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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 7383. page

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Im bored so..

Lets have a Cat vs Dog thread
Who is the superior animal!
Give your best arguments
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
Cat pee smells shit
pls post something

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Pic related is all you need

Dogs are eager to guide you and work for you and cats don't give a fuck
Well it depends: if you want a warm, loving, companion who'll always be there for you, and actually does some shit get a dog. Whereas if you're a cuck, who likes to watch balls of fluff sleep and clean themselves, get a cat.

Cats are the women of domestic pets.

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gonna see rogue one later today if i've sobered up enough to drive
goshdarn i'm excited

ramonaposter here
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
It's not that good anon

They don't do anything to make you care about the characters and it doesn't feel like a star wars movie until the last scene
Too many non white males in leading roles.
It's a pretty good movie. They don't let you know the characters names though. I only remembered Jyn and K2's names by the end of the movie. even though Donnie Yen's character was my favourite I don't have a fucking clue what his name was.
I never saw this pic of Taylor, thanks anon

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Land ho! Boy I sure do feel refreshed, what an exhilarating day, am I right my fellow neets? Hmmm? What's that? Why it's the collective grumble of the wageys, still begrudgingly flipping burgers and inputting data! Don't worry, you're ALMOST off the clock! After all, another day another dollar
Now while you slaves were busy making lots of money for Doctor Nosenburg I was tackling a life changing adventure of self discovery and philosophy, all at the top of Mount Everest! Boy it feels good to be truly free
14 posts and 5 images submitted.

Did the Pepe in the zipline thread get deleted? Can't see it anywhere in the archive.
Boop n beep
God damm cant someone just draw the rest of neet pepes body? Yall keep spitting out helpers,pepes,and wojaks but not neets
I'm doing just fine thank you, NEET. Me and the missus have reservations at that new five star restaurant, to celebrate my monthly bonus check ($10000, a bit low for me, but I did take a few weeks off this month), and then I think we might head to the cinema for a kino, before settling down in front of the fireplace to finish off with a night of passionate lovemaking.

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You are a normie if you use Spotify and Soundcloud. True robots only use Youtube to listen to music
21 posts and 4 images submitted.
thats the worst robot criteria I have ever heard
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I love youtube (<- proper response if a person says "I love you")
>caring about what other use
>not just posting good/ones you like songs
I use spotify so I can listen offline, but when I'm at home I mostly use YouTube for music

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Breasts are not an anti-depressant.

Stop making up excuses to grope and stuff your face in the breasts of your busty friend/roommate. Stop saying things like "I need my medicine" than proceed to hug her in a way that you face touches her breasts.
70 posts and 9 images submitted.
I've never touched breasts and I'm depressed as fuck.
How do you explain that then, OP?
I make friends with busty girls just so I can play with their tits.

Does that bother you?
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>>Make friends with girls
>>Make friends at all
>Breasts are not an anti-depressant.
Right, but they ARE made for my cock.

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What are some ways for robots to make money fast? I've been thinking of stealing phones whenever it's not too risky, and then selling them.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
bumperino to be honesterino with you famerino
stealing phones and wallets.

The best are to steal from teenagers, why? because they don't have credit cards so they literally carry around $50-100 on them at all times. quickest cash you'll ever make.
Got any techniques or tips to share?
Just mug people in brooklyn or something

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I am extremely emotional unstable and I don't know how to deal with it.

I feel hurt, enraged, and madly in love all at once, and it's incredibly exhausting.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
You're not in love.
That's very true, but god do I ever feel like I am.
Coping skills and time. Your life is going to get better. Mine is going to get much, much worse. I'll be working until I find myself unable to retire, I'm sure you can infer what that means.
It will pass senpai.

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I haven't had a conversation with anyone defined as a friend or an acquaintance in about six months, although I do have a girlfriend; she is the only person outside of my family who I talk too

Who else here is finding themselves increasingly isolated, and what are your thoughts about this?

