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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 17323. page

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What is the best way to play Arcanum?
131 posts and 22 images submitted.
Playing a good game instead of unfinished dogshit
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On a PC with a mouse and keyboard
Make sure you patched it up with the fan patches.

Then dabble in a little magic. CUS MAGIC IS STRONG AS FUCK
Is harm spam the optimal way to play the game?

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Why not?
22 posts and 2 images submitted.
Because if it ever happened, it would be W10 exclusive. So no it's better that we just wait for emulation.
Xenia is still pretty new...we will have to wait years!
Because the XBox needs at least one game

Well, they have all those Tales of...shit

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You're making a Playstation game.

Without thinking about what kind of game it is, what do you want the X button to do?
156 posts and 18 images submitted.

Jump, of course.
Fuck niggers!
60fps toggle

Are you getting Dark Souls 3 on PC or consoles?
23 posts and 1 images submitted.

Im getting it on pc m80s op is not a fag , hes a really cool guy :) im not OP though

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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

You're welcome.
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Got the second one, thanks anon. I'll give it a try.
No worries senpai.

One of you three obviously didn't get it :(

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>he spent more than $5 on a fucking cosmetic virtual item
108 posts and 12 images submitted.

fuck off, jerry
Spent $8,000 trying to get Messi on my FIFA Ultimate Team, still never got him.
Step 1: get Messi.
Step 2: get ducked by a lucky goal from a bronze team when yours turn to spaastics.
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>tfw I bought that $100 ring in TF2 all those years ago

Is this any good?
I want to loose myself into a game for awhile. I hear it's very atmospheric and immersive my friend clocked a hundred hours on it, but he's a turd so I don't know what to think.

I feel /v/'s knee jerk reaction is to call it shit, but to those who actually played it what are your thoughts?
45 posts and 13 images submitted.
pretty goddamn immersive at times
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>loose myself
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Would you say it's worth it when it's not on sale? Which has been the biggest issue for me to buy now or not.

I can't start an other New Vegas playthrough cause I just finished one.

Sorry, lose myself

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One new villain and one new hero have been confirmed for next Battlefront DLC.

Who will it be?

Could Maul make his way into the game at some point? There are Zabraks, a non-OT race, in the game... And Maul is in Rebels.

15 posts and 2 images submitted.
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One of them better be fucking Chewie.
Seriously, how the fuck do you add in Nien Numb to a Star Wars game before Chewbacca?
Who the fuck cares?
This. The game might look pretty but it's trash.
I love it though and spent lots of hours playing it. Perfect star wars game for casual gamers.

No Maul as Battlefront only is about the older Star Wars movie and probably Rogue One. I would say Yoda and Chewbacca maybe.

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This is the single greatest final boss in all of video games.

This is the single greatest ending to a video game in all of video games.
41 posts and 13 images submitted.
I respectfully agree
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Drakengard 1's was better
Drakengard 3's is still better, but barely. Probably because of the completely out of left field "happy" ending, The Last Song, and This Silence is Mine. And the nostalgia/throwback. Thank you for playing!
>Deleted your 100% to play it again

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Sony is unstoppable
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
That logo is too poorly designed to be real
*Also available on PS3 and 360
cool, next do an Agent one
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>that logo

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What the fuck is up with the total lack of info on Persona 5

Did something go wrong?
18 posts and 1 images submitted.
It's cancelled
What a qt
release date: NEVER
PS3 version maybe.

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>Nvidia conference last week
>Pascal is just some "deep learning" focused GPU meant for AI, not vidya
>it's not even going to see use until next year
>no new vidya card announced, so the next one probably won't see the light of day until way past that
Who else fell for the "just wait to upgrade, Pascal is right around the corner" meme?
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>being asshurt that pascal could be used for improving ai instead of stupid arbitrary shit like GRAFICS

please cease existence.
wheres the goddamn seat
new cards at the end of next month to replace 980 Ti. Not pascal-tier though. Otherwise you can ride on AMD until next year.

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134 posts and 32 images submitted.
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What about my "out of touch"?

