Do you often pretend that the girls you masturbate to are your girlfriends?
Nice girl you've got here
only the fictional ones. it's weird if I fap to people I encounter in the real world and there's no emotional content in porn.
U goys wanna tell me who she is
No. Actually, beta as it may sound, I can't even masturbate when it's someone that I have the slightest interest of being my girlfriend.
>don't know who your dad is
you already lost
Half German half Scottish
>tfw 6'3", can grow a beard, and hangovers don't exist in my blood
Full on white South African
>6'3 ultra chad born in georgia to two white parents
>star football player in high school
>enlisted in army, joined special forces and made it to Delta Force before becoming an officer
>killed a bunch of people and probably cheated on my mom a ton of times in various countries around the globe
I wish I was joking. The bar isn't set high, it's in fucking space.
I'm describing my dad here before there's any confusion, I think I misread the thread to be "describe your dad" instead of describe your heritage
>look in mirror
>acne looks like it's healing up well
>feel good, go to my car
>look at myself in the rear view mirror
>all these acne marks on my face
kys uggo
you'll be happy forever if you kill the beautiful people
better than abscesses. working through one of those fuckers now
Anyone else /resistantacne/ here?
Any time I try a new method to reduce my acne it works for 2 or 3 days and then the acne comes back worse than ever. Seriously, it's like insects growing resistant to an insecticide.
I'm starting a Computer Science degree right now. Second year. Started learning C++.
I know some of you have the answers I seek.
>How much does it matter if I have a Bachelors of Arts vs Bachelors of Science?
>Would switching into a BA limit or hurt my job prospects?
>Will employers ask what specific Bachelors degree I have?
I like my coding classes and am serious about learning it and making a career, but I'm having trouble in my math classes. I feel like getting all the way to Calc 3 is a big barrier that I don't feel is worth it. So i'm looking at info about changing majors, just to explore my options.
Avoid anything that involves game design.
Also, have fun competing with Pajeet. This is coming from someone who already works in the industry.
This. I'm working in immigration law processing H-1B visas. There is literally no point in being a western citizen and going into accountancy or IT. You are completely fucked. You WILL be outsourced, and I will help them to come into the U.S and take your job. The labor certification process is a joke and easily gamed by employers who want to fork out $4000 less a year to Sanjeb.
If youre having that much trouble with math you probably wont be doing any programming that would care about ba vs bs.
Also, learn something else like java or csharp cause no one is gonna want to hire you for c++ shit when you cant into maths.
Sauce: my ass, but it probably accurate.
How many H-1B pajeets are there for engineering/technical jobs? I hear companies pushed the engy shortage meme just to get more of them.
>ITT: Ask someone who just spent three and a half months in a psychiatric hospital anything.
I was literally just discharged yesterday.
what did you to get in there, what did you do in there?
Any hot pussy in there? You try to fuck any of it?
why not start your thread off with a little backstory about how you got there, and a little about your experience? Instead of looking like a stupid redditor?
dubby dubs of desired discussion direction
how does it feel to cum inside a juicy tight pussy and anal
Pretty good
also anal is a meme
Amazing. Pussy>Tit Job>anything else. The pussy leaves me feeling satisfied for hours though
I guess the best way I can describe it...
Imagine you REALLY have to take a piss and you've been holding it for hours. No imagine pissing inside of a small bottle (Some urine splashes back onto your dick) with someone who wouldn't approve in the seat next to you in the car. Then the head of your dick is VERY sore and sensitive.
feels like you have to kill the whore after for wasting your precious semen
Me talking to a girl today:
>nice to meet you. what's your name?
>Morien :)
>oh, nice. like a typical English rose name
>it's an Irish name
>... ...
>... ...
>end me, family
just say british mate.
holy shit man, next time just say something like "beautiful name, just like its beholder"
fuck m8 just say u want sum dik
is it really that hard?
Followed by a tip of the Fedora and a flash of his eye he keeps hidden behind a lock of chocolate-brown hair.
>"Look Anon. Gosh it's raining so hard now, this storm came out of nowhere. Hey, since it looks like this is in for the night, do you want to drag the duvet in here and cuddle up on the couch or something? The view from the living room is so much better, maybe there's even be lightning! We could watch a movie if you like, or you could play more of your music like the other night, or we could just talk for a while?"
[ ]
I bet anime did this.
Oh god, here we go again...
>XD I'll bait anons with this!1!!
ouch, right in the feels, have an upvote OP.
