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Archived threads in /v/ - Video Games - 10369. page

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Do you ever wonder if Stephanie thinks about all the boys jerking off to her?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Every day Hideo Kojima winds up happy clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten, Kojima takes the wind-up key and puts it in happy doll Stefanie's key slot and turns it to make her move, each turn of the wind-up key makes robot doll Stefanie giggle and jitter from the grinding and working of her ticking mechanical clockwork insides that fill her perfect automaton body. Happy silly cooing comes out of her perfect plastic doll lips and her shiny glass eyes light up with joy and cheerfulness from having her perfect mechanical doll robot body wound up by Kojima's hands. Then she gets up and goes about her day to please all of Kojima's fans with her perfect happy Stefanie doll face and clockwork Joosten toy body. Each of her moves brought by the grinding and ticking of the cogs and springs and gears and pulleys and all happy clockwork insides that fill her doll body. And all of Kojima's fans fall in love with her because she's a perfect happy robot Joosten doll and that makes Kojima happy, and nothing makes clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten happier than making Hideo Kojima and his fans happy with her smiley happy plastic face and perfect doll body. That's why she's the forever happy perfect and thoroughly mechanical Stefanie giggly robot doll.
She literally wouldn't have a career without inciting guys to jerk off to her.

It's all she thinks about.
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inb4 404
I do.

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We'll ether have our pay or we'll have our fon
39 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>that hair
He's really getting JUSTed by life, isn't he.
Emperor > Darkthrone > Immortal > Mayhem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...](999^999^999^^999^999)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Burzum.

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Post wallpapers for other anons to enjoy
23 posts and 23 images submitted.
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You fucking animal
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It's too slow
I'll dump the ones I use

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Hardest game of our childhoods
14 posts and 7 images submitted.
Literally artificial difficulty
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I Hope you're not playing that handheld outside

that would be a problem
anybody else ever get nauseous playing these games and the mcdonalds games?
>bubble ring toss
It's literally grinding.

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What went wrong?
33 posts and 19 images submitted.
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>What went wrong?
With /v/? The mod not banning people posting stuff against the rules. This is the 3rd thread I've been in and no ban or even warning yet. WTF?
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It's an amazing feeling knowing this will be announced this year
15 posts and 5 images submitted.

Otherwise, troll harder.
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Comes with the soundtrack, 60 FPS, digital OR physical artbook, included cut out content, and updated visuals. Worth the 79.99$ asking price.
It's going to be the same exact shit with 30 fps and slowdown in Blighttown and you know it
they'll do Demon's Souls first.

>all those converted xtards that didn't own ps3s
lots of potential sales

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Red pill me on this.
45 posts and 12 images submitted.
Over 200 songs for $54. There is a free demo with 2 songs to see if you like it.
It has been out for over half a yeaf and people are just now praising it.
That's...a lot of songs. They all new? I played the first project diva f liked it for what it was.
>They all new?

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Crosshair or Dot?
23 posts and 5 images submitted.
play a good fps and stop being a faggot
Uninstalling the game
small crosshair
also figure shit out on your own, stop being even more of a faggot and looking for others, be a man for once in your fucking life you pathetic sad piece of shit. find out what works for you

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Recommend me an indie game
20 posts and 4 images submitted.
indie game as in indie game, or indie game as in pixel shit
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gigantic army gameplay.webm
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Absolute Drift
Salt and Sanctuary
Not sure if you'd call Paradox indie in the typical sense, but Teleglitch: Die More Edition

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Is Crash actually dumb or just wacky ?
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
the better question is what the fuck kind of animal he is
dumb, and>>363528025
a bandicoot you uneducated twat

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Working at a movie theater has its perks
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Simply epic man, hope you enjoy your minimum wage job.
Did you bring friends?
Like playing party games for children?

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What are some Diablo-like games or other fantasy-themed arpgs that would run on a literal toaster?
Going on a trip for about a month or so and can carry only shitty outdated work laptop.
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
Divine Divinity.
Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest
Oh yeah it's been a while since I played it, could be an option
I installed morrowind there and it fucking lags
Not sure TQ will run smoothly, but sys reqs are really low. That would be really nice
Never really liked dungeon siege somehow

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So this is the power of UE4...
47 posts and 6 images submitted.
>tfw the front page is dead and the catalog is filled with unreplied-to threads
bottom one looks better
Damn that's bad. I thought it was supposed to improve not get worse?
And I thought the reveal looked shit.

Nice pits though

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Who was in the wrong here?
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why is her name TruckPump?
Ahhh, console video games (or vidcons as I call them), the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted art, music, and the ability to control the action, vidcons are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to play the stoic, I will be the first to admit that vidcons have driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to tempt your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic. And the Japanese, the true geniuses behind the world of video games. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the West who would mock the true art of the Japanese with 'games' such as Baldur's Gate and Madden. Perhaps it is that the West is not as intelligent as the East, but this is a matter for another day. Japan has given us such masterpieces as the Final Fantasy series, Star Ocean, Wild Arms, and of course, Arc the Lad. Yes, some of the finest vidcons in the world were created by Japanese. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite vidcon? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.
Sounds like somebody didn't find all of the library cards
Get the fuck back to end of the internet you fuck

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you all thought you got rid of me lawl xd
31 posts and 8 images submitted.
dude bro whoa basic adobe illustrator knowledge
>not Pokemon

soiled it
If the word "Parallel" is spoken during that conference I'll fly over to Seattle and beat Reggie to a bloody pulp.

