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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 2206. page

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>play on ps3 for years
>find friends play with them all the time
>move on to ps4
>find more friends and play with them
>move to pc
>Don't really want to friend anyone and the ones I do I don't enjoy playing with
>Just have 1 friends on my steam (used to have like 60) and I don't even play with this person

Is this just me or did anyone else experience this?

I want to know if I should just move back to ps4. I have no social life since I graduated highschool and video game friends were my only friends. Now I have no one.

I just don't enjoy anyone on pc.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yep, I definitely had the same problem, Bought alot of games and made friends but slowly It got harder and harder. Literally add someone and probably never play with them again.

Leave 2018 to me.
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
Whenever I leave something to you, you don't even bother showing up.
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It's time for 12-year-old in this board to sleep.

Anyone up for a Stellaris thread?
2 posts and 2 images submitted.

The only game with Doom that actually made shotguns feel like shotguns in video games.
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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What are some great games to play while on acid?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.

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>Cant control the camera when driving

How did people play this back then? Its almost unplayable because of this

Also GTA thread
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
I'm pretty sure you can view behind and too the sides of your car
If you're on PC, there are mods for mouselook while driving.
Just play it? It's not hard, I don't understand the modern games they're all so dumb and stupid I don't understand the point
I checked in the Best Buy flyers what's new won the PlayStation 4 and Xbox and I didn't want anything so I bought a Ps2 instead (I gave mine away)
>he needs to look somewhere other than in front or behind him while driving

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5 reasons Sonic the Hedgehog is cool!

>He's cute!
>He's fast!
>He's cute!
218 posts and 56 images submitted.
Sonic 4 is a fun game, unironically.

>5 reasons

waaaaaaaait a minute
imagine identifying as a fan of anything LMAO
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>tfw the last remix stage is Scrap Brain

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2 posts and 1 images submitted.
I'd call it the RE6 of its franchise, but RE6 improved drastically with its updates. Downpour only improved a bit after the patches

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What's the Jack and Jill of video games?
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
But battleborn was good
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But Jack and Jill sold well

Battleborn didn't sell for shit

Im about ready to buy nier
is it worth it
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yeah Nier is great
If you mean automata though, it's alright, maybe buy it if it's on sale.
you mean Drakengard 1, or are you not contrarian enough?
I thought it was pretty good.
I've sunk 30 hours into automata so far, so I'd say yeah

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Post good salt inducing ideas for a splatfest

>Traps are gay VS Not Gay

>Christains VS Atheists

>Blacks VS Whites
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
>Splatoon's singleplayer was an afterthought to the well-developed multiplayer vs. less than half the maps on the disc are playable because they didn't finish the multiplayer to work on the singleplayer
NTR VS Vanilla
Prudes vs. Perverts

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When does Doomfist come to Xbox and is he still OP?
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
I don't know not a peasant but I don't really ever get into the PTR so I'm interested when his main release will be
>is he still OP
People said Sombra was OP when she was in ptr. It'll be fine once people learn how to fight him
>>be me
>>mute overwatch mics
>>game is 100% better
>be me

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What goes "Ha ha ha, plop plop plop"?
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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An orange holding its breath!
Knock knock
Who's there?

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We are only 2 years away from this moment. What is going to happen?
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
Off the Hook > Squid Sisters
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I will stand by her to the very end
It'll probably be really close, but I'm going to guess Off the Hook will win. I fucking love the Squid Sisters, but Off the Hook seems like they'll have more potential to have more personality than Callie and Marie
Squid sister fans are going to get really racist while fans of Off the Hook post terrible memes.

ITT things that make you like a female character
>character is a tsundere
>but she never hits the MC
>blonde twintails
>wears black pantsu
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
I want to fuck the shit out of those 2.
>fucking men
Its ok if theyre cute.

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Let us beat that rubbish mentality into submission.
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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5 posts and 1 images submitted.
One of the few moments in the MGS series that had genuinely good cinematography emulation.
The only thing that can stop a metal gear is of course, another metal gear
I wish there was a sequence where you try to escape the sinking tanker as snake like you see in a later cutscene

>ITT: Characters who were right
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
Is isamu /fa/?
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>"hurr other people suck don't rely on anyone but yourself."
>"now help me make my dream world a reality because I'm too weak to do it myself."

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Which is the best competitive game i can play nowadays?
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
>competitive video games
you're better off with suicide
Rocket league
Pokemon, hurry up before the VGC 17 season ends, next season might be as bad as 16's
i'm done playing pokémon

i was thinking about sfv, but a friend told me about the increased input delay and that he hated those cinematographic special moves

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Go on, keep laughing, Marinafags.

You won't be laughing when the restrictions are lifted in the full game.
539 posts and 146 images submitted.
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>yfw you're not a cakefag
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>post-apocalyptic game
>the world is absolutely packed with fresh food, fully working guns and medical supplies everywhere
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
dont play on ez mode
>drinking radioactive water straight out of a toilet recovers your health
if most people died, supplies that were meant for millions of people will suddenly seem like a lot
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>go into ancient, sealed tomb that you unseal yourself
>torches are lit
>go into a tomb, and then from that tomb, go into a lava-filled hell
>"fresh milk" found in a chest

Hi I'm the best movie game ever.
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
I wish i could have got into this. I've heard it gets better as you go on, I could only beat the first few quests before quitting.
>I've heard it gets better as you go on
the second area is where it falls apart

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>PC master ra-
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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Hooked up my PS2 slim for the first time in years and only some DVDs will play and it makes a noise when it is tryingto read the ones that won't plAy
What do /v/?
I even tried two different discs of the same movie
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
have you tried turning it right side up?
Weight the top of it or turn it upside down. Trust me.
it's already upside down. look at the pic
Open it and clean it off the dust. There might lot of stuff inside which creates this issue. Also for the DVDs which are not playing make sure they are shiny and clean of any fingerprints... Clean up and dust off the PS2 unit.

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VR thread

Related question: does anyone know what happened to that 400 dollar bundle with the oculus and the motion controller things on amazon?
Is it going to happen again or was it only a Prime Day thing?
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
get VR next decade,when it'll have games
It's $400 everywhere.

Oculus is basically consolidating the headset (which comes with a xbone controller, controller wireless adapter and a little remote) and touch controllers in another box to one box with only the headset and touch controllers. Amazon is all out of the former, and has the latter listed for preorder,

If you want the former you either have to buy from Best Buy who has it in stock, the oculus store who I think might still have it in stock, or if you don't care about the other stuff you can just buy it off of amazon. It's another version you can select from any oculus listing on amazon.

Also the prime thing was $400 with a $100 gift card.

Also if you have amex there's a $55 off of $60 thing going on, search slickdeals, search amex,
As someone who wants VR to be good, but knows right now it isn't, how is the VR porn scene? I'm not talking shitty 2D videos that you could just use google cardboard for, I'm talking like waifu simulators and the support of them.

Is it just Honey Select right now? Is there anything else?
I'm into a bunch of sim games and shit and I already have other games that have oculus support so I'm all set
I do need to buy a GTX 1070 though, fuck me

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