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serious question, how are white men supposed to compete with this!?
15 posts and 6 images submitted.
This is pornography. We are not competing with this. All of those women were literally paid by a French Jew to have sex with those men.
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>So much innocence in the right one
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>this triggers the whitey
Money, to compete with the company paying them.

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Something that I dont quite understand... Why does anyone go to college?

I never went to college, I just lied on my CV that I did go and no has ever batted an eye so far, Im a 37 y/o software engineer
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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They don't want to work, they won't function there. All the know is sitting on a bench getting shit spoonfed into them and not having to deal with being an adult.
>I did not personally have to do this completely optional thing
>Therefore, no-one should!

It's not a great meme, OP, but maybe you could make it work.
>join military
>get married (bigger paycheck)
>shoot guns and wait around all day
>constant report problems with back and legs
>get VA disability pay
>don't even have to work, legs and back are fine
>mfw college is a waste of time
shieeettt, you're old ass could've gotten away with it back then. How about now?

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Would you work an office job in an office surrounded by cute anime girls?
16 posts and 7 images submitted.
Aoba is a fucking slut
>an office job in an office
holy fucking shit
new game is unrealistic

game devs are either turbo hipsters or neckbeards
>What is Compile Heart?

Waddup muh niggaz?

Who's hyped for the Skyrim remaster releasing THIS mothafukin Friday!?

Fuuuuck, I can't wait!!!!!
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
Isnt it just bethesda applied mods for the most part?
Why buy the remastered edition when I already have the game with all dlcs and graphic mods that looks alot better than the remaster?
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>implying my PC can even handle vanilla Skyrim on high resolution

Check your privilege.
delete this god damn thread and go back to tumblr

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>in small college seminar with tranny and and some other dudes pretending to act like i belong there
>lecturer asks a bunch of questions
>be autistic and do some shitty answers
>go full on autism at one question
>i say that a scientist is not responsible for his invention being weaponized
>after class, tranny calls me out and we have a big discussion about most stuff with xer and yers friend
>i go on full on /pol/tard autism mode all the time
>xer hates me now for thinking that property is my own and shouldn't belong to the state
>realize everyone hates me anyway
>realize it doesn't matter how autistic i behave, since i hit rock bottom a long time ago
>depression fades away for the evening

have you found the key to happiness yet, r9k ?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.

>be shy
>start talking more and try to be normie
>no one likes me
>people are annoyed by my presence
>stop talking entirely
>people like me now and girls think I'm cute and actually try to be my friend

What a strange world
Fuck them, anon.
You are right
Tbqh I'm on the opposite side than you (minus the xer shit) but I wish I could voice my opinions more easily and still get along with people. I know a gay dude whose opinions I agree with but he's such a dick in conversations I'd rather not affiliate myself with him
That's honestly all that matters in life is no longer giving half a fuck what other people think about you. Say what you mean, and live your life the way that you see fit.

If people don't like it, fuck 'em, you don't care what they think about you, anyway.

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Post stats

>90 IQ

All i have to do is be confident and be myself and i'll make it, r-right guys?
189 posts and 37 images submitted.
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>no idea what my iq is
>Anxiety disorder
>live with my parents.
Kill me please.
>134 IQ
>no diagnosted mental heath issues
>105-110 IQ
>extremely poor

I had a chance and god took it from me
>dunno iq
>live with parents
>no job
>community college
fuuuck. I wouldnt be surprised if my gf leaves me

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ITT: Legit attempts to get smarter
I've been watching some Carl Sagan movies and listening to Feynman's talks and I genuinely feel amazed by the amount of wisdom they possess. I want to understand the world the way they do but learning physics is very hard for me. I want to get to the level of reading about quantum physics and merely beggining to grasp it.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
not browsing this board
If you weren't born able to do it, you'll never be able to. Just learn to accept your limitations.
Don't listen to scientists water their subjects down. That's for laymen, for people who will never understand their work. You want to start at the most basic subjects, just like they did. And you have to grind your way through it all for years, just like they did. Wisdom is the result of intelligence applied to the world throughout all of one's life. Keep learning.
Do you think it's more about early education or just the way one's brain works from birth? I realize it gets harder and harder to improve my intelligence as years progress.

