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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 11193. page

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>Born and living in America
>Just graduated High School
I really dislike this country and feel like our education system is complete shit, I'm generally unhappy here and want to move. Most everywhere that I'm looking at (Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands) has a near impossible immigration process. What would /rk9/ recommend?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
Just come to germany and say you're syrian.
You can get in here (Belgium) really easy.
And it's like a better Netherlands.
get the equivalent of the working holiday visa for new zealand. burgers arent in whv deal but you can get a visa just like it and work legally for year.

that should be enough time to get your foot in the door
Dumb kid who doesn't realise how good he has it.

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Oldbot here. I just came here to tell you if you do not find a girl in college things are going to be way worse after.

>girls in all classes
>forced interaction through group projects
>a million opportunities for group activities

>after college
>see the same tired old wagecucks day in day out
>all the not fat chicks have been locked into marriage
>only activities are normie shit like expensive restaurants and football games
>the only girls you interact with are being paid to deal with you (cashiers,servers)

It doesn't get better.
10 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Please someone else know this feel.
Heh im only 19 mr Robb Ott ;-'-)))
Just jerk off like the rest off us, faggot.

that's not true unless you're 30+

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The Munich gunman was 'Obsessed with mass shooters'

He was also a 'bullied loner' that hated the slutiness of women.

Do you think he came here to collect rare Elliots?
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
It's pronounced "rare rogers"
>he hated the slutiness of women

wheres the sauce for that?
Whenever this bucko got screen time all I could think of was how much he looks like The Rodge.
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Here you goo

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>"o-only robots have anxiety and depression!!"

When will this meme end?

14 posts and 1 images submitted.
shitty bait thread but anyway
Normies """Depression""" is "omg chad didn't text me as much as I wanted him to, I'm so depressed"
"an ugly looked at me I nearly had a panic attack"
fuck off roastie
fuck off stupid slut cunt
Why is it always female YouTubers who talk about their SOCIAL ANXIETY XDDDD

I fucking hate them all. How can you have social anxiety and then upload a video about it that millions will see. How does that make sense?

For fucks sakes, this whore zoella even appears on TV sometimes. I struggle to go outside without having a fucking panic attack.




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>Good morning /r9k/, my electric has been out for a few days what did I miss?
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
What kind of shithole do you live in anon?
Kentucky. I live in like this rural ass-hole so when my electricity goes out they have to work their way towards my little village-thing. They usually start in the town and work on every little settlement on the way. It sucks. I'm planning on moving to town though, their electric was back in like, three hours.
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Basically nothing. I cried yesterday because of how boring /r9k/ was.
I see we got our 30,000,000 GET, what was that like?

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what do you call a normie who

>doesn't drink much at all
>doesn't goes to any club
>no instagram,twitter,snapchat or any of that stuff
>no interest in whatever the social fad is nowadays
>can hang out with a bunch of people, but nothing more than a group of 4
>have typical nerd hobbies, no interest in fashion or latest movies, news
>no gf
>might be looked down upon by other normies

a lower tier normie? an introvert? a cyborg?
44 posts and 3 images submitted.
A goddamned faggot.
an attractive introvert
a loser senpai
this is me

>no friends
>no social media whatsoever
>socially awkward
>still get gf

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>went on 1-week holiday to Greece with parents
>go into swimming pool at hotel
>see qts and chads having tons of summer fun
>me, just lonely, sit at the edge and swim a bit
>self hatred growing
>24, overweight, no gf, no career, no achievements
>realise the 'best years of my life" are passing me by and I'm being a spectator in them
>realise I'll never get them back
>realise everybody my age has passed me by in life and I'll never catch up

I'm never going on holiday again. At least I don't come face to face with reality when I sit behind my computer.
40 posts and 11 images submitted.
Jesus is there anything worse than a family holiday when you are an adult robot?

