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Drug thread

>1. What drugs have you tried?
>2. What's your favourite drug and why?
>3. Any interesting drug related greentexts (cops, trip reports, psych wards, OD's, drug dealing, etc)
49 posts and 2 images submitted.
None because it's not going to solve my problems. Drug users are cucks.
I used to be like you until I tried adderall. Changed my entire view point on drugs as a whole.
1) Average ones like weed, mushrooms, alcohol, absinthe, ecstasy, cocaine, lsd, various opiates also other ones like Kava Kava and Salvia. Over the counter ones like nutmeg, gravol, dxm.
2) Not really one, combining ecstasy and mushrooms was the best experience
3) Not really although I wish I had pursued it a little different and waited until I was older to start experimenting with proper research and controlled experimentation. I want to one day experiment with DMT and LSD again in this manner.

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16 posts and 2 images submitted.

i graduated with a bachelor's last month. :)
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I don't start until next week but
>no friends and family rarely calls
>haven't actually talked to anyone or said anything since christmas
>first class is japanese
>know we'll have to do required speaking introduction
What are the chances I look like a complete sperg

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Is 1,79m manlet status? 4chan treats it like it is but every girl I meet thinks I'm tall and I'm above my country's average height.
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
Depends where you live. In most of the world, it's average or above average. In some places, it's below average. Girls really lust after guys over 185cm though.
No it is average at best.

I live in Sweden, here the average is like 181cm.

I am 180, and yet i seem to be short, and just as tall as most women.

Tall is 185 - 190+ if not more.

Being 5'11 - 6'0 seems to be tall on 4chan, but always average and almost short irl.

There are 16 year olds who are 6'4 here.

But then again, if i go to Portugal i am a head talller than everyone.
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>tfw 5'8 white male and perfectly fine with it
Try meditating or something, I'm also a huge fucking hippie so that might have something to do with it.
Wish you happiness my insecure friends.

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or should we shoot for lower.
64 posts and 13 images submitted.
6/10 is way too high for you guys. 3/10 is more your level. Highest maybe being 4/10
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>3/10 is more your level

here's a 3.

seems really unambitious though.
Well, I'd say it's a solid 4-5 desu. But tastes differ

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Have you ever considered the military, robots?
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yes but the chance of getting commissioned as an officer is around 5% because we're in such a huge labor surplus
no, too dumb for military.
Maybe if we ever decide to take Constantinople back

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>just be confident and be yourself. it works everytime anon :)
24 posts and 2 images submitted.
If I had thick hair like him I would be a fucking Chad

there are bald chads. you're lacking in height or facial aesthetics most likely
mazing bone structure, needs to be replicated.

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ITT: we whine and complain about how hard it is we're having because of our penis size

>tfw i don't see the point in anything anymore because of how i feel about my penis
>self improvement is pointless. Hobby is pointless.

pic related is not me
52 posts and 8 images submitted.
Is 6 inches is enough as an asian?
6 inches is enough as a human to function
Why do I have a feeling a ton of 7+ inch dick having guys will come and say muh dick is small.

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how do you deal with the boredom of life?
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
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pop a few pills
basically this

Drugs make existence bearable
Watching shit on TV.
I've always had a guilty pleasure for watching degrassi the next generation. I kept following it and recently got nextflix and remembered that they put the newest series on there.

Not going to lie, I've been watching this shit, and a lot of these characters are morally wrong and the conflicts feel forced and shitty. Maybe it's because it's only 10 episodes instead of the average 20 episodes, but I'm ending up agreeing with the "wrong" party in these dramas rather than the right ones.

Kid starts a gaming club, feminist club gets triggered and forced the gaming club to shut down because of muh soggy knees. Bitch who preforms in a band gets stupidly upset about a man on his phone while they are preforming and overreacts and throws his phone into his beer for being "rude" during her performance on stage in a bar. This led to the revelation that she should be free from oppression and the man on his phone was oppressing her, which is just complete shit.

Now in this season there is a sports team feud which was incited by opposing team doing a prank of "lol stealing all your clothes and making you run outside naked during a fire alarm" which was reailiated with the degrassi team going to their school and drawing images of all their players as animals and call their school a zoo. Apparently they made the black chick into a monkey and now it's magically racist and they are wrong when they made the other team go outside nude in the first place which is wrong.