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I turned 23 today. Am I the oldest virgin on this board?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
you're the oldest person on this board
turned 19 today, am i the oldest skfollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I met a wizard on here, in his 50s still a virgin. You know not the levels of wizardry that is still far above you.
Not even close kid. Heh.

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16 personalities thread

INTP get in here
514 posts and 108 images submitted.
ENTJ reporting

It really sucks being a dumb INTP.
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I got INFP, again
ISTJ here. Didn't understand pic

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>tfw you lived with your ex gf and sat at home while she was making money and providing for the two of you
>tfw bored of doing NOTHING at all every single day so you got high as the sky tical and wrote an ebook on how to stop hating yourself
>tfw you got so crazy you became psychotic and thought ur ex is a literal whore and that her pimp is your stepfather who is going to kill you
>tfw you escaped to the woods, snapped your simcard in half and buried your phone
>tfw you ended up in psych ward for violent peeps, "admitted" to your ex that you are doing meth and fucking whore without condoms despite none of that being true
>tfw while she visits you in the looney bin and brings you coffee, tobbaco and food you break up with her cause you think she is pregnant with mafia guy
>tfw you get released and your ebook has first review
>pic related

If ONLY that guy knew who "helped" him so much lel
21 posts and 2 images submitted.
>current year
>being THIS much of a cuck

Link to book?

Don't worry, Gamb. Found the book.

that's actually pretty cool OP

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> try out this meme app
> so many cute hot sexy girls
> I saw few that straight up basically said they wanted sex
> 5 days after installing all I have is picture related

Please red pill me
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
>Please red pill me
You're ugly and not interesting enough to make up for it.
You're uninteresting and not attractive enough to make up for it.
The search bar in the "matches" section puts more faith in me than any human being
After hours of hanging out with my basic as fuck normie friend flipping through guys, I can conclude you probably are
>cringe in your bio
>cringe in your photo

Who wants to join an r9k Kik group?

Only accepting females at this moment

Add DekoDess for invite
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
>Only accepting females

I hope you and the three guys pretending to be women have fun cuck
Who wants to join my Klan book club?

Only accepting black people right now.
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Alright chill bruv I'll accept some "men" as well
Hi where are gfs

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What non-physical features makes a man sexually attractive?

Women just have their bodies to rely on but I see too many hot women with average men to know it can't just be a man's body. So what else is it?
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
Female sexuality is way more psychological than physical.
M00t is truly an alpha
Power and money
his job/money

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Hey r9k, how do you deal with being a lanklets. No matter how much I lift and eat no girl wants me.
>Pic me
>6'1 tall
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
cut off your balls to make sure you won't pass on your genes
take steroids
it's called eating more you skelly-fuck. you eat proportion to your height. "But bro, I eat like one whole small bag of doritos and 2 snackcakes per day!" Shut the fuck up. Calories in, calories out. Also, lifting doesn't equal free gf.
Lanklet means you're lanky and a manlet. It's a combination of both words.
You can't be a lanklet if you're 6'1
benito culiao no eres un robot
fake n gay

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>tfw still no qt fat 3.14 gf to be fat with
52 posts and 15 images submitted.
jeez she's cute. i'd pound that fat bitch hard
>Chicken and Mushroom Pie

Why? That sounds awful.
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>to be fat with
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>to be fat with
lose the weight and then you can get a fat gf easily

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>wants a gf
>browses /r9k/
If you wanted one you wouldnt be here. This place messes you up tbqh. Browse any board but this hell even /a/ would be better for your mental health
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
/a/ is excellent what's your problem with /a/ you big fudging idiot.

