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Imagine having a gf like this
14 posts and 7 images submitted.
But that's my hourly dream.
No thanks, id rather be alone than with some autistically angry midget
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Imagine having a bf like that

would you cut of your dick and eat it to look like this?
25 posts and 7 images submitted.
No that guy isn't even that good looking. I look better than him desu...
lol he is an international supermodel, you're a subhuman posting on a taiwanese shoe-lace manufacturing plasterboard
what good is looking good if I have no dick
would it grow back?

if so sure
if not then fuck no
So look good but have not dick anymore to fuck hot girls (or guys if you are a homosexual)

Don't see the point senpai

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Things you will never forgive your parents for
Keep it short and sweet. I don't want your life story.
>Father (native Spanish speaker) never taught me Spanish.
Motherfucker. This is LA, you know how much easier it would be to find a job? also, when I lived overseas, it would have mad it easier to learn the language over there.
>Mother confiscated the BBgun my Grandpa gave me, and fucking lost it, apparently. She took it from me when I was probably 15 or 16, and afaik she fucking lost it. That thing meant a lot to me.
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
>they let me get fat
>they didn't accept my homosexuality
those are the big two
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How old are you? They still don't accept you?
It's really simple, I resent them for conceiving and ultimately birthing me.
Anything and everything else one might ever resent their parents for can be traced back to that.
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>they gave birth to me
>made me do sports even though i didn't like it

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Whites can't be robots. Women of every race want a white bf, contrary to stupid cuck memes. It's way easier to get a gf if you're white. If you manage to be a white "robot", it's entirely your fault.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.

I agree with this meme
Yeah, and they STILL want Chad.
Just because its easier doesn't make it any less hard
You can still be the fucking bottom of the barrel even if you're white.

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I just can't fucking do it. I either come on too hard and scare them, or I come off too distant and they just treat me like a friend. I can't seem to strike that balance.

I honestly think about raping girls sometimes out of the frustration of not being able to figure out how to play their game.

I hate myself for having those thoughts and for not having the courage to go out and try and see if I can learn how to play and for being such a failure i wish someone would just end my pathetic life.
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
Brev just make regular jokes like you would with the m8s but without any self deprication at all. Thats all you need to do. Don't aim it toward any particular goal except with how you treat yourself (no self deprication). Don't try and be cool and distant, just talk to them, make jokes, even sometimes at their expense but not too much. Don't think of "flirting" as a thing, just be confident and interact with girls on a playful level as you would with regular human beings.
When i treat girls like i would a guy we just end up being friends. Sometimes they think I'm gay because of my voice.
I've never understood what flirting even is. I probably maybe do it subconciously though.
Then stop being so fucking nice to everyone jesus christ.

>not tall enough to be seme
>not short enough to be uke
how am I supposed to live up to my 10 year old shounen-ai fantasy expectations of a relationship
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
By being a switch in a relationship with someone else of average height?
How tall are you anon? I'm 6'2 if interested.
>pushing manlet meme into the gay culture
>tfw tall enough to be seme
>tfw personality of a uke
i fucking hate being 6'4 ;_;

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I'm so fucking angry at myself. I fucked up /r9k/.

>taking classes at a local college to catch up on highschool shit that i never finished
>first day of class
>showed up pretty early so i wouldn't get lost on my way there
>solid 8/10 qt along with a couple others are waiting outside class, i join them
>i've gotten a haircut, shaved and worked on my posture and fashion over the summer so i don't look like an autist
>trying to look confident and not shy because i'm 21 and i don't want to be like this forever
>i probably look fairly attractive at this point
>the 8/10 suddenly asks me if this is chemistry class
>say it is
>she asks if i have the textbook (i obviously don't, i only brought a binder)
>i say no, i just got put into the class on a waitlist
>tell her about how they said i was in then emailed me half an hour later saying it was a screwup and i wasn't actually in the class
>she laughs, says something like 'aw, that's too bad'
>we talk for a bit more
>she's really nice, easy to talk to, has a look of virgin qt innocence to her
>teacher shows up and lets us in
>i specifically enter the door before her so that if she's interested in me she'll sit by me (yes i'm this autistic)
>she sits 1 seat ahead of me

con't 1/2
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>has a look of virgin qt innocence to her
That seating part was a good move

