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Archived threads in /tv/ - Television & Film - 9079. page

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What was Stanley trying to tell us?
21 posts and 5 images submitted.
He's asking you a question you pleb
that nicole kidman has nice tits
no they're bad, she's lucky she's a great actress

Is it better to remain asleep and ignorant to the true way the world works and what your life is or is it better to be woken up and be armed with that knowledge even as you face your daily life or does it really matter at fucking all and there something very important that we need to do as soon as possible?


I don't know, though.

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>Supposed to be a "film expert" but quotes nothing but pop culture

Was there anything from before 1980 in this man's repertoire of knowledge when it came to cinema?
25 posts and 2 images submitted.
The audience needs to get his references, so obviously they were from famous American movies.
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My Dinner With Andre.
He's a fuggin terrerist

Oh right, that was actually pretty cool especially how the waiter mentioned how certain things the characters were wearing are wrong but I would've loved to have seen classic 30s and 40s movies parodies.

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Has anyone seen the sequel to this? Because it's unexpectedly bad.
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Jesus, there's a sequel?
If you saw the film, that should not be unexpected to you
How should I know, sperglord? Ending didn't really feel like that there'd be more.
Original: 8/10
Sequel: 6/10


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What's the best of the three in your opinion and why?
39 posts and 4 images submitted.
Hot Fuzz
Best jokes
Best action
Most quotable
none of them. the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find them funny because of the zany accents and lingo
spaced/shaun of dead/hot fuzz/worlds end are to britain what big mama's house is to america and viced-versa
You're getting quicker
So you're saying brits find big mama's house funny?

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So... Blizzdrones, how does it feel? Warcraft is going to get rekt by a horror sequel. That's pretty rough.

>inb4 muh Chinese like it

Why isn't it connecting domestically?
32 posts and 9 images submitted.
because yanks are a bunch of faggots who still believe in ghosts (lol dumbfucks) and this is why some retarded horror movie is doing well in retarded land of fat retarded redneck disgusting vile humans who think they are free but apparently aren't
Calm down, Muhammad
Go to bed, Wong
only beta white males enjoy the video game jew

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Let's talk about fantastically odd films, /tv/. The sort that fall under the radar, but are most certainly worth watching.

First installment, a swedish film from 2010 called Sound of Noise.

>A tone-deaf cop works to track down a group of guerilla percussionists whose anarchic public performances are terrorizing the city.

This movie is exactly how it sounds - perfectly fucking ridiculous.
13 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Looks like foreign films are what the doctor ordered.

Next up, a hungarian film from 2003 called Kontroll.

>Strange happenings in the Budapest underground. Rivaling teams of ticket inspectors, murders, ketchup face, and maybe even love.

Very dark and dreamy, this one. Has a culty alice-in-wonderland sort of feel to it. Great atmosphere and soundtrack, and also a cute girl wearing a bear suit. All the components of a good film.

would pat head and kiss cheek out of ten.
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An older one this time, the 1980 film Ninth Configuration. Based off a

>An army psych facility for AWOL soldiers set inside an 18th century castle, ridiculousness ensues. Shakespeare for dogs, walking through walls, and read it damnit or I'll go crazy, I swear it.

Fantastically dry with plenty of prop humor, but at the same time the atmosphere is more serious than a typical comedy would be. Some absolutely fucking hilarious banter; the dialogue is great, but the acting really drives it home. Very comfy.

Whoops, based off a novel by the same author as The Excorcist.

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You've got to be shitting me.

Did people actually like this? I feel so fucking cheated.
48 posts and 8 images submitted.
I would have liked it more if the last OMMM was in tune with the first chord of the commercial and Don just smiled and opened his eyes
You're a pleb

You're just very dumb
You just aren't old enough to understand the age of adz
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Let me guess, you wanted Pete to shoot up the office with his gun?

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Can we discuss the best and most underrated television series of all time?
67 posts and 8 images submitted.
It's on Netflix, will watch it soon
Neither of these are true. If you want to have a Deadwood thread, then just say so. No need for hyperbole.
So, how is McShane there?
what are the answers to both those categories then?

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really makes you think
81 posts and 13 images submitted.
I completely forgot all of Ghostbusters 2.
Did Winston have a family?
How much did they pay him guys?


His networth is only $15 million. The publicity of having all the living cast members on board is probably worth a million dollars.

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Shield star Michael Jace sentenced 40 years to life for wife's murder
32 posts and 3 images submitted.
If he was White he wouldn't be going to prison
kind of shitty that you are only known for a small supporting role in a not that popular television show
what did the woman do?
Like OJ right?

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If all things bad are illegal, how is Associate Bob allowed to stay fat since obesity is bad and hence illegal? Is he consuming illegal foods or is his overeating lifestyle illegal? In either case, how come he hasn't been fined?

Also, Demolition Man general.
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
Side note: rest in peace, Glenn Shadix.

