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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 10614. page

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So was it worth the wait in the end?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
Anyone who waited: "no"

Anyone who didnt: "sure, i guess"

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Tell yoshi bedtime story now!
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
Once upon a time in pre-historic Brooklyn...
There was once an anonymous who was curious about how your eggs smelled like...
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Hey Mario, look what I made!

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Are there any good portable emulation devices that have support good N64 emulator?
20 posts and 1 images submitted.
What the fuck is that button placement?

Looks like it's trying to be a Hori pad, but crappily.
How portable.
A handheld. Or something you hook up to a tv?
>nintendo 64 emulatin
Even the saturn emulation is better than it at this point.

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Nu-lara is on her way out.
Reboot when? Will we get old Lara back? Will she get her guns back? Will she be attractive again?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.

That's good. Rise's writing was somehow worse than 2013's.
Why would that change anything? That's just a shitty writer leaving, not a game director
>rebooting the reboot
ROTTR Lara is hot as fuck tho

They can easily steer NuLara towards Classic Lara and then the whole reboot thing would actually work well

I have hope

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This is Jane McGonigal.

I've seen this woman on the Internet for years talk about making video games that improve the world or some nonsense like that.

She's been around for a while and I just wanted to ask - has she improved the world through video games yet?

I always see this woman but never the actual world changing video games. Was wondering if anyone here is familiar with her work.
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
No to all.
That's a man

Her stuff is used in a lot of academia. The scholarly journals and whatnot that always need a million references for essays to appear legit. Her works haven't done much past that though.

If you take a "video game class" that tries to talk about ludology vs narrative, you'll probably end up reading some excerpts from her books.
That is a man

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Why do the highest regarded games all have some level of violence? Are there any good games with little/no violence?
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
Conflict is interesting.
Violence is interesting.

to clarify I have nothing against it but its nice to take a break from
>muh super serious shootn stabbn gaimz
>Are there any good games with little/no violence?
Underage cancer doesn't remember Monkey Island or King's Quest.

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What the fuck is the most dangerous city?
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
probably bludhaven
>British slags
muh dicc
I wanted to see more of that brown slut.

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what went so right?
21 posts and 2 images submitted.
Good graphix and great music

Fun levels and some pretty challening sprites that were mostly optional

Water spraying was a pretty interesting gimmick but there was still good ol' platforming
Everyone hated Sunshine when it came out.

I don't know where all this love came from.
It came out 15 years ago

The generation who had it as their first game is old enough to be nostalgic for it.
>fucking loved sunshine since it released
>can't mention it without triggering everyone who quickly start shitting on it

I don't get the hate. It's my favorite Mario platformer. Super comfy music and atmosphere. Tight controls. Water/sludge mechanic is fun. Looked fucking beautiful for its time. What gives?

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They really wanted to finish the game in 1 game only, I think it would have benefit being divided in parts/sequels

Will FFXV just ends with dlcs? no FFXV-2?
37 posts and 5 images submitted.
FF7R is more important than XV ever was.

XV was quite literally a filler mainline title until something bigger comes alone, it was never meant to be mainline in the first place.
What the fuck?
FFXV is better than FF7 could ever hope to be

>a game from 2016 is better than a game from 1997

It better fucking be.


It was versus XIII before it was XV wasn't it?

Let this thread serve as a reminder that PS4 is not the only console. Discuss!

Why is it good?
> Halo, Forza, Gears franchises.
> Live GOLD offers better sales and free games.
> Backward Compatibility with over 300 titles.
> Better running and more stable network.
> Upgrade path in form of Scorpio which also is backward compatible with X360/Xbone.
> W10 integration including Play Anywhere & streaming.
25 posts and 5 images submitted.
Promising, upcoming games:
> Halo Wars 2
> Sea of Thieves
> Below
> Cuphead
> Scalebound

It's nice to see something with more variety than Gears of Halo's dudebroism.

> weeps in corner after what hapoened with Fable/Lionhead
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>Upgrade path in form of Scorpio
I'm really digging the Xbox One S.

It's what the Xbone should have been at launch. I still can't believe they launched with that VCR looking piece of shit.
Why did Microsoft port all exclusives to PC? What is the point of me adopting a Xbox console?

I have a PC btw

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How do we fix Valve's apathy for their own games?

It's obvious they only want easy money now. Do we start a boycott movement?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.

Boycott with your wallet, encourage others to do so
What would you boycott? Future releases of the games they aren't making?
when was the last time Valve themselves made a real game
No. Their keys, crates, cosmetic items which is where they get all their profits now.

bioshock infinte is still light years better in

>world setting
>special powers
>sound design
>gun variety
>pc optimisation
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
Aside from dual wielding and vaguely similar art styles tell me EXACTLY how Dishonored is a Bioshock clone. No, go ahead. Please.
>Dishonored 2 or 1
>Bioshock clones
terrible post
>Bioshock infinite is still light years better
>Light years better

you're full of shit if you think that hunk of garbage holds up against anything. Terrible not only as a bioshock game, but as a game in general. You can't dispute me.

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Did anyone actually own one of these when they were commercially relevant?
23 posts and 4 images submitted.
Had one of the few fighters I liked.
These were never relevant in any place that mattered.

Don't kid yourself.
Did this thing sell at all? I didn't even know about it when I was a kid. How did Sega survive this but then get killed by the Dreamcast
thats a saturn dude
it was relevant in japan, sold more than the n64 i think
it sold less than 10 million and the only reason sega survived was their arcades

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Im currently playing 1 and having a blat. What am I in for next?

