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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 9761. page

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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>you didn't pre-order a Nintendo Switch
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
Who are you quoting?
I did, though.
Xenoblade 2 and Zelda will probably be the only games I own on it for a long time

What the fuck was his problem?
88 posts and 21 images submitted.
He's Redfield.
He was a spoiled aristocrat baby control freak.
Spoiled rich French ventrue brat who grew up idolising napoleon, another manlet. Achieved a moderate measure of social recognition, believes he's entitled to the entire world as a consequence so he can satisfy his power fantasies.
He's an aristocrat.

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47 posts and 23 images submitted.
I feel that Castlevania has some of the best tracks in gaming
>game has unique boss themes
>they're all good

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Serious question time

I can either choose between:

1. A Switch with Zelda and some accessories


2. Yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Ni-Oh, Nier: Tomato, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and maybe a few other weebshit games like the new Atelier and Naruto
19 posts and 2 images submitted.
Mmmm anon-kun just listen to your heart~ ara ara
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The answer is fucking obvious.
nice jojo ref
Avoid all weeb shit. Fuck off and buy Zelda then get off my /v/.

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>game lets you play as canis lupus familiaris
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
A Dog's Life for ps2

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wow legion

is it worth playing? i haven't played since the beginning of warlords. is it fun, does it suck? what do you guys think
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
I can't stop playing it because I like repetitive and mindless tasks but I wouldn't recommend another human being to play it.

I've been playing WoW since the first month of release. Legion is behind wrath imo, but ahead of mists, cata, and most definitely WoD. It has plenty of stuff to do, albeit grindy (It's an mmo, wtf do you expect?), but the latest raid is quite good and 5-man dungeons are actually relevant. With that said, it does have negative points. The initial leveling phase sucks because you're time locked (though it has been reduce significantly), so until you reach a certain point you are A. Going to stay behind others and B. leveling alts sucks. The other main factor of suck is the legendary system--some are flat out better than others, and if you don't get one of the good ones then there is only so much you can do to make it up skill-wise. With that said, and being someone who has sunk in a lot of time and still has the worst legendaries possible, I STILL enjoy it, and I have enjoyed very little of WoW for the past 6 years.
The broken Isles are fucking fun to go through, even for this I would say yes.
If you like games that allow you to whip out your credit card and pay for your near endgame gear, yes, go play.

You just have to pretend that runescape still has a thriving community. Because paying for in game gold is highly respectable among gamers, and developers who don't offer downloadable gold bag content are fags.

>are you fucking serious?
>5 million people left WoW
>in 3 months
>because they released tokens


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Why aren't you playing PayDay 2 with your bros?

It's on sale for 1 buck on humble bundle.

>but the DLC

You can pirate the DLC and they can't do jack shit because the game isn't VAC protected.

Just search for "pirate perfection PayDay 2 DLC unlocker".
33 posts and 4 images submitted.
i own the game since 2013, but i should have told the guys on my discord group to buy it
OP is the most bizarre shill I have ever seen.
This was me and my mates favourite game to play together, he passed away this morning.
>supporting any devs who make dlc fests with microtransactions while being huge cunts
fuck off retard

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Wanna do a mosaic, /v/?

Don't worry too much about size as long as you don't have any white space and are within a few pixels of 298x265. Sorry, the program I used messed up some tiles, but only by 5 pixels or so.
Be creative!
22 posts and 7 images submitted.
>be creative
Make me fag
I just wanted to have fun with you anon.
That sounds gay
just pick a tile anon

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>take one of the most interesting periods of American history
>manage to turn it into a 6/10 game
121 posts and 38 images submitted.
>there's about 10 games worth of material in JUST survival and hunting / trapping ranching w/e in the frontiers from the french and indian war periods all the war up to and including civil war era

>let alone the games worth of material in say, law enforcement during that period

>or politics
>or military
>still make just a retarded ass ac game with the most hated protag ever.

>which is saying something since he's a freaking badass injun and they STILL make him a cunt
the XVIII century was exciting for that region because it was the birth of america and the future looked bright, long before they turned the america into what it is today
Way to generous man.

3/10 best case scenario.

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>game includes extra round in chamber if you reload while the gun isn't empty
15 posts and 7 images submitted.

i love call of duty too op
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 2 has that.
Wow I'm such an absolute faggot.
Advanced Warfighter 2

You see this? This is what happens when you don't get equality in video games. You get oppression and objectification of women. I hope you're happy you nazi pricks.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
Why haven't you been deported yet?
Yes I am happy, hiel hitler, or whatever the fuck you lefties think normal people do.
proportionality is more important than equality
the abstract equality leftards are pushing for doesn't exist in reality
Thanks for the game recommendation, senpai.