I find there is almost literally no point in trying to make friends in the West (maybe just Britain?), mostly because I now find most people's attitudes and opinions creepy and immoral.
241 posts and 55 images submitted.
>6 months
Oh you poor baby. 28 year old NEET faggot who hasn't had a friend since I was a child here, get the fuck on my level bitch.
I'm there with you except my gf just broke up with me Wednesday so now I'm completely alone... I'm trying to get her back . Thanks for subscribing to my blog
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You are my friends.
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stop being a faggot and make some friends

nobody is born redpilled. if you want to hang around redpilled people create redpilled people you passive cuck. your complacency is the epitome of what is ruining this generation

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Wall to keep chestlets out when?
17 posts and 4 images submitted.
As much as I like fat titties, a wall that keeps 80% of the population out would be catastrophic for our already tumultuous gender dynamics.
Trump won't build anything
*keeps 80% of the female population
Small tits are superior.
>More sensitive
>Don't sag
>Won't turn into fried eggs as the years drag on
>Aren't an expression of Oedipal desires
>Normally attached someone who's less stuck up

When will you udderlovers learn?

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Let's have a civil conversation about who "belongs" on /r9k/, as there's been quite some controversy recently.

Topics of interest:

>Gf possessors
>18-22 year olds

What do you think?
32 posts and 6 images submitted.
Idk man
I'm 18
Do YOU think I should leave?

My opinions:

>Gf possessors
Yes. There are some fucked-up women out there who fall for even robots, so it's not impossible. Happy relationships are much rarer.

Yes. it's high school 2.0 and many robots are forced to go anyway.

Yes. Once again, it's not a matter of choice for most.

Losing virginity to a prostitute out of desperation is pretty pathetic in itself. Getting laid on a regular basis, however, means you should GTFO.

>18-22 year olds
They're annoying sometimes, but have empathy. You were probably very similar when you were that age and would have appreciated communities like /r9k/.

Any time the phrase "I'm a girl btw" comes into a thread, it is completely ruined. Femanons, if you want to stay, keep quiet about your gender. It's a cry for attention and you know it.

My only question is, why are you here? You're the same age as many high schoolers and you already wallow in this shithole.
Im 21, have a gf, 2 jobs and in college. I come here just to remind myself what failyre and giving up looks like.

This place motivates me to never be like you all. Sometimes I can relate other times I cant but the bottom line is you people are just losers who blame everyone and every thing. Every nota of existence for your own personal demons.

Thats what i get out of this hoard anyway.

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>tfw you're the ugly friend
11 posts and 7 images submitted.

How are those considered Halloween costumes? They look like prostitutes.
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I am that friend. I'm ugly. I'm tired and depressed too.

Pls can someone let me have an ugly gf pls
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>They look like prostitutes.
Don't talk like that about Taytay
"Taytay" is a whore lad

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care to solve some riddles, /r9k/?
20 posts and 5 images submitted.
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they get more difficult as we go
that last one was easy mode, this is medium difficulty
I also love being laser crab'd
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now a final exam of all your knowledge
the hardest riddle i have ever created
can you solve it?
Last night I SKREEEONNK Crabbed your sister

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>she browses r9k frequently
>she browses r9k at all
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
100% chance she got a dick
:3c hehe~
dududududuuudu do didi do di du di dudiddudidu!
dududududuuudu do didi do di du di
__ ___ ______ ___!
I've know at least one actual girl irl who browses this board so there's that.

Anyone who frequents this place unironically should raise a few red flags in your mind

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What does this board think of inheritance tax?
121 posts and 7 images submitted.
Inheritance tax should be 100%. One's lineage should not be proof of their ability in the market.
That's Anti-American anon, off to to Bible camp with you!
that sounds pretty terrible.
Sounds like you're pretty weak.

