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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 6321. page

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>dont know a lick of spinach
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
You posted this thread yesterday

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Congratulations on being Americanized
>that smug when other spics realize you can't understand them
>speak fluent espinaca

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Weedbots post your piece and tell us it's name

This is Rebecca
22 posts and 2 images submitted.
>when you're the only bot who tokes online right now

No, it's just that most people who smoke weed aren't fucking retarded and act like their smoking apparatus is important or name it and post it online for attention

Delet this thread, fuckhead.
k dude, thanks for the input
>naming a piece of glass

haha pathethic

weed is for mega losers

Can we have a thread about the drugs we use to help us continue our daily grind?

I use Effexor (just started but only side effect is the insomnia) and Vyvanse (diagnosed ADHD, the worst of it is the racing thoughts and multitasking everything with some things being left behind).
63 posts and 7 images submitted.
I just started effexor, too, anon. I went from 37.5mg to 150mg over the course of a couple of months. I think i'm finally starting to feel a little bit of a boost at my doseage, but it's started making me sweaty and it's really hard to cum.

I wish things were the way they used to be.
I take something called "Mirtrazapine" for my depression/anxiety.

I still have some pretty blue days, but for the most part, I guess it works okay. I can actually be bothered to get out of bed. I coupled being on this medication with a job I'm passionate about, and it's turned my life around.

Don't suffer in silence, brothers. Medication can work wonders if you let it
I use Aripiprazole.

Does it help your motivation at all cause the height of my depression was the suicide attempt (hanging but the bar I was using broke) and the utter lack of motivation

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My new manager is my high school 'oneitis'
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Work hard and with a smile and maybe she'll promote you to Head Beta Provider

Steal her panties, post pics
>his boss is a woman
That's the real story here. You know you're a failure in life when..
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>His female boss is the same age as him

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Why do betas from the far right not understand why they are disliked, even by "their own" people?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why are you so obsessed with the far right?

Are you really so insecure?

>Not wanting millions of 3rd world rapefugees entering your country and destroying its traditions == wanting to kill anyone who isn't like you with poison gas

nice strawman there, leftie
It's almost like you aren't part of the far right then? So none of this was addressed at you and also not a strawman? People from the right are usually slow thinkers

What is "right"? What is "far right"? What is "far far right"? What is "far far far ... far right"? It's a fucking meaningless term.

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Why did black people achieved comparatively so little? Is it because they didn't have to be very inventive when they lived in Africa for nearly all of history?
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
They are less intelligent on average. Most people know this, but they don't want to admit it/ The signs are obvious. Less scientific and mathematical accomplishments. More poverty. More obesity. More violent crime.
Probably down to a mix of genetics and environment.

If you live in some sunny arid desert you aren't gonna give a fuck about building a warm house to live in, a hut will do just fine. They probably just got lazy at that point and gave up which lead to stagnation until whites came and fucked shit up.
>whites came and fucked shit up
You mean untill Lincoln exploited Africa for cheap labor, then was killed before he could deport them all back? They have been ruining our country since then, just like every country in Africa has failed historically because niggers are incapable of civilized society?
>im triggered and rustled
Yeah, now look at amazing countries lIke Zimbabwe to see how blacks do on their own.

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"Anon, are you going to the anti-fa protest tomorrow?"
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
No, I don't support fascism.
the what with the what now?

Yes I will be protesting the existence of antifa tomorrow
The make up to make your nose look smaller is too obvious.

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Ask a male feminist who gets more pussy than you anything
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
No one gives a shit that you're a feminist
What does nigger cum taste like?
Does anyone give a shit that you're a feminist?

Sorry, I guess I didn't have to ask
Shut up cis scum

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TINDER is sometimes overwhelming, Why aren't you downloading it RIGHT THIS SECOND TO LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY? there's hundreds of girls to choose from so what's stopping you? It's so easy?
84 posts and 22 images submitted.
my deformed face is stopping me

Cause im not chad
Not interested in casual sex
No facebook and dont want to make one

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>bought her some new Gucci shoes
>STILL won't have sex with me
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
>>bought her some new Gucci shoes
>>STILL won't have sex with me

Take her shoes and leave.
You bought her something before you'd even had sex?

