If you havent smashed your desk in a furious rage you're a casual
If you have smashed your desk in a furious rage you probably have serious brain problems.
If you smash your stuff in frustration you're a blubbering manchild who seriously needs to rethink his life.
Ah yes, that ikea quality, 99% shit, 1% wood
ofc pc mustard race lmao
Post favourite Fire Emblem game.
Advance Wars 1.
Genealogy of the Holy War
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars.
>game actually looks amazing in offscreen gameplay
>all that detail, sharpness, nice colors, all the grass
Why were the streams during E3 so washed out? This looks five times as good, just watch a minute and you'll see
>E3 Streams
there's your problem
and sony fags in /v/ told me that no one but desperate PC fans rely on E3 Streams
that'd be kind of sick if there was a sleep system and you had to climb into trees etc to rest up safely.
>listening to /v/edditumblrGAF
there's your problem
Just think. This is the first Zelda with a traditional control scheme since 2006. That's EXCITING.
No Kirby thread?! Lets change that. And also, whos the best enemy and why is Zero/Zero two
He has the best boss theme btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-Kc1-Z7I4M
Marx was a great enemy and villain. I know people say he is deader than dead but I still am holding out for him to appear sometime soon.
he was ok
Zero's old and busted
>triple deluxe
No, just, no.
Just finished dumping the next world. Get in here faggots.
Overview: Basically I'm taking every texture in Spyro: A New Beginning, extracting them, changing them, and putting them back into the game. Because there are so many textures needed to be replaced, I need some good images I can use. So basically, just post images that I can use to retexture the game.
Things to consider when posting:
1) 99% of the game's textures in the game are square. if you post a rectangular image, it will most likely be cropped.
2) I cannot edit models, music, dialogue, etc. The way the game compresses It's data inside an RKV file makes it unchangeable. I can edit pre-rendered cutscenes though.
Current Progress:
Swamp - 100%
Dragon Temple - 100%
First Flight - 95%
Dante's Freezer - 95%
Tall Plains - 0%
Munitions Forge - 0%
Concurrent Skies - 0%
Convexity - 0%
here you go anon
If you want I can just throw some random pics in the thread to get things started
fine by me
ok den
>/v/ says game will be bad
>It's good
>Doesn't get talked about again
What the fuck are you on about?
There were countless great threads about NuDOOM
>/v/ says the games will be bad
>game is mediocre
>neo-/v/ loves mediocre shit
>it's talked about and dies as the new flavor of the month comes
>few retards who fell for the meme try to damage control by making a few threads with few replies
>original fans keep playing the original games because vidya reboots are always shit
No they claim it is a new Tortanic and a ded game.
>Literally Assassin Creed tier PRESS X TO WIN SHIT
What happened to my industry?
Let's settle this once and for all and see the preference on 4chan. The playable female WoW race you are most attracted to.
Are we surrounded by furfags or men with good taste?
Are you a bad enough dude to fuck a green midget ?
Blood elves, always
>troll not on the list
why even vote if the best choice isn't there?
Post best girls from their respective JRPGs
I love Fuuka
Fuck you retarded piece of shit you respect Yukari not stuttering anxious automatic toilet cleaner color pisswater hair
You can't have best when everything is irredeemably shit. You can only have least terrible.
Are you excited that Frank is back? What do you want from the game? What should they keep away from it? Also just discuss Dead Rising.
Dead rising is a shit version of left 4 dead. Why can't they just make another fucking left 4 dead?
dude lamo
>We’ve traditionally seen that some of the core audience tends to gravitate back to high-end PCs at some point because these are the people who want the finest graphical performance. So here’s a great opportunity to have them stay within our ecosystem.
>If you are a person who’s just purchased a 4K television, maybe there’s not that much content around right now, so there’s something interesting about games being able to fill that gap and offer that experience. Those are the fundamentals of Neo.
Sony has admitted PS4 is competing with PC and is no longer wanting it's users to play multiplats on PC. Why are we not supporting Sony by getting rid of the PC Meme race and buying all our multipats on PS4? Sony needs our help bros!
Can't wait to goldface
PC community kinda entitled race.
So Sony went from shitting on Nintendo to shitting on PC, I mean those fanbases deserves each other Sonnigers and Mustards ar the real cancer of vidya.
Sony has been saying this since the PS2 at least.
Hey /v/, I'm playing this game for the first time.
Who the fuck do I trust? Apparently before my amnesia I was working with the Commander and the Secreta to fuck the Jians over and split apart EYE, and I'm not supposed to trust my Mentor (my own words) that apparently I shoot in the future. However, I got a huge karma boost for helping my Mentor access the cyberbrain..and all he wants is peace between the factions.
So, who's in the right here? Do I even have a choice of who I side with? How the fuck does karma work?
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy thread
Nobody is right, everyone is mad, including you.
Now go gain some brouzouf, shinji.
Just kill everybody and upgrade your legs
Side with yourself, trust nobody, then get betrated by yourself
Post some good ones you've taken
Any hype for EVO yet? Which matches are you looking at and who do you think can win?don't deny Chun is best girl
All I want is for Vega to at least make Top 64. The rest is irrelevant, though I wouldn't mind if a Venom player did well in Revelator.
I just want to see the update to this played properly.
Yup. Just gonna watch SFV, MKX and Tekken. CEO is up first though, and that's always good.
Is melee getting less popular? That is the vibe i'm getting.
Father's Day.......
>My dad died a year ago
Still hurts
>Fathers day.
>Dads drunk as hell again.
>Already broke one plate with food on the wall.
>Mom is crying.
>Mom says she would be better off if she killed herself.
