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Archived threads in /tv/ - Television & Film - 9949. page

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75 posts and 22 images submitted.
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Who is this cunt?
he looks like a fucking beta

Starts tonight boys. Why no thread?
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
Boring show
looks like the woman in the white dress is glitching
lol literally what?
They had to have the cute white chick be blacked. Fuck this SJW shit.

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thoughts my fellow degenerates?
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
The American version was better
it was comfy
Why did they fuck with him like that?

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A couple weeks ago I started to watch Trailer Park Boys.It was fun, not hilarious but it was funny. If I would be younger I might be dying of laugh by watching this but I had this comfy feel all the time while watching this. Also the cast feels comfy too and besides it kinda repeats the same formula it didn't feel too repetitive.

I finished watching the season 7 (I believe is when it really ends the series) and im watching the movies right now. The First one I liked besides it wasn't canon and the second (that one where Jim steals their money and sends them back to jail) not so much, I didn't see the point in that one.

My question is : I should keep going and watch season 8,9 and 10? I read that they are not so good and the celeb thing made the series lose the way.

Also for the Canadians here, is TPB the tipical show that almost every country has that has a long run and everyone loves/hates?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
watch "say goodnight to the bad guys" i think its still on netflix, its a tv movie that comes right after s7. It's great
that one is the second one I believe, I didnt like it.
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They are not very good at all, the only moment I actually laughed out loud was when all this crazy shit is happening on screen and Lahey casually calls Julian Patrick Swayze
ok, it was the one where they have a dance at the end. another one to watch is the xmas special, it acts as a prequel

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How the fuck did this flick get a 64%?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
because it was fun and I liked it
it's a masterpiece, pleb
post the naked old lady famalam
>it's got more than double the score of BvS

ayy lmao

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I-I don't get it! There are supposed to be quips in superhero movies! Where are the jokes?? This isn't funny!!
49 posts and 15 images submitted.

Here I am sitting here reading the latest variation on the "superhero meme thread"

You know what I wish? I wish I was a barbaric king lounging on a throne, swigging mead from a jewelled goblet, my thick beard matted with foam. My own 12 year-old daughter is sucking my cock, eyes downcast respectfully. The rest of my womenfolk are stitching me a cloak from the faces of my enemies.
Better plot than BvS anyways
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You know what is funny though? 29%.

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ITT: Male Mary Sue characters
90 posts and 13 images submitted.

Aren't Mary Sues in no real danger at any point? Glass gets destroyed by a bear, starves most of the film, gets injured at many points past the bear attack and at the end of the movie he's basically left with nothing.

>get assraped by a bear
>have his son murdered in front of his very eyes
>needs the help and charity of natives to survive
>has to steal from le trappers
>falls from a cliff and luckily escapes death
>dies at the end

Please familiarise yourself with the term.
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pic unrelated

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Why did they use slowmo in this scene?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
cause it's badass
They needed to stretch out the movie a bit.
because it's fucking Snyder
Most of Zack Snyder's creative decisions independent of the comic are because he thinks it looks cool. He says this over and over in his commentary.

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So what was his deal? I get that we need to treat the planet better but why use Dr Manhattan for a patsy?

Also general watchmen thread discussion. I personally preferred the directors cut cause it had a few more scenes that helped fix the story
131 posts and 10 images submitted.

His deal was to "save this world" from nuclear war.
Yes, but it doesn't make much sense to try to frame Dr Manhattan. What reason does Soviet have for believing that Dr Manhattan had actually gone rogue and not just moved the American cities temporarily to the Moon or Mars?

The movie's ending quite simply didn't make much sense.
why would he move the cities and then nuke america? it is not like you can cover it for long.
Obviously they wouldn't believe that he actually had nuked America in that case, but rather that he teleported the cities somehwere else and made it look like they had been nuked on orders of the American government. They know Manhattan can do this, and Ozy knows that they know this, and yet he expects the Soviets to instantly believe that Manhattan has gone rogue and not actually kickstart the nuclear war.

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11 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>old enough now that hollywood is trying to exploit my childhood nostalgia
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excited for it, but scared about the changes to the lore
great game

don't understand why it needs to be a movie
What are they going to change?

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Pleb here.

Memeshit aside, can any AVfag tell my why VLC is bad?

Recommend any players other than VLC for film/TV?
49 posts and 6 images submitted.
Just use MPC-HC like a normal person.
Bad for watching anime, good for watching movies.
I use windows media, works fine
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Rewatched this last night, great film. But the sequels worth watching? Already downloaded them but still not sure.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
watching the sequels ruined this movie for me
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Watch pic related. Based Mann, far superior to red dragon.
Watch both
nah Red Dragon was pretty damn good

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Gotham thread?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
On season 2 ep 2 atm.

