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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 12008. page

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>he gets angry at the sight of a woman wearing yoga pants
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
>He posts threads like these
>he still likes metal
Degenerate idiots.

Would you fuck this 14 year old girl?
10 posts and 4 images submitted.
Obviously, the real question is, would she fuck me?
>Taller than her father
>In 6in heels
I'll take "No" for $1000 Alex.
This "girl" isn't 14 years old.


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How do we make Sonic great again?
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
It was never great.
Kill everyone on sonic team. Build time machine. get old sonic team back.
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Make an officially canon game called Trump the Hedgehog.
Make it like super meat boy for 2d segments. Fast, hard but not impossible.

Return some of the timing and puzzles.

3D should feel like SA2 Sonic stages, particularly the crazy gadget and shadow vs biohazard stages.

Only running stages
No supporting cast

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Have you ever had a tranny hooker experience? Anything you can recommend outside of don't get aids?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
yes, kill you're self OP
I got a blowjob from a trap for free, felt gay desu and wasnt really into it
I don't think it would make me feel gay, but I can't get over the fact that they have a penis.
Finish the fucking story, did you cum?

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Why are all shitskins so stupid?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
maybe they were born that way
Is that Battle Angel Alita?
Genetics baby
I think you'll find that racism is against the rules.

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What was the gayest thing you've ever done?
39 posts and 7 images submitted.
Sucked a dick. Was pretty gay. Got really gay when I swallowed his cum.
I kissed a dude once. I think it's pretty gay, right?
I jokingly hit on a kid who sat at our lunch table in high school. I would come onto him just to see him squirm uncomfortably. He hated it, but I didn't give a fuck and kept doing it until he just ended up sitting alone.

I sucked my own dick once, then swallowed.

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Numale HATE thread.

Jesus I hate these cucks

Feel free to post pictures of videos of numales.
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
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pic extremly related
and basically everyone who supports his message
"Me and my wife's kids will not stand for this selfishness!"

"good thing my wife is on a date with her boyfriend or else i wouldn't have been able to make it to this rally!"
Mfw I was a numale

And then I became a /pol/ack.

4chan saved my life from a life of degeneracy, transgenderism and cuckoldery.

Love you all.

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join our r8k disgord or wahtever

6 posts and 5 images submitted.
bumpu~ come chattu boys
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we have womeny@!!!
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when you join make sure not to talk to cum faggot

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Some of you are alright.

Don't go to the Great Sept of Baelor tomorrow.
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
Episode leaked already?
No but the spoilers have been out before the season , so far so true , not a single mistake
Plus they foreshadowed the shit out it.
In Bran's vision when Benjen rescues them, he sees wildfire exploding, which never happened in the past, so he must be seeing the future.

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Anyone else completely hopeless at this point?
>I've lost contact with all of my family
>no friends
>work a low paying job that does pay my bills but I run out of money between paychecks.
>live alone
>over weight
>ugly and balding
>no chance of me even encountering a female that I could be interested in let alone being able to go out with them
>realise what women really are to begin with.
>realise the world isn't what we think it is
>realize how we are controlled thru capitalism and the media
>want off this ride asap.
Send help please
21 posts and 3 images submitted.
Just ride it out, we'll die eventually :) <3
What animu is that pic from?
Where you live anon, what kinda job do you have?
I live in Tennessee but I'm from new england. I'm a cook and i-hop

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Why are shitskins so weak with alcohol?
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
why do you think holding your alcohol is a fucking accomplishment?

>I can drink more before I get fucked up this makes me better than you

just a reminder that you are a fucking normalshitter that drinks socially and probably isn't even a virgin
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>shitskins think having 3 beers gets them "fucked up"
>enjoying alcohol

its the ultimate normie beverage, leaves you feeling like shit afterwards, and taste like poison (hint: it IS poison).

kill yourself
They're missing some enzyme that helps to break down the alcohol, so it lasts longer in their system. Effectively they can get much more drunk off the same amount of alcohol as you. That's why Asians get the "Asian glow" when they're drinking. White people are also the only race that can properly digest milk. The other races are mostly lactose-intolerant. Sure is great being white.

