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>roasties can't be depres-
23 posts and 1 images submitted.
you are not really depressed if you don't kys imo.
just more attention starved toasty roasties
>2014, 2015
>"anon, you're a piece of shit, an autist, a loser, a scumbag, you're privileged and women are oppressed not you"
>meanwhile, all these years, women get to think they are 'depressed' because cute boys won't date them and yet everyone finds that legitimate and pours out sympathy for them

Get in good shape, fix your diet, and realize some hard truths about the world. Men are disposable, people are the way they are, you have a God given right to exist in your own space and be who you want to be. Never stop improving.
Now, I hope I can not come on this website anymore.
Au contraire mon frere, the vast majority of clinical depression and anxiety in the U.S. is women.
>just be yourself
every. fucking. time.

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I'm not trolling r9k help me

>Be me
>spend all day on internet watching shitty memes
>don't read news so unaware of whatever's happening
>don't know where to read from to be able to participate on the internet
>don't read books
>don't watch movies
>don't play games
>don't know history
>can't locate no country other than my own and africa cause of a meme
>basically a default character in the game of life without any ability other than music and creative shit
>be guitarist and singer in college
>innately talented so never train that talent
>don't know how to sing properly, kinda just fake it with a nice voice
>don't know how to play songs on guitar but fake my way cause innately talented with guitar so have dexterous fingers (Not even kidding, this is an instrumental of nosurprises I made earlier)
>https://vocaroo.com/i/s0ubJVbHOiBR (not the best but its enough to fake)
>so people on college know me, but still have literal no friend other than these two ghetto dudes who have shitload of confidence
>meanwhile have none and always listen to these fags talk to how they like sex in dark while other likes it with lights on
>okayish handsome 6/10 but have real issues with self
>don't gym so will remain 6/10
>joined this acting group and be the worst actor cause afraid they'll judge so I poo more thinking less poo performance is better than them laughing and saying "haha he cray" I'm already unlaidable I don't need this
>can't quit cause everyone is now like "oh the okayish dude is joining the drama society wow" I didn't even want to join it /r9k/ I just told my friend I was considering it and he told everyone and I got cucked

I don't know what to do /r9k/ I wanna be aware of the world, I wanna be able to participate on the internet, I wanna be a man man

8 posts and 2 images submitted.
Start reading books. /lit/ has a good starter pack
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>spend all day on internet watching shitty memes
>don't read news so unaware of whatever's happening
just go on /pol/ or /int/ or some shit a few minutes a day
>don't read books
not a lot of people do these days
>don't watch movies
why not you'll probably like it
try watching the essential stuff so you can have quirky punchlines on rebbit
see pic related
>don't play games
good desu
>don't know history
just read some general superficial shit on the internet for meme purposes
>can't locate no country other than my own and africa cause of a meme
most americans can't either

1. cut down on the memes
2. you dont even really WANT to be that aware of the news, it mainly doesnt matter (well some of it might)
3. as far as books go, i cannot help, i dont read either
4. doesnt matter really
5. what, not even basic games?
6. although history may not be that important, perhaps you should try learning? if matters to you.
7. look at a map, learn about the countries of the world.most people *should* be able to spot a country on the map.
8. the guitar playing was quite good for not knowing any songs. quite relaxing.
9. just quit. youll regret if you really dont want to be in that.

i tried
BRO i am jamming the fuck out to your guitar ur good at that shit

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Should I ghost my oneitis?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
Most likely, yes. Why do you want to do it though?
I've tried it and it worked. Girls like it when men don't give them special attention.
Are they on the other side of the world or otherwise logistically unrealistic for you to reach? If so yes, otherwise yes
If you're calling her your "oneitis" chances are she wouldn't notice if you ghosted her

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post your BMI
73 posts and 24 images submitted.
originalli 16
My BMI is 23.1
28.2 tbqy
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19 point o

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So, what is robot drinking tonight all alone?
50 posts and 11 images submitted.
give me quick rundown on your situation
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Miod Pitny dwojniak Kasztelanski
A polish mead with 16 % alkohol
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Well, I am alone sitting in my flat infront of my laptop shitposting and avoiding work.
>I have no friends
>I am a dateless, kissless, virgin
>25 years old
>master student
>having chronic illness that periodically causes suvere pain
>diminishes all attempts to get back into sport
r9k is fucking cancer I can't even ask in which city do you live. fucking shithole

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How do I leave Canada? I fucking hate this country and everyone in it
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
can't u just cross over to the US lol?
Doesn't sound legal
we are full mmkay?
At least your country has healthcare. Stay over there you dumb bastard.

