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Archived threads in /g/ - Technology - 2475. page

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>Cheat engine forum been DDOS
>Table gone
>Claiming cheat engine is violating the works of companies like Bethesda ect.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Program code - hex - ect
You must be new here.
No one cares about a shitty tool for gaymers to cheat at their vidya gaymes
i do

16 posts and 3 images submitted.
6GB what? GTX 1060?
You should have bought an 8GB RX 480 instead. Kill yourself.
If you're talking about having 6GB system RAM also kill yourself.
The 6GiB of RAM is enough meme.
> going above 1080p
literally stupid
nearly 95% of all video sources I have are 1080p. I would distort videos with upscaling if I went to a bigger monitor for a gayme meme.
Yeah, a 6 GB HDD isn't enough in 2017...

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How do we kill the ultimate botnets? How do we extinguish the trinity of evil? How do we eliminate the trio or rottenness?
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
Ideas I picked up so far

1. Superior Alternative
2. Expose their hypocrisy/education
3. Pin them against each other
the only winning move is not to play
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Then again there's this problem.

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How does it make you feel?
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
i'm confused how adding a poop filter to your photos was a $1 billion idea
I still dont even know what instagram is, how how its any different from all the other social media garbage out there.
Why would this make me feel anything?

Sounds like too much money to pay for something like Instagram, but the valuation would be much more tied to the number of users it has, since that determines how many users your admen can serve ads to, and if they have a gorillion users with only 13 employees, they've obviously built a very lean, efficient, and scalable infrastructure. So both of those things are valuable, but a billion seems like too much.

But that aside, I'm not a Facebook shareholder or an Instagram user, so why would I give a damn whether Facebook acquires them or how much they pay?
likewise, i have no idea whether all these companies that suddenly become huge out of nowhere ever considered this would happen, or was this their plan all along. i mean, there must be people dumping a lot of money into trends/bubbles which may or may not stick. it's easy to say "these guys got shit rich with their simple as fuck idea, anyone could have done that" but how can you know if that's what people want or not? i, for one, have no understanding of what the average josephina sees in any of this shit and it sometimes freaks me out.

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Today is the day of:
>Ryzen reviews
>1080ti announcement/release
>Vega announcment
What are you doing on the biggest tech day of the year?
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
>Ryzen reviews
nope, coming on Thursday
It isn't 28th for the NDA? Damn why can't they just clearly say when the date for that is...
Wccf said it's today, most other sites said it will be on March 2nd.
I think march 2nd is when they start being sold and dispatched. pretty sure the reviews are sometime today.

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Post them guts. Anyone preordered/buying ryzen soon?
20 posts and 17 images submitted.
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> Anyone preordered/buying ryzen soon?

Must be bait
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Not going to upgrade this year I think, not unless the 1080ti really blows me away.
Gonna save my spending money for trip overseas, probably to the east coast of the US.
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white pride
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How's it going bud? The Ryzen on LN2 benched higher than my 6950X apparently.

Looks good.

I like the front panel art.

Hey guys,

I'd like to know if any of you have a spare Kaspersky Antivirus activation code?

I know that when you buy it, they usually give you like 3-5 keys to use for different computers. So if you happen to have a spare one, that would be awesome!

Also, when I searched online to try to find one, I've seen a promotion. If you're with Barclay's bank, you can get 2 codes free.

Thanks in advance.
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
Sure m8. Use this:
C0MM0N 5EN5E 2016
That code isn't valid!

Anybody else?
try this one:
K111 Y0VR531F
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either pirate it or just have common sense dudebro
i had my PC without anti-virus for 4 years and not once did i get malware.

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Hi anons, I need a shitty laptop which costs around 250 € to take it to uni and around my city without worrying too much (I already have my home PC for gaming and power-demanding stuff), but it wouldn't be bad if it also had some at least non-embarassing power, since I'm a CS student and chances are I will need it for some basic AI/modeling/rendering/website testing too. I know it's hard to fit both these requirements, so take into account that keeping it cheaper is the priority. Also avoid used stuff cause I don't want to pay for a PC which some other guy used before me with his dirty hands.

