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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 12814. page

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How the fuck do I play this, please someone help me
22 posts and 5 images submitted.
you pirate the dlcs
Press space to unpause
Set speed to max
Click the buttons that pop up
Play Ireland

Assassinate everyone who isn't you.

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Is there any way to play this on Pc/Emulator? If not, how can I get a copy for PS3? :D
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
My PS3 has it. I'll sell it to you for $20,000.
Buy it from gamesop website
Boy this game is like 6 years old just buy it
Best buy has it being sold digitally.


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>protagonist dies at the end of the game
79 posts and 20 images submitted.
>protagonist dies at the begining of the game
>protagonist lies at the middle of the game
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>protagonist dies and his rival joins the party to avenge him

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saw one earlier but i was too slow to get in on the action. 3x3 thread.

24 posts and 10 images submitted.
whats bottom right?

bottom right is drakan the ancients' gates on ps2.

Why are games like this legal to purchase on Steam?
144 posts and 40 images submitted.
Because we live in a wonderful world.
Because virgins.
Harlem fighters died for your freedom
I know, western cucks should stay far away from the anime aesthetic.

It killed any reason you could have to own this piece of shit
86 posts and 9 images submitted.
I don't have to install Windows 10, and I'm okay with that.
Xbox one has some sort of W10 and it's already a botnet.
And you know what I do on my Xbox? I play video games. I don't do anything else with it.
> Why did Microsoft try to reach existing customers?
Another one of the exclusive retard fags. Just die already.

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Post em
47 posts and 29 images submitted.
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Who is this semen demon?
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How do I beat him?

This is Artificial difficulty right there.
42 posts and 3 images submitted.
the run is absolute shit too, this game is harder the any souls game.
I died to this mother fucker more than anything in dark souls fucking hell hes like out of place for the level.
one of the hardest bosses
I think I used a shield t block his shooting
Just hit him enough times and he should drop dead, remember about rolling too.

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Has there ever been better or equally good movie-based game franchise than Harry Potter? Except for Wolverine: Origins (which is not exactly franchise) nothing comes to my mind
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
Spiderman games were good.
Star Wars games are stellar
FUCK this game on PC was the shit back in the day!!!
First two posts nailed it, Spider-Man and Star Wars are much better.

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How can this game not be amazing? LOOK at this character.
51 posts and 6 images submitted.
That character model is the best part of the game.
I dunno, got a better picture? I need to inspect tanlines.
>htorealistic scenery
>cartoon girl

looks like shit m8
So how bad is the clipping?

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>you fell for the VR meme
101 posts and 22 images submitted.
When is this shit actually going to be available to buy? Seems like we've been hearing about it forever.
I didn't.

I can't believe people thought the PSVR would save it
Waiting to buy one cheap so I can fuck my waifu in VR. I can wait.
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right now at your local Best Buy, Microsoft Store, or Micro Center

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He did nothing wrong. Anybody who disagrees is a rootless Amerilard without an identity.
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
he's an sjw
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none of what you said makes any sense.
skullface was deprived of identity.
americans used to have identity, were very patriotic and proud of their history, culture and values.
but if they WERE without identity, that would just make them more sympathetic to skullface's cause




>cultural identity

nice try
t. literal retard

shitty bait. sage

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Which of these is the X button?
62 posts and 20 images submitted.
the one on the right
The one at the top right of your browser window.
X or cross?
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The left button of course :)

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Will Switch have a multi-av out like the Wii U. I still play games on a CRT through component video..
34 posts and 7 images submitted.
No nigger. Get with the times.
We barely know anything about yet, you will probably get your answers in december or january
Maybe, the devkit has the AV port on it and we haven't seen the back of the dock completely yet

CRT > Liqueer Crap Disgay despite the resolution advantage.

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When I play Fantasy games, I almost always try and make my character primarily magic focused. In all my playthroughs of Skyrim, I have always played a Dark Elf who uses spells almost exclusively. Recently, I have been wanting to change that, so I wanted to play a sort of Barbarian Nord build, so I've made something akin to the Viking 'Berserker' unit; Light armour, duel wield melee weapons. Increase Stamina and one handed skill when possible. How effective is this? Should I carry on like that, or should I just change to have a two-handed weapon focus, with heavy armour, as is tradition? What's more effective? I am early enough on in the game that I could switch to this build easily.