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> quit job I hate
> move to parents' empty second house
> went for swim this morning
> walking around naked, playing lowfi hiphop and drinking champagne right now
> lemon pepper salmon is roasting in the oven

Jeez maybe NEETs are on to something. I'm sure this gets old, but right now it's 10/10.
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
Wait for loneliness to kick in
Most NEETs spend 95% of their time in a small bedroom and eat cheap, processed foods. They also share their house with their parents. You're not really living the lifestyle desu.
Enjoy it but not to much is my advice
That sounds terrible. I figured most NEETs paid for their own place with NEETbux.

Everything in moderation

I made a "get a life" excel document filled with activities I can do to stay busy. Solo hobbies, adult rec sports, recipes, songs I want to learn on guitar, etc. I can see how it would be easy to just lay around on the internet for years and die inside without careful planning.

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How do I get a cute white gf as a mexican american male
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
I fucking know that grill
is she from florida?
does her name start with an R?
idk i just saved the pic from a thread yesterday
Find one that's sort of innocent and clueless, get her hooked on drugs, profit.
>find one


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Any other robots with agoraphobia and acne problems?

Is it just me no scars yet but I'm so fucking depressed because of this I could literally be a pain normalfag but for this
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
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I have acne problems too. Fucking 19 in 8 days and I'm still dealing with this shit.
Please shave yourselves, friends.
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Here's another pic.
I'm using an electric razor. Shaves it right down to the stubble. Using a blade will make my acne worse.

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This is all you are fembots: a plastic ziplock bag.
How does that make you feel?
>Im a goddess that creates life
KEK! Youre a plastic ziplock bag.

This thread was too awesome to only feature it once.
39 posts and 11 images submitted.
projecting much?
just because all you got to offer is your roast doesn't mean all other women are like you.
fuck off slut.
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Dude, the shills have got you paranoid.
Im legit a dude.
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As soon as we have the technology to make genetically modified babies women will lose 100% of their manipulative power in society.
>no more socialism
>no more birtrate of 1.5
>no more cucking
>no more pathetic weak version of men
>I'm a legit dude
stop projecting dude.

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>"Oh yeah? Well my dad can pick up a whole care with 1 hand!"

Wat do????
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
My dad is present in my life.

What an original and unexpected reply. Pat yourself on the back.
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>"Huh? You guys' dads sound boring! Anon has a loser dad! Anon has a loser dad!"
I have two daddies.

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Do robots like durian?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I never tried it. Is it good? I hear it tastes like a gimped mango and smells like gasoline.
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It's an odd fruit. 30% of calories from fat and big cats will eat it even though they can't taste sweet.
It's like a rich custard that also tastes like wet garbage. I like it, but for what it costs I'd rather have a 40 pound box of bananas most of the time. I get a durian sometimes when I'm at an azn grocer for other good stuff. I can spend less making similarly yummy stuff in my big boy blender.

If you get one, don't hurt yourself trying to use a knife. Just find the seam and pull. It wants to be eaten, just not by small critters who won't move the seeds, which have an edible bit inside after boiling.
Fuck no. I've heard about it's smell and it's taste,finally tried it 3 months ago. I can tell you it really smells bad,but the taste isn't nearly as sweet as you'd expect it to be.
You can't into subtle flavors because you guzzle corn syrup and multiple grams of salt each day.

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post scores.
18 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>score: 71
Who /cyborg/ here?
OP here, i got 70
Robot here
Explain how i'm not original
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>score 70

Had a gf in high school 5 years ago. So I have had sex/held hands/kissed, but again... that was 5 fucking years ago... Haven't had a girl look at me since then.

>adjusted score 56

At least i'm fit and have a lot of spending money.

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Can you legally fuck 14 year olds where you live?
30 posts and 5 images submitted.
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I would have no reason to know or want to know this information.
>Japan's is 13
>Germany is 14
Well, at least I live in a state where it's 18. If only we enforced this shit.
Personally, I'd like age of marriage to be 16 and up and then we do what the mudshits are.