>24 years old
>went on holiday last year with step mum, dad, step brother (11) and step sister (14)
>we went to an all inclusive resort in Morocco
>they are fat and lazy and just wanted to eat the free food and drink the free beer and sunbathe
>step-siblings happy to do the same and relax in the pool
>I am 6'4 and 110lbs so sunbathing not an option
>didn't want to do anything involving taking my shirt off
>first 2 days were OK, just ate in the free restaurant and hid in the room
>parents eventually told me 'anon we paid for this holiday you can't stay in the room the whole time'
>realise I have to look like I am enjoying myself
>the next day walk around the hotel and beach area
>make a note on some small paper from our room of every single qt in the hotel and who they are with
>make a 'checklist' that I tick off whenever I see one of them sunbathing either at the beach or the pool
>do this for a few hours, actually starting to enjoy myself
>doing it by the pool the next day
>suddenly dad storms up to me
>'anon what the hell do you think you are doing?'
>I try to quietly explain what I am doing
>he yells at me like a fucking child in frotn of everyone
>says 'you know what anon? its a holiday so we should do what we enjoy, so why don't you spend the rest of the holiday in your room?'
>bans me from leaving the room except for meal times
>whenever I go to get food in the hotel restaurant people look at me and laugh
>even the creepy shitskins who staff the hotel make jokes and call me 'sunbathe spotter'

I hate it. I hate holidays
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The last time I went to the beach was around 7 years ago
Before then I had always loved going
>grandma invites me, I turn her down at first but she begs
>her sisters and mother will be there
>I'm 19 at the time so grandma tells me I can run off and do whatever while they do old lady stuff
>realize that playing around in the water isn't all that fun by yourself
>when I walk around all I see are happy normals being happy
>couples everywhere
>groups of friends everywhere, people who didn't go to the beach with grandma
>if I walk around at night I get yelled at by roaming drunken packs of chads
>can't sleep one night due to the old lady farts so I walk downstairs at around 3am to go walk on the beach
>pass by a guy and girl making out on a bench, they look at me briefly before going back to their business
>go stand on the sand and look out on the water and realize this is going to be how my adult life plays out

Haven't wanted to vacation since
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god I love this board
>realize that playing around in the water isn't all that fun by yourself
>when I walk around all I see are happy normals being happy
>couples everywhere
>groups of friends everywhere, people who didn't go to the beach with grandma

OP here, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I had to be reminded of this reality for a whole week.

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I have psychosis/schizophrenia and I hallucinate both auditory and visually. I try to be happy every day but by the end of the day I can't help but want to kill myself. I don't see a point in living. When I'm alone all I hear is voices. I'm trying to listen to music but all I can hear is the voices. I don't know what to do with myself. Can anyone relate? Please? I'd really like to talk to someone.
30 posts and 1 images submitted.
Learn to control your powers and use them for good OP
I don't know why i haven't killed myself yet...i have everything ready.
Lovely. How are you going to do it?
Can't say I suffer the same thing, but even my parent once asked me to kill myself.

It's a funny thing.

But I won't and never will. It's a sense of accomplishment I suppose, being able to bear the brunt of all that I've experienced and yet I feel neither compelling hate or wrath or consuming despair.

I've had a stint of homelessness. I've seen the truly evil and manipulative people in action and their enjoyment of harming others. I've experienced the utter rejection of peers and friends and the trails of unrequited love.

Yet, none of it can harm me anymore. How can I be harmed by that which I'm accustomed to? These kinds of things would bear down on your average person.

Life was never about being happy. It was about being content.

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>go to barber shop
>get haircut
>"is this what you wanted?"
>its not what i wanted at all
>pay for the haircut and leave
37 posts and 8 images submitted.
This happened to be all the time, except when I asked for a no guard buzz cut. Impossible to fuck that up. Now I got my own clippers and I'm free from barbers.
>go to hairdresser
>she asks what i want
>"shorter please"
>takes out trimmer, thatsashortcut.mp4 u
>is this what you wanted?
>pay and leave

i keep going back there though, on mondays, tuesdays and thursdays between 11am and 3pm a super qt is working alone and i like watching her cut my hair
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>Ask my friend if you're supposed to close your eyes when they wash your hair at the hairdressers
>Tells me yeah, you are
>Mfw every time I've gone to the hairdressers I've had my eyes open while they wash my hair like a fucking freak
Jesus Christ

origano comment

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>eat too much
>"fuck my day is ruined I'm going to eat some more"
>go to bed wake up puffy as fuck can hear the vaginas drying around me
>compulsive eating as an answer to stress
>more shame

How do I brainwash myself to fucking fast or at least not overeat? I think I might have binge eating disorder
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Look at food for what it is instead of the pleasure you associate it with

Food is like sex, take away the pleasure and it's actually, in a more objective sense, kind of disgusting
Just lay in bed all day doing whatever. Dont try to stand up too fast though. You will pass out.
I need more. MORE. How is food disgusting? What will it cause? How can I associate the disgust I provoque in females when I try to interact with them being a fat fuck with food? I need some kind of training.

