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Archived threads in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001 - 11575. page

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/r9k/ on Craigslist there's this older woman (40) who says she's interested in having a summer fling with a younger guy (I'm 18). I'm fairly good looking but very autistic so I figure this is as good of a chance as I'm gonna get of losing my virginty before college which might shake off some autism so I could have a chance at being a normie and maybe even getting a gf.

Anyway my question is what do I say about myself that will get her to respond? Should I beeee myself and tell her I'm just trying to lose my virginity before college or should I say something else, also know that in person there's no way I'll be able to impersonate chad if that's your advice. I lack any of that kind of confidence.

Also should I reply to her with my main email or one of my side emails or does it not matter?

>pic not related just really cute
19 posts and 1 images submitted.
good god lad, have some standards unless she's a milf, pics
high chance of the herps id be cautious. most likely she is looking for chad. dont send pics unless she asks, especially not dick pics. thats all i got
it will be much easier for you to lose your virginity to a girl your age in college, don't sweat it

unless you are a real robot of course
She didn't post pics, but 40 isnt that old and she said she was blonde, 5'8", and average build, and lives in the suburbs so I'd guess she'd at least be fuckable.

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>mom found the gassing centers
10 posts and 8 images submitted.
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>mom found her panties in my draw with mold growing on them
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>feds found the lethal doses of morphine
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>Dad found the necrophilia network
Please post more rare ships.

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>Be me, 11 years old. Have retarded last name Sandyeggo
>Only friend is my dog name Carmen
>I would spend all my time with Carmen
>It would get to the point where I wouldn't eat dinner without having Carmen sitting next to me
>Eventually I get sucked up in school work and my new found love for football
>Start spending less and less time with Carmen
>Notice that Carmen is becoming more distant and disapears for hours
>One night after coming home from football with a couple of friends I notice that Carmen doesn't greet me at the door
>Ask mom where Carmen is and she says the she doesn't know
>Just think to myself that it's one of her disapearances and that she will come back
>Friends leave and I head to bed
>Next morning wake up and realize that Carmen is still missing
>Confront parents about her disapearance
>We set up posters and search for her every day
>Weeks pass and i'm still wondering
>Where in the world is Carmen Sandyeggo
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
I was it coming two lines in
I know I fucked up before realizing it
It's cool dude, at least your making your own stuff

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post yfw when on your deathbed and the nurse asks if you have any regrets
10 posts and 6 images submitted.
not anymore i dont!
not anymore i dont!
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My only regret is that I didn't die sooner
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> deathbed
> regrets
such a fucking meme. soon enough you and everything won't exist

< 100 years anon


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>haven't brushed my teeth in about 1 year
>went to the dentist yesterday
>no cavities, just a little bit of gingivitis

When did you realize that brushing your teeth is a meme?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
>literally has a condition caused by not brushing
>hurr durr it's a meme
i brush my teeth if i eat oreos and then am going to go to sleep for 12 hrs
It's a meme in the sense that it won't give you anything really bad, faggot. If I just brushed my teeth every once in a while I'd be totally fine.
>haven't brushed my teeth in 10 years
>teeth are literally falling out and breaking when i eat
>in constant pain and gum disease out the ass
>20 years old

tooth brushing is useless yeah definitely

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>message girl I found on pof to be friendzoned
>add her on steam
>she messages me
>you're the person from fetlife right?
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
How is this a bad thing again?
girls aren't as capricious as they let on.
it is a shit test.
if you treat her like shit and tell her you want to fuck, she will choke on your cock, she basically proved it with
but i would drop her.

>a female gamer
>using pof
>using fetlife

That figures. Dropped.
K I'm gonna ask her out for sushi right now.
Fuck you.

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>broke my laptops headphone jack

This is the end

I have no reason to go on
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
Plug it into a tv via hdmi
I don't have a TV.

