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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 17007. page

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Why is this so criminally underated?
21 posts and 6 images submitted.
Incoming Yumifags.
>Incoming dead thread.
Fixed it
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>Ape Escape is dead
Where did it all go wrong?
I thought Nips liked this stuff?

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Is the Resistance series good?
25 posts and 2 images submitted.
Man I miss the online for Resistance 1 so much.
2 was also pretty good with the 30v30 and survival thing.
3 was pretty much cod but with better, more fun Insomniac guns

Never played any online due to sony being fags and shutting it down
You are crazy.

Barely touched the story in any of them though
Resistance or Killzone?

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Has anyone even defended SF0 yet?
36 posts and 5 images submitted.
>My childish understanding of public opinion boils down to defenders and offenders
Cool buddy

People who don't hate the controls probably don't hate it
People who do, probably do.
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I beg to say otherwise.
Are you new? Everybody hates it.

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Vidya maps

Post your favorites
27 posts and 21 images submitted.
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Ds3 patch 1.04 shuts down co-op, slows framerate to crawl on PS4


Literally bought this game an hour ago, anybody else having this issue? Got a fix?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
No /v/tards on ps4?
just play it on PC you retard
Yeah it's called return it and kill yourself for even going to reddit
>what is google
>what is troubleshooting

suck a fuck cunt

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I am the last person to ever recommend a mobile game, but holy shit this one is good.
>literally TF2 in 2D
>bomb ass soundtrack
>online multiplayer
>bot play
>acchievments and leaderboards
>9 classes that are literally copy paste including spy scout and heavy

Like fuck, this was just released but it's exactly what I've wanted in a TF2 mobile port

>inb4 shill

Nah I hate phone games, but shit this should be on the /v/'s recommended game list for iOS/android

Will post screens
22 posts and 4 images submitted.
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I wouldn't call you a shill, because you literally didn't post the name of the game you are shilling. Clearly you are doing it for free.
This is a mobile game now? wasn't this a browser based game a year or 2 ago?
>mobile game

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Hey, guys.

My nephew has a birthday coming up and really likes video games. Trying to find a game that would be appropriate for his age (he's turning 12). I know COD is rated M, but I'm not sure if that's actually important or if it's more of a guideline. His dad, my brother, wasn't really sure if it was a good idea. I'm a little concerned about the online play. Is there a way to turn this off or put parental control on it?

I'm not into gaming myself, but I know it's a super popular franchise (my coworkers never stop talking about it). If you guys don't think it's appropriate, or don't think it's a great game, what would you recommend instead?

Thanks in advance!
35 posts and 2 images submitted.
Parental controls only disable entire games based on classifications I'm pretty sure, not individual features like online.
If he wants cod sure get it for him. Just disconnect the console from the internet if you're that concerned.
I stopped playing CoD when I overheard two grown men working as Pepsi Merchandisers at my local grocery store. They were both probably in between 25-30 and just listening to them talk made me feel uneasy.

"So, did you get the new COD yet bro?"

"Yea man, it's fucking awesome. I was up all last night playing it online."

"What prestige are you?"

I remember stopping in the aisle pretending to browse the chips when I just thought to myself, holy shit these guys are fucking faggots. I sure as hell don't want to be associated with these degenerates, hell I'd rather be a nigger!

True story.
What it says on the package: 17 plus
Ahh, I see. Don't really know how it works. His parents might know more about that than I do. Thanks for the input.

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>going about my business
>scrolling through social media
>come across that.
>realize i haven't played any mecha games.\

what games, regardless of genre let me play as/ in/ around mecha /v/? I need some badass robots in my life.
411 posts and 98 images submitted.
Armored Core
Armored core on VR
Armored Souls
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>literally nothing wrong

Post your three by threes
79 posts and 41 images submitted.
You should be raped and left out on a sunrack for your good taste that /v/ will hate
nice troll thread

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I have a few bucks on my Steam account.
Which one, /v/?
36 posts and 5 images submitted.
Neither. Wait until One Way Heroics goes on sale for $.99 again
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I liked Nuclear Throne a lot.

Haven't gotten around to playing Gungeon, I've heard its good.

Gungeon has potential but falls flat on a lot of aspects, NT is consistently great from start to end
EtG has way too many questionable design decisions (enemy health scaling, nonlinear character progression, homogeneous starting characters, inherent inaccuracy in all weapons, etc.) to be worth recommending at the moment.

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desu its really boring. the maps are pretty good but just a bore to look at, its basically just gears 3 with worst characters to play but in 60fps.
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
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The hammerburst is shit.

The boltok is also shit again.
Yeah its kinds meh, there is no reason to pick the hammerburst over the lancer, and the gnasher bullshitty things still do happen but less often than in gears 1,2,3, i also felt that its easier to get headshots with the longshot, the only thing that would make this interesting is more/better weapons
I played like 10 games and shit on people who clearly dont play gears and are only playing the beta because its free so that might have skewed my opinion a little but basically:

Gnasher combat is decently fun but clearly 1 hitting people from ridiculous distances
None of the guns feel satisfying, torque bow especially feels and sounds ridiculous compared to UE where it feels great
Games ugly and betas not an excuse
Maps were pretty awful and people will probably end up sticking to throw back maps
idk who exactly is on the coalition team and what each one has done with gears in the past but the game feels like people who never worked on gears tried to replicate gears 3

i wont be buying this one and thats just the reason i needed to sell my xbox instead of saving it for october
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>Can't get to level 20 because every time I try to play I can't connect to Gears Service

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Hello again, friends! Is Codebro with more codes for Steam from Humble Bundle page, before they were assholes and stopped me from buying today.

