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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 11067. page

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Hey robots, come join our comfy little discord.
The invite will expire after 25 uses, so first come first serve. Come in and chill with us.
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
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origami original iii
please come in

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wow this image really makes you think huh?
76 posts and 9 images submitted.
If you can't tell the difference, your mind will say that they are women. The moment you see the benis you become repulsed, and vise versa.
i would rather fuck a shemales ass. than buck angels vagina. no homo.
I wouldn't have sex with the first two because they're men. I wouldn't have sex with the other girl because she looks just like a man.
Can I get a source for the blonde tranny on the left strictly for research purposes of course...

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>be me
>Make 6 figures as a software developer
>Visit my dad the other day
>"You should go to law school and get a real job anon"
>"When are you going to law school anon?"

10 posts and 1 images submitted.
>going to law school
>in 2016

Your dad is retarded
Nothing beats growin dope for Lucy and Trin while hanging out with Julian and Bubs. Fuck Corey and Trevor though

I make $40k in help desk and my dad is happy for me, but I know I'm a failure in my field. I let him think I'm doing well.
Ya this. That hasn't been a good idea for a decade or two. Show him some statistics on the labor market in law and he'll get the point real quick.

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Daily reminder space robots

> If you use social media like reddit facebook tumblr twitter ect. you are a fucking normie.
> If you wear trendy clothes say trendy words or only focus on anything trendy cool or hip you are a fucking normie.,
> If you ONLY like stuff that is mainstream & popular in 2016 & dislike or do not care for anything from past decades & if you use the current year argument you are a fucking normie & you do not belong on 4chan
> NORMIES GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
60 posts and 11 images submitted.
Normies leave now leave now leave now leave now.
True words anon brother.
i do not disagree here.
I'm new here but I don't apply to any of the following.

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>browsing /r9k/
>see dick
>glance at post and it's about le dick size how can you compete
>close /r9k/
>go cry
>plan suicide
>calm down
>browse /r9k/
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
that picture along with the text made me laugh
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>have a big dick
>be handsome
>be severely socially autistic
>get no girls
Don't worry about not having a big dick if you'll never use it like me, OP.
>browsing /r9k/
>"if you're socially isolated your brain is fucked and everyone can tell and you can never get out of it"
>cry myself to sleep later

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Wish I could just fucking die in my sleep already
Not suicidal btw

Just want to be free of this suffering


But its all self inflicted. I ignored everything for too long. I applied to the internship program of my school. For eight months I didn't even bother looking at the job listing. I just assumed that I wouldn't get in since my marks are shit and my resume is barren. I missed mandatory workshops which means I can't use the school internship program. Now I started panicking because even I tho I technically can go to fourth year of my program, I didn't find a group for the Capstone Project and missed the deadline. Plus graduating school without internship equals doom so might as well not graduate. I don't fucking know whats wrong with me. I'm too scared of even looking at the job listing. I just keep ignoring it.

I just want a mechanical engineering internship for 8 to 12 months. Literally I would do anything. But my resume is too screwed up. I can't even bothered to fix it. Everytime I try, I just get overwhelmed with extreme anxiety. I don't even want to talk with a counselor. They would just be shocked how I didn't apply for an internship and didn't go for the mandatory workshop and just gave up without trying.

I wonder where the fuck did all go so wrong. I was such a bright kid in highschool. Now I'm just a fucking failure. I can't even believe myself. Not having friends in university really screwed with my brain. I just didn't bother going to class. Eventually even skipped tests.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Good up until the tldr.

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Hey there wagie. Ready for work tomorrow?
29 posts and 6 images submitted.
haha you only make enough to have a shitty pc and anime figures . neet fuck.
No :/
>comment was too low in content.
Considering my boss is bro-tier and my job is fucking easy for the pay I get, hell yeah.
Yes, I have purpose and make money.

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Help brobots. I got really horny and made an ad on craigslist looking to eat some pussy (inb4 beta cuck move) and someone actually responded. She looks alright and we've traded numbers and are planning on meeting up tonight so I know she's real at least. She said to bring condoms just in case, I've never bought a condom before and have a small penor so I'm just going to grab one that looks small and hope for the best.