Was this an arranged marriage?
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I hope it's bait

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>give my opinion in a thread
>everyone disagrees and starts hating on me
>start getting worked up, sperg out and cant write properly
>wish that i didnt bother in the first place

fuck this
18 posts and 9 images submitted.
Link to thread

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its on reddit
it's on reddit

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theres your problem you stupid mutt

get off reddit and go away

What is bothering you anon? Let it out here.
23 posts and 4 images submitted.
That im an ugly fuck and will never feel good about myself because of this.
I'm gonna ask a qt out and I'm looking for a way to make sue she has no way of giving me an excuse, just simple "yes" or "no", not "uhmaybesomeothertimeanonidontknow". How do I phrase it anons so she has to give a clear answer?
Just ask her the normal way and if she says "maybe idk lol" just drop contact until she says something first. It's not worth the stress anon.
>not worth the stress

oh i don't worry about stress, if i don't succeed before i am 25 i will simply an hero.

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>you will never be a mega manlet with a tall gf
Does anyone else know this feel?

5'10 is such a boring height, I'd much rather be small or tall than just average
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'll never be anything with any gf
this hurts too

maybe my mind is just to warped from reality because i have never had a gf
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>tfw i almost had a girlfriend that was way taller than me
>but also almost had the chance to date a shortstack girl
why am i so damn shy?
5'10 is good if you want a tall gf, there are a shitton of 6'+ qts in the world

>see dumb /pol/tard spewing memes and shitty racist comments on Twitter
>I report him and gets banned
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
nigger nigger nigger kike jew nigger coon
doing god's work there OP
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Triggered, polweenie?

Thanks. Reported a dozen tweets each on 2 racist twitter users, lets see how long it takes for them to get banned
I love reporting racists at social media.

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Try to prove it to me that you are more addicted to WoW than I am.
>playing almost all day
>crossdress in tights and hotpants
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
>>crossdress in tights and hotpants
What does this have to do with WoW?
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>he still plays wow

oh man. What are you even doing?
I play on a vanilla server each day
>addicted to WoW
What strain of autism do you have that you're still addicted to WoW in 2017?

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Write a letter to someone thread. Stupid robot originality filter.
45 posts and 4 images submitted.
To A

I'm rooting for you.

From M
I'm not the A you meant but i'm still taking this to heart M
Dear A

Don't get too murdered on your vacation, that would be a shame.

No, I don't really care when it's just on a whim or something you have in common. Why would I care about that? Not quite that petty.

But if there's a planned night or anything going on I always invite everyone, even knowing she'd say no. However you guys make plans to do things I've not only asked if you'd like to do with me previously, but things you know I'd enjoy and then you talk about doing it in front of me without inviting me or considering I'd like to come. Then you have your nights together and text me about it knowing that I am at home, alone with no one.

So the only assumption I can make is that one or both of you do not want to be around me, I'm a second rate friend. Not only do you not care for my company but you also have no consideration for my feelings.

I do not get close to people for long because they always leave me and it doesn't happen to other people like it happens to me. Which means there is something wrong with me, there is something about me that is fundamentally unlikable.

I do not know if it is just a game you play or something innate about someone that makes them valuable to others

Even good people treat me badly.

The truth is that we are selfish, fickle, inconsiderate,untrustworthy and occasionally spiteful at best. Any perceived exception to this rule is a delusion of your own making.

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This is what your future so is going to look similar to
66 posts and 19 images submitted.
Nice tits, how well can she suck my dick
honestly I'd be quite happy with that
SO? more like sow
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I like fat girls
Checkmate loser

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anyone here planning on killing themselves this year?

if ive worked up the courage, i'm probably going to kill myself tomorrow night.
28 posts and 2 images submitted.
Youre not alone anon. I know that despair feel. But before i do, i was thinking about joining a monastery
Don't do it. Just don't. It's a mistake. Some day you will see.
Why? This life is repetitive. Everything is the same. The world is shit. Ive seen my fair share of sunsets, lolis, smiles, shiny things. But its just not worth it anymore. I stared into the abyss and it stared back
Nigga, you don't know what the abyss is. Man the fuck up.