You. I need niggas who fasted. How did it go?
I felt just really tired that day, hence the whole stay in bed all day. Slept a lot. Make sure you keep water or something by your bed. Dont even try to get up to watch TV, just stay on your phone or something.

stacey gives advice to older virgins
6 posts and 1 images submitted.

Why did I even watch this? She didn't even tell the truth anyways. Look at her body language and listen to her voice. She was being very modest. She doesn't just think it's a turnoff, she thinks it's completely disgusting.
Cool thanks Stacey, all my problems are solves
she wears a lot of makeup and talks dumb imo
she gives some pretty solid advice doe

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> pokemon aren't real
16 posts and 7 images submitted.
neither are women who want to sleep with you
Thank god for that
They would be so unhappy here
They would be our slave class
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I feel you OP

>I will never. EVER. Become an electric type master
>I will never raise a voltorb

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Do you feel bad knowing Chad has easily been able to have his way with every girl you ever laid your eyes on?

That cute girl from your highschool class?
she's taken chad in her mouth and begged for more

That pretty cashier at publix?
She works so she can can afford to drive to chad's house and fuck all evening.

That one girl from your neighborhood that walks her dogs past your house every morning?
Taken chad in her asshole and moaned with pleasure.

That cute girl in your college class?
Fucked chad at a party and now has him as a fuck buddy.

That cute girl you see walking on the sidewalk?
chad has already been in there.

You just sit at home all day hoping for a day she even looks at you, a kissless virgin never experiencing love, but still hoping for the day it graces you with its presence. You think women arn't sexual but thats because they don't show this side to you. Chad? its commonplace for chad to see a womans sexual side, even from those "innocent" girls you think arn't that type of girl
81 posts and 13 images submitted.
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No, not really, because I only care about one girl and that's my girlfriend
Having multiple sexual relations with no actual feelings is pointless, might as well jerk off
Sex feels a lot better when you know the other person actually loves you, instead of being a mindless fuckmeat
I don't care if chad gets every woman in the world, as long as I'll have my girlfriend I won't give a single fuck
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Well done anon, but was your GF a virgin before you?
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No and neither was I, but does she give me shit because I stuck my dick in someone else before I even knew her?
The answer is no, because she doesn't give a fuck and neither do I.
As long as we're loyal to each other in our relationship, it doesn't matter.
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so you're saying Chad has been inside your girlfriend?

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14 posts and 2 images submitted.
pro-tip: rappers lie all the time
>same faggot who started the music feels thread

just stop.
Dude is like 5'6!
Man Eminem looks pretty retarded now a days
He should have retired

My boyfriend thinks this girl is attractive

37 posts and 14 images submitted.
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That looks like a tranny. Your boyfriend might be gay, fembot.
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My boyfriend thinks Spoony is attractive so I have you beat.

Also the girl in your video is a qt.
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>my boyfriend
Another one...
She's a qt

Are you just big and ugly so you're jealous?

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Has it begun again?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Idk, I can't tell the difference between chads and normies anymore
>I was born in germany! Stop filming this! In this neetbux-part of town, I was in medical supervision.
>I didn't do anything. Shut your face, dude.
>*shoots been fired for the first time*
>shoot to the face, an hero

t. germanfag translating our newspaper entries
so it's been filmed, the reaction of a beta uprising with audible sound of the perpetrator during his act. That will meme fast, I think the video hasn't been released yet tho
That video has been on NTV and RTL (both German TV) several times the last 24 hours
sry i dont watch normie media, give us a link normie god

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>tfw not had sex in over a week
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
>tfw you should go kill yourself
>tfw not had sex in 23 years
>tfw i dont give a shit cuz i dont go outside anyway
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Holy shit anon lol

>Tfw not had sex all my life.

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Does it hurt you knowing that even cute Japanese school girls are whores?

Pic related is an underaged school girl who is dating her highschool teacher(I can prove this is true).

There is no country you can go to escape the degeneracy of women, so where will you go?
15 posts and 8 images submitted.
>I can prove this is true
Do it then.
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She was some pop star in Japan. It got revealed she was fucking her teacher.
>it's another episode of all women should fuck me but I'm a literal loser, so no dice.