But my dilemma is now that I've cum I've become super anxious about it all, being a khv and don't know if I should go through with it.

What would you guys do? Should I just say fuck it and go? She said she's going home after work to shower and get ready for me.
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
Enjoy getting mugged.
Don't do it. You could get mugged.
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You can get diseases from oral sex, so you need an oral dam if you give a shit.
yes go eat her pussy like you're a starving dog and she obv wants sex if she asked you to bring a condom just buy a reg one i'm sure it will fit or if it's really small just ask the person that works there what their smallest condom is they won't judge you also don't tell her you're a virgin/khv you really shouldn't even tell her after either

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>make a meetme account
>literally make my name chad
>google search "Chad"
>use it as my profile pic
>Immediately some chick sends me a tit pic that I cant open because this app is shit
>another qt 9/10 chick STARTS a conversation with me

burn me alive
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
post your profile pic please
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oringinalo comentallos
Wut it gonna be? Rip or VIP????????
Holy shit. Even I would fuck that Chad. No homo.

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Best decision of my life, robots. I had no friends, was horribly unfit, was a KV, depressed, and could barely motivate myself to get up in the morning. I signed up to stop my slow but eventual slide to NEETdom.

>basic training isn't that hard, but will still get you a lot more fit (dropped from 230 to 190 lbs)
>largest concentration of nerds I've ever seen, with at least a quarter of my platoon being open anime watchers and over half being PC gamers with expensive rigs, even did a bit of DND
>when officers aren't around, political correctness is dead, since almost everybody makes offensive jokes without flinching
>get to shoot guns and other cool infantry shit in basic
>you're family will be super proud of you
>once you're done basic, the Chair Force life is super chill and relaxed compared to any civvy job I've had, with huge benefits
>you'll be more confident, outspoken, fit, etc but without having to truly go full normalfag to fit in with society
>combats are a lot comfier than a dress shirt and tie

Yeah, I had the edgy opinions like "I don't want to be a gubberment sheep and lick the boots of bureaucrats" but I realized I didn't actually give a shit pretty much immediately. You won't be doing anything morally questionable unless you're a combat trade. I'm still an introverted KV, but I'm way happier than I was before. I dare say I even have friends.

My experience is with the Canadian Forces, so you're mileage may vary depending on country, but still: If you want to get yourself out of a rut, get a stable and non-stressful career with acceptable pay and downtime, go Air Force. And don't you dare puss out in basic training.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.

Tfw failed the CFAT when I was 18, I wish I passed, my life could have been so much better.
Good for you. I always wanted to be in the military but was rejected because of my numerous mental health issues. Best of luck.
the trick is lying

A real shame the american AF dress blues look like shit
Only the Navy and Marines look good to be quite honest
No thanks, I'd rather

>not have to get up at 4am in the morning and run 2 miles every day
>not dress up and say yes sir no sir all day to power-hungry Officers
>not be on call 24/7 to a government I don't give two shits about to do a job that I most likely won't enjoy
>not sign away 4 years of the prime of my youth to be in Trump's next war

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How did you spend his birthday?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Is that the supreme gentleman?

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Comfy article
3 posts and 3 images submitted.
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anime (yes it's the dub) and /pol/

original comment
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win 8.1, dark theme on everything

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Who /addicted to food/ here?

I just ate an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey and a bag of Lays chips. I'm disgusted with myself.
21 posts and 3 images submitted.
These days I can only eat when I'm high.
should have gone with vanilla and nacho cheese doritos
God I wish I was eating right now. I'm skinny and trying to get skinnier. I had 1 decent meal today and no snacks. Once I start snacking, I can't stop. I can finish a family-size bag of Doritos and a few bottles of Dr. Pepper in a sitting if I desired it more than my figure.

I just want to get lighter :^(
and this, I got high and ate a bunch of chocolate last night
decided not to eat or 24 hours

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>tfw shitposting and derailing thread with obvious bait
>tfw keep refreshing looking for my (You)
>no one replied
>thread dead
>still possibility of him replying to me
I just want to go to bed. Just give me a bunch of (You)s so I can sleep goddammit
8 posts and 7 images submitted.
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You have to work for it, silly.
it's weird to think that somebody actually cares that I'm typing this
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(you) are someone who deserves a hug!

