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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 9677. page

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ITT: Games that deserves a sequel
24 posts and 8 images submitted.
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>tfw we could have got the fantasy tomb raider/banjo but with waifus we deserve but Rare are faggots

Uh sir...
Also, rip Bizarre Creations

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What desk trinkets do you have?
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
no space for that. i have a drawing tablet, my old joystick, both 360 controllers and the ps3 one on my desk
I have a small oil burner
a ps4

Now that Resident Evil 7 has been out for a week we know it's a clear GOTY contender.

Would you like to see them continue with this approach for Resident Evil 8 and REmake 2?
509 posts and 51 images submitted.
RE8 sure, Remake maybe.
RE8, yes.

REmake 2, no.

Although I think the first person view would work just fine for all three of the games. Imagine Nemesis chasing you down like Jack does in the start.
I think REmake 2 should remain just like REmake. Still third person, but with improved graphics, controls, added secrets and slight alterations to make the game better.

If they made a Resident Evil 8 in the same style and had it be a direct sequel to the new game, I' be down with that.
My first thought when playing this was "I hope they make the remake in first person"

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Zelda killer coming in with a backstab
17 posts and 1 images submitted.
>Zelda Killer

You must be having a laugh there mate
The only thing Zelda will die from because of Horizon is laughter.
I'm more surprised people are pre-ordering Zelda desu, I don't hate Nintendo, just surprised Nintendo is selling games anymore.
Nintendo games are fun and well made, this is also the first console Zelda since Skyward Sword and this is a massive openworld game

It's not a surprise

16 posts and 2 images submitted.
>not maining Navi

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ITT: Games that don't know what the fuck they want to be
28 posts and 6 images submitted.
Resident wvil 4 but more serious and 'darker'.
I would argue it knew exactly what it wanted to be; a horror mystery combining the combat and horror aspects of the resi franchise into one game. Shinji makami was taking his years of experience and boiling it down into one game. Shame he wasn't a create director, but I appreciated his effort

That game wanted to be annoying

Any game that teaches the player by killing them is shit.

Except for intentionally hard games like Dark Souls.
I actually really liked this game
Only thing that bothered me was the letterbox and the framerate problems

Anyone else play this masterpiece? I would use a deck of water energies and 1 articuno. Took a lot of reshuffling each game.
23 posts and 7 images submitted.
emulate the sequel, its translated too.
More content and cards.

i think i used zapdos? i think i was the only kid at school who knew the rules to the game because of it
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I did. The best part about it was the music.

Man I miss Duel Masters. Last I checked it became really faggy.
Is it called Kaijudo now or something?

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How do I get dusty coins. I upload every photo and I'm still at an abysmal 15. I just want the worker costume
509 posts and 154 images submitted.
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>create a second account
>befriend yourself
>send challenges to yourself
I'm thinking about doing just that.
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does this really work

no, because it sends challenges out to 1 random person

i have no fucking clue how the dude at the top of the leaderboard has 7k already

fucking japs
You get 3 for every treasure hunt you do. Haven't been getting many treasure hunts recently though, are people already done with the game, or do you have to reset to get more?

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give me a 2D combo based game or i'll cut you
43 posts and 10 images submitted.
no doggo don't do it
hotline miami
Killer instinct

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Looks like they beefed up Cloud a tiny bit.
275 posts and 42 images submitted.
holy fuck sephiroth is huge
I want Versus XIII
Took them over a year to make the box art. Seems like progress is going well. Happy fucking 20th.

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Why doesn't he just use a gun?
24 posts and 6 images submitted.
Because it's High Rule and not America
Because Nintendo wants to market Zelda to kids
Because your thread is shit

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What's your excuse for not playing this game?

>skill mods
>numerous reloading animation mods
>a mod called "Start Me Up" that removes the "muh son" story from the game and replaces it
>a mod that adds full dialogue
>many quest mods that add speech checks
>modding community is better now that the updates are done

You literally have no other excuse other than being an obsidicuck
29 posts and 4 images submitted.
Todd sometimes peers through my window and cold calls me at night. I don't know how he knows where I live.
Is there a Todd Modd?
I found the game incredibly boring, I bought it and played for 3 hours. Haven't touched it since.
Its not hard to make him in the character creator

Todd knows all

Well that's because you have the attention span of a fly

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>Watching game trailers on YouTube
>This ad comes on
What do?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
Skip it
It's right there, just click on the annotation
I can't do it, it's too touching
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>not using adblock
what a fag

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Why does /v/ hate Tales of Xillia? Its a comfy game and with good characters.