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This girl was a straight A student

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>I can make anyone fall in love with you
>for a price
how much would you pay?
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
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All the money I have.
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Witches are cute, CUTE!
Thought they were rather sexy than cute
>tfw no witch gf
orignal desu

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I fell for the black robot meme, r9k. How will I ever recover? Can I recover?
have you ever fallen for the black robot meme?
10 posts and 4 images submitted.
Quick question. That guy in pic related is literally one of the most non ghetto black people. He's from Britain where ghetto people don't really exist. Why do people keep comparing him to american blacks?
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I know it's hard to differentiate, but those two American Blacks are actually howler monkeys. Pic related is an American Black side by side with a Lowland Gorilla for a reference.
>meet self proclaimed robot
>has tons of niggery and non-niggery friends
>drinks every weekend, friday saturday sunday, and sometimes during the week, at parties and bars with friends
>has one night stands
>"boo hoo I'm a robot because I'm black"
>"boo hoo I'm a robot because I want a thicc white woman"
>"boo hoo I'm a robot because I make fake problems for myself and blame whitey"
Not even once
>ghetto people don't really exist
They do

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Day 3 of nofap


7 posts and 3 images submitted.
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4days here and my balls are bursting.
I'd never consider myself addicted to porn or masturbation, but this has certainly opened my eyes a bit.

I was having trouble becoming erect when I needed to be. I can already tell a big difference in my natural functions.
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I was fapping 3 or 4 times per day kek
Same here. I was fapping that often, but then whenever I got in a situation where sex with an actual human being might be possible, I couldn't seem to function. Besides, I sort've miss the days where I could get rock hard from the wind blowing funny. Or where even a simple picture of boobs would drive me crazy. Kind've getting that way again.

How much money would you want to suck a dick and swallow for 10 minutes?

No one will find out about it, just suck and get money.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
I don't need money, i'll do it for free
more than it would be worth for the other guy, because no way a first timer sucks dick worth a shit. and I'm not doing it for less than a few hundred.
As much as I can possibly get without collapsing the global economy.
5 billion

Not origin

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7 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>he grew up in an unemployment benefits area of Germany.
>The teen was being treated for depression, and had an obsession with mass shootings
>one person

Holy fuck, are you autists really this shit at everything?
Nah he did it because He was a mudslime. He allahuackbar'd.
he did not

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>tfw when you were born in a poor village with full of desperate and obnoxious people
>no activities other than digging dirt
>no friends you can talk to about vidya or anime
>drunk adults, drunk teenagers
>place literally looks like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in real life
>be autistic - get bullied or ignored by everyone

NEET's who live in a big city can at least hang out alone in favorite places
20 posts and 3 images submitted.
git gud at digging dirt then, and those poor pusies will drip at your presence
That pic looks pretty neat. I would like to hang out with those guys.
oh yeah, that's me lad.
Now fuck off aushit.
slav reporting in.

This. So fucking This. I am very glad that my parents took me to a 1st world country instead of a second world slav shit country.

When I returned back a few years ago, the country improved a lot, but all my slavic family members didn't approve of my autism which is why they don't talk to me (apart from the occasional Happy Birthday card in the post).

>NEETbux didn't exist back then and still doesn't exist there now.

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A modest proposal to all robots.
How about we formed an alliance, a support group, promoting abstincence from masturbation for the sole purpose of achieving our next orgasms with a girl (No roasties or homosexes allowed, they are on easy mode).
It would be nice, we could have threads for shitposting, a skype group or whatever.
Only rule would be to not stimulate your netherlands to the point of orgasm. Prostitutes are game.

What say fegits?
28 posts and 2 images submitted.
so you want robots to never have another orgasm for the rest of their lives
I'm working under the assumption that at some point their horny levels would assume control and lead them to some roastie or force them to hire the services of a prostitute. In both cases they'd be better off compared to their present state.
Only truely ugly robots would be fully fucked. Most robots have the looks requirements to snatch an orgasm or two from wild females.
it's called nofap.com...
Does it actively propose YOUR NEXT ORGASM SHALL BE WITH A WOMAN?
No, it merely compels you to not play with your didgeridoo for 90 days or some shit. That's boring.
Besides, it's a tainted concept and people scoff at it, we need novelty,

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