>i should've entered the class after her and asked to sit beside her and share her textbook since i don't have one
>hindsight is always 20/20 as they say
>anyway end up sitting in the seat behind her for a minute and assess the situation in my head
>she even glances back at me once or twice
>take too long deciding what to do, next thing i know a literal chad walks through the door and sits right beside her
>felt my autistic rage begin to get triggered
>he immediately introduces himself to her, he's really charming, he's athletic and taller and stronger than me, not to mention way more outgoing
>i get to sit right behind this the whole time while he continues to have a flawless conversation with her
>would take all my energy to muster a talk half as good as that
>she's laughing and obviously very interested in him
>class starts, they're already sharing notes and shit
>sit through the entire class by myself feeling cucked and not able to focus on the actual lesson
>end of class i want another chance, i try to wait for her to leave so i can walk out at the same time and maybe talk to her
>nope, chad and her are talking after class about random bullshit
>give up waiting cause they are far from done talking at this point
>just walk away alone, feeling cucked

It's not fair. I am physically incapable of conversing on the same level as he did. I should've just sat beside her and not been a pussy for once in my life. She seemed interested in me too, I managed not to spill my spaghetti and she tried to keep our talk going. Chad would've sat beside any other roastie and hit it off with her instead.

I'm too demotivated to even try to talk to girls for a while now. I'm so fucking done. Is there any chance I still have?
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There are ~3.5 billion girls in the world. She isn't your last hope.

Chads are good because they practice. If you hope to get anywhere, you need practice, thats all.

Just keep approaching girls, you'll find someone. Good luck anon

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>tfw no Australian best friends to drink and bantz with
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>tfw not capable of bantz because you're boring and gradually killed off your sense of humor through a decades long period of depression
thats pretty funny, i think you'll do fine
they probably wouldn't like me anyway and call me a soft cunt behind my back
grass is always greener m8
i just want to get away from here, even the r9k ausposters are all chadlike, or just straight homos

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How's that corporate brainwashing going broboats?
9 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Not really feeling it, senpaifam. Anyone who browses this shitty board without filters and strong convictions about their opinions deserves to be inculcated by the Jews.
What exactly are they going to brainwash into me? I'm a mentally ill neet who doesn't vote and only leaves the house for groceries.
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really fuckng fantastic
You're a perfect candidate actually senpai. Weak, isolated, hooked up to social medis, ect. We're being used as guinea pigs

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How do NEETs deal with the guilt of being a NEET?
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
the phucks a NEET THO?
I don't think about it
Google it and then hang yourself, normie newfag cunt
Fuck off you dumbshit

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>its another "anon fantasizes about being held by another guy and falling asleep in his arms" episode
I think my fantasizing involves men because no woman would ever be ok with it. what a pathetic feel
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
i just want to be hugged by someone im not picky ; - ;
Yesterday my arm touched a woman's bare arm on the train for a second. They're so smooth and nice, I just want to hold a woman ;_;
That is gay.

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It would be nice to feel someone for once. I'd probably still be suicidal afterward but I would appreciate the moment

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Enemas really make you feel like a new person? Are we all backed up with shit?
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Do they help ? or it is just meme?
I want to buy one and try
I give my self green tea enemas from time to time. Feel really good afterward.
please explain? You make green tea and blow it in your ass?
Any tips, cautions?
I feel so clean after giving myself an enema. It's amazing, but it seems like a slippery slope because after a few days I feel myself literally filling up with shit and I start to feel uncomfortable.
It's like showering every day and then skipping showers for a week.

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Anyone else have abnormally small testicles and penis?

Should I trap?
84 posts and 23 images submitted.

And yes

Aboriginal comic

Should I lose weight to trap or keep my weight?
What's a good size for a trap?
what is your current weight and height? do you have a lot of body hair?
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190 lbs
And yes, but when I wax (because it irritates my skin), it grows slowly.

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I don't even know what it is, there's just something so fascinating about Adam.
76 posts and 4 images submitted.
I've always wondered where his chin is hiding
what fascinates me is how fucking weird he looks.
I agree OP. I was struck at how articulate he sounded when he was talking on that radio show thing back in 2011. Also at how he blacked out the windows of his room and communicated with his mother strictly through email for the last year or so of his life.
>I agree OP. I was struck at how articulate he sounded when he was talking on that radio show thing back in 2011. Also at how he blacked out the windows of his room and communicated with his mother strictly through email for the last year or so of his life.
I had an autistic roommate who lived exactly like this. I did not ever talk to him and only communicated through email because that's what he preferred, by far.

You better fucking believe he was into minecraft.

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I'm 19yo in high school ( long story) I'm with 16~17 yo kids in class, if a question of my virginity will arise, should I say I'm a virgin or not?

will saying I've slept with 2 ~ 3 women be superior than saying I'm a virgin?

how would girls react to both answeres?
28 posts and 4 images submitted.
Honesty is the best policy :)

> Honesty is the best policy. :)
My current gf said she thought I was cute for being a virgin, but most girls will be turned off knowing you have 0 experience.