First season was pretty enjoyable, even the Fish parts, up til for no reason the writers decided to keep her around with bullshit.
>Story is set in the past somewhere
>Cellphones, computers, modern day cars and other technology exist

DC everyone
its not set in the past its set in gotham.
Then why is batman, catwoman, poison ivy and all the other villains young?

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>it's a Lisas an entitled while Homer tries his hardest to be the best dad and appease her episode

18 posts and 3 images submitted.
i accidentally a word.

I meant entitled cunt.
To be honest, this only happened about once in the first ten seasons, in Lisa the Vegetarian, which also happens to be hilarious and one of the most quotable episodes ever.

>you don't win friends with salad
>yes, Lisa, a wonderful, magical animal
>it's lamb, lisa, not *a* lamb
>it's just a little airborne, it's still good
>go back to Russia
There's also the pony episode.
and the episode where Lisa takes the Bus to the museum. I count that too.

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>yfw this makes more profit than batman v superman
38 posts and 14 images submitted.
Definitely a better RT score, at least
Please god, that would be hilarious.
dey all ugly
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>True Capekino
>Best Pixar Movie

Family movie, yet more deeper and complex than muh edgy BvS

fite me
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
anyone using capekino unironically is a stupid nigger.
>libertarian propaganda

no thanks
wtf men

also, Best pixar Movie? that's not Monster's Inc

this scene blows every action scene in BvS out of water


104 posts and 34 images submitted.
Not interested in your shitty fanfic
I believe you.
leak rogue one fool
>Luke says to Rey 'No, you are my father.'

Holy shit OP biggest belly laugh I've had in ages
10/10 successful thread

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This is so good. Especially the ending.

Where do I go from here?
I've seen only Seven samurai and Yojimbo, both are good but I prefer High and low.

That said the photography on Yojimbo is amazing
14 posts and 6 images submitted.
Other Kurosawa films that aren't jidaigeki

Stray Dog
Just pick any Kurosawa/Mifune collaboration and you'll be safe.

Scandal is one of my favourites. The Auld Lang Syne scene is beautiful.
OP you shitcunt, don't ask for help and then fuck off when people do.
Drunken Angel, Stray Dog, and the Bad Sleep Well are in the same vein as High and Low

pool of gasoline
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Terrible. Take a lap.
Pool of gasoline
What's the point of this fucking awful post?

32 posts and 7 images submitted.
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But it's all shit
Just go watch farscape or something else older
my negro
The Expanse
Can someone suggest an actually scary UFO/alien related movie that plays around the the dimensional Jaques Vallee-esque interpretation of the phenomenon, not just the retarded huurrr duuurrr space aliens from another planet trope?

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How the fuck does this movie exist?

No one liked the first one, who the hell greenlit a sequel?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
>inb4 Why didn't they call it 'Now You Don't'
Seriously though, why didn't they?
>No one liked the first one
What the fuck are you talking about? I absolutely loved the first one!
>Seriously though, why didn't they?
They probably needed the brand recognition to capture all 3 fans of it.

didn't the first movie make a shitton of money? there's your answer right there.

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Underrated films your favorite actor/actress is in.
23 posts and 10 images submitted.
No, The Guyver was not underrated.
OP's pic is from Body Bags
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Body Bags was pretty great. It has that good cheesy 80s/90s horror movie feeling and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

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Gentlemen, welcome to Meme Club.

The first rule of Meme Club is: You do not talk about Meme Club.
The second rule of Meme Club is: You do not talk about Meme Club.
Third rule of Meme Club: Someone gets a warning, fails captcha, gets banned, the Meme is over.
Fourth rule: only two guys to a Meme.
Fifth rule: one Meme at a time, fellas.
Sixth rule: no samefags, no reposts.
Seventh rule: Memes will go on as long as they have to.
And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first night at Meme Club, you have to Meme.
25 posts and 15 images submitted.
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where is my MOMMY
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I am Jack's wasted meme.

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Was watching 11.22.63 (amazing show) and I noticed something interesting in the background.

Look at the chalkboard. William Wilson! WW! UU UU! 4U!

And in this show Franco has many dealings with CIA. What does it all mean?
13 posts and 5 images submitted.
The real question is who cares?
>CIA was the second shooter on the grassy knoll

I hope you die from a cerebral embolism

Sorry sir we have a no singles policy.
32 posts and 6 images submitted.
Good thing I brought my girlfriend i guess eh?
Me on the left
Well that's good, now I know for sure my gf and I won't have to sit near some smelly unwashed neckbeard. Though I must admit we will miss being able to shoot spitwads into their hair with our straws. It's hilarious because you know they can feel it but they never turn around and say something!

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