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Archived threads in /tv/ - Television & Film - 5902. page

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This year i want to watch movies more often at least one every day or so but i doubt it.

I want to start with a realistic number like 50 so please each post recommend me one.

TLDR: Each post name a movie please.
40 posts and 7 images submitted.
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willy wonka and the chocolate factory
>muh old inferior movies

start with this OP

one hour photo
solaris 2002
melancholia (by lars von trier)
the machinist
wall street
memories of murder
margin call
maniac 2012
the prestige
ninth gate
lost highway
eyes wide shut
whisky romeo zulu
fight club
secret window
only lovers left alive
black swan
possible worlds

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>dead body is visible in the scene
>actor is still breathing
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
Are you suggesting they actually kill the actor so it appears more real?
Dedication to the craft, my man.
>you stop breathing as soon as you die

Back to school, kid.
>dead body
>it's a still picture

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You dont know me, but my names Psy
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
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I'm just the O'hare big guy.
I hope this meme takes off, I genuinely liked the Lorax movie.

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35 posts and 7 images submitted.
>snow through the ring
Why didn't the snow become invisible then?
Because the ring accentuates the natural abilities of the wearer. The snow actually became colder. You can tell when Boromir picks up the ring. The snow is very cold.

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Is there a single show worth watching in Amazon Prime?
It all looks like trash

Maybe The Tick? Why is it live action now?
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
>Maybe The Tick? Why is it live action now?- 0 post shown.


this nigga knows about the tick but doesn't know about the other live action version
yes can we actually get some discussion about this?

Their "customers also watched" feature literally just shows every other amazon prime og series .

Please if you've seen an amazon original series and have anything to say about it please do.

I was looking at the one with Michael Imperioli, it sounded interesting, but I don't want to commit 2+ hours just to find out if these shows are decent
Justice league animated series along with btas
Jean-Claude Van Johnson

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>go now ... go

MSCL thread - anyone remember this, anyone miss it?
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
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I 'member
I never received the "My So-Called Life" lunchbox that I ordered.

The most random good ass of all time.
Great ass.

I loved this show. Who Brian krakow here? Also I jerked to all the women in the chase family.

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Childhood faps thread
45 posts and 11 images submitted.
>fapping to Michael Keaton as Batman
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My first fap was that one lesbian scene with one of the women being that bitch that voices the bride of Chucky.

Anyone know what I'm talking about
wtf i don't remember those rips on her suit?
children don't fap

these threads are lies

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>Japs are portrayed as kill-crazy overly superstiosuous lunatics
>Jews and womyn are portrayed as heroes and underdogs who fight against the oppression
>Nazis are portrayed as surprisingly morally gray

That being said it's pretty kino. Opinions?
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
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How stupid do you have to be to look at this TV show and think Nazi's dindunuffin? Seriously?

These are the same retards that think American History X is "redpilled". Their IQ's are so low they still see the most unsubtle propaganda in existence at face value.
so did the holocaust happened in the series' universe?

That's not really my point though. It's just that the Nazi's are portrayed as more rational in this series than in most other shows that portray them.
holy fuck
it is a T
like in Trump

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Pure fucking Kino, the modern day Bud Abbott & Lou Costello film.
29 posts and 3 images submitted.
I agree man, Gosling is a better comedic actor than any of the comedic actors working today.
i keep meaning to watch that

do you have a DDL link?
oh come on man, it was one of the few good original movies made last year. Can't you just pay the 5 bucks on some on demand service?
no fucking buy this film on blu ray or dvd I recommend you'll be perfectly happy saying you can own this film

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Name a less intimidating villain in a major blockbuster franchise than this pathetic fuck. What were they thinking?
40 posts and 8 images submitted.
not even you dare speak his name tho
le voldemort face
>inb4 pasta
Kylo ren

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Where are the screeners?
41 posts and 10 images submitted.
Usually they're up by now, what the hell is going on?
Where's muh Jackie?
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any time now
How do you know this?

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First movie to ever make me tear up. Holy fuck. Easily a 9/10.

Anyone else gain more respect for Jennifer Lawerence as an actor? In all roles I seen of her she was stone faced, but bitch can actually act.

Anyone else seen it?
49 posts and 10 images submitted.
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>but bitch can actually act.
I really like the part where you see her butthole
Liked it a lot.

But I think the real hero is the Ship itself, in that movie. Tat thing's main computer tale a direct hole and still managed to keep up like a champ for several years.
No need, some anon posted the entire storyline the other day and saved me the money.

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AAAAAAAND we're off to a great start in 2017

16 posts and 2 images submitted.

the nigga died on Saturday, you fuckwit.
Well that was fast
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He died on December 31st


Serioulsy I wish this board wasn't anonymous so I could hunt down fake news shills such as yourself and force feed them my shit.