>inb4 normie

I know
not sure, i don't talk to females

a girlfriend the same age as you might, but I'm in class with 16 ~17 year olds, that's the big difference.
millennial mentality is really something else.

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>go to see Spider-Man 3 with dad at the mall's cinema when I was little
>he tongued the punchhole and opened the operator's door
>got caught
>threw a fit
>had to call the mall security bus and keep him in Macy's
>while he was locked up he did the malldance and annoyed the security bussir
>operator tried suing him (thrown out in court due to not fully opening the operator's door)
>banned from AMC for a year
>had to pay for a new punchhole since that one got tongued

I fucking swear. After that I always went with my mom.
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
my dad used to do retarded embarrassing shit like that all the time when i was younger
>tounge the punch hole
Speak American yuropoor
your dad tongued a hole of yours that he normally punches? in public?

it was just his mouth anon
no need to make it sound lewd

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Do you like Latina girls?
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
affirmative and organic
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"Latina" does not refer to race. There are black, mestizo, indigenous, white, and almost every sort of mix Latinos.
no shit, assburger
I want to impregnate a qt latina fembot with my white seed tbqhwy

How do you guys force yourself to get aroused by 2d? I just can't quit 3d.
16 posts and 7 images submitted.
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I have those same spandex
fuck off fagboy
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Dunno OP

Not a single stir from this pic?
You can't force anything. There's nothing wrong with liking 3D anyway.

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>tfw you don't have the Hard Work gene
58 posts and 13 images submitted.
>XX chromosome carriers solution to all XY problems is simply to "work harder".
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>tfw you have the sloth gene
feels bleh man
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>tfw both your parents have the Hard Work gene but you inherited the Slacker gene from your shut-in grandmother

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>open /r9k/
>"wow /r9k/ sure is boring tonight"
>close tab
>immediately reflexively open a new /r9k/ tab

oh no

this is my life

this is literally all I do

all I do is sit in a chair and flip between the same few tabs, this is what my life has become

we live in a time of endless possibility and this is the only thing I do
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
yeah. i feel like it's a compulsion sometimes. i try to read my ebooks or do other things and within 15 minutes i have to "quickly check" r9k and then i forget what i was doing.
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pretty much me tonight
>don't feel like doing work
>don't feel like games/anime
>don't feel like doing anything
>get depressed for 2 hours
>start browsing r9k
>not as depressed anymore
>can't stop browsing, can't sleep
Will probably browse a few more hours until I just barely pass out.

all I do is browse 4chan and sleep. I don't even do dumb hobbies like watch anime anymore. I'm just so tired all the time. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to go outside, I just want to sleep
>Sitting in room in boxers
>Chips, salsa, yogurt container strewn about my desk
>Browse r9k; refresh. Browse; refresh.
>Codecademy window open but not motivated, not even interested, just trying to make myself learn something new
>Listening to Kammarheit
>Eyes scratchy, lights out

This is punctuated by periods of furious masturbation.

These are real robot hours. When the sky is gray and the night is moonless, you're doing nothing with your life, and the whirr of your computer is punctuated by the ticking of the clock on the wall.

These are the real robot hours, when you step outside as you hear the train rumble through town, just for different stimulus.

These are the real fucking robot hours, when you hear happy people wandering home from the bar, and the music is gone, and you know that this is all you've got.

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>parents keep opening any letters i get in the mail



ITT: Annoying shit our family does to us robots.
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
>waking me in the middle of night to bring the trash out
i have alot sleeping problems and theres zero chance i can fall asleep again in the next 10-15 hours

>shouting through whole house to call me
just come to my fucking room and ask me REEEE

>asking me to help with shit and then taking 30mins+ to actually get to the work while i stay around doing nothing and waiting

forgot to add : they actually expect to wait for them until i can thankfully help them finally and pull other shit like that that clearly shows that they value my time close to zero

>can you carry X for me its sooooo heavy

usually something under 10 pounds that is not even heavy for me and im 115 pounds of sleep deprivation

>can you watch the dogs for X amount of time

now this is usually just bs the dogs are alone all day and dont care but when im suddenly skyping with a friend and playing Crossout i suddenly need to watch the dogs

>shouting at me every day to get a job EVERY DAY

fuck you bitch you already said you gon throw me out by halloween if i dont get a job now stop be a bitch about it