>Hear him screaming over the phone as he throws the TV in the floor.
ya..happy fathers day.
Discuss the game, what faction you'll fight for, what you'd like to see.
I like the idea of destroying weebs and brvtes, though the biggest concern I have is
I just know they will somehow fuck it up by mandatory uplay, shitty jokes, memes and forced progressive bullshit.
I want it to be good.
>Ubisoft not fucking it up
>Multiplayer being alive for more than a week
One can dream right?
One can dream. I have hope, foolish as it is, in the success of For Honor. But I know that even in a best case scenario with the game being as good as the hype makes it out to be, and every expectation met, it'll only result in a shitty sequel or two riding the game's reputation to get money.
>Musou clone
>tfw the skill ceiling is so low that the best player in the world misses 6 perfect shots in a row due to RNG spread.
How can people even live with themselves playing this garbage?
because it's fun and I don't give a shit about ranked or competitive play because I'm not a 14 year old autist
Fuck off casual. This is thread for hardcore gamers. Back to your angry birds.
>>>>>>>>the best player in the world
it's due to shitty valve servers and 60 tick.
This wouldn't happen in a pro game on decent servers and 128 tick
>want to have a scary experience with a ton of discovery
What a fucking chore. I'm all for item managment but this is fucking retarded.
>mfw people tell me that you should run past zombies when you can instead of using ammo
Yeah, pretty much. You can't even discard shit from your inventory. They give you no direction too, so you end up just walking around like a retard. Most overrated piece of trash
OP is always a fag
There's more than enough ink cartridges, you're just bad at the game
Holy shit nerf this fat fuck.
xie xie
Holy shit,snugglethiscutie patootie!
shut the fuck up, baichi laowaiSpent a whole year in Shanghai and the only Mandarin I picked up was insults and stuff directly related to drinking
I want to put my weiner under her breast where it's nice and sweaty.
Who is cautiously optimistic towards Nintendo?
BotW and Splatoon shows how good a product can be if the young minds take over
And the young minds are taking over (see: 'new' kind of Mario)
The younger people taking over development while the older chime in from the sidelines will give us many, many great games
Some great news:
About the specs of the NX, I suspect it will be around Xbone standards, which is good enough for both 3rd parties and the casual player. Full 1080p 60 Fps will be good too.'we are not about the specs' statement is being grossly overreacted to. There are many meanings to that statement, and given the context, I believe that Reggie meant the NX will be weaker than the Xbox Scorpio
Bump, I want to know what you guys think
Reminder Sticker Star and Color Splash were both made by a new team of young people.
What will make or break the NX isn't its specs, it'll be the first party games. the fact that the Wii U didn't have an open 3D Mario, a Metroid, or a Zelda until its death really hurt it. I wouldn't shake two shits at its specs; it's not what you should be looking for when buying Nintendo consoles anyway.
Wait and see if the games it gets are good, then decide if you want to get it or not.
Nah, it was Tanabe
Who basically ruined everything
If you factor in aviable weapons, armor, perks, allies etc etc, who would be the strongest protagonist?General Fallout Thread
Maybe the Wanderer? If only for the Fatman.
Of course the Holy Hand Grenade was in Fallout 2. And Goris, the intelligent deathclaw.
That guy who took a fucking bullent into his head, was burried alive and still had 9+ intelligence.
Chosen would be a high pick. The weapons were all overpowered, and if he had a good combat build he could kill everyone else before they could even move.
Dweller would die every time, even with Power Armor and all the stat boosters he just dies too easy, crits happen too often, and the weapons available are under-powered or way too strong for the enemies available, while hyper weak against next game enemies.
Survivor is the wild card. He has literally all the tools of his predecessors, arguably the best armor sets, but his companions are just retreads and recreations of the previous game's companions.
Courier depends on mods or no mods, If mods he wins hands down.
I personally think the blank slate would totally trash the other blank slates.
>inb4 top screen qas a screen leak of the NX
Can you imagine?
Delete this thread right now or I might have to do something drastic.
I never understood the point of arguing or getting mad over bikini armor in video games. Those are worn in a fantasy setting for a reason. Because it's fantasy. Instead you get the same tired argument that objects are being treated like women, but how come the same thing doesn't apply to men? I've never seen anyone bitch about Conan or the type of clothes he's wearing yet you get campaigns to change a cover of an rpg title because the female is showing a belly button, like it's something that rpgs and especially mmorpgs never did before decades ago.
>objects are being treated like women
Massive amounts of autism. There's some weird demographic of autists that like medieval shit so much they get offended by bikini armor.
Were those people also offended by EYE?
I think it's just because of how overdone it is, clearly only to spike sexual interest (for sales) that fantasies work their 'logic' around, and in those same games men usually tend to wear somewhat better practical armor, whereas Conan-style games have both genders ill-armored.
Still good for a proper fap and all, but I wouldn't mind some smarter bitches too.
Boy I sure do hate the niggers.
android niggers are really the worst
we all agree right ?
Cyberniggers keep stealing my Cybercycle.
Cyberpunk doesn't just have to be a wet neon city at night.
>Borizon Zero Fucks is already DOA
>Nintendo won E3 with one game
To be more fair you would add up all the Sony games together
Zelda got 5 hours of coverage, if anything it should have far more buzz.
Anyone have that pick of reggie looking at the xbox one s?
This is the final boss and ending. This is what we've been waiting 5 years for. For nothing, but for a fucking cliffhanger.. There's are go for our 4 million dollars. Buy Overwatch instead
Inajewne did want to turn it into a multimillion dollar media franchise, of course he would leave it open to sequels.
At least this is fuggable
>Call D had her design used
Seems kinda suspicious.
Why would they leak the final boss and ending?