Anyway I like this board. It's funny.
I have met all my friends and gfs on this board. I don't know where else to meet people. Everyone here seems more understanding of my life too.
Its not good for your mental health anon. Read a book, get a job, use tinder idk
Nobody else wants to talk to me. /r9k/ is all I've got.

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If anime girls became real would they just end up going for the chads and not us?
48 posts and 9 images submitted.
No, because that's not how they're wired.
do you even watch anime?

its always a situation where she ignores the chad for the protagonist because she loves him for his inner beauty.

because anime is written by 40 year old virgins who write in their fantasy situations
>because anime is written by 40 year old virgins who write in their fantasy situations
False. It's written by people pandering to virgins of all ages.
Women write a lot of manga and anime, and just because a male author's story doesn't conform to the rules of the Chadverse doesn't mean he must be a virgin.

Also this Chad vs. good guy beta dilemma is an American thing rarely seen in Japan.

Something isn't pandering just because you don't like it.

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what fandom is on a lower social ladder step than robots here?

I mean, we're all sad and pathethic but most of us seems like just your average beta person.

what fandom has people more beta than us?

you're all come down as simply failed normies.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
/mlp/ obviously

>Watching a TV show that literally comes on after Barney.
This. Hardcore fans of any cartoon, videogame, or webcomic are all pretty equally cringe worthy in the eyes of society though.
most of us are just lacking what it takes to be normal, rather than possessing traits that make us autistic, if you know what I mean.

pretty much anyone who is extremely passionate about something other than football and that type of shit is more autistic.

Difference between robots and most of the "cringey" fanbases is that the fans have the confidence to be open about their hobby. Robots would be pretty cringey if people found out about their daily routine, bed room, or

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How do I get a qt chubby latino bf?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'm a chubby cute latino.

Step 1: Leave your mother's basement.
I'll be your qt chubby latino bf but only if you're a qt grill
Find a skinny qt latino bf and force feed him tortilla chips.
Im a trans girl btw

Do latino cubs like skinny white girls?

Holy shit its over!

How can one bounce back onto this?
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>mfw i missed penis inspection day
It's easy, >>>/pol/. Click here
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I know this is supposed to be a bait thread, but why is penis censored?
>censoring penis
>wasting studentbux on stupid bullshit
Comee on now

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ITT: perspective

>you grow up and suddenly realize there are cars everywhere
>you never gave it a second though other than cars are a thing grown ups use to drive from A to B
>there are plenty of cars, you think arey are very practical and awesome and you want a car too
>you look at pictures of cars, your read up stuff online, you always check out all the cars if you are outside
>you find out cars are a large commitment in general they are expensive and they require maintenance
>if you are not rich, you have to fix things yourself
>you have no clue about cars because you've never dealt with them before
>your parents didn't exactly push you to get your licence either, you thought you'll deal with that later
>every guy around you has a car, and they are having tons of fun with their car
>they somehow all know how to maintain their cars and they have the time of their lives
>you are stuck with public transport
>you are jealous of everone who has a car
>you imagine all the beautiful cars you could drive
>you realize, no matter how much you look at cars, you will never be able to actually fix them
>you hear storys of people who went into life shattering financial problems because of cars
>you buy toy cars and imagine they are real, you daydream of all the amazing things you would be able to do if you had a car
>you are way to poor to afford a car
>you also don't know how to maintain a car and you never fucking will
>eventually you start to hate cars, you see only their flaws
>you see them cause accidents, break down, and how expensive they are
>you try to look into other hobbys but in this automobile centered world, it seems impossible
>you will always be reminded of cars but you will never be that guy in the drivers seat
>you go out at night looking for cars and you key them, break mirrors, stab holes in the tires
>you set out to your local parking lot where the cool people meet up with their cars
>you got on a rampage and before cops arrive, you end it all
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
cant compare cars to girls...
>be me
>by broken down nissan fairlady from japan
>spend years fixing it
>spending money and eventually making it incredibly good looking
around here is when a real woman leaves you.
damn you chad, born with the genes to fix cars by yourself

post pics
>Looking for car in the country. Really rare to find anything.
>Spend a few days, they're all terrible
>Guy who knows a guy says he has one I can take a look at.
>Nissan micra 06. Really nice condition.
>Reluctantly buy it because it's the best I can get.
>Car grows on me more and more.
>Car won't play burned cds so I start buying albums again. Gets me back into music and I start playing guitar again.

