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Archived threads in /g/ - Technology - 427. page

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I dont understand why people feel the need to bring (bad) web technologies to desktop. I understand desktop is in stagnation and everything is either mobile or web now, but for the love of god, who in their right mind would use electron to develop file system.
94 posts and 4 images submitted.
>who in their right mind would use electron to develop file system.
A file manager and a file system aren't the same thing, mongo.
people keep falling for the memes I guess
so how many chromiums instances we'll have soon?

>editor -> chromium instance
>browser -> chromium instance
>terminal -> chromium instance
>file manager -> chromium instance
also, whats more stupid, each of those "apps" bundles 30-50 mb chromium. so you have 5+ chromium applications in your applications directories lol

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I once heard the concept of captcha described as:
>"Forcing the user through an ordeal to bypass a technical design flaw programmers are too inept to figure out how to correct."

How does /g/ feel about this description?

Are captchas a plague we should be working to be rid of or a necessary evil?
61 posts and 3 images submitted.
i'd prefer to generate proof of work beforehand and have it autosubmit but that'll never happen
shut up Goy and keep on training that Google Deep Learning™ driving algorithm.

What you're asking the programmer to do is to define down the letter what separates a machine from a person, and somehow make it something that all people across all cultures have in common and that can be instinctively known by the computer before a user inputs anything.

In short it's a flaw, yes, but asking a programmer to fix it is like asking a philosopher to define the very nature of what makes us human.
Based on how spammy Web 2.0 was I'm pretty sure they're a necessary evil as of right now. Sure having to find bridges sucks, but it's still better than 3 threads on /b/ reaching 500 posts with literal viagra advertisements.

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>Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer robots
>Open letter signed by Tesla chief and Google’s Mustafa Suleyman urges UN to block use of lethal autonomous weapons to prevent third age of war


Is it good he's starting the discussion?
33 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Doesn't matter, USA will use it anyway for 2 things war and propaganda. All papers and laws in the world won't change it.
He's a businessman, not a political activist.
He does it for publicity because his companies' share value is tied directly to his public image
He doesn't need to talk about it for his business, he's been personally obsessed with the topic for years.


Fucking faggot.

Humans needs to die.

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Gimmick, or....?
24 posts and 2 images submitted.
It has already flopped
It's way too much money to what amounts to like 4 hours of fun
Get the Rift for half the price
It's almost a "$299" but not really since Oculus is still a bit cheaper (but motion controllers are separate on Rift).

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Which one is /Ourguy/?
51 posts and 9 images submitted.

There has to be one.
stallman then
Elon is not just our guy

He is humanity's guy, mankind's guy, the messiah

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Alright /g/, I need your help.

I recently built a new computer. I went with an MSI B350M Mortar Arctic motherboard, because it has support for surround sound through spdif. I have the latest realtek hd audio drivers installed. Windows 10 64 bit.

I own a Samsung home theater system with spdif in that works perfectly fine for my consoles.

However, I can't get this shit to work properly on my computer. If I right click on my volume button in my taskbar and hit playback devices, then right click on the realtek digital output, and hit properties, and go to the "supported formats" tab, when pressing the test button for both DTS Audio and Dolby Digital, I get sound from my sub, left front, middle, right front, right surround, and left surround respectively. So obviously it SHOULD be working, however beyond that nothing fucking works. If i go to "advanced" tab under the realtek digital output properties, and press the drop down for "digital format" all options are in 2 channels, absolutely none for surround. Any video game that I run does not play surround, and music that I listen to that is mixed in surround (for example, Fear of A Blank Planet by Porcupine Tree) does not work in surround and only plays on left and right front (nothing from the sub even). The only thing that I have actually heard work in surround is while I was streaming Game of Thrones on HBO Go. Which is really fucking weird because I have tried to use that little surround test for Halo 2 (which works flawlessly on my Xbox One), and again, only getting audio from 2 channels from it.

I am at a complete fucking loss here, No idea what the hell is the matter with this shit. Any ideas?

sorry for the wall of text
34 posts and 4 images submitted.
oops mis-remembering a little bit here, i realized that while i normally stream game of thrones on my computer, i happened to stream a couple episodes on my xbox that must be when i heard the surround effects because i just went to play it on my computer again and only getting stereo.
seriously fuck off and die
>fell for the ayymd ryzen meme
lol kill you're self
You are the kind of cunt IT support fucking dread. Thank fuck im a developer.

Drink copious amounts of bleach, that will fix the problem.

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Hey determinism fags, If the whole fucking universe if deterministic, then it's theoretically possible to build a computer/program than can calculate EXACTLY what is going to happen in the future, given enough information.

And if that can be calculated, you can purposely alter the future.

If you alter the succession of events, that means that the predicted future wasn't correct.

As soon as you knew the future, the future changed to a future where you know the future.

How is this not alike the "many worlds interpretation"?

Also, if the universe if fixed, then how come you are mad at me if it was inevitable that I posted this?