For this thread, we have four Devolver Digital codesets to hand out to all the good little faggots here.

Let's begin!

Code 1

XX = 2F, reversed

I will be posting codes frequently for the next twenty minutes to half an hour.

Bath Codebro with your thanks, and he will reward with games.
41 posts and 13 images submitted.

:) = D

Second code ahoy! Hurry before someone gets it!
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The gods will watch as Codebro gifts his fellow v/tards with free games.


?? = Biggest city in New York state.
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Is this shit even real?
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I got two games because nobody is here lmao

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So what's wrong with this weapon again?
169 posts and 15 images submitted.
It's trash
being a contrarian only works on subjective things
it's really not though, like I can understand hating people for using it because it's really OP and you can get it super early, but saying it's trash is just a blatant lie.
It just got nerfed in patch 1.04 that came out a few minutes ago.

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>Be leader of guild recruitment
>Able to successfully keep out all women and chads
>Nobody realizes
>I just put them all down as not fitting into our group or not being skilled enough

Who here /guildmanagement/? Share your stories. Tell me about your guild, no matter what MMO it is.
32 posts and 12 images submitted.
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>Thinly veiled Healslut thread
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Yo, Angelo!

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What is the best stealth game and why is it Dark
16 posts and 6 images submitted.

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> Game requires you to use gamepad speakers
> You can beat the game in one gamepad charge with max volume
That's got to be some kind of record or something
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
>You can disable gamepad speakers in pause menu
>You can turn on power saving mode
>You can plug in the long as fuck cord they give you anywhere
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i dont understand why people are complaining about the game length.
were people expecting a starfox game to be like 30 hours long or something?

the game shouldnt be $60 though. fuck that shit.
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It's expected to be short but it's also expected for the levels to be GOOD and highly repayable

but they're not.

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What's worth picking up before it ends?
510 posts and 211 images submitted.

Most are trash VN's and not actual good JRPG's.

Save your money.
> anime sale
Saw this thread yesterday and I shall reiterate. This thread is dead because anime sucks
dumb makiposter
LiEat because its cute

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Which Nep story should I go for first?
35 posts and 7 images submitted.
None of them.
Neptunia is a fucking awful game series.
if it's so bad, why does it keep getting made?
Try make a strawpoll on the OP, they always vote fast
Also Noire
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Beat the best story.
Then never touch the game again.

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What do you all think of speedrunning?
72 posts and 5 images submitted.
If you're gonna waste your time on videogames might as well do it well, I guess

although there's undoubtedly a lot of autism involved in practicing cpu cycle perfect jumps and attacks
Quite possibly the worst time vs reward ratio in the entire fucking world.
not to mention that speedrunners and the community are both genuinely autistic

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What went wrong?
49 posts and 10 images submitted.
Square Enix and Nintendo of America. It's like getting lung cancer and colon cancer at the same time.
Japan hates Ringabel because they have a shit VA. So we all suffer for it.
Music wasn't as good
No Ringabell as a party member
No fighting 4 bosses at once
Every second bit of dialogue is about food

On the plus side I really liked the new asterisks
I know nothing about the game but the name "Bravely Second" really bothers me.

Its like a bad chinese translation but used proudly as if to grammatically annoy everyone.

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So i've been having this problem ever since the patch 1.04 update, it tries to log into the game server but takes approximately 3 years before it tells me that it can't connect, anyone have the same problem and/or can remedy it?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'm having the same issue, bro. No clue why.
When did that patch come out? If it came out before yesterday than I can confirm it's not happening to me
Didn't they have this in Dark Souls 2?
Where if you were hacking or have been accused of hacking on different games, they give you the "can't connect to game server" bullcrap.
I had the patch installed today

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I can't wait for new Final Fantasy XXX!
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
fuck you
Wouldn't it be LX? I thought L was 20

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What are some games with realistic dinosaurs ?
469 posts and 139 images submitted.
damn dinosaurs suck now
>dinosaurs were uncircumcised nigger dicks
he has no arms at all
i hope this isnt real

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E3 2016
36 posts and 18 images submitted.
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I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to the possibility that a new metroid game will be announced
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I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.
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kiss me
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I will post this every day until Persona 5s delay becomes a ruse I will cling to the possibility it comes out before summer 2016.

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>bloodborne gets the holy moonlight sword in all its guiding glory
>dark souls 3 gets a borderline useless moonlight greatsword
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Havent played either. Whats the deal with it? Looks like a glowy fag weapon from wow.
It's just a nifty magic sword that from has slipped into a lot of games.
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It boasts the strongest power to length ratio. It can often destroy an AC in two or three hits.
Why is schirke best girl?

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