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Why are you afraid of women?
32 posts and 7 images submitted.
I'm afraid of social interaction with or without women, but in my experience, if you wait for the fear to go away you'll never do anything.
The fear NEVER goes away, you just choose to acknowledge and ignore it and that's it.
Because they always burn me. I think I'll just avoid touching the stove this time.
unless you lived a life of a pariah you wouldn't understand
I'm not afraid of them. I don't like them, so I choose not to be around them.

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>tfw Chad aesthetics but still can't get laid

sexual marketplace is FUCKED bros
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
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head literal ayyyyyyyyy lmao tier
wtf i love original now
Come, sing me a song.
How do i get that dry

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Short guy: manlets have it the hardest
Fat guy: I am a solid 11/10 if I go to the gym and get ripped. being fat made me into a 1.5/10
Tall skinny guy: I wish I could put on some weight to become a solid 10/10
girls only hate me because I am a lanklet
Average guy: Girls will go out with me and I will fuck a lot of chicks when I learn how to game
Ugly guy: If I was a 10/10 the sky will rain pussy on me
Handsome 5'10 guy: If only I didn't have 4chan diagnosed autism girls will fuck me
I am a kissless hugless virgin
Another handsome 5'10 guy: If had as much money as X then girls will fuck me
they are all gold diggers
Black guy: I wish I was white
Asian guy: I wish I was white or black
Indian guy: I wish I was eating curry right now or had a toilet in my house
Arab guy: I wish I could join Isis and get my 72 virgins
If becoming pic related is the only way you could get pussy then it's not
your height
It's fuck you. Your personality is shit
You spent your childhood not working on your personality
You stay inside playing retarded vidya instead of socializing with people and
developing these very essential social skills
or a personality
You are boring af too

I have seen ethnic 5'4 ugly guys with a lot of female friends
and who have had multiple girlfriends
What they lack in looks
they make up in personality and social skills.
10 posts and 2 images submitted.

But girls generally like me as a person, they just don't want to have sex with me.

I've had close friendships, just not relationships

OP is retarded to pretend that being short's not a disadvantage. I'm assuming that it's just bait
Yeah I'm a boring piece of shit with no personality who can barely interact with other human beings, I knew that already.
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You know its funny I used to go out a lot. Bars, clubs and parties. Yet I've never seen ONE of these hypothetical short fat balding guys pulling hot girls. Its always the same generic white 6'2 handsome chad tier type guys getting all the attention. Yet on the internet I heard all the time of these ugly guys getting chicks because they're so confident/funny/cool. Really makes you wonder.

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>terror attacks every day
>Democrat civil war
>Turkey attacking NATO and triggering Crusade X as I type this
Praise KEK.

We thank ye for these blessings you have bestowed upon us.
4 posts and 3 images submitted.
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meme magic is retarded
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Your feelings on that matter are inconsequential. Lord KEK controls all.
if dubs, even liberal europe will fear the muslim invaders before this year ends.

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Official /r9k/ weebshit tiers:

Normalshit tier
>Miyazaki/Ghibli films, Pokemon, DbZ
Normalfag (but slightly socially awkward) tier
>Naruto, Attack on Titan, other battle shounen series
Cyborg tier
>EVA, Cowboy Bebop, Paprika, Tatami Galaxy (more artsy "adult" anime, especially from the same directors as these)
Slightly autistic but still not robot tier
>Madoka Magica, Bakemonogatari, Re:zero (popular anime that have some moe/fanservice elements to it)
Robot tier
>Moe/SOL shows (Non Non Biyori, Kiniro Mosaic, etc.) and Ecchi/Haremshit (High School DXD, To-Love-Ru), animated hentai
Wizard tier
>Doujinshi/hentai manga, Visual novels/eroge/dating sims, old anime pre-2000 that nobody gives a shit about anymore
Ascended tier
>Extreme fetish hentai/eroge, Untranslated Visual Novels, any other content that requires extensive Japanese knowledge to explore