ITT: post your cringe or edgelord throwaway poetry or writings
Things you basically give anon permission to use freely. Doesn't matter if it is good or not, mine never are. Wrote one last night that kind of just fell out of me as if the old me were trying to claw to the surface.
Will post after typing.
Filled with fears
Out of tears
Rubbing bloodshot eyes
Boundless worry
He cannot bury
No matter how he tries
Lifeless stare
Too tired to care
So sick of living lies
Can't move on
Hopes are gone
He severs all his ties
Joy is drained
Naught left but pain
this should be no surprise
A darkened room
A modern tomb
This is the day he dies
A sharpened knife
To take his life
He meets with his demise
>top cringe
Guess no one is doin this then?
I am a being of undesired
a cracked neruroic
To beloved bystanders with the same guilt
now excercise justice
>I am a being of undesired
>a cracked neruroic
>To beloved bystanders with the same guilt
>now excercise justice
Uh is this a reference to something else?
>ITT: I provide sound advice to robots
My specialties include:
>relationshit, familial and emotional problems
>education, employment, business, law
>many other things
Bear in mind that some people are dealt a shit hand in life, but if you're alive, you can always improve your situation.
If I'm trans (closeted) and told someone i was gay (i do love the d though) how do i go about approaching them without seeming like a lieing dick?
Your animu pic leads me to believe you're being sincere and not a troll and I'll respond accordingly.
Approaching them in what sense? You already told them you were gay. I also need some pronouns/biological identifiers (preferably not xe xem xer).
Her / she
Coming out, basically.
exactly what qualifies you for giving advice on the topis you listed?
Dump your Qt folder
Genome sequencing >>32103079
Supporting vendor
Probably the prettiest woman I've seen on the internet
What about this nigga hours>>32103408
Who else /ESL/ here?
How goes your progress and how fluent are you?
Me try very hard
i before e is a meme i say
perhaps i should just stick to my threads on /int/? Maybe stay on the kraut?
What say you? Nation?
ETL masterrace with white-collar level command of the language.
I don't like /int/. Censorship judging by your flag.
English is hard.
English as third language? Impressive
i am proud to speak that i'm very fluent now this days
they all look very skinny
will i be considered gross or what? i want to dress up as superheroines mostly so yeah
im shaped like her but a lil more muscular
Post pic and we'll let you know
Everyone and everything is considered gross by some people. Go4it
pics or it aint never happened
Do a masculine cosplay
Whenever someone is feeling extremely anxious, others will often say "just breathe". But whenever I try to do this, it just makes me MORE anxious. Can anyone else relate? Deep breathing does not calm me down at all. It just makes me more aware of my heart rate.
Shallow breaths or deep breaths?
Work on visualization, it can be a really powerful thing. If I feel anxious I imagine it as being this toxic green cloud inside of me. I then imagine it leaving my body through my nose as I exhale. I do that a few times in a row until the green cloud is gone in my mind.
I dunno, works for me, try giving it a shot sometimes.
Focus in breathing in until your lungs hurt a little then exhaling as slowly as possible. Try it like that. Not deep breathing, lung exercising. Thank me later.
look up indian labour breathing
read up on mindfulness and do breathing meditation and body scans. really good for anxiety. especially because it deals alot with awareness of the body like in panic disorders and stuff
Tfw being a virgin past 20 is a white thing
Tfw black men have Harams of white women aged 18-30
Tfw atleast every white woman has atleast tried a black man once
Tfw Blacks are getting laid every weekend
I literally fantasize about cutting off black cocks with sheep shears.
I just can't fucking stand how blacks get all the high quality women while white women abandon us.
who cares
life is such a transient thing that fucking or not fucking barely matters
i'm just gonna find the balance of doing what feels good along with not doing what doesn't make me feel good and ride that wave of content to my grave
Imagine this retarded fuck, all days behind bars, without possibility of parole, waiting for a war that will never come... Imagine what he is thinking right now.
I'm a 21 year old black guy and I'm still a virgin
He acted unlike YOU pathetic cuck.
How fucked would you be if someone uncovered all of your 4chan posts?
I don't have any friends or a job so..
Very fucked. I'm black and I was racist against blacks in the past.
Slightly embarrased.
Hello uncle ruckus.
Not at all, cause i'm not racist, sexist, any type of "-phobic", and I don't shitpost.
Also nobody would care, because i'm nobody.