I don't know why I would do that anyway.
what kinda laptop is it?

the part might be easily replaceable
It's a Toshiba

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How are you right now, r9k? I've got 2 dogs in bed with me right now and I couldn't be happier.
21 posts and 3 images submitted.
that is disgusting

enjoy nasty dirt all over and in your bed
Sounds like someone has never received some puppy love before
Sounds comfy anon. Im just starting outside my window on a Saturday night wondering when everything went wrong.
Tell me your story, anon. I'm interested

>If you're an atheist, you wear one of these, have a neckbeard, are autistic, like MLP and post on Reddit
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
>and post on Reddit
Actually they post on /r9k/

tfw when 4chan was the original neckbeard website

we wuz
We don't actually believe that. It's like "tits or GTFO." If you bring up your pleb-tier beliefs on here, you're gonna get laughed at

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>mouse scratching the wall
>mosquito buzzing around
>can't sleep

Just fucking kill me.
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
no, kill THEM
kill the mouse and mosquito and you will have your peace

I can't find the mosquito and the mouse is in the wall. No idea how to kill that fucker. He comes from outside.
Make peace with the mouse and you will find peace within yourself

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>alot of girls like you
>you don't like them back
>your oneitis is taken
7 posts and 3 images submitted.

>alot of girls like you

I........ I'm not familiar with this feel. It seems fo foreign, so distant.
i get smiles from girls in public
what does this mean
i have the outward appearance of a normie but on the inside im a robot
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>>alot of girls like you

fuck off
Im basically this >>29843579

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So whats your favorite kind of girl and why is it black women?
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
I just want a black mixed race thick nyc gf ;_;

>big boobs
>big butts
>don't get offended at every fucking thing like white bitches
Bebe made me realize that an autistic GF might not be as great as the average robot might assume.

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The sweet girl who refuses to hold hands with you is the same one who licks chad's cum off the floor while he calls her names. Behind the facade of unavailable pureness women put for betas, there is a secret world of dirty degrading lust which they only share with chads.
19 posts and 4 images submitted.
this is pasta, right? I've seen this before
I've gotten hugs from sweet girls before but holding hands is definitely a dating thing.
fantasizing about the possibility of a sweet qt gf is the only thing keeping me from killing myself

please stop
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girls are cute, you know, until they unzip their mouths

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This is what heaven must feel like
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
fuck that feels like its too sensitive
I can't go on much longer without it, I will get it by any means necessary. If that means facing machine gun fire then so be it.
lol it must suck being an americuc

brb guns but not escorts
For her too! This is a nice dick. And this guy seems to get that women like being lead.

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8 posts and 3 images submitted.
I want to be lauren mayberry's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her lauren mayberry blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo lauren mayberry blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her lauren mayberry face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
Mulan is the type of story that could only have happened in East Asia.


>be black
>frequently make shitposts about black women being ugly just to bully and trigger the femanons and attentionwhores
>secretly desire a qt introverted black gf who enjoys vidya
22 posts and 6 images submitted.
>frequently make shitposts about black women being ugly just to bully and trigger the femanons and attentionwhores

if you really wanted to bully femanons and attentionwhores you would make threads bullying white women or just women in general

there's simply way more white women here than black, like, if you make a thread specifically bullying Tongan woman, you think anything is gonna be achieved?
>Be white
>Constantly make jokes about niggers
>call people and things care traitor as a joke
>secretly in love with a qt Black gril
they get the most triggered

also i've made threads talking about how asian pussy is superior to white pussy, but i like to spice things up every week
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>be black
>don't care about 3D roasties because I have my waifu

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Best fast food coming through
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
all yum! foods is shit tier.

Incorrect, the attached is clearly the best.
>cheesy gordita crunch
>crunchwrap supreme

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Sorry guys pic now attached

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Tell us something you wished someone would have told you before you had sex for the first time.
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
Make sure it isn't with a crazy person who will ruin your life.
It's not as good as you think it is.
jerking off is better.
the best position for both people is doggy style.
no one wants to talk afterward, let alone listen to you crying about hiding under your blankets as a child and pretending to be homeless to cry yourself to sleep.
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pussy doesn't smell like fish

