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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 16516. page

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Post your scariest experiences in a game /v/.

>Be me
>Be little kid
>Have 2 cousins 9 years older than me
>Both lend me videogames and let me play on their consoles
>Try a game called "Resident Evil 2l".
>Start playing, kinda dark but nothing out of the ordinary
>Get to weaponshop
>Walk past the owner
>Glass breaking sound
>Gorillion zombies rushing in
>They eat the shopkeeper
>I don't know what the fuck should I do
>Be eaten alive while hearing how 10 zombies fuck my shit up
>Turn volume down
>Be traumatized
>Turn console off
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
> be me
Who else are you supposed to be?
>finally get my hands on Eternal Darkness
>enjoying the hell out of the sanity effects
>play it until I'm just fucking exhausted
>try to go to sleep
>in and out of sleep
>fucking sanity effects happening in real life scenarios as soon as I start to doze off
>can't tell the difference if this is a dream or reality
When the sun finally rose I finally woke up still tired as hell and completely invested in the game
>be me
Thanks reddit i was totally immersed
>7-8 years old
>have a fear of deep water
>play HL1
>those 2 levels where you have to beat the Ichthyosaur
>can't do it cause it's too scary
I still can't look at them today, fuck valve for putting them in the game

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Do you prefer Street Fighter or Tekken?
18 posts and 7 images submitted.
I prefer Marie <3
I preferred non-retired girls.
Why do we need a second thread?
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Street Fighter

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Who is your favorite Vinesauce streamer?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
epic cancer chat
I'm mad, the first four years of Vinesauce threads here were full of butthurt over the initial spam advertising, and the next two years were full of Twitch cancer and retard hipsters.

I never got that era where he was unpopular enough to not have autists sperging out and popular enough to have a decent amount of comfy discussion.
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So is vinesauce like a franchise? You join the vinesauce community and become an eceleb or something?

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post webms and dark souls stories
508 posts and 137 images submitted.
This one time I did a PVP and I lost.
dude no way me too lmao
No webms cause shadowplay hates me but.
>use 2h UGS
>numerous amounts of people try to parry it
>at pontifs
>the pvp area
I mean at first it was funny but they keep trying and now it's just sad.

Fuck if your r gonna pvp at least learn fucking mechanics... then again these are people who watched a YouTube e-celeb using a ceastus and went "ooouugghhh I'm gonna do that! Parry fishing all day! No one can beat it!
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You know what to do
24 posts and 16 images submitted.
But I don't want to shill
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>Lionhead wanted to make Fable 4 but Microsoft made them do Legends instead
>Microsoft wouldn't sell Lionhead because they were unwilling to let anyone else have the Fable franchise
>Shutters Lionhead when a game they didn't want to make that they told MS would fail ends up being an unfun resource hog

I honestly don't think I can forgive them for this.
41 posts and 7 images submitted.
Fable sucks though
Fable is shit, who cares.
Fable 3 was legitimately one of the worst games I have ever played.
Big corps are shit, news here

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ITT We Pretend a Deus Ex Remake has been announced
23 posts and 8 images submitted.
looks like shit desu
type of players that enjoy deus ex don't care about graphics that much
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like DOOM 4 right?

until it was released and proven you guys wrong

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ITT: Vidya Confessions
>I've only played an hour of a my first and only souls game DA2.
I have it installed still, with little to no intention of playing it. Why do people like this game? Am I missing something?
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
I've never played a Half Life game. I fell in love with the first Deus Ex when it first came out, so it was i ever played, other than the Thief.
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>not so thinly veiled DA2 shitting thread

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There are 13,502 viewers on Twitch and there isn't one single streamer that knows how to spread out his units and flank.

>Streamer - "I'm a huge fan of the Total War games!"

What the fuck Creative Assembly? Why are you giving out all these free copies to these people that make your game look like shit.
512 posts and 37 images submitted.
1. CA gave every streamer going a copy
2. A lot of total war fans only really enjoy/learn the map layer
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hammer and anvil are tactics of alexander the great my friend
So is this why Attila had support for only 15 months?
attila had support until it's product cycle was finished. We got two campaigns in different time periods and a variety of faction unlocks.

