussy attention whore
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Well, I can't see any problem.
Google is your friend. As are original commentations.
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mfw this thread


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Is Leafy's career over?
28 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Leafy's career
What did he mean by this?
Literally who the fuck is Leafy?
Shitty youtuber, criticized by edops.
>people actually like and eat tomatoes

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What kind of diet should i eat so that I always have the legendary "No wipe poops"? I just pooped and there was no poo on my tp when i wiped, feelsgoodman
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Lot's of Salads in the evenings and Coffee in the morning give me one wipe shits on a daily basis. I don't know about the rare "no wipe shits".
> 2016
> doesn't know that no wipe poops are poops so dry that there's no moisture that even creates skidmarks
> op basically just wants a hard dick to come out of his ass
How to achieve them?
just take a fiber supplement

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Let's talk about fetishes, /r9k/. How do you differentiate them from degeneracy? Lemme explain via table:

Vanilla tier (non-fetish, innate in humans):
>vaginal sex

Sub-fetish tier:
>anal sex
>oral sex

Fetish tier:
>cosplay, roleplay etc

>feminization, sissyfication

Unredeemable degeneracy:

I can understand odd fetishes, I really can. For example, I understand that voyeurism adds to the excitement by adding risk, it's simple biology. I understand people who like to be dominated, because this lets them look at sex from different perspecive. It's also quite natural, really, although may take really weird forms.

But why in the everloving fuck would you feel attracted to fecal matter, or physical deformation? This is not even sex-related anymore. How can you guys look yourselves in the face in the mirror? What led you to a degeneracy of such extent? Discuss.

>inb4 normie
No, I'm not.
>inb4 newfag
No, I'm not.
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
whats wrong with being attracted to minor
By paedophilia I mean loli, mostly. If you feel attracted to a person who haven't developed any visible sexual characteristics, there is clearly something wrong with you. If you are attracted to a 14 y/o who went through full puberty, you are not a paedophile (although the law says you are).
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being attracted to minors does not mean that you will rape every single child, you can say the same shit about homo or heterosexual ppl
cant see whats wrong with that
What about zoophilia? Being attracted to animals doesn't mean you will go around raping them, and yet it's obviously a degeneracy, because a healthy human being shouldn't find anything fuckable in a specimen of another species. Just like he shouldn't feel attracted to a boobless, hipless, buttless girl with a face of a 5 y/o boy.

What should my smurf account's name be?
I main ADC btw.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
"gg normie supp"
i'm going to give you the best name that I was gonna take

I really can't level up another 30 without going insane

it's available on NA for sure

Are you on euw?

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>tfw no barya collecting, barangay protecting, libro perusing, dalampasigan strolling, araw bathing, palengke shopping, paniki chomping, kapalungan going, kidlat seeing, kalayaan fighting, mata straining, upuan sitting, isda skinning, pelikula watching, diyaryo reading, kawal honoring, tubig drinking, salamin shattering, eleksyon voting, kape brewing, mukha cleaning, daliri fracturing, kuko biting, tsinelas snapping, lamesa wiping, sapatos breaking, kotse fixing, itlog cracking, ilong blowing, ube chopping, puso racing, damit wearing, kumot weaving, puwit slapping, paa rubbing, buhok combing, ulo scratching, simbahan attending, parol hanging, kamay washing, tuko calling, jeepney driving, kanin picking, manok chasing, tinikling dancing, tiyanak finding, aswang hunting, kabayo riding, carabao herding, baboy wrestling, duwende stomping, lechon roasting, lumpia cooking, pancit making, sinigang eating, forest loving, /r9k/ posting, qtp2t filipina gf
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
FIRST!! He's back I'm glad desu
I never left you Pham. I've been posting every day for over a year now. Just remember, if you didn't see my daily thread, it just means you missed it.
I thought you had left. Im glad you never did.
Wow, you're pretty early today

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>Funnyjunk users hate me
Seems like I'm doing a good job, then.

-Doj (have to post without trip so more people will see this thread as it's an important thread)
7 posts and 5 images submitted.
Doj is a quality poster
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Posting this again as a reminder that Doj is an autistic, pathetic pedo who texts shit like this to under aged girls.
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Did Ciara like these texts, Doj?
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WHat's it like being BTFO every other week in an Eliza thread, edgelord?

>remember to sage/ignore thread everybody

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when this photo came out jude law ended up on tons of "small penis celebrities" lists. most of these lists being published on buzzfeed-type blogs for women. all jokes and e-bragging aside, this looks like a pretty standard sized flaccid penis.

have most women never seen their significant other in a completely flaccid state? do women think that dicks just get hard and stay the same size?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
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to a woman, average is significantly below average.
Women don't know what a flaccid dick should look like. It's like seeing a superhero without his mask
most women probably only see penis when it's erect and their cum gilded brains do not allow them to make logical connections.
Alright if you're normie enough to actually be naked oit imn public and allow yourself to get filmed then you deserve this, thousands of celebs can keep there pants on when they go out.