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>Daddy, what's a false flag? And why do you always say it every time the news is on?
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
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why does everything I say make you cry?
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Bad people dressing up as good people and acting bad to make us think the good people are as bad as them.
Don't question authority you dumb bitch.
what did i tell you about talking to daddy while he has a bottle in his hand?

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>trying to masterbate
>can hear mom talking outside

7 posts and 3 images submitted.
>not getting off on her being in the next room as you're jacking it
>not fucking your mom
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>trying to masturbate
>mom wont quit yelling questions to you from the next room
>have to yell answers while fapping

>not having your own place

You can fap in the living room if you want.

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>tfw this old indian rat gets a white girl
How does this make you feel?
Why are European women such disgusting whores?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
another. I don't know if I should be mad or learn from him
who the fuck makes these videos? this video title wtf
I haven't watched them, but they're probably fake

All of these pick up artist vids on youtube are staged. They pay the girls to act all horny and interested.
to make us upset and show the true nature of women

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Ask an Alpha anything.
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why do you lie on /r9k/?
How does it feel knowing that you'll never have a PhD?
Nobody's lying, faggot.
Well, I've got a Masters...close enough, I guess

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you don't gotta go to work work work work work work work work :D

but you gotta put in work work work work work work work work :DD

we can work from home :D:DD
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
>That Pepe.
It's been almost two years since I last saw that posted, and it was in the thread it was originally from. I thought I was the only one who had it.
Absolutely the rarest.
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work :D:D:D
Let my body do the work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work :DDDDDD:D:D:D:D
we can work from home :D:D:DDD

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>tfw my roommate says a hot dog is a sandwich
96 posts and 15 images submitted.
I mean it kinda is a type of sandwich

it has a top piece of bread, a bottom piece of bread, and filling

more importantly why are you talking with your roommate and not just staying in your room with the door closed, this will solve all your problems
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Are you just gonna take that shit? Beat him down, teach him not to fuck with you
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>friends think that a boneless wing isn't a chicken nugget
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The hot dog bun is one piece of bread. Furthermore, the hot dog bun itself is designed for the purpose of holding the hot dog, and so shouldn't be considered as a separate entity. The culinary creation of the hot dog, despite linguistic individuation of the hot dog as meat, refers to the hot dog and the bun as a commercial object. This is why you don't see vendors charging extra for buns.

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Hey, r9k! A thought has just appeared on my mind. So I am a neet that lives in the south-western part of Russia. And I want to go to the eastern part or maybe reach China or Mongolia. Did anyone think about such things? I mean something like going far away from your homeland and sleeping in the forest and stuff. I think it will also be a good way for social isolation and thinking about your life in general. What equipment will you put in your backpack in such case? Am i good at English btw? Picrandom.
58 posts and 5 images submitted.
You might actually fucking die though? Why would you just book it to another country by walking through the snow? Any plan for what you will do if you reach china?

Really bizarre idea
Well I actually need a plan for this journey or whatever you call it. I've got to start working , earn money and save up. My mom sends me about 8$ a week. And I can save a half of it every time she funds me. I have to save enough money to buy equipment, food and of course self defense weapon. Other things are the rules of crossing a border. Many people in Ruusia travel by hitchhiking. The driver may ask some money for a ride. so it's an expense too. When I reach China I will propably die. From starving or getting shot by soldiers. But it seems I dont't give a shit. Sorry for creating this thread on r9k. It's my favourite board on 4chan.
Why not just join Putin's glorious army and go fight in Syria instead?
My god man, Im serious. I am not interested in politics and don't give a fuck about siria or ukraine. Why are all 4chan users are so mad at russians? That makes me sad :c

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What Animes have you watched recently? Decided to finally watch finally watch Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! I watched welcome to nhk last weekend. I need more comfy or relatable animes to watch.
6 posts and 6 images submitted.
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senpai pls
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Just watched pic related for the first time.