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Tell me your video game ideas /v/. If I like it, I might fund it. Just make it sure it has an epic twist in it somewhere.
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
You want game mechanics or you want story, bruh?
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Fuck you, you hack.
>It's an Ace Attorney like game.
>You're a super corrupt politician who has no beliefs that dies and goes to hell
>Hell is actually super bureucratic and ruled by a Senate made of the most powerful and influential demon.
>Someone saves you from eternal suffering and you have to uncover this political conspiracy involving heaven and hell.
>Lie, cheat, bribe and blackmail you to thw top of the Senate.
>First half of a "case" is collecting info and contacts about the bigshots
>Later half is a climatic phillibuster where you have to convince them and their parties using all you colected to answer to your demands while maybw becoming a better person

I call it "Hell's Senate"
It's a side scrolling metroidvania except not shit

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What does /v/ think about Knuckle Sandwich? It looks pretty great to me!

69 posts and 22 images submitted.
>Superhot is the most innovative shooter I have played in years
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I'm a cuckold who like licking the big black balls of my wife's bull while he fucks her deep and hard, ruining her forever for my inferior tiny white cock,

and I have to say, I love this game! It's like it was made for me!
I know people have brought up this complaint before, but what the hell are up with the noses? Must they really be discolored that way? I swear artist are getting lazier by the minute. Instead of crafting unique characters that emphasize certain traits they just slap on the 'tumblr' nose for a quick quirk. It's incredibly half-ass in design and immediately ruins the levity of the experience. Not to mention the in game hipster lingo which ends up making these characters sound like they're 8 by default. This game feels like it wants to appeal to everyone when in reality I see this game flopping terrible upon release.
the animation is cool and the music is nice but i HATE those noses holy shit
also the overworld looks bland and low quality

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What is the /v/ equivalent to the meme trilogy?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
There is none
Metal Gear Solid 2
Deus Ex
Dark Souls
Why is neo-/lit/ so obnoxious?

I bet you haven't read any of those but Infinite Jest and 50 pages of Gravity's Rainbow. Kill yourself promptly, nobody cares that you ""read""
>had to read Ulysses for a college class

Does that count?

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it was in the 750ti days

also with Denuvo this is pointless
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>it was in the 750ti days
You make it seem like the 750ti isn't viable anymore. Until they confirm a mid cycle console upgrade, yes, a £350 console killer PC is viable.
the problem is availabity. now they'll try to meme the 950ti
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>also with Denuvo this is pointless

I swear, consoleshitters concern themselves more with Denuvo than most PC gamers do. The ones that can actually afford games don't give a shit.
>the problem is availabity.
Where are you buying from? The 750ti is still on Amazon at £90.


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now that the dust has settled, can we all agree undertale was 2015 game of the year
62 posts and 12 images submitted.
It was personally my GoTY 2015 but if you do not agree with me then you are more than welcome to your opinion.

I hope you all have a nice day.
go away totalbiscuit

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Do you ever get the sudden craving to play MMORPG? Its kind of like getting a craving for junk food or something, you know its bad for you and its not really that good and you'll get sick of it quickly based on past experience, but you just feel like indulging yourself. Sometimes I get that, just wake up with that craving, like I just wanna play a really shitty MMORPG. Create a new character, do some quests, buy some good armour.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
71 posts and 10 images submitted.
FUCK YEAH , especially a MMO I would get invest in , not the junk we have today
One day I was so board I literally downloaded the browser for 2007scape, and spent like 2 hours fishing, just for a nostalgia rush before I started wondering "what am I doing with my life."
I would love nothing more.

Used to play Ragnarok with /v/, that was the tits. Played Lineage II a long while back. Not even sure what I could run on my toaster(the thing's from 2000 fucking 2, christ.)

Everything that runs on junk is either empty or full of hue hues.

What do /v/? Should we do something about it?

Would love to play with /v/ again, you guys are alright.
Yea fuck you and that feeling. I bought FFXIV on PS4 because of this, played it for a week, and never touched it again. I just wanted to kill cool shit and find cool armour and weapons and whatever, but nope '' Hey warrior, could you, like, take this thing I've got here and give it to that guy standing right over there 10 feet away from me OKTHX XD''. Fucking fuck.

