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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 9312. page

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Is it really that good?
220 posts and 28 images submitted.
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brought to you by 4kids.jpg
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Get the uncensored patch and it becomes one of the best games I played in 2016. The battle system is probably my favorite turn based system and the difficulty always felt just right.
>using loadiine in 2017
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I said 2016

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Will it go undefeated?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
it unfortunately doesn't go unshilled.
but I'm preaching to the choir there, am I not?

Thread is done, OP. You tried.
I really like it. It's weird times when the best arena shooter we have now is not only on console, but a Halo game to boot...

We'll see if UT or Quake Champions gives it a run for its money
Do they have release dates yet?

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>more questions than answers
we are still waiting, monolith soft

so they are going back to the chronicles game. does that mean that there is a possibility for them to make chronicles X 2 after that?
24 posts and 7 images submitted.


this will be the timeline, maybe XCX2 will answer questions
Ayylma >>>>> Elma
But Lin is my favorite.
>main girl is worst girl
Why do so many games do this?
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>ending the game when the story just starts to get good

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Can we have a Diablo 2 thread?

Who is best girl?
Why is Diablo 3 so fucking boring to play?
36 posts and 7 images submitted.
because we destroyed the Worldstone
and now we are in Hell, where is no good vidya anymore
only rage
Titty javazon.
Andariel best girl.

Haven't played in a few years, but I always liked making weird pvm builds, never got into pvp.

My favorite was a dual Dream werebear enchantress melee sorceress.
Its strange though i still enjoy playing ~50h a season in diablo 3.

>now entering mariokart_v2
23 posts and 8 images submitted.
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>Blizzard giving the community complete control over their servers and adding mod tools
Yeah, no

>now entering facing_worlds_v3
A game with nothing but matchmaking has no community for you to even hate, anything that you'd view as an overwatch community spawns off from external sources like tumblr and /vg/.

It's like commenting about the community of a highway gas station whose "denizens" interact with each other maybe once or twice but you form an opinion because you heard a few people in another town miles away talking about it.
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>now entering watchpoint_2fort_v2

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Here are some facts:
>Smash Bros. games aren't canon, as you're playing with doll versions of all characters
>No Prime games have shown Samus's ass
>Hunters and Federation Force didn't show her ass
>The only canon games which have shown her ass are Zero Mission and Other M
>Zero Mission was the first time ever we saw Samus's ass

And her butt looks fat in both Zero Mission and Other M. This means her ass is actually supposed to be fat.

Can you accept that?
32 posts and 7 images submitted.
>Caring about """""canon""""
Spotted the virgin, guys.
>Can you accept that?
Not until she sits on my face.
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Use an 8x8 grid to represent a video game character. Other anons guess what you've made.

Starting with something super difficult
72 posts and 31 images submitted.
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Isn't that a Metroid, Anon?
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That's a Samus, one of the many enemies fought by Metroid

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>Arcueid dressed like a grandma when the story is supposed to take place in the year 2000
45 posts and 9 images submitted.
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She's pretty fucking old, though. It makes sense.
Grandma clothing is cute when the material is modern enough and the model is nice.
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I dun like the nuhair
arc is an ancient vampire, it makes more sense that she'd dress like an old lady than a young one

"We are approaching the completionist aspect very differently because we've done and learned a lot from Inquisition," Condominas says. "But we've also observed what other games have been doing, like The Witcher."

Condominas continues, stressing that bigger isn't always better in that sidequests must be "meaningful" in order to be impactful—something The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in particular carried off particularly well. "And it was very important for us that the quantity of scope doesn't downgrade the quality of whatever you are doing there."


How aroused does this make us, /v/?
190 posts and 46 images submitted.
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The more I hear about this over hyped POS the more I have disdain for those who produce it and those who buy it.

By the way, this is a shill thread. It's pretty obvious if you pay attention. Cat picture. Headline in title. Asking people how happy it makes them is the final sentence. All very simple shill tactics.
Those are some large cats

It can't be worse than ME3's bullshit fetch quests.
Yeah, right

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392 posts and 42 images submitted.
Fuck e-sports.
so long as E-sports includes speed running then I'd press that one
Literally the only bad one is the first button

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So I got into the beta

Can I really loose content? I dont wantto loose my games n such

wat do?
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
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>betas for OS software
but im a super hacker white hat
dont be jellyof me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>chance to lose content
>p.t installed

No thanks
NDA says i cant talk about it but what do you want to know? baring in mind i havent downloaded it yet

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Let's have a thread about what your favourite gear is and why, i'll start:

>fire witch helm
>silver knight armor
>alva leggins
>can't remember the gauntlets

alla of this for aesthetical reason mostly (heavy because it's a tank)


because i'm a fag

>wolf knight's greatsword

looks cool and hurts the bad guys a lot
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
lorian's helm
firekeeper robe
slave leggings

Millwood helm + Mirrah's chain set, or just with Creighton's helm. You look like a fucking Varangian guard.