I would say waiting until marriage is ideal, but in those countries, that's at like 12 anyway.
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>be in muslim shit country
>marry a 10 y/o
>fuck her tight underage pussy and she dies the next day

Yep. there is a rape culture, it's called islam
no, I am only attracted to people my own age or a couple of years younger.

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I fucking hate trannies so much, they're like women but more egotistical and narcissistic.
29 posts and 4 images submitted.
trannies are for protecting and cuddling anon they need love more than anyone else
t. virgin that has never met a tranny
I'm a tranny. I accept your hatred and I wish I was never born.
fuck you dont post in my thread again

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who here balding and/or just completely fucked

>only 20
>clumps of hair (12-25 hairs) in shower drain with every shower for the last 2 years
>hair on top of head extremely thin already, visible bald spot likely within 2-3 years since brother is only 24 and already has a slightly visible one and very receded temples which for me are covered by my longer hair
>still have acne (unlike brother at this age)

I don't even know how it's possible to get so unlucky as having acne and balding simultaneously, most normies have a bit of acne like a few pimple for 2 or so years in their teens then are done, yet I've had cystic acne for 5 years now with no sign of stopping, plus normies usually don't start noticeable balding until their 30s yet here I am balding at 20. How the fuck is this even allowed? normies get 12+ years of bliss in between having 'acne' and balding, yet I have to deal with both at the same time now? fuck this earth, sorry for blogpost, just really pissed right now.
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
I started balding and getting acne when I used steroids.

Maybe you have high test? Start going to the gym.
wouldn't going to the gym just make me sweat more and raise my test thus making my issues worst? sorry I just don't understand how that would help.
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I started balding at 18 and I'm 23 now with a completely bald, shaven head

Not much we can do other than suffer in silence
>shit hairline
>first gray hair with 23
yep, this is my life now

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>Blake Walsh isn't just Kevin's wife ' she is also the woman who saved his life.

>Kevin and Blake first met at summer camp when they were 13 years old. Even when they were younger, Kevin says that he though she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

>Though they in contact over instant messaging and phone calls in the following years, they eventually lost touch. After all, Kevin lived in Indianapolis and Blake lived in Michigan. But then, one year after they stopped talking, divine intervention led Blake to call Kevin out of the blue when they were 17 years old.

>Due to a string of events, Kevin says he was "seconds away" from taking his own life. He had already written out his suicide note and was about to do the deed when his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Blake.

>As they spoke, Kevin told her that he had been planning on committing suicide. Shocked and mortified, Blake talked him down and made him promise that he would call her the next day.

>The two became even closer friends until they fell in love and started dating. Then, 10 years after that fateful phone call, Kevin proposed to her in 2015.

>During his proposal, Kevin reportedly told Blake: "I love you. Also, thanks for saving my life."


Don't give up, /r9k/. We're all going to make it.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
What do you think it's like to have her ride your cock?
She's a female cyborg. Literally. What the fuck am I looking at?
From a relational perspective they had it happening previously. I can't say I have.
>The pity play
bold move

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>play fps game
>ragequit every single time

How do I stop doing this?
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Change the difficulty setting
yout cant, fps multiplayer is literally unplayable if you have a short temper
Just power through and keep playing, tell yourself that it doesn't matter when you die. The only way to get better is to control your emotions, and the only way to do that is to expose yourself to those situations over and over. Stop telling yourself that you're better than everybody else and learn from your mistakes.
play co-op fps like payday or l4d

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Brush your teeth every morning and every night
Take a shower once a day
Exercise at least once a day (walking 20-30 minutes will work)
Drink lots of water
Avoid sugar, caffeine, junk food, and fast food
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
Focus on your hobbies in your spare time
Avoid negative websites and negative people
Don't dwell on the past, focus on the future
Set goals for yourself and work on them every day
Accept yourself

It's never too late. You can make your dreams come true.
46 posts and 9 images submitted.
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Thanks anon. Does this work for you?
Uh, yeah, no.
Doing these things won't make you happy, they are chores. They take effort and it's not fun, you will resist. But doing these things enables you to move forward, it will set you on the path to achieving happiness. It will set you on the path to breaking free.

bango bingo bazingo

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If you get a chance to kill somebody without any consequences who would it be (if any).