If you enjoy nothing below robot tier, then you need to either try harder or GTFO.
50 posts and 22 images submitted.
Why didn't you use any specific examples below robot tier? Looks like you to need to try harder or get the fuck out
All anime is for fags
If you're looking for recs for something in the Ascended tier, then I would recommend reading Euphoria (released by mangagamer) as a good starter pack. I didn't bother with examples at that point because the categories were too broad, and most people wouldn't know what I was talking about.
Normalfag tier
>Miyazaki/Ghibli films, Pokemon, DbZ
Normalfag tier
>Naruto, Attack on Titan, other battle shounen series
God tier
>EVA, Cowboy Bebop, Paprika, Tatami Galaxy (more artsy "adult" anime, especially from the same directors as these)
Normalfag tier
>Madoka Magica, Bakemonogatari, Re:zero (popular anime that have some moe/fanservice elements to it)
Normalfag tier
>Moe/SOL shows (Non Non Biyori, Kiniro Mosaic, etc.) and Ecchi/Haremshit (High School DXD, To-Love-Ru), animated hentai
Normalfag tier
>Doujinshi/hentai manga, Visual novels/eroge/dating sims, old anime pre-2000 that nobody gives a shit about anymore
Normalfag tier
>Extreme fetish hentai/eroge, Untranslated Visual Novels, any other content that requires extensive Japanese knowledge to explore

Ask me how I know you're a normalfag OP?

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Who is currently holding their poo right now?
>tfw too lazy to go to the bathroom
>also 0 toilet paper
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
oh shit thanks for reminding me, its been so long I forgot I was holding it in. Bathroom time.
it's nice to see le epic donut man around here again :^)
I'm actually doing the opposite. I am on the toilet pushing toilet paper dildoes into my butt. Can post picks if you want.
Not poo, but I hold my pee all the time. It's such a chore to go all the way to the bathroom. And the time it takes to wash your hands takes an eternity

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who /footfag/ here?

I always wonder what girls feet smell like. Makes my dick rock hard.
35 posts and 9 images submitted.
footfag here
I like feet, but only smelly ones. I generally like most bad (or distinct) body smells from attractive girls.
So you mean you like attractive girls.
>who /footfag/ here?

checking in.

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Do you guys produce any precum? How much? Does it always happen?

I'm 19 and I can't precum for some reason, throughout my life it has only happened like a handful of times. All of those times involved an unique level of turn on, but I'm not sure why or how to replicate it (once I just woke up in the middle of the night with a raging erection and my briefs were covered in the stuff)

Any ideas why that is? I have this theory that I produce it, but it doesn't leak out properly and instead just sits in the urethra waiting to burst out when my ejaculation does
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
Could you please reply ;__;
I've heard pygeum could help.
I actually have a problem with precum, if i get too horny I start producing precum and I've stained my underwear
Yes, I'm going to order some

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post the piece you smoked out of tonight, post the piece you wish you smoked out of tonight

>general stoner thread
71 posts and 16 images submitted.
Your mother

oregano in oregon
>tfw no weed

this is not a good kind of feel
4chan and weed were ment for eachother tbqh
I'm smoking with a small glass pipe, I wish I was still at the weedmans place we were dabbing last night

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Mfw the pizza guy is 7 minutes late
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
How will this affect his tip?
Not at all because I'm a little bitch
>lazy to make a pizza at home with his mommy
>Not at all because I'm a little bitch


>Tell people I'm a 24 year old neet
>They pity me

>Tell people I'm 24 and work for $9/hr with no degree
>They treat me like disgusting trash

S-should I just become a NEET again?
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Work at a chain restaurant and work your way up to managerial status. It's easy to do and the payoff is fantastic. You make twice as much for nothing, really.
I quit my min wage job. I used to rant about how my boss disrespected me on r9k a lot and people just ignored my threads or called me a fag. Its like it was impossible for anyone to imagine that I could actually have found my job degrading
They won't make me a manager though, I'm too short

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