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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 7689. page

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>$40 for Street Fighter 2

Holy fuck Capcom.
146 posts and 23 images submitted.
Being poor must suck
They gotta recoup the losses from SFV somehow
>final challengers

does this mean ryu finally becomes super sand?
>paying 40$ for a fucking rom
i think it has more to do with having more than 3 brain cells

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ITT : games you waited so long for you lie, lied, or will lie to yourself about it being good
76 posts and 7 images submitted.
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Every damn movie

I watched every fucking thing
But mad max was a decent game

Speaking of which , as a tester for the new Friday the 13th game, I legitimately apologize to the anon who said in a thread he watched every movie shortly after the announcement.

It will NOT be that good.
X: Rebirth

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Total Biscuit finally got around to reviewing Andromeda.


>"A good 7/10 game. Deeply flawed, but good. It's the journey that matters and the journey is good."

>Overall Graphics are phenomenal
>Combat is great
>Animations are inconsistent, ranging from horrible, to good
>UI is bad. Too many menu settings and in-game concepts lack tooltips and shortcuts to make heads or tails of things
>Story and characters are solid and keep you invested
>AVP is a great addition for added motivation and context for side-questing
>Side-quests are superior to DA:I

Apologise /v/. ME:A Is fun and no amount of memeing will stop it.
58 posts and 9 images submitted.
>Story and characters are solid and keep you invested
This is something that is completely untrue.
>actually shilling TotalAsscancer here
>actually linking to TotalLibcuck's videos
>actually caring about e-celeb not-videogames

Please kill yourself.
Actually his cancer is in remission and he is no longer terminal
Didn't he comment on the jontron thing and assume some weird moderate position (Which is actually more of a pussy move if anything because it indicates he was just afraid of losing shekels by assuming a stance)

>e-celeb shit
Only valid point. Internet personality discussions are gay
The cancer must be really bad now guys...

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I unironically miss it, guys.
454 posts and 80 images submitted.
Me too kinda
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Me too.
It's a feeling that'll never be recaptured, it sucks
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Sometimes dead is better.

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So they started firing people?
53 posts and 10 images submitted.
>not looking for anything animaton related
>no animation positions
>firing people
more like everybody jumping out the sinking boat
they let go of the temporary interns

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What the fuck was that?
115 posts and 14 images submitted.
An 8 hour long movie where you will never get those 8 hours back.
I recently played this for the first time. It's not as bad as y'all make it out to be.
A good game

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Dude it's so portable! LMAO
138 posts and 49 images submitted.
>go skydiving
>still have to play vidya in public
Typical /v/irgin

might as well post the rest, you fuck. Did you only save/make one?
>Pull chute.
>Switch flies out of his hand.
What a shit design

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Hey /v/ are the QUAKE games any good?
150 posts and 22 images submitted.
quake 4 is the best of the series
Never played Q1
Q2 is alright
Q3 is god tier
Q4 is shit
I really wish a proper sequel to Quake 1 would be good. Quakes with single player are good and I wish they'd make them more often.
QUAKE is kino

QUAKE 2 is shit

QUAKE 3 is kino but dead (No SP)

QUAKE 4 sucked

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Breath of the Wild thread.

How far are you? Have you finished the game? Who is your favourite NPC?
544 posts and 98 images submitted.
I'll answer all those questions if you buy me a switch
>tfw got the master sword, hylian shield, and bought the house all in the same hour last night
"Finished the story two days ago.
Now im.
Finishing all the shrines.
Compelting the compendium
doing all quests.
upgrading all armor.
Definitely the immersion took a plunge (at least for me) after finishing the storyline.
Might restart it again in a couple of weeks.
this is why i think im gonna save the final battle till after i 100% everything besides the fuckin koroks and some sidequests

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Who is best girl and why is it Sonia?
93 posts and 44 images submitted.
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wtf I hate Sonia now.
Sonia fucks both Gundham and Kazuichi, right? Most likely at the same time?
>Sonia fucks both Gundham and Rantaro right?
Who do Hajimeme and Yasuhiro interact with in that bonus mode, out of curiosity?

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So will future Zelda installments all feature Aonuma's ocdonutsteel goddess instead of the three main goddesses? Or will he get sick of it eventually?
84 posts and 13 images submitted.
Hylia is here for good considering he has attached her to each and every Zelda ousting the original LoZ for his new LoZ
>Original three goddesses

Bruh they were mentioned once in OoT and never again
They were also mentioned in WW and TP. Don't know about the 2D Zelda games.
I think I read they were mentioned in Link to the Past's manual.
There are numerous locations named after the Golden Goddesses, they were mentioned several times in Skyward Sword, and the dragons in Breath of the Wild belong to them.