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ITT: Games you didnt know had been released
22 posts and 4 images submitted.
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it flopped because its shit let it go
i don't know what uncharted creed number they're on
iactuallly like this game, got it for 10 euro on ps4

running is smooooooth as fuck and exploring is pretty nice, pretty comfy music too

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What was he doing in here.jpg
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25 posts and 3 images submitted.
What was he doing in here?
(What was he doing in here?)
>What was he doing in here?
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W̗͕̮̤̬̫͢h̛͈a͈̟̝̟̭̥͝t̠͕̩̬̬̼ ͙͓̠w̝a̮̤͈̻̖̯͜s̤ ̖̰̦͇͚h̷̼͎͍̖̰̩̰è͖͇̯͖ ̱̜ḍ͕̤̩́o̬̝̬̺̦̩i͈̭͕̜̠̭n̼̘̬̖̼̱g̛̳͕̦̩ ̛i̪n̷͕̙ ̦h̦́e̱̯̱̠̪̣͜r̳̯̪͇̤͚e͚͕̬ͅ?͉̳̩̯͇͝

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What should I play, /v/?
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
>not pinning steam to taskbar
>having desktop shorcuts for games
>internet explorer pinned to taskbar
>generic normie wallpaper

there's so much wrong with this image, you dont even deserve a recommendation
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I like that wallpaper, I only wish there wasn't so much empty space.
where the fuck is STALKER

>internet explorer pinned to taskbar
you mean Microsoft Edge :^)

fucking hell this board is actually retarded.

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This is Lucina, the Exalt of Ylisse.

Everyone she loves is dead and the Kingdom she was raised to lead has been destroyed, her only hope of redemption lies in abandoning her country and returning to the past as a guardian from the shadows.

Why don't you vote for her, to cheer her up?
59 posts and 19 images submitted.
Taking the Grima cock should be enough to cheer her up
Fuck you all I voted for Micaiah today
Fuck off Kotaku.
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I already did

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Jesus Christ is the only true King.
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
Amen. Shame Jerusalem wasn't properly represented in the Civilization series. Then again, Rome existed, so they would be outmatched anyways.
Jesus was just a prophet. Muhammed is our saviour.
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God is not real.

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Which link is best?
225 posts and 102 images submitted.
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Why is WW Link so nervous?
WW, the others are just generic elfboys.
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Is Far Cry Primal good? The setting looks really cool.

Would you recommend it? Keep in mind that I've never played a Far Cry game before.
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
its skyrim with guns BUT without guns

only bows
People talked shit about it, but it's actually a pretty fun hunting game.
technically its d best huntin game out there

it's good if you haven't played far cry 4

like how far cry 4 is better if you haven't played 3, but still pretty good if you have

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33 posts and 9 images submitted.
Dead meme
Is it, though?
I played tomb raider, witcher 3, and 2.8
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Not often up this late anymore. Used to post these myself all the time back in 2010. Didn't really start seeing them until I was working midnights back in 2008. Good to see some things don't change.

I played Empire: Total War, Darkest Dungeon, World of Warships, and reinstalled GTA 5 to test out my new 1070GTX. What did you play today /v/?

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Maybe they were right.png
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I just got drunk and hot glued my Callie,Marie and Zero Suit Samus Amiibos help! and im still drunk more help is neeeded. Is this my true autism level? AM I doomed to live this subconscious nightmare? Should I just kill myself now?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
Did you film it?
Post pics

No, I imediately regretted it because I have to wake up for work in the morning and I hope I dont remeber it then. But if I do remeber it then I know I will feel more shame than ever before. I clenaed them rightg after but I am still so drunk I dont quite regret it buut this is an ultimate in degeneracy for me.
Now buy a real one and do it, sheesh.

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Is this game worth it? Looks comfy
23 posts and 4 images submitted.
If you like to shit your pants or only stay in the shallows, yes.
yes its worth every cent
How deep in early acces shit is it? "This area coming soon, tee hee"?
I had a lot of fun with it

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ITT: Post ideas you think would make for a fun game
>Rioters vs Riot police
>takes place in inner city maps like Manhatten, Chicago, Los Angeles
> rioters cause chaos, killing cops, gathering weapons, torching buildings
>riot cops are patrolling and tasked to quell riot via tear gas, firearms and stun batons
>goal is to protect as much of the city area as possible and stop the rioters through detainment or termination.
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
wow you're so edgy OP
>Urban Chaos: Riot Response
They had that you peanut
Battlefield Hardline XD

can you guys name a few games worth playing on this console? i'm looking for games that aren't available on pc.

P.S.: no weeaboo games please
19 posts and 2 images submitted.
Bloodborne, Uncharted, God of War, the upcoming RdR.
REZ infinite
Bloodbourne, Gravity Rush 1 and 2 look good.

Kinda wish it would get mroe games so I could justify buying it as those look pretty good. Can't really justify it on three games as the average cost per game ends up way to high.

GoW if you like it, but that went its course for me on number 2. Really 1 was better as a concept, but 2 improved some of the bullshitty QTE parts.

Uncharted if you like, but I can't give a shit about those. Seems like Tomb Raider but with less player involvement. Shares a writer with Soul Reaver I think so its probably well done at least.

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You have been selected for an interview for intern position at Kojima Productions.

Kojima himself silently seizes you across the room. You have one post to impress him.

The interviewer asks;

>So, tell us Anon, what we can expect from you?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
I will make MGS with actual stealth.
I once managed to avoid drowning.
I brought my new toys with me
I riked it

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can we have a 'games only you have played' thread?

starting with my contribution, grandia for the gbc
73 posts and 39 images submitted.
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import only but very fappable
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Every thread until Falcom revives it.
Best version.
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No way. Legend of Legaia is pretty well known among JRPG fans

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