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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 10983. page

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CHAD monkeys FUCK white girls with their cheeky monkey dicks while you sit at home shitposting
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
kek what the fuck is this shit
At least you're realizing it instead of crying and starting a nigger hate thread. Thats the first step.
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just a lil monkey gettin what he needs
and then they say they won't date us because of our hygiene but it's just a meme and then get with monkeys who fling their turds at people it's just not fair

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I would literally murder someone for a nice hot apple pie atm

6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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What do you want it for? Fucking?
Your mommy won't give you one?
Like a dollar at mcdonalds man, calm down. you can find that much money on the ground in America
I'm beginning to think you people are too easily irritated

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>slowly realizing every day that I'm so alone that I'm getting attached to people for even the smallest shit
>getting attached to anons that (You)
>to anyone that isn't intermediately mean to me
>anyone who recognizes that I exist

This is a path of faggotry I dont want to go, every day I'm more clingy to people that don't even know me, I'll end stutter typing and pretending to be a trap, what can I do
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
I know that feeling. Sometimes I lay up at night imagining what they're doing right now. Just random Anons.
What does it mean?
I'm somehow becoming more clingy and more afraid of people
Very original desu
get out normies
get out

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Remember anon, you've got a friend in me
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Sounds good indeed
> this bitch
Ayy no, i'd rather kill myself now instead of a life of only sadness and selfpity wait a second...

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Name one good thing about porn?

Protip:r9k probably can.
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
it gives people with no chance at getting laid a way to let our their frustrations vicariously
although that can be bad too
It helps me relieve my sexual tension.

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Asian guy here. I don't see enough WMAW couples to make me feel jealous.

Are you even trying?
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
Where do you live? You probably never leave the house. Pretty much any major university in the US/Canada/Australia you're going to see it everywhere. You can't stop it, just let it happen.
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>You can't stop it, just let it happen.

whatever you say Chad
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I promise you I don't see it enough to make me jealous. It's like you aren't even trying to cuck me.
Where's the video of that.

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How reputable is the "hymen tears and causes bleeding only if the female is a virgin" belief? Is there a way that the hymen would tear before sexual intercourse, or is it an accurate indicator of virginity?

Also, in regards to roasties (or labia that hangs out like a roast beef sandwich).
Does that mean that the female has had rough sex and damaged her vagina, or are you just born with it.

Need proof for any claim, pls. No bs feminist shit telling us to accept every womyn as she is or that all women are born with no hymens yadda yadda.
40 posts and 11 images submitted.
its probably not black and white. why would you think it would be
>The hymen

It can be worn away by activities other than sex, like riding bikes a lot. Also, it can tear more than once. I took an ex-gf's virginity and the first 3 times we had sex, it ended with her bleeding everywhere.

Unless she stretches her labia intentionally, she's born with it. It just looks really bad and it's fun to troll women with it because it makes them feel as helpless as men do when they say lel you have a small penis. Roasties really do look bad though and it can be a deal breaker
It is an absolute, though. Some claim that it is the perfect indicator of virginity, while others claim that it breaks due to non-sexual behaviour more frequently (or frequently enough for it to NOT be a reliable indicator). So which is it, if you claim one of them, then it is an absolute. The other claim opens up a gray area.

Also, for the labia thing, you can either be born with the roasite or have it done to you. If you are born with it, does this not mean it is genetic? How can it be done to you if it is heritable?

I think the hymen claim is accurate, but on the topic of roasties, if they are born with it, does this not mean that they inherited the trait? If that is the case, is it then possible to alter the labia (from innie to outie), like some claim?
It seems like if you're born with it, that's it, instead of it being a medium which you can jump back-and-forth between, or only go from innie to outie.
It can become damaged overtime and it's never really "sealed", but it's also hard to wholly rip it outside of sex or similar penetration. It's not really a cover, more like a ring that gets stretched/ripped/parted more and more overtime.

Born with it for the most part, though a ton of sex can change it a little. Childbirth though can actually cause some significant roasting. CAN being the operative word here.

Again though, born with it for the most part.

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>mfw i'm 34 and still shit my underwear
17 posts and 1 images submitted.
God damn, is this a real person? Newfag here
Isn't that literally the reason why people wear underwear?
unfortunately yes, he is an ugly tripfag that goes by the name eggman
>still shit my underwear

this is why i stopped drinking desu

shat one too many times in an alley while totally shit-faced... its goddamn humiliating to be a grown man taking a dump in an alley then not wiping

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Have not seen an Omegle thread in a while.
Use the tags, talk to robots.
Find a qt gf?