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>somehow manage to get gf
>constantly feel inferior to her
>feel like my very presence is a burden
>always afraid of being cucked
>still no idea what good qualities anyone could see in me

you guys said this would make me happy but i feel worse than ever
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
That's what happens when you don't deal with your problems and try to fake it till you make it in a relationship
Definitely, I don't understand how most here complain about not getting a gf. They would have too many mental problems for a working relationship.
i see a psychiatrist and am on meds currently, it's an ongoing process
i didn't expect it to magically make my life great but at the same time, I didn't expect to feel worse either
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She's riding prime Chad dick RIGHT NOW

If you're certain she isn't, she's thinking of riding prime Chad dick RIGHT NOW

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> Be me
> Have three close friends in the world
> Argue with one
> All three get angry at me
> Have no friends
> Now I have to re-adapt to solitary lifestyle
> Want to kill myself for the first time in almost 2 months
> Know nobody online can help
> Know r9k will encourage it

Other than suicide, what should I do?
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Try apologizing? I don't see how they can stop being your friends over an argument.
It's a more deep-seated issue and I've already apologised. They aren't going to forgive me.
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Tell me a little about it, anon. What's the issue?
kill urself xDDDD

>tfw you look exactly like the girl you have had a crush on since 9th grade.
This has to be some extreme case of narcissism or some cruel and twisted joke.
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Not seeing it OP
How exactly do you look like her?
Am I going legitimately mad, or are you guys just trolling? I start to freak out whenever I see a picture of her because all I can see is my face and it feels so wrong stalking her all these years and jerking off to her social media accounts. I can only see my face in hers.
Alright, that's acceptable.

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>Tfw have amazing and brilliant ideas for books, comics, art, songs.

>Tfw addicted to this place and can't put my ideas to action.

Sigh. ..
57 posts and 16 images submitted.
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>It's that "lazy genius, attention whore" thread again
There's no such thing as a lazy genius. You either do great things, or you don't. Ideas that aren't acted upon are worthless.
This is the first time I made this thread. What are you talking about?
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>the "I have huge potential at things I've never had the motivation to really try and have no way of determining my actual talent level" meme

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r9k how do I get a lanky nerdy feminine bf with curly hair
7 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>tfw i fit the description almost perfectly
i won't be your bf tough

Date that faggot who plays abathur or whatever it's name is.
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>tfw too short to be lanky
>tfw not feminine
>tfw not gay either so neither of the first two mattered
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>tfw my best friend fits this description and he will NEVER date me

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I probably would at this point, better than nothing
29 posts and 4 images submitted.
quit reposting this stupid thread faggot
too lazy for that
i'd rather find entry tier job where i can fuck around for shitty pay
Sounds good to me. The only objection anyone brings up is that she won't respect you and end up cheating, but who cares if all you've been doing is leeching off her up to that point?

Hell, you could literally end up getting alimony, it's not even unrealistic, just uncommon because there are so few househusbands.
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She can't wait to cheat on him with her new coworker Chadgeneer.

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>tfw my therapist says "Autistic brains are in a lot of ways superior to regular brains"

Any of you niggas doing therapy right now?
19 posts and 1 images submitted.
Bump, a thread with potential for a change.

Yea, I'm doing therapy. I find it incredibly useless.
Why's that?

I'm only just going to this new therapist, only my 2nd meeting. She's pretty okay, at the moment we're trying to get over my crippling fear of making phone calls.
>Why's that?
Talking in a room doesn't change the reality outside of that room.
I mean I guess I can see that. For me, the good part of therapy is learning to cope with outside shit. Yeah the world is a horrible place but normies seem to be okay with that, so I might as well figure out a way to live in it.

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Have any of you guys ever moved out of home into shared housing? How is it? Any advice?

reddit humor pic unrelated
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
well i guess that about sums this up
absolutely awful.
why are you posting tumblr screencaps here


The other tenants will disrespect you any chance they get. They'll eat your food, use your dishes/cooking equipment, throw away your mail, have parties, and constantly invade your personal space. Don't bother with shared housing if you have a beta personality and you're ugly. If you're not a tall attractive muscular guy that will immediately think it's okay to steal from you.