Cant wait for the slut outfit when the DLC comes though. Good to know you get it quite early on.
tell me about this slut outfit, or just give me a link

It's the desert sorceress garb. They're bringing it back for the last DLC.

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who is your favourite (male) video game character, anon?
43 posts and 29 images submitted.
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It feels kinda wrong to fap to Reinhardt because he clearly has dementia and needs to be in a home and not out fighting robots and Latinos. I just don't want him to get hurt...

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Recommendations for a gaming mouse /v/? Pic related is this piece of shit i'm using atm. Also gaming mouse thread.
30 posts and 8 images submitted.
G403 for logitech

Just don't get Razer.
Doesn't have to be logitech. Although this looks pretty decent.

Yeah not after a mouse with a gorillian buttons and edges, just want one with decent performance.
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The G502 is good, it's got a few extra buttons without going full retard. That said, the G403 is also a good pick if you don't want a mouse that screams "hurr durr I'm a gaymer"

I believe they are both /g/ approved

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This is Fuuka Yamagishi, a Japanese tech expert.
266 posts and 106 images submitted.
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Too bad being tech savvy didn't protect her from being relentlessly raped by shadows when she was trapped in Tartarus.
Why was her English VA so fucking bad? I wanted to like her but every time she opened her mouth it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
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I don't think it was her VA, I believe the lack of direction from the voice director is the main problem.

I'll have to burst your perverted bubble and remind you that Fuuka never saw any of the shadows while she was there.

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Is this game so popular because its the only musou that Nintendo fans have ever played?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
It's because it us a rather good musou
Its not much different from most of the others besides having muh Zelda characters
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It's because of tits... I mean this
Compare it to berserk band of the hawk and you will see

Also, tits and ass

Okay /v/, how do we fix this travesty of an "FPS"?
27 posts and 4 images submitted.
Don't buy it.

Don't play it.

Don't post about it.

Check 'em.
/v/ in a nutshell.
>Lose a percentage of your ultimate for dying
>Nerf all ultimates to the ground
>Let them charge faster
>Add some interesting movement mechanics
>Add ammo to prevent spamming
In fact, just play TF2. It's objectively better.
Wait until quake champions

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hey /v/ what are some good classic pc games that I can buy digital?
Current PC is a piece of shit, it can't play new releases, so I need to fill this empty void in my soul somehow.
Also give a brief explanations as to why you think this game is good
16 posts and 7 images submitted.
System shock 2 on gog make sure you get the mod pack and blue mod manager from reddit
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This one, look on gog.com
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Ill post my most played steam games so you can take ideas. Gimme a min
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Sorry for the zoom-out i had to fit in as many as possible

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what's the meaning of this?
244 posts and 46 images submitted.
Uh oh.
never ever pcuck
Doesnt mean shit. Yakuza 0 says ps4 console exclusive. Isnt coming to PC and is on ps3 as well. None of those banners make sense really.
explain pls

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Which one has a better combat?
31 posts and 4 images submitted.

All I know is EVERYONE is playing for honor

All my friends are on that beta and even in other games I play that's all people talk about

Is it that good?
It's worse than dog shit. Save yourself $60
dark souls
I had a shitload of fun these past two days

Unfortunately I'm already reaching the skill ceiling and I suspect I'm gonna be bored of it by the end of today

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what's the best Tomb raider game and why?
161 posts and 38 images submitted.
The one you posted.

Revelations is pretty good too.
2 and 3
Also tank controls are fine, if anyone want to sperg out fuck off
The first 3 are legendary.
Probably Tomb raider 2, but the first 3 are all equally good in my book.
However, I can tell you that pic related is easily the worst tomb raider
(not counting nu-TR, haven't played those yet)

All the content for 20 dollerydoos.

Is it worth it? How's the port? Any good mods to fix what's broken?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
>All the content
Got some bad news for you anon
It's worth $600 or so.
So what's all these content packs that are in the sale then? Do they just not add up to the full version?

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>Souls "PvP"
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
I like how you put PvP inside quotation marks to imply that it isn't actually PvP but the webm clearly shows 3 players fighting against one another.
Players vs Shitty Netcode
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>he has to fight only 2 opponents
He has it easy.
What's the tickrate of Souls games?

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I want to play a generic yet good JRPG. You know, dungeon grinding, party system, turn based combat, good OST. What do you suggest?
34 posts and 5 images submitted.
hm me too.

preferably one from within the last 5 years.
Trails in the Sky
Earthbound, ChronoTrigger, Illusion of Gaia, Final Fantasy 1, Final Fantasy 2, etc
Lost Odyssey


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>Tales of Berseria
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5
>Toukiden 2
>For Honor
>Resident Evil 7
>Styx: Shards of Darkness
>Mass Effect Andromeda


How is your wallet holding up?
49 posts and 9 images submitted.
Considering I'm only getting 2 titles from that list... pretty ok.
for a second I thought that image was a melting cube or something
I'm only interested in Nioh and I've already bought RE7. So my wallet is ok.
>implying I care about any of those games

Only games I care about are bannerlord and rising storm 2. Neither will ever be releases so I'm not losing any money

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