Thanks in advance.
92 posts and 16 images submitted.
Just mash attack until enemy dies, like every other "build" in Skyrim
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>Implying Skyrim's combat is deep enough that a "build" makes any difference at all
I hate dual-wielding without mods. Some would argue it's broken but it's stupid to literally be holding two weapons and not be able to parry with either of them, so I get a dual-wield parrying mod and it's 10,000% more funner.

>playing games
>actually having fun

Also focus a lot on health and defense if you are going the light armor route. You will want to do stamina because it seems to fit but light armor isn't all it's cracked up to be. If you could flip and fly around sure but skyrim is way too clunky for that.
Every melee "build" in skyrim is berserker build

What was her plan, exactly?
Keep in mind, she thought defecting to the Soviet Union and giving them a nuclear warhead was integral to achieving this
46 posts and 8 images submitted.
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She's a woman.
>I didn't pay attention during the ending

>Keep in mind, she thought defecting to the Soviet Union and giving them a nuclear warhead was integral to achieving this
She was going to run for US President.
She was told to do it, wasn't she?

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Why arent there more games like jagged alliance 2 or EDF 4.1 ?

Every game company is trying to use video games to write fucking novels?

Why cant the stories be simple?

>Jagged Alliance 2
>Evil bitch queen is fucking up my country. Hire some mercs and liberate it.

>EDF 4.1
>Giabt bugs attacking go fucking kill them
14 posts and 7 images submitted.
Go play sir-tech's other games and silent storm.
Is wizardry good ?

Thinking about trying it out


Mods can only do much
Wizardry is great but it is THE hardcore dungeon crawling RPG. I would probably play Might and Magic first if I were you then play wizardry since wizardry can be pretty brutal and has complex character building. You're pretty much asking for RPGs before the late '90s in general before storyfaggotry took over.
I can handle it

I take my cofee black

Like my socks

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>you bought a switch
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
What is this?
>he can't read
I've seriously got so much gear that I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and buying a nice big 24-port switch. I've currently got three 8-port gigabit switches to get all my gear hooked up.
You know I was just being nice enough just to keep your shitty thread alive you cunt

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Sequel when ?
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
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This year in Japan

on smartphones
Not a sequel. But what about Ever Oasis?
Would my girlfriend like this? She likes Animal Crossing and Sims games a lot
It's getting a mobile phone sequel. They believe more adults play on their phones than a dedicated handheld.

We hope you like wings edition
26 posts and 3 images submitted.
They look awful
I just resubbed after I took a break for about one year. I'm completely overwhelmed and have no idea how to set up my hotbars and what rotations to use anymore, it's depressing.
I want these to be $30 on Mogstation so I can /laugh at anyone that pays for them.

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how do I play this game /v/
108 posts and 32 images submitted.
by surrendering all your free time
Why reasearching is so fucked up?
fucking this

i get as far as needing green research tokens i just lose my shit. why does it have to require so many fucking materials??
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Factorio 2016-10-23 13-32-10-18.png
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wow holy fuck this is really boring and slow

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67 posts and 12 images submitted.
Pretty much.

Nintendo is so fucked.
You'll still buy it.
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It still looks like a giant eraser

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100 posts and 17 images submitted.
>trying this hard to fit in with with normalfags

You know they still won't accept you right?
Define sports
>Hey patrick, wanna know what's funnier than esports?
>What Spongebob?
>Competitive Esports
>"woah there, tryhard"

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>ding ding ding
>Let's a go
>ding ding
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
Can the mods just delete these threads at this point? This joke isn't funny anymore, be more original.
it's pretty funny, people should do more with it honestly
This. It's not bad but the OP just reposts it. At least add something new to the text.
You tears are delicious

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Remember when blizzard was going to make this a console exclusive
Remember when both console versions combined cant outsell a shit childrens game on a dead console
Blizzard will never release a console exclusive and will drop support of the console versions as soon as the playerbase starts to drop
50 posts and 8 images submitted.
Who cares?
Who cares?
Stop being a faggot and just get a PC you salty bitch. For fucks sake.
Who cares?

But seriously, very very different things.

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