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1. Grizzly Hills
2. Nangrand
3. Howling Fjord
4. Teldrassil
5. Darkshore
20 posts and 9 images submitted.
Trash taste baka senpai

What are yours then?
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1. Pandaria as a whole. I cannot choose a specific zone, but the whole continent is beautiful.
2. Stranglethorn Valley
3. Storm Peaks
4. Grizzly Hills
5. Deepholm
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>be playing with my heroic guild
>am one of the officers, recruit lots of people, a handful even stood long term and became core
>be there since wotlk, slowly progressed to becoming one of the pillars
>a guy that just got here a month ago, hasn't even got raider rank whispers me saying he has something of worth to tell me
>he says he's actually the GM of a mythic raiding guild and seeing how I perform I can get there too
>think to myself I'm gonna play along and pretend I'm interested while I'll just tell our GM once he logs on (which he only does during raid nights) so we can have a laugh at him and kick him
>say sure make plans for disbanding tomorrow all the while giggling and shaking my head at the audacity of this nigger
>the day after I log on
>I'm no longer in the guild WTF
>whisper GM, he's ignoring me
>whisper another officer he tells me to check forum before I get my access revoked
>this motherfucker posted the conversation and everybody is saying how sad they are about it, I'm trash, I'm disappointed etc.
>can't even post anymore so tell in game to officer that I was playing along with him to kick him today with Adam
>you expect me to believe that? thought you were better than that, get fucked guild quitter
>mfw the guy that posted screenshots has now taken over my spot as class leader

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Feminists win again. There will now be a female Link as a playable character for Zelda U/NX.

13 posts and 5 images submitted.
Is Emily Rogers legit?
Who cares its a fucking mute dumbass that already looks like a girl. This just means more hetero or lesbian porn
If the plot is something like WW this would literally not matter. Only shitposters care tbqh.

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>Defeated... by an inferior...
What's your favorite death quote?
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
Should've... put more points...on DEF.
When he comes out, that quote will be more meaningful.

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26 posts and 6 images submitted.
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Damn your PS4 games turned you black!
Awful. I work with a guy who buys this sort of shit. I checked Gus trophies and on 2 different Asassins Creed games he only got to chapter 2 of about 15. I don't think people play this shit.

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What are some sections in games you honestly had to look up how to beat?
67 posts and 19 images submitted.
Pretty much the entirety of Scratches. Some of the pixl hunt combination items were just fo fucking stupid
>Need oil for lantern
>Alright, oil can right here
>Why the fuck wont it let me take it
>Holy shit its RIGHT HERE
>Turns out you have to rip a page out of a book, wipe the can to see the lable, and then find a nail to make a hole so the oil pours easier.

That was just the beginning.
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The final puzzle room in VLR

Fuck darts, fuck hexagons

I'm a huge idiot I know
I didn't look this up. I had no internet connection back then.

Which games/modded games allow me to play as a dragon and do dragon things like hoarding treasures, getting my own lair, killing adventurers or trespassers?

So far only Minecraft and Skyrim with mods seem to fit the bill, and that's saying something.
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
somebody make this, I too want to hoard gold
I guess you could play Dungeon keeper and roleplay as a dragon
Divinity dragon commander
>Divinity dragon commander
Is that the game with the sassy skeleton butler?

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What was your favorite video game when you were a kid?
18 posts and 8 images submitted.
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Anything that would give me a boner
>that song, video and filename.
Every year passed makes it hurt more.

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What are some good ps4 games for 15 dollars? Preferably weeb games.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'm dropping as soon as jaune bites it
Why not wait for the inevitable Golden Week weeb sale?
what genre
Amazon has the metro 2033 games for $16

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So, I fell for the meme and bought a PS4 for this game and I just finished it. It just wasn't that good and I'm not going to play through again for the other endings. Discuss.
17 posts and 2 images submitted.

you didn't play enough
you didn't "finish it".

also, nobody cares.
I played it way more than enough bub. It's not that good though, I would rather play through DS2 again, at least the lore doesn't involve sleeping and babies crying everywhere
Blood borne Is the best game of this generation.

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Why the fuck is this 30FPS?
71 posts and 11 images submitted.
Insomniac actually wrote some article a while back how 60fps wasn't "worth it" and they'd never do it again.

What were you expecting?
Because more people care about graphics and Insomniac didn't think it was worth the time.
They've been 30fps since ACIT, the best game in the series (with GC and UYA a close second and third).

You're late as fuck.
You wouldn't even notice the difference.

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Just beat this game. The final boss was a fucking gauntlet. I was disappointed about the length but already want to go back and play the other paths.

Ace Combat thread?
31 posts and 10 images submitted.
>Playing the worst game series on PS2
Good job faggot.
Fuck off to neogaf.

play the others, they're also very much worth it and, well, they feature similar missions so you might gonna burn out if you keep replaying Zero's alternate missions

I already played all the others on PS2, I played in order like I was meant to.
Not to mention playing AHL and X.
I want to try 6, but I have no 360.

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Hearthstone card thread
34 posts and 18 images submitted.
That can't be real.
Its not.
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Hearthstone is a shit game
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