I love me a good head-raping.
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dragon ball anime
ninja anime samurai swords. monkey half demon with ramen boi collect souls n shit. anime dragons with powers with light beams comming out. of their hand. smoooooooooooth as anumations. some days some nights some live some die. violin ninja sad song starts playin. giant ASS mofos attackin cities gotta defend the wall but they were the giant all along????
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Yahari Ore no SeishunLove Come wa Machigatteiru

It's pretty wordy, but the main character fits the bill, nihilistic and logical, hates normies.

Also I'm in the middle of Kaiji ultimate survivor. True meaning of getting screwed over.

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Fembots, would you date me and not cuck me?
18 posts and 5 images submitted.
Stop making threads about yourself, cuck.

You are no longer welcome here.
i would not not cuck you
This is bait.

God i miss sage.
I would seduce you and then steal your 4chan admin account and ban all the blacked.com posters

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>mfw the state of this board

I wish this place was fucking nuked, but at least the human scum that posts here can be contained and not spread like a fucking disease to other boards.

Even with /adv/, /soc/, /fit/, facebook, reddit, you fucking disgraceful normalfaggots decided to invade this board. I hope every single one of you have a very slow and painful death.
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Thank you

Spam woman hate and rares to keep the normies out
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>the absolute state of op
yeah, it seems shitty today. but where else are people like us supposed to go?
ITT: Newfags
I'm so glad you faggots don't know about anyother chans.

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I've been coming here since this board came back in 2014, posting in wagie threads, women hate threads, etc. I've lived the life of a robot.

As of recently I decided to enroll in school to get out of this life. /r9k/ used to be the only place I could come to be in likewise company and interact with people who lived the same life I did.

The thing that put me over the edge wasn't the suffering, the loneliness, or the emptiness. It was you. The cuck spammers, the normies coming here for frog pictures, the women who think they can relate to anything we post, all of it. I felt I was no longer in company with actual robots, so I am going to become a normie so I can once again be with people like me.

Goodbye forever, /r9k/.
23 posts and 8 images submitted.
Goodbye hope you make it
see you in a month when you get anxiety and recluse in school
>the women who think they can relate to anything we post

this is the absolute worst shit. even worse than the ones who think they can relate are the ones who literally have no reason to come here except for the epic maymays and have bf and friends and shit

fuck i hate them

anyways good luck OP. I don't think a immediate cutoff from /r9k/ is necessary, anything is fine in moderation, but if you think you can improve your life this way I hope you the best

If you feel the need to make a goodbye thread, that means you aren't ready to leave.
Thank you.

I'm not ready to leave, I've been coming here almost exclusively for years. I discovered this place when I was a senior in highschool, I started by posting how cruel kids are and how much I hate having to deal with people.

I see this as cutting off a limb infected with gangrene. Maybe I can start going to other boards like /v/ and /a/ and stuff. I just can't keep coming here, I hate going through the same motions every day of spotting 50 cuck threads, 50 race b8ting threads, and 50 "fembot" feels threads, then finally finding one decent threads only to have it ruined by at least one of the previous mentioned parties eventually.

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>Doing a presentation for work
>Plug my computer up to use
>My Loli porn was on it and it flashed on the big screen for a bit.
>Ran out with my laptop.

Guess I'm not teaching 7th grade in August. I am scared on the call saying I am fired.
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
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i would have given you a promotion
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>not having your degenerate porn sealed behind pharaonic tombs
You kinda were asking for it anon

Say it was a malware pop-up.
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This is what you get for being a wagecuck

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>you're 22 anon, when are you going to have a kid?
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
I'm pretty sure I'm sterile.
I had a plan to have kids at exactly 24
i want to impregnate a girl desu
Having kids? I honestly think thats a mental illness. Your a sick minded piece of shit if you want to have kids. Im shelling a 1000 for a visectomy

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>Filtered threads:8
>Hidden threads: 18
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
As an Asian I would just like to say that the black vs white porn threads are annoying as fuck and makes both groups look like fags
Go ahead, unfilter them, you going do it sooner or later. Enjoy the full 4chan experience.
the best part is that it's predominantly white guys making them. sad!
>filtering r9k
What's wrong, can't handle the baits you little bitch?

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