Pic related
its the best tales.
20 posts and 4 images submitted.
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I want to crush that spirit.
Because Xillia is complete shite in every aspect.
Because it's not Vesperia or Symphonia so it's shit.
What about Xillia 2 /v/??

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Holy fucking shit, why did you tell me this game is good?

If I wanted a crazy family simulator, I'd just visit my parents.
I usually play games to escape reality, not to embrace it.
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
Huh? I didn't tell you anything, the other anon did.
save your family then
I've never spoken to you.
The game is good though.
Oh shit now I did...
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>mfw the bakers reminds people of their family


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This is Aurora. Say something nice to her.
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'd love to cum in your hair
Are these graphics actual though?
Her pores tricked me into thinking she was a photograph of a cosplayer for a second.
It's a shame this game isn't popular enough to deliver porn of her and Serath

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*blocks your refund*
134 posts and 52 images submitted.
Why is Todd Howard like a cartoon villain now
youre a coward, howard. at least give me what im owed.
because hes a filthy liar who runs my beloved series in to shallow garbage
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Bioshock Infinite is a brilliant deconstruction of the overused "classic" video game trope of a hero saving a princess from an evil wizard who locked her in a castle by making the knight and the wizard not only both evil but literally the same person. The problem is, 99.9% of the unwashed, idiotic dudebros who played it were too dense to understand its brilliant nuances.
24 posts and 4 images submitted.
dude bro...
I don't even get the story im probably 3/4 of the way through after charge/tentacle spells...

I never even knew there was a story, the gameplay sucks, the story is nonexistent...

Why do people like this shit so much!

I liked the beginning how they were stoning the slaves with baseballs, but the story quickly became nothing...
>I liked the beginning how they were stoning the slaves with baseballs

No, the game tries to go far beyond that simple theme, but fails horribly, you're just making excuses for shitty plot development

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Name one game with exceptional gameplay AND story.
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Super Mario Galaxy 1
Xenoblade Chronicles

Although the story might seem cliche and predictable to some, It was well executed which I believe makes it great.
Uncharted 4
Hahaha exceptional gameplay enjoy your movie

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new vegas thread?
new vegas thread

what's your favorite """base""""
mine is the brotherhood bunker
pic unrelated
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Who /feelsbadman/ here?
>the quote that sowed up before i could read the article was "believe in the unbelievable"

holy shit
fug m8

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So I haven't played or watched anything Yu-Gi-Oh related since halfway through 5Ds and after playing Duel Links on Android I felt like playing some proper Yu-Gi-Oh vidya. What are the best ones? Preferably something that's emulatable on a phone please.

Yu-Gi-Oh vidya thead I guess
29 posts and 7 images submitted.
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Nightmare Troubadour.
I suppose I could emulate that on my PC. Doesn't sound to fun for playing on a mobile though.
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No need to thank me

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36 posts and 10 images submitted.
All that cross eye action
This cute Celtic waifu is voiced by a jew

Daily reminder that the games industry is run by muslims, just like Hollywood. Source: Alex Jones
>I want to be a dragon
enachant *this*

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Press F to pay respects.

Press D to desecrate
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
Is there enough content to justify buying it yet?
press F for OP is a faggot
Did he make a profit?

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>Keiichi Yano completely retooled Ouendan as a story of a bunch of Men in Black-style singers for the west
>Yoko Taro changed Nier from a boy prostitute to a grizzled old man for the Nier game

Any other examples of Japanese developers retooling their games for the west and getting it 100% correct?
31 posts and 8 images submitted.
What the fuck was EBA about before? I'm so confused now
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The original game was about a group of cheerleaders motivating people (and a horse) with problems.
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If it were selling on steam, I would wait to pick the japanese version with the actual japanese language.

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Which Smash 4 newcomer trailer got you the most excited?
37 posts and 6 images submitted.
greninja followed by Captain Falcon's
Robin and Lucina for deconfirming that one leak.

Little Mac as a close second
Bayonetta got me the most excited

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