The possibilities are endless.
51 posts and 5 images submitted.
>start talking to people
>panic and dc
0/10 will not attempt again
Come find me in the negro
>90% are guys looking to sext
>9% are guys pretending to be girls wanting to sext
>1% are girls with nothing to talk about

Omegle's great. Really.
I've done this before. Ugh. And then they call me a weirdo and tell me to take off my mask.

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>Make suicide joke while playing vidya gaems.
>Normies get instantly triggered.

What the fuck? Is joking about killing yourself not acceptable? I'm being serious when I say I don't really understand what the issue is.
24 posts and 6 images submitted.
Probably it wasn't funny and they were creeped out.

What's so creepy about it though?
You're probably pathetic enough that they took it seriously. And delivery/context is everything: even rape jokes can be funny in the right context with the right tone.
>At a bench with a friend doing nothing
>He just says: "I'm with a strange desire to die today"
>Stand there silent for a moment... "Yeah, me too I think"

I think that's the weird thing, you are forced to see your life and that it doesn't really matter that much

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Hey r9k I got a job today
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I both pity you and envy you

how did you make it happen?
Doing what original
then what the fuck are you still doing here?
come back when you're fired
congrats my man

what is it?

What's wrong with you god-damn robots?! Always complaining and blaming us normies. I can't help the fact that I look good and get women. No wonder you're all failures
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
Your neck is the size of your head
No... No it's not. The taller the better, the thinner the winner. I'm a true chad
Wow you look like that guy that my ex hooked up with 30 minutes after I dumped her. I've never posted on this board before but it is very entertaining since I used to be a cringy beta virgin but by some miracle outgrew it. Its like looking at a time capsule from back when I was a different person. Might have something to do with all that acid I ate, but fuck it I get laid more at least.
I see. I cucked you then eh :) Oh well old chap, maybe next time you will get laid. Oh you neckbeard

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>tfw goy quit his job
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
just outsource to chinagoys
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You gave me a kike wojak, please accept my nazi wojak

My girlfriend just said this to me. What should i make of this? "I pretend to not be close to people a lot. like people will ask about you or another friend of mine and i lie and say i don't know them well"
10 posts and 3 images submitted.

Nothing of note to take from this.
Shes embarassed by you.
She likes to act like she is single.
She will probably cuck you before you know it.

get de fug out XD

it's reeeeeee time

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Who /mumbler/ here?

>what did you say anon?
>I'm sorry what?
>I'm sorry, you don't have to yell, geez!
15 posts and 5 images submitted.

"Woah calm down there you have a bad attitude and need to work on it"

mumble mumble mumble
I had to work in a call centre once. No only was the boss a dick but he kept bringing my mumbling up the absolute faggot. He used to put ,e on the spot like every other shift or something.
I am sometimes, but the main reason people can't hear me is because I'm incredibly soft spoken. If I'm somewhere loud like a concert or a bar, I can speak as loudly as possible right into a persons ear and they won't hear a word I say. It's awful
why do normies do this? are they fucking deaf?? shut the fuck up and listen carefully for once REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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>not born a big titted pretty Asian girl with a perfect pale puffy pussy
>not born a qt petite Slav with DFC and wide hips and youthful face
>not born a generic white Stacey with the body of a supermodel and a perfect thicc ass and tits

Give me one good reason I should remain alive.
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>you will never have a bf who will hold you and love you forever
>you will never be in an idyllic heterosexual marriage
Pretty sure there's more reasons to live than just those.
you shouldn't, bebe
No Asian girls are born big tittied. The only ones with big boobs are either fat or had titty injections.

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I get being virgin and kv over 20 years old, I really do, but how the fuck can you spend two decades of your life without holding a girl's hand?
23 posts and 4 images submitted.
20 kv. 21 soon. girls have even asked me out but they scare me

Why? They are just human beings. Imagine being in her place
When they use it here it isn't just holding hands but having a relationship that make holding hands mean something...from there to sex is just opportunity
i held hands in church once 8 years ago

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This is probably not appreciated, but I'll just post it.
Since /soc/ is shit, maybe we could look for robot friends here?
I'll just post my pre-made /soc/ pasta.


>Sexual Orientation

>Relationship Status

>Text / Mic / Cam
text and mic, no cam

>Favorite Music
DnB, Goa
favorite band:
death grips :^)

>Favorite Books
I don't really read fiction, mostly science/philosophy related books
some of my favorites are:
-The World as Will and Representation
-Notes from Underground
-The Gay Science
-Naked Lunch

>Favorite Vidya
CS:GO (currently DMG), CS:S, PoE, Osu!

Vidya, CS, Natural sciences, Chess, Imageboards, Philosophy, Literature

>What boards do you use?
/his/, /vg/, /lit/, /sci/ mainly browsing alternative chans tho.