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my first fap was to the idea of kage getting filled with demon gel
7 posts and 5 images submitted.
underage out
htis ofa rogiagnal
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I didn't think there was anything wrong with masturbating to interracial pornography until I was nearly a man.
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>11 years ago
>fapping at 7 years old
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>11years ago

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>Weak little faggots are only worth what they offer alphas like me. Get over here and suck my cock.

What do you do?
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
Do as she says while also uncontrollably crying and shaking and maybe peeing myself a little.
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may the god emperor protect us from this heresy

chaos reigns
>you will never die in service of the emperor getting raped by a demon woman
Why even live?
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not so fast, there may be hope

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What if the obsession with traps is not something new and a sign of gayness, but rather an old way of dealing with sexuality which stems from imposing Masculinity as a value, rather than as a set of behaviours? I am specifically referring to greeks' sexuality and the way they dealt with it. For them, it was perfectly acceptable to fuck young boys and have relations with them as long as they looked youthful, because it validated their masculinity.

Could /r9k/, its high presence of men and dislike of women, search femininity into a traps?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
Nah, you're just a homosexual.

nice dubs but traps are fucking gay m8.
The same time the men started fucking other men in the roman empire was exactly the same time it fell
it wasn't because women had to much power in sure, but because it was all the mens fault :^)

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why does the girl i keep hanging out with take pictures of me and send me to her friends on snapchat with titles like "I hate him", etc.?

She thinks I don't notice her doing it but shes not really subtle about it.

Is it because I'm the only guy that doesn't orbit her? Because she has like 10 guys shes talking to right now and keeps on complaining to me how shes single and I'm like "yeah, me too."
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
>that face
>that body
I would and then go to my local church to ask god for forgiveness.
>Is it because I'm the only guy that doesn't orbit her?
if you're hanging around with a girl and you're not fucking her, you're an orbiter

So it doesn't really matter, maybe she hates you, or maybe she likes you and is joking, but either way you're wasting your time if you're not in that pussy, so ask for sex
That's only if you are really beta and actually act like a fucking orbiter. Women are just people, shitty ones, but people none the less. Stop putting them on a pedestal by saying that if you do not bone them, you worship them.
why do you hang around with women if they're shitty?

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Who here /dumbandhappy/
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
Smart and unhappy here. Who am I kidding, im prob dumb as fuck just dont know it. How do you know your smart?
knowing the difference between your and you're is how you know.
I'm more of a /dumbandunhappy/.
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What is the difference between them?

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>mfw people are unironically attracted to traps
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I only like anime traps and REALLY passable irl ones but those are extremely rare. I agree most of them are hideous
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answering the call
>"I never claimed to be hot, only cute." -pizza
she is beautiful...

would bring her meat to my esophagus without a blink

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>tfw asian girls are too fucking cute
>tfw they only hang out with their own kind
>tfw none of them want anything to do with a 5'5" hispanic manlet
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
I feel the same pain bro. Except when i was in hs. I had a qt viet girl all over me with a fat ass. Fucked it up though. She was outta my league top. Tfw will never have that happen to me again
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>asian girls are too fucking cute
>they only hang out with their own kind
>none of them want anything to do with a manlet
idk about that

I'm """"""""""Hispanic"""""""""""" and my girlfriend is Chinese, except I'm 6'. I met her at my college's transit and started talking to her. When I asked her why Asians only hang out with their own she said because they're naturally shy people.

I popped her cherry desu senpai

Being a manlet is the fucking worst. I'm white and believe me it doesn't get any easier. Any sub 5'6 male is invisible to women regardless of race.

>6 feet tall
>not a virgin

gtfo Chad

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