Just finished this game. At first I thought it was try hard indie trash but actually really enjoyed it. Can /v/ recommend similar games?
furi maybe?
I gave furi a go but could never really get into it. It looks right up my alley but something about it didn't mold with me
check out titan souls
Sweet looks dope. I also picked up transistor which is okay so far.
At first I was skeptical, but now I really enjoy this game. Fixed what was possible and constantly adjusting the game. Finally MMORPG, which can be fun and not boring. What is your opinion on TESO? Morrowind is not playing yet, I want to go through vanilla first. After WoW it's finally something refreshing.
You should probably KYS before you buy Skyrim again as well.
I'd rather get TES6 rather then more of this crap and skyrim.
Alright OP, I'll bite. I've been debating on getting this game for a bit. Sell it to me as someone who doesn't play MMOs and then write an additional bit about how it compares to other MMOs and on what it is better, worse or how it "breaks the mold," so to speak.
Go full shill on me. Why is this game worth my shekels?
Personally, I like the fact that I can edit my class according to the game style, it's not as strict as WoW. I'm currently playing as a templar and the skill tree in this game is about something other than classic WoW. This MMO that can be played as a single player experience with MMO elements. I've been playing for a few dozen hours, and I have only used the players for events, I could not have done myself. I set up the character practically adjusting according to myself.
I have not played too many hours to know how to provide information in every direction to 100%, but I really enjoy it. I have tried virtually all the MMORPGs that are available on the market, but I will not stop playing this one anytime soon.
You should check updated youtube reviews after they repaired first game.
>Still got faith in my generation
Late night Dragon Ball Fighters hype thread. What's your three man dream team?
>Being a Universe 7 pleb
caulifla, kale and cabba
>Implying he isn't about to break Goku's shit in
>On phone
How much faggot can you put into one picture?
I'm not even from the UK
Whom here is uncomfortable with Gil Brodie's storyline? Why was Jill out of cryo when the colonies weren't settled yet? Why was Gil, A Gay Man's storyline revolved around procreation and heterosexual co-parenting?
Why was him ending up with a woman a "happy ending"?
Now I have to romance him to save him from Jill's thorny claws.
>Star Fox zero bombs
>Arms bombs
Is Nintendo finally getting the message that gimmicks wont save them?
Haha, okay, yeah, fuck you too, Firaxis.
shame xcom 2 was shit
Just beat peace walker and im onto the duology, is it worth it to watch gz and skip to 5 (since i already bought it )or play gz anyways?
Just watch a video on youtube, the story for GZ is one mission and it's like 10 minutes long. GZ is just a demo for Phantom Pain, so if you already have it you don't need ground zeroes
actually that's exactly not what GZ is
GZ is a very in depth sneaking/diversion/etc simulator in a large base in the way that MGSV never is, MGSV does not have a single installation that equals the base in GZ.
ITT: Series ruined by waifufags
Metal Slug 1 is a great game. Unfortunately all sequels lacked innovations and started pandering to waifufags while slowly abandoning the first game's military aesthetic. The Metal Slug fanbase is now almost entirely irritating weebs.
2 and 3 are the best
6 and 7 are basically "Super Metal Slug Maker"
Don't be a fag, It was ruined by the Koreans at SNK Playmore
You're a faggot, anon. I bet you haven't even 1cc'd any of the games.
This may just be the most retarded thread 4chan has had in the past few years. Grow the fuck up faggot.
How am I supposed to beat this guy? Fucking artificial difficulty.
>Fucking artificial difficulty.
It just works.
How though?
Scene skip, negro.
Does anyone remember/have the names of reallllly old COD Waw custom zombie maps? As a teen when the game first came out I remember seeing all the maps that Ive always wanted to play but could never figure out how to work
To be specific I remember one white walled, giant german library with ladders to get on top of book shelves
One of a tower where steps went to the very top and you could sit beneath the steps to glitch the zombies
So far all Ive found that I remember are this Baseball field map and the Dead Sand map
pls help /v/
pic unrelated
have you tried googling? there's entire websites dedicated to hosting custom zombies maps
Which Genmcorp game are you most excited for /v/
I'm definitely looking forward to Kamen Rider Chronicle, hear it's gong to revolutionize the entire industry
Taddle Quest will always be a classic in my heart, but I'm kinda on the fence about Taddle Legacy
Oh yeah! Did you hear about that prototype copy of Bakusou Bike going on? Would love to get my hands on it
Let me hear your thoughts on Genmcorp anons
Just picked this up on steam. Having a lot of fun, this is what Thief 4 should have been. Anyone else pick this up? Is the next one worth getting now, or should I wait until it goes down a bit?
It's not a bad game, but it's absolutely not what Thief should have been.
sequel is just more of the same thing. its fun, has coop so if you have a bro who enjoys stealth bring them along.