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Nintendo announces that the Switch will be getting a software update that makes both massive improvements and small bits of polish. What do they add?
116 posts and 13 images submitted.
Netflix and YouTube
>Internet Browser
>Screenshot quality settings
>Video recordings with high quality option
>Screenshots and recordings can be uploaded to Imgur, Drive, iCloud, Dropbox and emailed
>Virtual console, all Nintendo made games up to GameCube available at launch (Homebrew could accomplish this, it should be easier for Nintendo)
>Gamecube controller adapter can be put into the dock and used as a pro controller where the gyroscope isn't necessary.
>Add friends by username
>Light theme during day and dark theme during night
That's just off the top of my head, there's probably a lot more.
Virtual Console with the NES classic pack available day one for like $30

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Now that the musk has meddled we can all agree she wasn't that bad and even had a few good albeit slightly misguided points right?
319 posts and 67 images submitted.

>tfw no rule 34
She's smarter than any of us, and at this point, not any more reactionary. She could have been a nobody if we didn't give her the attention she wanted. The people who hate her created her, I hope they're happy. I got tired of this debate several years ago, I don't know how people can still be involved in it.

nice thread, let's do it again some time.
you're not looking hard enough

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Are you hyped for Trails of Holding Back 3, anon?
130 posts and 41 images submitted.
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I'm ready for best girl.
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she needs a hug.
What's the probability of having at least one Crossbell title localized/fantranslated until then?

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Look, I don't want to circlejerk too much, but when fucking RPS tells you you suck, you fucked up.
362 posts and 62 images submitted.
>Linking directly to rps
As much as i want to hate on that game, pastebin that shit
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=Jbd-LTfc5Ho Hahahahahaha! I fucking called it!

Coming your way. There's also a video of the AI fucking up in every way imaginable.


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Was everything meaningless?
321 posts and 47 images submitted.
Pod 042 is my husbando
Playing this game surely was
Why were the bosses so uninspiring and boring in this game?

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Still waiting on amazon for
96 posts and 33 images submitted.
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r8 and pls no h8
Why do you not just buy the fun games.

I never understand these photos where people have tons of games lines up to show how many games there are for 'x' or how many they own. When it comes down to it people only actually finish a few games.
>A.D. 2010+7
>buying physical

reddit get out
No bad

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You have ten seconds to justify your purchase of a XB1 over a PS4 or PC

Brotip: You can't
52 posts and 5 images submitted.
I don't think most Xboners will even bother trying. I almost feel bad for them.

Have an Xbone. I enjoy it, but I wont justify if
i wanted to play halo with my little bro
But your little bro only wants to play Call of Duty you out of touch dipshit

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I'm throwing them out. There's a lot of kids in the neighborhood so I cut them up first just in case one of the stray cats opens the bag and exposes them.
53 posts and 6 images submitted.
You didn't find them, they were yours and you're taking photos of you destroying them for whacky internet / /r/4chan karma points.
Divi Dead good shit, tricky to emulate on ppsspp though.
Why didn't you just return them next to where you found? There must be some place they can accept lost & found trash. You were a dick my friend. I hope when you lose something, the one who finds it destroy your goods and post pics on internet.
lol all these neckbeard weebs crying that you cut the cds in half

Who brings these type of games to a public library in the first place? Good thing a kid didnt see them get played or be the one to find the abandoned laptop sleeve.

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252 posts and 38 images submitted.
Let it Be is an excellent album and if the released version wasn't produced by Phil Spector it would have been remembered as a great album.
I liked Hyrule Warriors, Smash for Wii U, and Super Mario 3D World.
The Neptunia games are actually good.
Playtronics was in the right, objectively.

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Can we all agree that picrelated is the best Disgaea girl?
109 posts and 48 images submitted.
disgaea? more like disGAYea

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Only if we can agree this is best generic.
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Of course.

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>vidya is referenced in a tv show
614 posts and 138 images submitted.
Gumball does the best vidya references and is the closest thing kids will have to Rocko's Modern Life.
That was a nice webm
Is that a JoJo reference?
Gumball is always doing it. They're not terrible either, The Console was great.

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235 posts and 43 images submitted.
wasnt nearly as bad as anyone made it out to be. Killed every enemy over three nights
Too bad the whole game didn't feel like this and the intro section.
I had to leave the island and restart it after I tried using a bomb to get one of the balls in the holes. It ended up probably 100+ feet outside the the island boundary.
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>throw weapons on the shore before setting foot on it
>he takes all your shit but leaves your weapons on the ground

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*blocks your path*

Stop shit talking the Nintendo Switch.
224 posts and 56 images submitted.
I really need to filter this shit.
no, now drink my cum
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>he's not slowing down

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Why is it so much cooler to play as a beast adventurer than a human one?
74 posts and 32 images submitted.
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>need my Elder Scrolls fix
>hate MMOs and Skyrim has gotten so beyond the point of stale I can hardly stomach the main menu screen
play morrowind
Because you're a furfaggot and your mind doesn't function correctly

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