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god fucking dammnit. Please help me /v/. If anyone purchased Civ V complete edition for the sale price Ill buy you something of equal value. I had it in my cart and had to poop. When I got back and went to continue the purchased the sale had ended. fuck. I love you /v/ please pull through

29 posts and 10 images submitted.
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bumping with dark fantasy art from my wallpaper folder
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Just got this, any tips for beginners and/or things I should know?
25 posts and 11 images submitted.
Research the medkit/medicine thing
Upgrade your legs
Escape your cycles of guilt
Get the bear killer.
Don't try to understand, just execute orders.
Just have fun
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Don't worry, nobody knows what these do either.

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Who is he really, gamers, and how is he so based?
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
Please don't post Best Gamers here, it's literally the last gaming channel that isn't shit and I don't want underaged kids from /v/ fucking that up.
??? Everyone on /v/ already knows about it, I found out about TBG from /v/ years ago. Rockcock is /v/ incarnate anyway, in all the good and bad ways.
They're practically dead anyway. They make maybe two videos a year.
Hell, rockcock posted a few reviews to his own channel instead of the main channel for some reason, probably because nobody except him bothers to do anything with the channel anymore.
B-but I just donated 1,000 to their patreon!!!

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What the hell is the top box for? I'm in NG++ and have never used it once.
16 posts and 9 images submitted.
Seriously? Spells
this is bait
Its for spells
pyro, sorcery, miracles
Miracles, sorceries and pyromancies. Congrats on not being a spamming magic faggot.

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ITT: we post our favorite game of all time and our favorite album of all time
>Silent hill 2
>Pixies - Doolittle
34 posts and 10 images submitted.
But I only listen to videogames and anime related music
Gonna be a shit thread with shit tastes.
Just going to post my superior tastes so you feel bad about yourselves.
Dragon Quest VIII
King Crimson-Discipline
Is thus a /v/ meme or are there people who actually do this
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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Subterranean Masquerade - Suspended Animation Dreams

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Hey guys, remember when you thought i was shit before the release?
20 posts and 4 images submitted.
*before the leak
It was complete shit after the leak too. The Daikatana of the Tomb Raider series.

/v/ thinks everything is shit before release
>Mankind Divided
>The New Order

I'm happy we're finally reaching the mid-90's revival period of nostalgiafag games.

These are the types of games I imagined the future would be like back then.

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Am I a bad person if I'll occasianally get bored of a certain playstyle and decide to start anew with another civ?
34 posts and 7 images submitted.

The problem with every Civ game is that 90% of the game u will go/try for domination because its the most fun playstyle. Even if u start for science or culture u will get bored and go for domination.

I dunno, I usually stick with my chosen victory condition. After I've won, I celebrate by killing absolutely everyone.
Its okay, everyone gets bored with Civilization, but we pretend like we don't to look cool. Just fire up Endless Legend or Galaciv2
I usually just establish myself as king dick and buddy up with CSs until I can World Leader. Before I Next Turn I usually drop a nuke on the biggest pain in my ass before I let the delegation pass.

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Do you listen to gaming podcasts, vee?
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
TVGP.tv is best.
Giantbomb is good too.
gr8 b8 m8
MechaGameZilla's MeanBeanMachine is good.
I like TOVG

I feel like I'd like this if I could understand eveb half of what they were saying.

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Playing Budokai 2 before this made me appreciate this much more. Despite the board game story in B2 being interesting the graphics are way too sterile and the gameplay is still as stiff as it was in B1.

Budokai 3 FEELS SO GOD DAMNED GOOD TO PLAY and the cel-shaded graphics have been polished and look great.

The only thing I have against this game is the dragon rush quick time events that happen a bit too often.
20 posts and 5 images submitted.
I still play BT3 Random Battles with my friend
I played the fuck out of DBBT2
Infinite World feels even better to play.
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I prefer T3 for Arale

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Did you guys play The Incredibles (2004) game? It's pretty fun.
16 posts and 6 images submitted.
post a pic from behind

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It was alright.
Oh my god those feet MORE

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