Only issue I'm having so far is that it seems a little static on how you're forced to deal with AI. Like there seem to be situations you are meant to fight, others stealth and others trap. I see all these chandeliers but they never seem to walk in the pathways of them. I'm guessing I have to use a clone to lure them then drop it?
>look up game fix online
>the top result is a forum that doesnt require registration to view or download links
>it worked
>problem thread is derailed by the first reply by a fag with 80000 posts
>"We already have a thread for this topic. Mods please lock this redundant thread"
>They do
>There is no other thread about the same problem
>Post a question about a game on a video game forum
>First reply is "i didn't have this problem, maybe you shouldn't have pirated the game ;)"
>Mod bans you and closes the topic>You actually did pirate the game
>There actually is another thread
>Post in it
>Get banned or reprimanded for resurrecting a "dead" thread.
This was always the lamest aspect of forums to me.
Would this game be better if it had more exploration/puzzle solving/backtracking and didn't have the SJeW crap?
>SJeW crap
please elaborate
The more we talk about this game the better.
game would be better if it had an EASTERN dev
Can i run shadow of mordor?
I have a GeForce GTX 765M
i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
16 gigs of ram
Have you heard of Google, my friend?
No. Throw that garbage PC away and buy
>muh xboxxbxlbxozbxlxbx one xoxvoxbxkx
so you can play exclusives that arent exclusives in 4k that isnt 4k and 30fps
i used canirunit and it says gtx 460 and not sure if my graphics card would be compensated by my ram
Anon just want to jerk off toshowing his config to everyone here, he thins it's so good that we all be jelly. He just using this several years old game to trigger people. He is kind of a shit
>game has alternate costumes
>only the default ones appear in cutscenes
Fuck Nier Automata.
its a cg cutscene dumbass
>one of the costumes is transparent in the lewd areas
>Playing overwatch
>report every sombra player for hacking
>get banned for false reports
and nothing of value was lost
Is there an explaination of why Sombra is so good at hacking? Or she is just another Mary Sue?
>play ovarywatch
>wonder why everyone plays like a girl
Basically got into at an early age.
She was pretty much a child prodigy who spent her entire life power drunk off it and grew up to be a two faced manipulator.
I made a mode for those of you who thought Hollow Knight was too easy. Enjoy, /v/.
Hollow knight is harder than dark soul for me. I died like 30 times to hornet
What's it do?
You die in one hit. Simple yet effective.
do you have any mods that makes the game fun?
I need help. I'm trying to find a game from my childhood on PS2, you played as a toy and went forward and backwards in time. You had a pet lion when you were in the past and eventually went to a moon base. Please help if you might know the title or even have a link to the iso.
Portal Runner?
Why is itslegacy?Why wasn't it released forWindows/Mac AKA "Pee See"
it's legacy is to start the new generation of cancer FPS games which is loot based casual FPS games.
The question is, why are loot based FPS games cancer?
>gameplay is derived from grinding and repetition hoping you get that piece of cheese on the treadmill if you try enough times
This game hits the same part of your brain that slot machines in casinos do which is not good.
Because it was on the PS3, PS4, 360, and Xbone already and it would be too much of a hassle to port it to another platform.
They're skinner boxes that provide synthetic satisfaction in the same way scummy mobile games do.
is this any good? I love ps2 horror games and it's on sale for really cheap
It's obtuse as shit as to how to unlock later chapters/the true ending and it's got a really stupid difficulty overall.
That being said it's genuinely one of the most terrifying PS2 games so definitely pick it up.
Siren's one of those game series I was sure I would love, as I'm a big sucker for Silent Hill games and stuff, not to mention the director of SH1 created Siren too.
However, the overall design of the games (episodic structure, obscure mission objectives, poor performance...), together with some annoying details in individual games (ie super shit English dub in S1), really turned me off with them
doesn't sound great so far. Will I get to see some cool/scary shit without having to finish it?
I wouldn't blame you if you watched either supergreatfriend's 100% run or a no commentary walkthrough. The game is hard as nails but it perfectly nails a feeling of dread, doom and despair from the start and doesn't let go. This is the only game I know that actually gives me a doomed feeling (that isn't a visual novel) and not even Silent Hill at its best could reach Siren's heights in that field.
They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark on everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger, and it was over.
Sam Lakes smugass face completes this.
I could never take that intro seriously.
Dont answer that.
>Open jacket in the middle of "the worst snow storm new York had ever seen"
Mad man.
"Knock knock."
It was John Mirra.
"Who is this?"
"John Mirra."
Have you pre ordered yet?
the lighting on most levels is bland and annoying
no point in preordering if I played it years ago, will wait until reviews and some gameplay video for a few weeks, love me some Crash