That said, if I go into that price tag, all I can find are laptops with Celeron N3060 which seems quite a shit, other ones which are a little more expensive have an intel N3710, which some benchmarks say it's slightly better, some others say it's only a little bit more powerful. Is it worth it in your opinion? Will it give me a decent amount of power?

And for the AMD ones, some have a E2-7110 APU, is it's graphics any better than intel HD? And it's the CPU better than the N3710? There are no decent benchmarks on the internet. Since it's a lot more power consumptive I hope at least it gives a significant prestational boost.
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
Get a thinkpad

Lenovo x220 from ebay
I said no used ones.
don't thinkpadroll me plz, I know the meme.
Hey newfriend
Don't fall for the "Thinkpad is a meme" meme.
Those are really great laptops

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(this is with uBlock Origin installed even)
12 posts and 8 images submitted.
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(obviously you don't know how to fucking use uBlock Origin even)
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i think you should stop using computers
Should just dban and get a Mac instead.

Will help fix windows problem.
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Why won't the media talk about the fact that in more than half of the recent sexual harassment scandal in SV, the perpetrator was a pajeet?

>Kleiner Perkins sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuit: pajeet perpetrator
>Uber sexual harassment scandal: pajeet perpetrator
>RadiumOne aggravated assault, sexual assault, domestic assault scandal that lead to felony conviction and jail time: pajeet perpetrator
14 posts and 7 images submitted.
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This is now a Person of Interest thread
simple. too small to get in.
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Pajeet can, white boi cannot sex
Women are deprecated, especially white womyn who have their head so far up their ass, only beta cucks will fall for them.

Any culture that has been tainted by feminism is not worth it. Women are more attractive when they shut the fuck up and live in their limits instead of nagging and bitching about equality and all that fancy jazz bullshit.

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>paying more for less
why would anyone do this?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
e3 1240 v3

was cheaper than the equivalent i7, sure, no overclocking, but i don't OC

i guess you're wrong
You can actually get some pretty amazing deals on old Xeons, and even build yourself an overclockable 2P system.

You're paying for the hardware-software support and validation, not just the hardware. In the world of enterprise where software licenses may cost more than the whole workstation, paying a few grand for a GPU that is guaranteed to work does make sense.
i don't know, ask /lgbt/ why did they bought iPhone
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Where you when Intel was died?
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
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It's all over. Intel is finished.
Getting not paid because we can't overrun the AMD posts
I need to feed my family, we are really poor in India
know hilarious fact about india and china? they both in their countries have about 400m people living better than 60% of USA.
Fuck you AMD posters.

I have no been paid by Intel for 2 days now. My family is now starving and can't even shit the street anymore.

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How are these 1080s?
20 posts and 5 images submitted.
all 1080s are good as long as you stay away from the reference edition.

shit, i have the 'worst one' in the EVGA 1080 SC and it's still fucking awesome.
It says "1080" on the box, that's how.
It's opened and out of the box so I wouldn't trust it.
it's dead as of 2 days from now.

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>Huber’s team specializes in optical techniques for stimulating and imaging brain activity instead of using invasive techniques that rely on electrodes. They regularly measure the activity of hundreds of neurons with single cell resolution by using a method called two-photon microscopy.

>Mario Prsa, a researcher at UNIGE and the first author of the study explained that they wanted to test whether mice would be able to learn to control a neural prosthesis by relying solely on artificial feedback from a sensory signal. To test this, they imaged neural activity in the motor cortex. When the mouse activated the specific neuron chosen for neuroprosthetic control, stimulation proportional to this activity was applied simultaneously to the sensory cortex by using blue light.