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Was the whole eating sardines (dines) on here a few months ago just trolling or are you guys still eating them?

I asked my mom to get a cab at the store and they really didn't taste too good.
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
sardines are delicious

Get a can, not a cab
And because of people like you all the shitposting is not in vain. I guess in a few months you will be eating nothing but oats and ask your mom about it every day?

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>Normie complains about social anxiety
>Is in a relationship and has an active social life
28 posts and 11 images submitted.
I flipped out on my one friends gf for this and called her a stupid fucking roastie slag and told her to fucking kill herself then
I assume you then got kicked out?
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>be me
>18 white male, blonde hair blue eyes, medium build. relatively tall and good looking
>no acne or social kinks that make me unappealing to females
>New Zealand, privileged East Auckland life
>loving, generous parents who genuinely love each other, will never separate
>go to best public school in the country
>healthy social life, a small group of good friends
>awesome, beautiful gf for 7 months now
>regular, enjoyable sex
>above average grades
>enjoyable and socially focused part-time job
>almost zero anxiety issues
>attend parties and social gatherings regularly
>all needs and most wants fulfilled
>discovered 4chan around 4 months ago from a FB meme page and 'best of' subreddits
>ultra newfag, enjoy life thoroughly
>genuine giggles at oatposting

How's your guys life doing?

>Born too late to explore the earth
>Born too soon to explore the universe.
>Born just in time to eat oats with my brothers
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
>retarded brother thinks he's gonna have any of these sweet oats
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>Born just in time to eat you oat loving fucks
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O brother, may I have some oats?
May you grant me the love of our relation and blood in the form of the delicious filling feed?
O brother, you are aware of the oats become scarce among us, it is difficult each sunrise to awake to the rays while our stomachs growl and low with the masters machines.
O brother, may I have some oats? Many of our siblings have transformed into frames of what held our plump bodies to the final evolution of an empty sack of lard and bones, perishing ina puddle of mud, drowning in its thickness too weak to Squirm out.
"O brother", you confess to me, "I fear my revelation, these oats I'm consuming shall consume you"

How do I get a hikikomori gf?
Where do I meet them?
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
you dont meet them, they have bf already or dont leave the house.
deliever packages or pizza
At convenience stores at inconvenient times

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Why are you drinking it?
42 posts and 6 images submitted.
I honestly drank my last cup this morning. Could be beneficial for some, but it makes my hearthrate jump up.

I don't really, it makes me uncomfortably buzzed more often than not. It's okay if I have something in particular to occupy my time with, but if I'm gonna order a coffee and then just go home I don't see the point, it doesn't help me relax / unwind or anything.
caffeine negates the negative effects of alcohol on the liver i read somewhere, i think

>tfw wanna get in shape but too scared to go to gym cuz it's gonna be full of Chads and Staceys who will judge me and make fun of me in their minds, there's probably even gonna be people who I know from school that I haven't seen for years and they are fucking bullies

This is fucking impossible, I should have started doing it years ago when my peers were jumping on the board but now it's too late, everybody forgot about me and just coming out from my cave would be too awkward

I wish I had the money to buy all the equipment but I guess it costs thousands of dollars
38 posts and 6 images submitted.
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Fuck it dude, everyone has to start some where. And if you don't start today, when will you ever? Fuck what they think, it's what you want and what you need.
I wish it was that easy but my body is nothing but bones and skin, I can't show myself in front of other people like this, I'm too weird
That's a quality pepe

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how do you figure out what to do in life when you're not good at anything and have zero skills or interests or ambition

I'm too afraid to go to school because that's a ton of money and I don't know what I would study or what field I would pursue

I don't have really any hobbies that I do

I'm too ugly and unlikeable to just be a househusband NEET

I guess I could probably be a slave or an indentured servant but I'm kinda unskilled and not very useful, plus that would probably get old quickly

everything is just boring, there's so much wonder and possibility in the world and my brain interprets it all as boring
30 posts and 3 images submitted.
Do what I did, join the army
>everything is just boring, there's so much wonder and possibility in the world and my brain interprets it all as boring

internet and other escapism done fucked up our dopamine receptors fampai. At least the normies are being overstimulated now aswell
pretty much this you have to force yourself to live without the interwebs for at least a month until you fully come back to being normal

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