I love you car. My life's been better ever since I bought you.
>>your parents didn't exactly push you to get your licence either, you thought you'll deal with that later
I have a license, but no car. Used to drive my parents' car when I still lived with them. I moved away for uni, and I'm stuck with public transportation and my bicycle.
What does this mean? That I'm not a virgin, but I can't get a gf anyway?
>>you are stuck with public transport
>>you are jealous of everone who has a car
I don't need a car BECAUSE I have public transportation. However, masturbation (which is what you mean by public transportation) will only satisfy me sexually, but won't give me warmth, affection and love like a real girlfriend.
Although I just realized how dumb that sounds while typing this. I guess you could make the same argument about a car being cozy, while public transportation has hobos drinking beer and yelling.

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A pepe a day keeps the _______ away
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
success and happiness

original n stuff
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Stop posting this hate symbol

orieganol pan pizza

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hey guys I'm looking for new friends. I found this old picture in my browser and it reminded me of the nice community we had back then. Let's start it up again,
what do you like to do? i'm looking for someone to
>snail mail
>work out together, sharing progress and routines, doing challenges together, etc
>book club
>coordinate events such as scavenger hunts, build co-ops (wood, clay, cosplay, whatever)
>movie livestream chat buddies

We'd set up a dedicated skype group or browser chatroom to keep in touch, and maybe post threads here for events for more people to join.

Anyone interested?
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
I'd fucking love to. I've been here since '010, And maybe we can give discord a try.
awesome, what's a discord? can you livestream your desktop from there, for movie watching? I used to use tinychat and livestream when we did these things, tinychat was nice because I could livestream from my phone using data. Does it have that feature?
This is great. Like the old r9k.
Let's use this for now, all interested are welcome to join live discussion

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>thinking of getting a tattoo

The degenerates are getting to me /r9k
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
You must resist the normies
small, barely noticeable tattoos are okay anon. but full sleeves and obnoxious looking ones aren't
I got a cool tattoo and got a lot of compliments to it, but it's hidden so I don't look like a faggot all the time.
It was worth it.
>not doing something you want because fear of degeneracy
Pls OP, just get a full sleeve one and be happy

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Who /NEET/ here?
Are you a disability NEET? A trust fund NEET? A basement NEET? Early retirement NEET? Something else? Tell us, anon.
14 posts and 6 images submitted.
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I used to be a NEET, then I got bored and wanted to have money to do actual shit, and buy things.

Became a wagecuck and life started getting a lot better. Meeting people and banging women, plus having the money to do to decent bars/events on the weekend. I thought working would take all my time away but it literally doesn't plus, you appreciate the free time anyway.

Thanks to being a wagecuck once, and earning actual money, I then stared to get into a form of education, and now I'm running a small local business.

All about progression really. I did enjoy NEETdom, but there was only so much you could do. I liked eating shit food and drinking in my underwear every night whilst shitposting 24/7 and fapping to obscure fetish's, but now I look back at it. It's kind of depressing.
I am a homeless NEET. Spend most of my time workings on a few programs I'm coding and reading books.
what kind of small business did you start?
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>wageslave for several years
>save up $102,000
>Quit job, move back in with parents
>Now trying to get a loan from the bank
>Putting a down payment on a piece of property I plan to rent out
>will make easy money which I can stuff in some Mutual Fund or Vanguard


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