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Which episode was the most kino?
What Adult Swim show is your favorite?
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
>its dodgeball time, bitch
Save it for queen dopplepopolis

>Dopplepopolis? Is that Greek?
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>Preliminary drafts of episode VIII showed Rey finding the truth of the Force: An obscure planet on the very edge of the Galaxy containing what is called the "Force Source". As she lands the Millennium Falcon and races to find this source in order to find clues on stopping the revised First Order, she discovers the "Mother Tree". In the ancient past, the Mother Tree gave birth to the first sentient beings, brother and sister. Sister was given the task of creating new life that would spread to other planets, and Brother was created in order to serve and assist Sister. But Brother became jealous and wanted to rule over Sister and create life himself, so in a rage they fought and both died of their wounds. Mother Tree released their energy into the galaxy, and Brother's life energy became the Dark Side while Sister's became the Light Side, with Mother Tree hoping one day that Sister would eventually find the way of being reborn and tasking her rightful place in the Galaxy again as intended.
22 posts and 2 images submitted.
What's the problem? It's just more incest.
yeah, lets just implant the idea that all little boys have a cosmic evil in them, that will be so empowering to all the little girls
>sister was created to give birth
>brother was created to assist her by impregnating
>but brother wants the opposite because he's a huge faggot
No, she called the shots and he wanted to rule over her.

Reminder that Merry and Pippin were actually middle-aged adults.
20 posts and 1 images submitted.
The characters were little kids as far as hobbit ages go. I think they were not even 20 years old yet.

Frodo on the other hand was in his 50s.
Frodo on the other hand was in his 50s.

Still that's about 30 in human years
Reminder that pipeweed is tobacco not fucking marijuana.
You're only considered an adult Hobbit when you turn 33.

The fuck was his problem?
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
he hates kids
Were we supposed to like him? Hate him? He was such a dick to everyone
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That actor looks so autistic and cringy I have never watched a single film featuring him.
Fuck you. And "cringy" is not a word

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45 posts and 11 images submitted.
he'll be stalked to the ends of the earth if he did
Get this ugly christfag out of my face
He's like a malformed fetus of a businessman in those giant suits.
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He are epitome of OUR guy

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Which actors, actresses, boards and subreddits could he be referring to here?
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
>trump won't start WWIII
i can't believe i fell for this meme
fa/tv/irgins, /co/, /qa/, /lgbt/, /leftypol/, /r/all, basically everyone in hollywood today with the exception of James Woods
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Why are so many anti-Trump losers underage virgins?

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I don't know if I care about this show anymore.
26 posts and 2 images submitted.
you have to as a hipster
its starring actors with beards
and we named it 'Vikings' because hipsters like that period

also, as a /tv/ster you have to watch it till the end because /tv/ compells you
b-but what about Lagertha and the shield maiden army and MUH FEMINISM
It hurts.

Ivar might turn out cool, but I want to kick Sigurt in the balls, looks like a bitch.
You want us to tell you how to feel?

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>loved mos
>loved bvs

have absolutely ZERO interest in this

any other anons the same?
39 posts and 8 images submitted.
>hated mos
>hated bvs
>interested in Wonder Woman

any other anons the same?
This is going to be the Iron Man of DC
Yeah, I'll probably still see it just to see if I was wrong about it, but I'm not very hyped.

Was watching Captain America the other night, same there, cool character and setting but it bored me shitless.
sigh... yes

33 posts and 3 images submitted.
Shooter, interestingly.
Is there any movie where girls get raped by the GOOD guys?
Once upon a time in america

Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
23 posts and 6 images submitted.
>god tier ideology

What did he mean by this?
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>Objectivism's central tenets are that reality exists independently of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness (rational self-interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality is one that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life is to transform humans' metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.
Holy gold of comedy did this cunt ever open a philosophy book?
wouldn't the average worker in this society rebel and form a communist state?
I doth tip my fedora to your sir

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Its like shes the best parts of Kristen Stewart and Emma Stone combined yet still her own person. She also slowly building up a phenomenal, eclectic filmography and isn't even 30 yet and she is only going to age like wine.
17 posts and 5 images submitted.
She's better than Emma Stone in every way. Flits from horror to comedy to serious drama easily.

Emma Stone just barely does 'funny/quirky girl' every film.
>jew acting is better than others'
We know
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Yeah she's great!
Emma Stone is overrated. Ever since she did that Oprah movie.

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Why is was this on a lot of ppl's top five list a couple of days ago?

It's your typical double-cross movie. Cinematography was a definite stand out. Other than that nothing particular stands out. The third-act was a disappointment with some plot-holes and conveniences. There is an extended version so that might address some of the plot-hole issues. However, a double-cross movie works great when the twist hits you with its brevity. This didn't have that, in fact it was needlessly prolonged, so it was underwhelming. I was expecting the perverted-uncle to pull off of his own in the third act by shoving the scam-artist and the two lesbians into the tank with the octopus. Oh well.
11 posts and 1 images submitted.

Park Chan Wook is a director beloved by plebs. He's incredibly mainstream and well-known, especially his pile of garbage Oldboy. I think plebs might latch on to him as a means of appearing cultured for liking foreign films without realizing that he`s just churning out garbage.
Park is a more talented korean aronofsky.
Koreans aren't really people, not sure what you were expecting
It's shit, just like Oldboy

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