Also, why the fuck am I so depressed, does the universe hate me?
It makes more sense that I fucked up..
33 posts and 2 images submitted.
>given enough information
It is not possible to obtain this information due to the Uncertainty Principle
Sure it's "theoretically possible" but you making such a device would also be inevitable (if you did), and if the machine was perfect then it would predict any alterations you make upon receiving this information. If it's not perfect your point is moot. The universe is fixed and as such me calling you a retard is inevitable. Retard
>and if the machine was perfect then it would predict any alterations you make upon receiving this information

That would create an endless loop.
basically the computer would end up predicting every physically possible future.

That's my point, uncertainty proves there are many possibilities ergo the future is not fixed

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Is Python really as bad as /g/ says?

I actually kind of enjoy using it...
26 posts and 1 images submitted.
NOTHING is as bad as /g/ says
Except for AMD, AMD is worse than what /g/ says.
Its not bad at all. You've been fed a bunch of lies
No, python is great.

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What's the best KDE distro?

39 posts and 3 images submitted.
wnidows 10
KDE Neon.
>KDE distro

you fail before you begin


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Old thread: >>62004107

What are you working on, /g/?
324 posts and 27 images submitted.
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can a memelang like python or go do anything this powerful?
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data Cow = Cow {
name :: String
, age :: Int
, weight :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)

type Valid = Either [String]

noEmpty :: String -> Valid String
noEmpty "" = Left ["Input cannot be empty"]
noEmpty str = Right str

noNegative :: Int -> Valid Int
noNegative n | n >= 0 = Right n
| otherwise = Left ["Number cannot be negative"]

mkCow :: String -> Int -> Int -> Valid Cow
mkCow name age weight = Cow <$> noEmpty name
<*> noNegative age
<*> noNegative weight

*Cow> mkCow "" (-1) (-1)
Left ["Input cannot be empty"]

Is there a reason Either's Applicative doesn't mappend Lefts?
thanks for using anime image
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What's the worst code you've ever written?
Triangle:= VideoBuf^[(((mposx-155) div 8)-1)+(((mposy-167) div 9)-1)*ScreenWidth] shr 8 and 15;

>Man, I'm too lazy to write a function to put pixels on the screen, I'll just edit the buffer directly and test this real quick
t. me a couple of years ago

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Why do you nerds still install and use linux if you can just install it on windows :)
> botnet os
retard learn how to disable telemetry etc
95 posts and 15 images submitted.
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>He thinks he can disable telemetry
nice photoshop skills
I usually think those 'excuse me I'd like to interject...' are massive фaggots but is in this case it really is GNU/NT.

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If you want help:
>Assemble parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560 - poverty-tier builds
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (<$500)
>R3 1300x - Good stop-gap between the 1500x and the 1200, only get a 1400 if you absolutely need multithreading
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games
>Good fucking luck even getting a VEGA right now

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor
353 posts and 34 images submitted.
>>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high

I'm hitting 144fps on 1440 on most of my games. It would handle 144@1080 just fine for most titles except maybe witcher 3 or battlefrog 1.
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I need prices on 6GB GTX 1060s to drop down to a comfortable level.

I just need one.
ill ask again since old thread died shortly after I asked this
Is it possible to get a riser or something so that I could split my 16x pcie port into 2 8x?
Or ideally the 8x to 2 4x
I want to have my raid card and my nic in my server so I could test this graphics card and possibly getting a second raid card so I can start moving over to bigger than 2tb disks.
144@1080 is limited by CPU more than GPU.

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Where did the computer go?
36 posts and 5 images submitted.
Mommy's basement where the neckbeard monster man dwells and will eat you if you step foot in his cave

haha am I right fellow memesters?
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Where did the computer go?
prolly hiding up OP's gigantic rectal area

Holy shit, how come AMD is cheaper AND better?

Also, Intel's waifus a shit
35 posts and 9 images submitted.
Chart posting should be a banable offense. What is this measuring? Cocks in asses?
>It gets worse

Holy fucking shit

>What is this measuring?

Amd vs intel

I thought ameriburger corps were supposed to be good?
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how will intlel ever recover?

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>spend billions training billions of captchas
the current state of self driving AI meme lmao
35 posts and 4 images submitted.
Why go through all that effort? Just steal the stop sign. The self driving car can't see what's not there!
This is a shit idea to begin with. If you're going to have self driving cards you need to adapt the roads and signs and rules to suit them. Trying to get them to read road signs made for humans is just a waste of time.
I think they're jumping the gun here. Just make us cars that can autopilot on highways to start with. Let me hop onto an onramp, set the destination exit, and wake me up five miles before we get there. I can handle the short city driving.
Ez. Just use many defaced examples in the training. Make defacing signs a higher penalty as well

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Why is tempered glass meme so popular in the PeeSee case industry?

Can't we have some good cases for once?
95 posts and 18 images submitted.
What is wrong with the case?

That case is b e a UTIFUL
Because tampered glass > plexiglass?
My plexi is turning yellow over the years.

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What's the consensus on Smart TVs? I just bought one.
39 posts and 4 images submitted.
They're a meme and spy on you.
Enjoy your literal botnet
Infinitely inferior to the experience offered by the Apple TV.
Useless, keep the damn thing disconnected from internet and just use a PC

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Redpill me on NFC/RFID hand implants.