>Are you Interested in Skype groups?
99% of all group-chats are absolute cancer.
If your chat is actually good and its content isn't only constant meme-posting I MIGHT be interested in it.

>What languages do you speak?
german, english

>What are you looking for?
People sharing my interests
People to play cs:go/chess with.

>not looking for
Constant memers and weeabos

>Contact info
skype: absurd0n
please leave why you've added me
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
soc belong to soc you normie piece of shit
leave my board now
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I will participate because I am a soulless lonely degenerate :)


>sexual orientation

> text mic cam
Text, mic

>favorite music
Traditional emo
Electronic punk
Bands/artists: Merchant Ships, empire! Empire!, park Jefferson, mac miller, yellawolf, KNOWER, gorillaz

The count of Monte cristo
Star Wars: the thrawn trilogy

>games (in order of most played)
World of warcraft (rp and pvp), league of legends. I bing play Osu! CS:GO very casually.

Games, writing, politics, anime, /r9k/

Mostly interested in discord groups but I guess I wouldn't mind joining Skype groups is people wanted me in them

>What are you looking for?
Friends. An end to my loneliness. Maybe an online bf

>not looking for
Mean people.

>anime (OK I'm a big fan of anime but it dosent Control my life, and if you don't like anime you won't ever hear about it)
Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ghost in the shell. Vampire knight. Yuru yuri. Lucky star. Non non biyori.

Respond to me here for contact info if you are trying to link up, maybe play some WoW lol.

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2 posts and 1 images submitted.
i play like shit in overwatch just to make people like you mad

torb using only hammer
pistol only mercy
symmetra on attack

get at me

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Have you robots ever thought that you could go for a change in scenery? I've lived for 4 fucking years in NYC and hate it. I've travelled to the Dominican Republic a few times on holidays and really took a liking for tropical countries. I feel that changing scenery would really help with my depression and general disappointment in life. Currently saving up for a trip to a tropical country. haven't really decided which one yet. Do any other robots share this feel?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.

If you have no responsibilities (a woman, kids, important job) just do whatever you want
Going to Hawaii with grandparents in a month. maybe it will help, if only temporary
Bumperino niggerino neighborino origino
I actually thought about moving there permanently, but then I looked at the prices...

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3 posts and 3 images submitted.
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I just got home from a date and updated my facebook status to in a relationship
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Mods won't ban normies because the main rule of /r9k/ outside of global rules is original content, which the robot does by itself. This board isn't wizchan.

So it's up to you. For once in your lives, stop being a submissive faggot and stand up to the normal faggotry you despise so much.

The greatest first step you can do is IGNORE obvious bait threads. The moment you ignore them is when you have power over them.
Sage, filter and hide everything else.


Who makes the best tendies? Pic is a new brand I'm trying.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
They are kinda good. Not rubbery or over processed, but it's a little greasy and tough.
At least there's no nasty shit in it that you'd find in the majority of commercially produced meat products.
Consider trying veganfaggotendies sometime, they're magically delicious.
Weaver, no contest
I would say Tyson from personal experience but I haven't tried a lot of different brands.

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Who /snazzy/ here?

>$500 neetbux a week
>dress like pic related
>go to mall and shop/eat
>get fawned over by all the shorties

Is this what it's like to be successful? The poon game is ridiculous.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
None of us would no matey. Also, stop using the meager money you get to buy status symbol. You're poor as shit. Time to save up for a cardboard box. Living in the street will make you sick.
Is shitposting at an all time low for /r9k/? Based on OPs poor performance I say yes.
How the fuck do you get 500 a week. Ssi is monthly.

NEETbux, broseph. My dad is a physician.

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hi does anyone know how to get japanese gf ty
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
Start by learning jap
That's what im doing right now
Is she reading the Quran? kek
Just download YYC, it's a jap dating app that has plenty of qt japs looking for a foreigner bf with good English and a passport

I was talking to Jap friend a while ago, he says that all Jap girls see European guys as "Princes or something"

If you find a qt Jap girl, and you make friends with her, 100% chance she'll be your gf

If you're white that is

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>women think that if you don't like something, and fully explain why you don't like something, it's a personal attack on them
This is why you will never have a conversation with a woman that you couldn't have, in much more detail, with a man. Ask a woman about her favorite movie and she will tell you what it is, but not why she liked it. Ask a man what his favorite movie is and you will most likely have an entire conversation about movies for the next couple hours.
140 posts and 28 images submitted.
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And before you fags accuse me of sperging out, she started the conversation by telling me she was drawing Pokes in her sketchbook, and I followed it up with I recently tried to play Pokemon Blue on my brick GameBoy.

> being in middle school
Sorry, but we're both 20.
Just call her a fucking casual and move on

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