>waking me early af even tho theres no need to get up
she knows it makes it harder for me to stay up until late when my friends are actually online


that was at 10 PM.......
>expecting me to help with her work when im done with my work faster because im not fucking around on normiebook for 40 minutes
bitch cant stand it to be the only one working and i have to help her everytime even when i did more work in less time which isnt hard at all


bitch you are giving driving lessons for 6 hours a day at best thats not hard work at all

>shouting at me all the time

why always shouting ; - ; im a pretty quiet person and yet she is always loud af when talking to me

>gossiping about me when im in the same room with people we dont even know

yeah the plumber totally cares that i never had a gf or that im not working atm thanks for telling him

>being completely retarded with our wi fi
we have 3rd world tier internet with about 30 kb/s upload and yet the cunt wants to upload some power point shit to her cloud which is like 15 Gb and would take months and when i told her to use a USB stick she shouted at me that she has a cloud and wants to use it

>expecting me to fix her pc and other shit and getting angry when i cant solve the problem

im not even good with that i can google the problem but when i dont find anything i cant do much more
you should tell them to stop anon
that shit is illegal af in pretty much every first world country

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Since /v/ is a terrible place to talk about video games, what are you guys playing?

I'm thinking of buying a ps4 now that the slim and pro got announced, when a price drop hits here I'll buy the original. I want to play bloodborne and stuff.
64 posts and 16 images submitted.
Left is best, thicc is shitty meme.
I wanna get a PS3/PS4 to play Yakuza games, and a PS4 to play Nioh and DOAX. Not a weeaboo but why is japan so amazing. Even their porn is so patrician.

ps4 pro is a literal meme, cant even play 4k blurays and 99% of content produced out there isnt even for 4k

im playing rainbow six siege, coh 2, evolve, xiv, day of infamy, resident evil 1 HD, and working on a doom 2 mod right now
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how is the right one taller despite having shorter legs.

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I'm 5'7 and 187 pounds with a 5'5 inch dick.

I have an excuse for being a robot, what's your excuse?
116 posts and 19 images submitted.
hahah, you fatty
i don't have an excuse, i have a fast food job and i don't have a parent to leech of off. but i still hate the world as much as you so i can probably stay here
3.5 inch dick.

Can't read body language or social cues.
how can I get a body like yours? please tell me
>what's your excuse?
I'm ugly as fuck.
But you're probably fine, geeze.

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I got 33 matches the first day I made an account and the only one I bothered messaging gave me her number within a 10 minute conversation, AMA
32 posts and 4 images submitted.
Why are you here Chad?
Not even being original.
>being this chad
consider suicide desu
I met my first gf here, it's got some meaning to me so I can't help but come back
On Tinder do you even have to go on a date with the girls or can you just meet up with them for sex?

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Do you wish you could experience such beauty and belonging? I do.

Into my heart on air that kills,
From yon far country blows,
What are those blue remembered hills?
What spires, what farms are those?

This is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain.
Those happy highways where I went,
And can never come again...
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
Art. To preserve the fondest memory or the most haunting nightmares to be remembered in history.
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No longer.

Yes. This falls under haunting nightmares. A dragon is the nightmare of millenniums past.

Masturbaiting into your mouth is the nightmare of today!

All is well.
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Art can mean many things.

This is just one style of art. Besides, we have cameras and photoshop now so painting to 'preserve' is an obsolete, pointless thing to do.

>yfw you realize artists' or societies' arbritraily assigned defintions for symbols, culture, art, or intention/muse doesn't make them intellectual, special, superior, inferior, or dull when compared to another and that failure to interprit the aforementioned by their arbritrary defintions can be blamed on the fact that art and culture have no objective meaning and no objective metric for which to measure meaning.

Art and, by proxy, culture can be succinctly defined as self-expression and subjective opinions, ideas, and ideals; and since it's subjective, you can't really objectively compare two forms of art or culture to one another and find one or the other degenrate, inferior, or superior. If you happen to find one culture or art-form to be better or worse you've certainly come to this conclusion due to biases or subjective opinions.

Even using talent, effort, influence, age, history, or original authorship as some kind of metric in which to measure objective worth will fail since these traits have also been arbitrarily assigned worth and have also fallen prey to subjective biases.

We could use MRI scans in an attempt to objectively track how grandly and efficiently an artist's work, an individual art piece, or a society's culture evokes emotions/meanings to the brains of their audiences, but we'd still have to factor in multiple variables for individual audience members -- age, genes, biases, etc. -- that would render the same conclusion: art is objectively meaningless and unrankable; and also, even if we managed to find art or culture that evoked the same emotions at high intensity in people universally, we'd still be biased in saying that said art or culture is good because we'd be assigning worth to emotion and intensity which have no objective meaning.

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