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>Hey [nickname for fans]! It's ThatGamerGuy here, bringing you another Let's Play
>don't forget to like and subscribe, it would really mean a lot to me
43 posts and 8 images submitted.
this happens way too often
>don't forget to like and subscribe, it would really mean a lot to me
I'd like you tubers more if they didn't beg for this.
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>search gameplay
>video has a spoiler thumbnail
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>Hey guys I'm taking random objects up the ass for fun and money

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The world is ending in 3 days, how are you going to spend the little time you have left?

Oh, and Majora's Mask thread anyone?
23 posts and 2 images submitted.
mass rape
Finish Blood and Wine and not go to work.
Fuck bitches whether they want to be fucked or not
Quick question for those of you who emulate n64 games. If you're using like a 360 controller, how do you have the C buttons mapped? I'm thinking of putting them on either the dpad or the ABXY buttons (and mapping a and b to the shoulder buttons) because having them on the right joystick is fucking killing.

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Kirby thread

Why has NIntendo abandoned this franchise?
34 posts and 7 images submitted.
insufficiently profitable, like the rest of their IPs
How is it abandoned, got two games released on the 3DS.
>releases Kirby titles almost annually, most of them platformers instead of genre spinoff inanity
>3DS titles have been strong sellers
>always gets favoritism in Smash
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Retarded thread designed for (You)'s. Do not give serious replies to the OP.

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What games let me corrupt my party members?
25 posts and 8 images submitted.
what game is this
dungeon travelers 2-2
its not out yet
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Why are all the good weeb games on fucking vita?
>tfw bad ending is canon
>sequel makes it so all the pure girls get corrupted
>MC gets turned into a shota
>tfw have a boner but also in despair because you have to fight them

Though I'm curious, do you "save" them or do you actually kill them?

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>His simple brain has difficulties understanding Gwent
>His excuse: "I don't have time for mini games, just want to play the game."
21 posts and 5 images submitted.
I like Gwent but its not even that hard bro.
>mission forces you to play a minigame which up to this point has been completely optional
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It's not hard. You just have a garbage deck for the first 4th or 3rd of the game while every single peasant in the realm has a decent deck after that you just shit on the AI.

You have 10 seconds to explain Microsoft's video games strategy.
26 posts and 6 images submitted.
Just fuck my shit up
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step 1: remove the only reasons to own consoles over PC, exclusives and local multiplayer
step 2: ????
step 3: leave the console industry
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*explosion sound*






>khello, I am mister russian man, I heff big machine gan *drinks vodka*


>heh... see ya kid, I'm blasting off at SONIC SPEED


>do any of you silly breeders need a fix me up? btw I am gay lol






28 posts and 7 images submitted.
Looks freakin epikkkk!!!! XD

Bethesda is going to make it awsum!!!! I heard about quake, heard it was really hardcore, can not wait to play it- it looks just like overwatch, my favorite game!!
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>tfw they're ruining quake now
Nah dude it's going to be awsum like call of duty :D
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Who gives a fuck? There's going to be a "classic" mode where there's no special powers or any of that shit.

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What purchases do you regret the most?

Off the top of my head: Nier, Shadow the Hedgehog, Resonance of Fate, and that Castlevania game for the PS3.
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Sold Bloodborne and Witcher 3 for Fallout 4 on day one.
Mount and Blade series (shit PS1 gfx)

Blade Symphony
soul calibur 5
tales of xillia 2
Playstation All-star Battle Royale.
It's just a less fun Super Smash Brothers.

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Tell me why you think open world design is better than hub world design.

Why do you think the player should be able to freely waltz anywhere at any time despite there being hazardous places you need to be prepared for just like in real life?

Why do you think it's okay to keep recycling assets to create uninteresting areas and fill them with level-scaled procedurally generated respawning enemies and loot?

Why do you think it's okay to have level-scaled radiant quests that lead you into these magically repopulating recycled areas?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
Shouldn't the hormone therapy also give him boobs at some point?
>open world

Yes, good.

>freely waltz anywhere at any time
>uninteresting areas
>radiant quests

Whoa nigger I didn't agree to all that shit.
Gee, describing how to incorrectly make an open world game sure showed us, OP.
It honestly depends on the style of game. Some genres lend themselves well to an open design, and some don't. Personally, I like the freedom open world games offer. I like being able to fuck off and do a bunch of sidequests, or farm for rare drops, or just explore, instead of being shoehorned into only being able to do certain things at certain times.

Having certain areas being higher level can add challenge to the game, being able to complete certain areas earlier than you're technically supposed to due to skill level is neat.

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pic related
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
Armored Core 4
Dark Souls: AWAY AWAY edition

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