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I'm Taylor, im a 19 year old girl who just started twitch streaming. My username is
right now we are playing Orion, gonna be playing other games too!
I'm trying to get it set up so it works right, do I have to add a new shot to open my webcam? I tried that but the webcam showed up blue. Do I add it as a global source?
I am doing it to help make ends meet, as you see I was homeless for a year and I made a deal with a guy to exchange cleaning for a place to live until I get a job, but he broke the deal off and wants me out after two weeks. I was homeless because I was trying to escape an abusive family, so I don't have anybody to help me out. Things can get hard to afford. I've applied to Wendy's, Walmart, Target, DollarTree, Costco, Safeway, Roundtable, Subway, etc. I've applied to lots and lots of jobs but nobody wants to hire me yet, so I decided to give twitch a shot.
But it's not working right because it goes offline alot. If I set my max bitrate to 700, is that what makes it lag? As opposed to say, 900?
You guys don't have to donate, I really just like hanging out with you all.
You guys are the well-humored fun-loving people I like having around my stream.
I hope you guys can answer my questions so I can get into streaming!
16 posts and 4 images submitted.
thank you for your input
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can i stick my tung in ur pus-pus?
false-flag operation
>im a 19 year old girl

No, you're that trash anon that got banned from /cuteboys/
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Would you date a sjw?
19 posts and 5 images submitted.
Too moralfaggy, no thanks. I do things for fun
no. dumb wordview, boring personalities, and they all want to be dominated (but their understanding of being dominated to so lay in bed like a fish while the man ravages them)

i give SJW women a 1/10
>would you date a stupid and ignorant girl
>Break up with SJW
>Get charged with rape

no thx

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I want to duel someone to the death. Just how I wanna die, or live the rest of my life. Is there anywhere on the Earth where this is legal? I have a friend who said he wants to duel me. It would be with guns, cowboy style. Anyways I've got a friend in Singapore who could be the judge and we'd go there if it was legal.
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
Your life belongs to the jews. You can't do it.
Anyways I want out. And I want it to be cool when I go. You know?
Why worry about the legality? One person loses, the other offs themself, and nobody has to care anymore.
One has to carry on the legacy.

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Who else here has a fetish for well-done and obvious makeup? I don't know why, but it's hot to see a girl put on a bunch of makeup? Anyone else get this?
24 posts and 6 images submitted.
Yes because I crossdress.
yeah but for clown makeup
It must be nice to be able to get it up to the most trivial bullshit.
Yes I enjoy when girls spend a lot of time doing their makeup and hair. I like the look of well done makeup, not so much bimbo clown. This isn't really a fetish I'm just a normalfag who isn't obsessed with purity.

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lovers and haters of the obese please post about fatties, videos, stories, pictures. real obese people pls contribute
9 posts and 4 images submitted.
I've been watching episodes of My 600lb Life a lot recently

Just got under the obese BMI level yesterday too. Feels good man.
I'm fat and I fucking hate fat people, they're so fucking gross.
everyone give it up for anon!!! im glad your getting healthier! keep it up.
heres another video of a notorious fat.

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Fembots, how much did I fuck up?

I basically just told a girl who likes me that I have feelings for our mutual friend.
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
Well, if you wanted to ever have anything happen with that girl, or for your feelings to remain secret, badly.
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invite em for triangle
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Well shit

Should I tell my crush that 'do you think I made a mistake telling my friend who likes me that I like her friend'? As sort of an indirect heads up to be aware of any possible future slander.

If she kills my chances somehow with my crush I'm gonna stop seeing both of them and just date my friend's gf's sister instead. Dont need this drama.

Original pasta desu familia

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TFW you realize there is a rape club in las vegas
sometimes referred to as club secret, costs thousands and thousands to be a memeber.
There are usually only one or two nights a month when there is a show.
Amateur girls are given tens of thousands of dollars to get gangbanged by 2-10 guys for an hour or so in front of an audience of around 200 wealthy people.
Everyone is transported to the secret location in a blacked out limo and must turn over their cell phones before leaving for the club. It is located somewhere around 10 minutes off the strip.
During some of the shows the girls have no safe word
here are a couple of first hand accounts



There are other stories (not just on reddit) but talk about the club is discouraged. Anyone here familiar with any of this? Unfortunate that rape is essentially allowed, even if there is a big financial incentive for the girl.
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
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one of the accounts
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another talking about the rape
that does it

i'm swallowing the redpill
How is that rape when they girls are agreeing to do so for the cash?

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