>Neurons of the sensory cortex were indeed rendered photosensitive to this light. This allowed the neurons to be activated by a series of optical flashes, which enabled the team to integrate them with the artificial sensory feedback signal. When the mouse achieved an above threshold activation, it was rewarded and 20 minutes later, once the association had been learned, the rodent was able to generate the correct neuronal activity more frequently.
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
>This meant that the sensation that had been created artificial was not only perceived, but also that it was integrated as a feedback of the prosthetic movement successfully. The brain machine interface functions bi-directionally in this manner. The Geneva researchers are of the opinion that the reason why this fictitious sensation is so rapidly assimilated, is that it most likely taps into very basic brain functions. Feeling the position of our limbs happens automatically without much thought being required. This probably indicates that fundamental neural circuit mechanisms are being used.

>This type of bidirectional interface might enable the development of robotic arms that are able to displace more precisely in the future. These would be able to feel touched objects, or perceive the required force to grasp them. The neuroscientists at UNIGE are also investigating how to produce sensory feedback that is more efficient. At the moment, they are only capable of doing so for a single movement, but are exploring the possibility to provide multiple feedback channels in parallel. This research lays the groundwork for developing a new generation of bidirectional neural prostheses that will be more precise
The bland acronym, BMI, obscures the true horror of this monstrosity. Its inventors promise a new era of genius, but meanwhile unscrupulous power brokers use its forcible installation to violate the sanctity of unwilling human minds. They are creating their own private army of demons.

-- President of the United States, Donald John Trump, "Report on Human Rights"

Trump is physically, mentally, and realistically incapable of not only forming such a well stated sentence but speaking it out loud.

His head would explode as his eyes popped from their sockets were he to even read that.

Nice try, though.

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What is the NSA fully capable of? Can they hack my computer and send a virus remotely? How easily can they ruin my life?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
I'm sure your router and computer aren't more safe than nuclear plants in Iran.
To hack your computer they need to target you specifically. But yes, they are incredibly capable of that.
What you should worry about more is that they have no need to do so, since they have every single thing you've ever put into a web browser since 2009
NSA doesn't ruin peoples lives.
On a scale ranked between "FCC" and "ATF", they're quite the non-aggressive agency. I'd put them somewhere around "IRS". In fact, they're the least belligerent intelligence agency in the US.
Have you ever heard of a news article with the headline "NSA busts down door to IT firm, seizes hard drives"?
I seriously doubt it. While they do questionable and evil things, it's always for a greater good. That just means it's up to people to make sure their powers and mandate doesn't expand unnecessarily.
NSA will not do you any shit. You want to protect you from FBI instead.

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Sup /g/

So I got the new "Pixel" phone today. And the screen has this fucking blue tint going on.

I've heard this is really common with AMOLED displays.

Is it worth trying to return this thing?

Also, I'm new to Android ( outside of some test devices ). This is kind of a bad first taste.
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
If you're on a contract you probly won't be able to return if you have over a certain amount of usage.

If you bought it outright, return that shit and get a new one.

>buys a botnet phone
>wonders about its build in(tm) botnet(tm) features

probably some retina scanner and your eyes are uploaded to the cloud hahaha
Yes! I have this phone!
Go to developer options
Go to "Picture Color Mode", and choose "Use sRGB"
Image for ants?

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How is this acceptable?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
Better buy a pass
Don't websites have to have a cookie thing to allow users to opt-in or out of analytics? Pretty sure google analytics requires this. Get it shut down.
how the fuck do you think captchas work?
>using NoScript

How is this acceptable?

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11 posts and 1 images submitted.
Fuck you

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screenshot of whatever youre doing right now minus /g/
10 posts and 7 images submitted.
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Currently at work taking a massive shit waiting for my shift to be over. /g/ is all I have going on right now.
>Browser emulators

why the fuck

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my community college teacher has been shilling these guys pretty hard. what does /g/ think about cisco?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
something about open source

They're compromised by the NSA

Probably willingly since they're scumbags
Overpriced, shit customer support, actual WAP performance is not that great.

Biggest problem is support. Every fucking question I have they try to shill me off to one of their retarded partners/integrators. Getting responses back from their actual engineers/salespeople is like pulling teeth.

Their WAP performance is really not that much different from Ruckus and Aruba, and both of those have other advantages, including price and form factor.