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Anyone here use Caffine Pills?

Do the work, side affects, best ones?
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
They work best for staying alert when sleep deprived. Basically, if I'm running on only a few hours of sleep (happens every couple weeks or so), I'll take 200mg and that wakes me up for a good 4 hours or so before I get fatigued again. I drink black tea daily but no coffee, so I do have a light tolerance.

No bad side effects that I noticed. Space out your use, keep a healthy sleep schedule when possible, and you shouldn't notice problems.
Yes. They help immensely, and pair really well with L-Theanine. I usually take 200mg of caffeine and L-Theanine in the morning at about 9 o'clock and occasionally take another dose of caffeine at 1PM.
Don't overdose it and you should be fine.
Yes, no side effects any different from normal energy drinks faggot. Wtf they're all the same. Just buy the cheapest.
You have to have like 3 before u'll notice anything

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Post your requirements for a gf

>Woman (female)
>At most 50 lbs overweight, anything less is fine

That's it, that's literally it. I have my own apartment, make 50k a year, and am not completely autistic. I might just have to kill myself.
38 posts and 14 images submitted.
>>woman (female)
Thanks for the clarification man
>younger than 16
Woman = gender
Female = sex

They is saying they wants someone femalebodied.
>not modern westernised

Thats all i really need.

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I am 23yo NEET
>realized it's christmas this week
>forgot to buy mom a present
>too late to order shit online
>decided to go to the shopping mall
>hate the idea, especially since I haven't left home for past 3 months
>also i live in 3rd biggest city in my country so it's shitton of people there now
>already bought dad a present before so I would feel like shit if I gave her nothing
>it's once a year, so i say to myself "oh well fuck it"
>getting ready bath, shaving etc takes fkin forever but at least i look like human
>no driver's licence so i go to the bus stop
>once there i start roaming around briefly checking stores
>hundreds maybe thousands of people walking past me
>it's a mall so most of them are females
>literally dozens of chicks around me looking all cute in winter clothes
>some my age, some younger
I think it's important to point out that I am a slav living in his homeland
which means 3/4 of them are clearly above the average and many of them are top of the scale
>some walk in groups, some with their bfs or alone all in haste
>so as I walk around with equivalent of 50$ in my pocket trying to find a present for my mother it struck me
I completely missed out on something that for all those people around me is simple everyday routine
this time not only >tf no gf
it all felt so abstract
I felt like a scubadiver diving on coral reef for the first time
like a diver I was amazed yet could only observe but not participate
it would seem it's all within a reach but it's not true

i missed my chance to adapt in society and now I am like a different species
doesn't feel good lads

I just wanted to get mom a present that's all
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
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I know this feel too my man.
I'm maybe not as isolated as you, I'm 22, had (shitty) jobs, had friends, went to uni (dropped out), now I'm NEET too. I always felt like I was missing out in something that's natural for other people. It started whwn I was around 15, before I was more autistic and didn't care.I almost got used to that feel so it wasn't as heavy. ButI remember going grocery shopping with my dad few weeks ago and seeing qts and people my age/younger in the streets, groups meeting for evening plans and I felt like absolute shit. Well at least you got presents for your parents. I wouldn't know what to get mine and they're not too fond of me because of my lifestyle.
>It started when I was around 15, before I was more autistic and didn't care. I almost got used to that feel so it wasn't as heavy.
it was kinda the same for me
back then I was still really into vidya so i could escape and it took me occupied
i work shitty summer jobs each year so i don't have to ask parents for money I already feel like shit being as it is now
i dropped out, business analysis pretty cool actually but extreme anxiety for this many years takes it's toll sadly
tried different pills, even therapy meme nothing works
i would an hero long ago if it wasn't for my parents to be honest

thanks for replying and sharing anon
What did you end up getting her?
Yeah, therapy is a meme. Noone can help you if you just don't know where to go in life and just are sure about what you aren't. I also tried pills but I quit it, alcohol worked for me for some time but now my anxiety is too high for that

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