He was a good actor.
There are genetic elements to obesity.
>if the government tightly controls everything, but is corrupt, how does a high ranking government official remain fat?

its a goddamn mystery
Did Taco Bell win the fast food wars by killing off all of the consumers with diarrhea, leaving only those who did not participate in said wars to choose sides based not on merit or taste, but on brand recognition alone?

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Seinfeld character (not actor) funniness rankings:

pleb: Kramer

normie: George

contrarian: Jerry

patrician: Elaine

you have to go back: Newman

God: Kenny Bania
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
kino: Frank
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uncle leo > all
Oh fuck off you contrarian fuck, Kramer and George combo was the funniest thing about the show.

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First for Azor John Edition

Previous: check the catalog.
17 posts and 8 images submitted.
Azor Jon
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This is actually really fun and i would recommend it if you have friends
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nth for the normies

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Here's a short movie based on a script written by an AI. I shit you not.
But since this is completely related to television and film and has 0 shitposting, this thread will die quickly.
27 posts and 6 images submitted.
cuck niggers fuccboi MUDSLIME SHITSKIN faggoty whore tittittit newfag SAAAAAAAAGED niggers desu sempai familia

There you go, all taken care of
What are the rest of us supposed to do now?
Heh, making a short film based on the screenplay made by an A.I. sounds like a lot of fun.
Live your life! Smell the roses, meet new people, travel!

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>people actually praised this scene
64 posts and 5 images submitted.

I still think it's good
It would've been better if he didn't put his other arm behind his back to say "WHOA WHAT A McBADASS" and just rekt him like a non-faggot, but otherwise it worked in the context of the film


was it first SJW character in big tv show as a main character?
49 posts and 6 images submitted.
She wasnt a sjw. Go fuck yourself.

How was she a SJW? She was as much if not more of a scumbag than most of the characters.
I don't know about her being SJW, but she is one of the only women in history who was actually funny.
>Not Hawkeye in M.A.S.H.

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Favorite joke from a parody movie. This is mine.

12 posts and 2 images submitted.
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I take my jokes black like my men OP
>have they no respect for the dead?
this ones OK. seems kinda obvious

this one is really smart

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>You're a bastard from a basket.
what did he mean by this?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
bumping for interest
>I drink your milkshake! I drink it up.
what did he mean by this?

He was referencing the teapot dome scandal
He means to say that his parents were too self-interested to love you or stay alive for you and so is he.

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Who should play him in the upcoming Warcraft Cinematic Universe?
36 posts and 9 images submitted.
Don't you smartasses fucking say it
Chris Hemsworth
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
Or Evan Stone.
Tom Hardy

W-what happened to them.... ?
14 posts and 6 images submitted.
They were liberated
over and over again
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Did the boy survive?
I wish I was alive back then
t. Slavfag

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Opinions on this movie?
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
in b4 capekino
why are they called minutemen???
Director's Cut was better then the original. All of Snyder's films suffer from the same issue. He wants a longer more detailed story then the medium allows. So we see a knotted 5 legged Squid. Not to say the finish product was going to be Kino.
pure capekino

Why the hate?
27 posts and 6 images submitted.
I liked Watchmen and 300. I don't need Aruthrian kinomemes layered into my capeshit, at least not until he's learned to make the surface-story not shit.

He's a good director when properly applied. He is currently not being properly applied.
People hate what they don't understand.
Whahedhehe is doindointhere?
People hate what they don't want.

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What am I in for?
27 posts and 11 images submitted.
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Starting it now, in a full glory of blu-ray. Wish me luck.
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Real kino
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I would have shit my pants.
literally a hack's work

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The book was so much better. The whole POINT was that Caveman starts out as a chubster and then through perseverance becomes normal and skinny. They took away the whole main element and made it about the zero kid because I guess that sells ticket sales
36 posts and 4 images submitted.
They said in the commentary that it was because they didn't want go through the pain of finding a decent fat actor who would be able to do the physical labor required with the filming.
>The book was so much better.
That's really the only plot point they excluded. Besides that it's one of the best book to movie adaptations. The book and the movie are both very very very good.
I didn't need to hear the commentary to realize this. Dealing with child actors is one thing, but finding a chubby child actor who could get asses in seats and then ACTUALLY LOSE WEIGHT... not impossible but certainly a gamble.

No sense putting the entire production in jeopardy over a single plot-point.

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Hollywood is now making movies for Chinese
No one cares what whites want as the Asian market is more profitable
Welcome to the fall of white supremacy
80 posts and 8 images submitted.
At least they won't put gay people all over the place because chinese audience would boycott Hollywood.
Money > social agenda
All those biased bullshit critic reviews. Blizzard is crying it's way to the bank with all the money they're drowning in thanks to based China.
>Welcome to the fall of white supremacy

Chinks love white characters. They hate blacks.
I'm fine with it as long as there are less niggers in the movies.

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