Form factor is a big deal as I am part of an extremely large design firm and no client ever wants to actually see technology, which means things like WAPs tend to be hidden.

What's the point of this so-called "freedom" of GNU/Linux when every single free alternative to paid Win/Mac programs (most of which you can easily pirate) is far worse?

Microsoft Office will always be faster, better looking, and more user-friendly than OpenOffice; if you think otherwise, you're delusional.

There's not a single respected graphic designer who uses GIMP. What takes an hour to do on GIMP takes around half the time on Photoshop, with much less frustation, giving you more focus on creativity and the artistic direction you're aiming after.

As for video editing, hmmm, where do I start? No Sony Vegas. No Adobe After Effects. I think you get my point.

Want to produce music using linux? Well, good luck with LMMS and Audicity! Completely professional programs that every successful producer/musician uses! Who even needs Pro Tools, Ableton, Cubase, or even Garageband, amirite!

As for gaming, well, at least there's Tux Racer and emulators.

>muh programming
Yes, one could argue that programming is better on Linux, but still, you have all resources you need on every other OS.

>muh botnet
Unless you're ISIS or have kiddie porn on your hard drive, who gives a shit? Just use adblock.
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
Kill yourself pajeet, you subhuman street shitting nigger.
Dumb frogposter
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Stopped reading after

> Open office

This fagget doesn't know about libreoffice. Knowledge is to out of date to have any weight behind his statements. Dropped.
>paid torrent clients
>paid media players
>paid browsers

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>What is TempleOS?
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT7yvaGN0ZU [Embed] --TempleOS (formerly J Operating System, SparrowOS and LoseThos) is a biblical themed lightweight operating system created over the span of a decade by programmer Terry A. Davis.
>How did TempleOS start?
Development for TempleOS began in 2003 after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.
Davis is a former atheist who believes that he can "talk with God" and that God told him the operating system he built was God's official temple. According to Davis TempleOS is of 'Divine' intellect due to the inspired nature of the code. According to Davis, God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice. The operating system was coded in a programming language developed by Davis in C/C++ called "HolyC". The OS runs a file system called "Red Sea".
>What can TempleOS do?
TempleOS deliberately has no network support. It runs 8-bit ASCII with graphics in source code and has a 2D and 3D graphics library, which run at 640x480 VGA with 16 colors. The OS contains numerous embedded biblical references including a program called AfterEgypt which allows users to "communicate with God" through an oracle.

Official website: http://templeos.org/
Download TempleOS: http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/DownloadOS.html#l1
Extended History: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gods-lonely-programmer

>I wrote a fucken compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humilation from Stallman.
>Yeah, I killed a CIA nigger with my car in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
>My job is to hunt CIA niggers.
>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
>I don't know why the liberals don't allow beastiality
>I liked the previous bird, I hated this bird
99 posts and 18 images submitted.
current stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYhx8ZD5Hfk
is terry more /pol/ than /g/?
terry is /x/
Short stream tonight.

>Headphone purchase advice
http://pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

>/g/ wiki headphone FAQ:
305 posts and 34 images submitted.
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Have we entered the Golden Age of the budget Planar Magnetic headphone?
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New pads. New sound. New life. Best headphones under $50.
That's HD500-something, though.

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Hypothetically, If I wanted to start a real botnet-- not the /g/ "MUH BOTNET" meme, but actually a hivemind of computers, what would be the best place to start? I think it would be a decent way to do bitcoin mining. What languages would you use to write the files?

Hypothetically, I'm thinking of buying 100+ 1GiB USBs from Amazon, putting autorun.exe files on them that will infect the computer, and scattering about town. Every idiot and their mother will plug it in.

Does anyone here have any experience in this area?

DISCLAIMER: This thread is all hypothetical, and for learning purposes only
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
fuck off kid
the /g/ botnet meme is from chrome being an actual botnet you flog
fuck off tripfag

You're fucking retarded, go learn more before posting stupid shit

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>tfw too intelligent for technology
18 posts and 8 images submitted.
it's to faggot
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>tfw to intelligent too not be a newfag
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/r/ing the car one

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