Which is better and why?
18 posts and 8 images submitted.
level design is noticeably worse in 2
Enjoy windows and doors while you can
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Best written character in whole videogame industry, hell even in whole media
having a blyat are we?

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So I didn't know but lots of big Quake players including Rapha, Cooler and Cypher play Overwatch now. That actually makes me respect the game a bit more. Is Overwatch a good game /v/?
47 posts and 7 images submitted.

Quake players go there because they want money and Quake is too niche for money-- not because it's a good game
It's a good game

I used to think "overwatch is a moba" was a shit meme, but now I honestly believe it. You don't need to be good at aiming to be good at the game, it is just positioning, communication, and timing. Aim is not important.

If you are OK with that, and the community that goes along with MOBAs, you will like the game
to elaborate:
Overwatch is glorified scissors-paper-rock; the game is made of a very strong hard counter system, where if you run into your counter, you're highly to lose the fight, no matter how good you are.

Blizzard designed their game like an MMO or an RTS, because they have no experience in FPS game design. Much of the game is comprised of autoaim, walls, or AoE attacks that take little skill to execute and have little counterplay.

All characters in Overwatch move slowly. There's no fall damage, air control, ammo management, and you don't lose ult meter on death, meaning you can get a nearly guaranteed kill with your ult on some classes even if you die frequently from being outskilled.

There's also heavy issues with visual clutter, as there's so much glowy shit on the screen at once, viewmodels are large and in the way, and maps tend to be poorly lit for aesthetic purposes at the expense of gameplay.

Overwatch is a shallow game which would need very extensive reworking and rebalancing to justify calling it a "good game", compared to other titles on the market. The reason for its massive popularity was its huge advertising campaigns, not because of inherent quality as a game.
who says this

What game (not neccesarily AAA) is the antithesis of modern AAA bullshit like pay to win, skinner box, illusion of choice, rpg elements, open world zombie survival crafting FPS? What game is the opposite of this, basically the anti-Fallout 4/Shelter?
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
Yoko Taro games
List looks better when there are at least 3 things but I can't think of anything else
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There's really nothing sadder than an uppity domestic animal. Eat your Chef Boyardee and keep your head down, OP.

are those yams or potatoes
Games by Zachtronics Industries are fundamentally anti-normie: SpaceChem, Tis-100, Infinifactory.

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23 posts and 5 images submitted.
>people using "handcrafted" to describe software
Holy shit there's nothing I hate more
Enjoy your "engines" then

no you're both fucking wrong and stupid, stop

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Why do you buy games with DRM?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
Why do people buy hamburgers with ketchup?

it ruins the burger.
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Why do you post sub-prime bjork sama images?
>Would you buy games [...] ?
Bjork is too pure for /v/

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49 posts and 38 images submitted.
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You know, looking closer, that's a 5/10.
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I played this game on its release in my young teen years and enjoyed the fuck out of it.
Just picked up the remastered xb1 version and was immediately impressed and nostalgic by everything. Then that first fucking town came in......
Please help... all I want is to have controls that make sense. You literally can't even strafe, you stand perfectly still every time you want to shoot, if I want to look to my left and still walk forward in a straight line I need to consider the earths rotation and whether or not I even want to go on living.
I know modern shooter games are all carbon copies of themeselves, and that it's good to have variety, and I am a piece of shit console gamer. Yet, I just want to replay this game without having to relearn everything I know about my noob sticks. Is there any hope for me or should I kill myself now
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
It gets boring by the end of the castle anyway. I can't be bothered to do the island now.
Embarrassed for u op
But, what do you expect anyone to do for you?
Well is there any possible way I can make the controls more like a modern fps/ots
Even though iam on a console

The current controls feel archaic and nonsensical
Basically answer this >>362758219

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Was he autistic?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
No. He was a business man.
A damn good one.
Just a manlet
Twilight had some of the creepiest and ugliest character models ever.
Was he supposed to be a baby or what?

>we will sell 50 Millions of these controllers
92 posts and 21 images submitted.
I'm glad the controller isn't completely retarded this time around, I won't have to shell out for a pro

Hopefully the wiiu pro controller will be compatible anyway
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>I'm glad the controller isn't completely retarded this time around

it doesn't even have a d-pad

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What video games are impossible for women to truly understand?
42 posts and 8 images submitted.

All of them. They lack the cognitive abilities to use reason, logic, and facts.
Street Fighter
Marvel vs Capcom
Counter Strike
Professor Layton
King of Fighters
Unreal Tournament
Add the movie MOON (2009) to that list.
this might just be the most euphoric post i've ever read

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I just bought tier 2 of this turd.

Which asscreed game should I play first? I have never played any.

Also what do you guys think of the bundle?
53 posts and 5 images submitted.
its Uplay cancer, I'd rather shove a golf umbrella up my ass and open it than use Uplay.
I got Black Flag and Unity Xbone keys for 2 dollars each on g2a and that's probably better than anything on there
does xbone make you fuck around with uplay for consoles or is it just play the game with no anal leakage?
Did nobody else get this?

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What game has the best girls?

Timesplitters gets my vote.
14 posts and 11 images submitted.
anything made by capcom or nintendo
No More Heroes.
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Dragon's Crown
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no question

I want to _be_ them all

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