So can we all agree now that Zero Time Dilemma is the worst in the series?
Worst in the series is not the same thing as a bad game.
Just to remind you.
How will the PS4 port play? With a selector controlled with the analog stick?
Stop trying to escape from the fact that ZTD was meh at best.
Maybe people just realized the entire series is dogshit
>butterface mcgee stars in a boring snoozefest of a movie that follows a group guys walking around some uninspired and drab westernshit fantasy world aimlessly for hours
>has the audacity to complain about a Final Fantasy Role Playing Game
Man, do burgers realize how hypocritical they can be sometimes?
>another conan eceleb thread
>Final Fantasy
>Role Playing Game
This is now an awoo thread.
What happened to him?
he's under a bridge probably
Laughing his ass off on his private jet
This game is pretty fun /v/. What faction did ya'll side with and why? So far I've been siding with the disfavored, they seem to be making the more sane decisions overall.
jpg. of image so people can actually load it.
Also Just got past the first act, now I have to find evidence against one of the armies for the trial. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume they are both guilty right?
Just finished the game, also sided Disfavored.Fuck me, if this game doesn't do one thing well, and that's making you feel like a powerhouse. I thought I was going to backstab both Nerat and Ashe when testifying to Tunon. Instead I was able to make Ashe bow before me, kill Nerat after making a faulty case for him, make Sirin serve me, make Tunon serve me and defy Kyros. Act 3 was fucking great, despite how short it was.
Probably my fav game of the year, tied with Va-11-hall-a.
Since you're asking, the only way I can say it without spoiling is that it's all up to you.
If you like JRPG's you HAVE to buy FFXV
Remember that, if FFXV is a flop, then the entire genre collapses.
Do you like Ni no Kuni?
Do you like Persona?
Do you like Nier?
Do you like Souls?
Do you like Tales of?
Do you like Shittunia?
Do you like the girly Atelier games?
Do you like lesbian vampires?
Well, you better buy FFXV or they are all disappearing
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
because that makes sense.
>care about genre being good
>buy a completely shit game that would only encourage more shit games
Honestly would it really be so bad if Japan just said "fuck it" and went full phone gaming? It doesn't seem like it would really be that much of a loss, especially after their poor showing last generation and them never really getting the hang of HD development. Western games basically carried last gen, and will probably continue to for the forseeable future. At this point, they're just embarrassing themselves when their giants such as Square and CAPCOM aren't even in the same league as any western AAA, and Konami as we all know, already tucked their tail between their legs and bailed.
"The health of the JRPG market is directly proportional to how good the last single-player mainline FF was"
I'll start
> crafting, grinding, chaos is the real enemy
You don't think that it be, but it do.
Broken mechanics. Unique. Space. Founders are fucking whiteknights with autism.
>survival, crafting, zombies, :^)
autistic/cringe stuff people on /v/ do, i'll start
>calling video games "comfy"
>playing handheld video games in public when you're over 17
Im 18, is it still ok? Its just one year. I promise ill stop when im 19!!!! :c
make threads like these
Suck developers' dicks
are you out of highschool? if yes then no. Even highschool is pushing it lol
What was the worst console you ever purchased, /v/?
PS3. I literally only bought it for Sonic Generations, which still ended up being shit.
your vita collection is garbage.
For me, PS2.
Atari Jaguar.
>I fell for the 64-bit meme
>it had like no games at all because nobody wanted to work with the shit architecture
>it had the worst first-party controller ever invented by man
>all my friends had a Playstation and were having actual fun
I only bought Playstations and so far all of them were good.
Rhythm avenue
Living abode
At least It was until I made some decisions which hade disastrous effects
>Officer Onedoller
Nutter. Bent nutter
>i share my birthday with miyamoto
Happy birthday, anon.
When can finally fucking die?
He's younger than my dad
good taste tbqh
They do look quite similar
Screw you Nintendo, you dirty japjew bastards.
Saying that you have a dedicated fanbase is the understatement of the century, with and endless stream of passionate fan works inspired by your creations.
But you treat them absolutely for granted.
They love franchises like Metroid, which hasn't had a proper game for years, only shovelware.
They wanted it.
You didn't provide it.
So they made their own, for free.
But you couldn't have that.
It wasn't competing with your own games.