>want to travel the world
>look up travel videos on Youtube
>it's always some good looking Chad having the time of his life
>never see ugly or fat robots doing a trip around world
>tfw Chad even ruined my dream of traveling
I'm a robot and I traveled Turkey for 3 months last year. There's merely a correlation between being from a well-off family and being Chad.
Only pretty people get to have fun, of all the things your parents could have told you growing up, this is the most important one they always neglect to tell you.
>>never see ugly or fat robots doing a trip around world
Maybe you should just travel instead of looking at videos you millennial moron.
Only self obssessed fuckers/good looking people/instagram retards post that shit. Most people travel solo or with friends but dont start a goddamn youtube channel about it.
Ive traveled a fair bit and most people are pretty normal looking.
How's tinder working for you guys? Who /notugly/ here?
Getting numbers is ezpz but actually getting them to meet up with you is the hard part.
Plus whenever I meet someone from Tinder they are all just boring vapid cunts
I think that I am average.. but being 5/10 is exactly teh same as being 1/10 on Tinder. You're an invisible creep for women.
I do attract tho reallly fat planets, but unfortunately I have a phobia against fat people.
Virgin forever.
Gone on a few dates, never asked for a number. Fuck this shit. What am I even supposed to do with the number if I can't even remember her name after the "date"? Girls on Tinder are THIRSTY. And not even for Chad dick, they so desperate they willing to fuck anybody who opens with anything else other than "hey" "hey, whats up"
Post pics OP, let's see how attractive you need to be to slay serious asian puss
Do racist people, who don't have total complexes over the other race (blaming them for everything etc) even exist?
Examples: Black Lives Matter, the majority of this board
depends what you think racist means. like jared taylor?
I think the Chinese are fucking disgusting but don't really stop and consider it unless I see a gross old chinese woman spitting all over the place.
Curiously enough, I'm willing to eat Chinese food even though they're public defecators, can't stop spiiting and dripping, have no sense whatsoever for manners.
I guess I just pray the deep fat fryers will burn the filth away from my sesame chicken.
Yes. I think the white race its greater than any other and that all races should keep to themselves in their own nation states. I don't blame other races for social problems, I blame multiculturalism.
had to look him up. that sounds about right.
I guess also people who use "nigger" as an insult aimed towards black people
This is why we hate Reddit, newfags.
yeah, reddit is just tumblr for people who don't realize that they're cucks
I hope you stay banned too you edgy cunt.
Degenerates like you shouldn't be allowed a public voice
>public voice
>it was a private conversation
Amazing work friend.
>we hate reddit because of the actions done by a third party game
>one subreddit = all of reddit
I guess that means /r9k/ is now /soc/
Not exactly asking for pics of your fetish, just wondering how deep the fetish hole goes on here.
So, any confessions?
I'll start:
Dirty Fucking Furfag
>Inf4 "Yiff in hell/Kill yourself"
hardcore mom-son femdom. the ultimate fetish, but with little content.
I hope the clowns in the news cause a boom in clown girls. I am getting chubs just imagining it
Op here, I'm rather disappointed. So far everything is rather normal. I expected you guys to be into really dark shit.
>Shameless self thread bump
worshipping men and cocks
and their feet and thighs :3
also fat sweaty dicks
Tfw going to court for hitting my exgirlfriend
So what are you looking at? Jail time.
Hit that bitch again
Hardly, kid.
Suspended sentence most likely
Why would you ask me a question and then immediately answer it yourself? Because you're a faggot.
>Your value as a person is decided by the people around you
prove me wrong
Fuck off tiger faggot
Tiger is pretty swole
>This image no longer exists
Is this just me? All over the site, even with images that were just posted
Tiger bird
What are some of your favourite songs, Robros?
pic unrelated
That's some pretty nice stuff op
Don is Robot material.
God-tier song, shame it's a shitty meme now
Yes are a God-tier band
Favourite song, also from my favourite album of theirs.
>Wife is downstairs with her girlfriends
>It's raining outside so they're not going out as planned
>I'm trapped upstairs as they're talking and laughing loudly
>They all ordered pizza, wife forgot to ask me if I wanted any
I've made a terrible mistake please help me anon
I'm sorry for thinking I could be normal, is it too late to come back?
Show them the dick
Mark them all with your cum
Sneak out the window and get your own pizza
how is this any different than any other day?
stay here and browse the internet
order your own food delivered to house and make your wife bring it up to you
sounds chill to me