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Where do I find a bbw fwb?
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
Everywhere, if you live in amer-

Fuck off, normie.
I don't live in America sadly, but hopefully I will in the future.

And I'm a khv, that's why I'm asking how to get a fwb. I'd also be fine with a gf though. Or a one night stand.
FWBs is for Chads. Fucking without a commitment is a premium.
huhm ok, I think I'd rather have a gf anyway

so how do I get a bbw gf?

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lads, lets get something straight

the only way to succeed in life is to fail your way to success

that girl you've developed oneitis for? She's probably already picked up on your intentions and is most likely not interested in you. State your fucking intentions instead of torturing yourself in your head.

Can't get a job? Mass print resumes and drop them off at every single place you'd want to work - if it gets rejected, reword it and hand it in again - this shows that you are a persistent person who doesn't give up.

If you want to get someone's number by the end of the day, it doesn't matter how autistic or Chris-chan looking you are. You will eventually get someone's interest.

This more applies to me but with sales in my small business I persist with all sales, I go to lots of people to promote my (computers) abroad because I know no matter what, if I get rejected enough I will eventually succeed
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
You will only get results if you fail again and again until success
>go through the humiliation of rejection and losing someone to talk to

>waste a bunch of time, money, and paper handing out resumes at places that will tell you to fill out an application online and that there's no hiring manager even on site

>be that creepy guy that asks literally everyone for their number, who cares if its off putting and reeks of desperation

Can normies seriously not think 5 minutes into the future
>State your fucking intentions instead of torturing yourself in your head.
I just kind of let it go altogether, since it's extremely likely there's no interest.
Sounds like looking for excuses not solutions to me

Why do you white fucks always do this dumbass smile?
62 posts and 17 images submitted.
People who believe this is a smile are fucking retarded.
It's just a way for a person to acknowledge someone they don't really care for.
niggers do it to, senpai 100 ;')
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Screw it, I'll bite.
Why do whites get easily triggered by white jokes?

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>Go to /soc/
>Everyone is more beautiful than me
>Legit 8/10 guys are there
>7/10 girls are there giving these hot guys 5/10 rankings.
>Now I will never post my face there so I know how to improve it if even at all.

Welp looks like my wizard training will complete after-all.
19 posts and 2 images submitted.
post pic of yourself

Go home Japan your drunk.

ure drank
>always thought at the very least my dick looked pretty nice and was a decent size
>go to cock rate threads
>all of their penises are nicer looking and bigger


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Is Donald Trump giving voice to some Americans who are undereducated and over stimulated?

The presence and alleged power of the Alt-Right is debatable, but what is not rationally debatable is that Donald Trump and at least some of his supporters simply make things up and then treat them as facts. That is not only troubling, it is destabilizing. We are not talking about spinning the truth, or sanitizing it, we are talking about wholesale fabrications that have become a hallmark of the Trump campaign.

Mainstream media has failed to do its job. Because of Trumps popularity and ratings, and perhaps because of their own lack of courage and or knowledge, they let Trump and his surrogates publicly proclaim all kinds of nonsense as if it were true.

This tendency has grown from a stream to a river, and now is a discernable characteristic of both the Trump campaign and the media.
All societies have had nut cases. That is simply human nature. What is new about Trump today is that he has managed to attract so many nut cases, and then has inadvertently or not provided them with a pseudo respectability. Speech and behaviors that would have been universally condemned yesterday are on full display by Trump and some of his followers today, and the media is complicit.
America has seen fringe and nativist movements before, including the Great Awakenings, so Trump and his undereducated and overstimulated group is not really new. What is new is the patina of respectability that Trump and mainstream media have managed to bestow on what otherwise would be rejected as foolish and even dangerous and obnoxious ideas and behaviors.
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
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All hail The God-Emperor Trump.
You have provided no examples
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Hello shills
Originality was never my strongest suit
>at least some of his supporters simply make things up and then treat them as facts.

What a totally unique event. Certainly, at no other point in human history has this ever been done. It truly is a dark turn for our species.

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I can no longer afford Internet , this is probably my last thread
Make it worth it
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
>Make it worth it
It would be extremely depressing.
Lighten up robot. Without Internet you will be forced to go outside, talk with people, and make frients. Was this good or depressing?

postloop.com will pay a trivial amount, but anyone can do it, and for me, it makes the internet pay for itself.
ggo to bed thomas

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20 posts and 12 images submitted.
She has a marriageable face. Would commit.
ew stop posting you creep
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my mummy gf broke up with me today ok

i want slav gf
cheap russian whore

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