It wasn't on your platforms.
It wasn't making a single dime.
But you still had to steal that from them.
You have surpassed Jewry, Nintendo.
You have become the giga-jew.
You shit on the people who buy your games.
So don't expect sympathy when people stop.
Confession: I ragequit this game over the Omega Metroid fight.
It's not that they DMCA'd it, but it's the rampant hate they threw against the fanbase for "not buying their game". They literally made a video crying about how the "stupid entitled children didn't appreciate their art". It was disgusting.
Tbh I cant believe how spineless the dev became after he got the C&D from Nintendo.
No "Screw you, I'll just use bittorrent", Just
>Sorry Nintendo I'll be a good goy I promise ;(
Omega is easier than Zeta, though.
that you are excited about.
Just one upcoming game you give a shit about.
Xenonauts 2.
Well. There's the answer
NieR: Automata.
Ace Combat 7.
Armored Core 6.
I named one because the other two are less certain/much earlier in development.
Will you be purchasing Car Pushing Simulator on day one?
Maybe second hand down the line if it turns out better than it looks
Are you telling me you have no interest in Car Push Simulator or Dress Shopping Simulator? Come on anon.
I know a guy who can get games two days earlier, so no i won't be playing day one
>Game that's already been casualized
>Normies still can't wrap their heads around it
>Non-shooter games
>"Woah what kinda cuh-razy indie game is this anon. I DON'T GET IT"
How long until games are just Facebook simulators?
inb4 mods delete this because they're pussies who can't handle unpopular opinions.
It's called clueless gamer for a reason, you know.
Conan is right about one thing, FF is shit.
>being this butthurt
It's not coming to PC, get over it.
haven't watched TV in a while
Is Conan still funny? Does he still do the string dance?
Is this the new *Ding* *Boop* *Ya-hoo!*?
Slayer of Demons VS Chosen Undead VS Bearer of the Curse VS Hunter VS Unkindled
Who wins? All of them have access to all weapons, items, spells, and abilities from their respective games.
Hunter is the best, dunno who'll win tho
wrong board fucko
Dark types beats ghost types in almost every situation.
I think you've got the wrong board
Describe a video game with a Spongebob image
E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
Team Fortress 2
Can we all agree that The Clockwork Mansion was pretty fucking perfectly designed level?
This entire game. GOTY
No it wasn't perfectly designed because A Crack in the Slab exists.
What's wrong with Crack in the Slab? I was shocked when I was trying to find out how they coded this stuff...
Clockwork + CrackSlab = better than any other ENTIRE GAME I've played in fucking years
I am stupid, I understood your post wrong.
100% orange juice thread
dead game
>dumb starbreaker poster
Is the event over?
>thread after the event is over
Let the game rest for a while until the next update. Don't burnout the fun too fast.
So, how tall is she?
This is important
Fuck if I know, but tht girl has some seriously long legs, like a fucking stork
1.488 meters if I remember correctly.
>giving gook moot money
>4'8" is consider tall
Post the last game you played and what you think of it.
New FFXV demo.
It ran a little bit clunky, noticed some graphical glitches and NPCs getting stuck here and there, but I had a lot of fun with it and Im looking forward to the full game.
It's the best with all the mods I have installed
I haven't really played Pokemon since Platinum on the DS.
Got a 3DS LL 2 weeks back. I've been actually playing Sun for quite some time and dayum it's really good.
Dishonored II
Pretty good. Framerate has been a little lower than it should be, but not unplayable. Hopefully some sort of fix will happen
Was it the best JRPG of the last gen?
Only faggots who don't play many JRPGs would say that.
8 minutes of Daytona USA 3
1 2 and 3 compilation home port when
3 looks like ass, I'll stick to 1 and 2 kthxbai
>films the screen where blue blue skies isn't playing
You still wouldn't get the CCE or 2001 courses in that...
>watch the first minute
>dude looks like he never touched a Daytona game in his life
Can we get someone competent to play it please?
How in the fuck do I git gud at FPS? I am complete shit at almost every one I play and I don't understand how some people are fucking amazing and I just suck.
Play SP on hardest difficulty to practice
just not for everybody punk
lower your sensitivity and get used to moving your entire arm to aim instead of just pivoting your hand around at the wrist. i assume you're playing PC games.