Who has either? Both? What are they useful for? How risky are they? Are they really as useful as they seem?
62 posts and 1 images submitted.
NWO meme to drive you willingly to be tracked
Literally mark of the beast
Revelation 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Reminder the company who makes rfid chips is (((cohencidentally))) located at 666 5th ave.
Some saturnian shit going on here boys.
>installing the botnet to your body

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Daily reminder that you're probably using malicious hardware.

Your hardware is botnet if you're using a recent Intel or AMD platform. These CPUs have a small SoC integrated into them that can't be disabled or else the machine will fail to boot. The AMD version is the Platform Security Processor. It does power management and less is known about it than the Intel equivalent. As far as we know it doesn't have networking capabilities but you should definitely assume so. The Intel version is called the Management Engine. The ME has access to your RAM, your hard drive, all I/O including cameras and microphones and it can turn your computer on and off. It can act as a keylogger. A lot of these "features" are made possible by a firmware frontend held in the BIOS chip called Active Management Technology. AMT can set up a virtual serial connection that could potentially allow and attacker to pass data around a LAN, allowing malware to not only be spread silently to all of the machines utilizing and exploited AMT/ME, but also to bypass the machine's firewall. In other words, it has the potential to allow 13 year olds to grab you by the balls regardless of your OS, your motherboard, or any extra hardware apart from the ME and AMT. The ME has full network access and can access the OS network stack or set up its own. It has read-write access to all memory, including the BIOS flash chip, which it can silently update if you're running Windows 7 or higher. Everything Core i3 and greater is compromised in this way. Some Core 2 models also have a ME but it can be disabled. The Intel ME is openly offered as a "feature" for enterprise use, but it's so much more than that. Search around for Project Odin's Eye, brought to you from our good friends at the CIA.

24 posts and 3 images submitted.
Dirty phoneposters aren't safe either. Every smartphone has a baseband processor that acts much like the early implementations of the Intel ME did, where it's not integrated into the CPU, but is on a different part of the main logic board. It has been proven in some older Samsung Galaxy models that all of your flash memory, cameras, and microphones can be accessed remotely over a cellular connection because the baseband hardware isn't isolated, allowing it to bypass the HAL and kernel to access these things. Keep in mind that iPhones and iPads use baseband hardware made by Qualcomm and Intel and they use closed source, proprietary firmware that neither iOS nor LineageOS devs can do anything to mitigate.


>Apple baseband device list:

>Android basebend problems:

>Intel ME stuff:

>AMD PSP stuff:

Archives in case anyone wants them. They're in the same order.




You know it's possible to externally monitor network usage, right? It's easy to know what data your computer is sending over your network with the proper equipment, even if it tries to hide it from the user; this is how Windows 10 was proven to be backdoored, for example. If there is Big Brother-ish features in IME, they almost certainly require direct access to the machine.

The real issue with it is the fact that it's incredibly insecure and can shatter even a hardened OS if a vulnerability is found.

>Poo company tries to outplay another company
>Lies about price
>Produces inferior product that runs hotter and slower than current industry leaders

Lmfao AMD is finished and done.
121 posts and 6 images submitted.
>amdfags will defend this
Rx outsold everywhere,Finished ? sure thing
RX makes sense for Minerfags but not Vega as it's a firehouse and too expensive.
Sold out everywhere because no one had enough stock.

HBM fucked them in so many ways.

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my computer is riddled with viruses and doesn't let me restore to fac settings or run .exe files

35 posts and 2 images submitted.
you need to release the gentoo
Dban to give viruses extetminatus.

Install new OS manually.
english please
lmao kys cuck.

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So this is the power of Panjeet™
36 posts and 5 images submitted.
>base64 encoded passwords
Jesus christ.
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is that rust?
Nah this looks like dumb burger code
You usually find pajeets writing JDBC code
Why do people not know about hash tables?

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>be me, have regular android
>decide to install lineageOS because I like free software and want to remove bloat
>plan on removing gApps because fucking google botnet
>I need apps like Instagram and Snapchat to talk to my friends in their normie group chats because I can't join their iMessage groupchats
>hear of apps like Yalp Store that let you install APKs from the Play Store so I assume you can install Instagram and Snapchat on them
>install F-Droid then install Yalp from within it
>open yalp
>literally every app has "requires Google Play Services" including Instagram and Snapchat
>the web version of Instagram doesn't have messaging and Snapchat doesn't even have a web version
>I now have no friends all because of FOSS
thanks Obama
60 posts and 3 images submitted.
What about swimming u like swimming don't you
>he fell for the freetard meme
get an iphone like every normal person if you want privacy. trying to avoid google under android is impossible.

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>not using one email for one account only

Stop embracing the botnet.
43 posts and 18 images submitted.
Are you going to waste an entire thread or are you going to post more lewds?
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dumb whore of babylon poster
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Shit teir lewds

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anti systemd fags BTFO forever eternally.
32 posts and 5 images submitted.
systemd is so overly bloated that it would take centuries for even the best minds to think about all of it
>this shit is free
This is an official RMS email btw
Stallman is literally a nignoggin

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