I would gladly fucking kill my bullies from high school, even though many years pass I sill remember what they did to me and wish them death. The most annoying thing in my life is the fact that even now they're more successful than me, some of them already have families and kids.
There is no God.
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
Myself, desu.

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>If you got a chance to kill somebody without any consequences who would it be
Obligatory "myself".
The only person I ever had problems with died from getting a Van parked on top of him
Unless you care about your family reaction to your suicide, what stands in the way?

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Do any of you support fascism? Why should anybody, including women especially have the right to vote?
What does voting do except give you the illusion of choice? You periodically get to choose between this referendum and that, this public politician and that public politician, but you still don't have any power.
Voting gives citizens the illusions of power and choice, and some people actually think that getting to vote is the reward for paying taxes. No, public services are the reward for paying taxes.
125 posts and 22 images submitted.

i agree with alot of fascism, and i dont think anyone should really vote as it is useless.
Voting would be impactful if corporations didn't have a stranglehold on politics. Delete lobbying, crack down on corporate ties in politics and defend against other forms of bribery, and you may see laws proposed that'll actually help the individual or the family unit instead of Bergstein Banks.
Grande Primo de Rivera, como nos engano Franco, con lo que se podria haber hecho de Espana
That's leftist wishful thinking. Men and women both have proven that their vote doesn't matter.

Seriously I just can't. I'm surrounded by good-looking people all day everyday. The difference of judgement and appreciation is abysmal. I just fucking can't stand being unappealing compared to my peers.

I dropped out of college because of that shit, I was too underdevelopped to the point people started avoiding me.

I'm an ugly mutt, forced to compete with pic related.

I want to end myself. Being attractive is the be-all and end-all of life.
16 posts and 4 images submitted.
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You compensate with money, you dumb fuck. The worst thing is being ugly AND broke. Money is the greatest equalizer in the dating market With money you can get women Chad's could only dream of getting
No. You don't even do this.

You swear off women entirely, right NOW.

Ok. Good. Now you can just do what you want to do.

Want to play video games? Do it. Go out to eat? Go. Read a book? Go ahead. Etc

As a fellow undesirable, pursuing women is a COLLOSAL, EPIC waste of time. And yes, I did put in the effort.

Thank god I pulled on the brakes when I was just 19. I saved so much time.
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put on this and you'll be hot
>pulling the brakes at 19

You don't even know pain you little shit, try being 26 and all of a sudden women show some interest in you (because their options are dwindling) but you're too emotionally broken to even enjoy the rare moment of success.

Oh yeah inb4 chad, the few that get you close enough to open the feels rip your feels out and throw it in the shitter and stick it back inside you so you realize that in the best case scenario, you didn't have to pay for a hooker that day but pretty much spent the same amount of money you have to save to support your shitty boomer parents who couldn't manage a fucking dollar between their legs.

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>Tfw when you will never March into cities with your friends who are closer than family and take it for yourself
>Tfw you will never rape and pillage
>Tfw when you will never shoot an RPG at a government building or storm a castle in the name of your king

Am I the only one?
>Inb4 chimps
They look like they are having actual fun.
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
Yeah all that violence is primal. I totally agree with you op.

>watch Beasts of No Nation the other day
>figure since it's a white guilt movie I'll get to watch a bunch of niggers get slaughters
>instead come out wishing I was one of the niggers

I think I just want the curent world order to dissolve into anarchy. Modernity was a mistake desu.
I felt bad for Agu where he had to spend the night with the commandant. Other than that seems pretty legit
Is that the one where they snort gun powder and shit because that movie was awesome (until the leader fell for the diamond meme and fucked his platoon)

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uni thread: Weekend edition

How did the week go for you guys? Make any friends yet?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.

My only friend is Calculus and my AVR
Why bother making friends when I'll just forget them like I usually do.
>Make any friends yet?
I don't see the point, every class I have is with different people from different majors, with different schedule's.
I don't start the new term until next month. I've purposelessly not applied for group projects so I guess I won't be making any friends

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>normal conservative dressed girl being lewd

More of this. So hot.
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
>tfw my guitar hero guitar is broken and I'll never ber able to play again
That's pretty lewd. More of this threads theme originally please.
>If you can beat TTFAF on expert I'll let you lick my pooper, Anon!
just buy a new one god damn they're like $30.

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