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Archived threads in /ic/ - Artwork/Critique - 256. page

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Say something nice guys :)
33 posts and 6 images submitted.
why is he white
He is transracial :)
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He's beautiful
He's serious

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i'm in dying need for critique.
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
it's ugly
How are you so good?
This image has lots of issues, too many to ask for a real serious critique. I would just suggest getting more mileage and drawing from life both from pics and your surroundings. Since you seem to like characters draw people! I do like the bird wing person tho, he is cute.

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First time posting, run me in the mud please.
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
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I'm making memes out of this.
By all means, don't let me stop you
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Don't you mean "by all memes?" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
I'm just gonna leave right now.

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to may who concern i have the next problem and i'm strugling with this so long that i don't know how to start

well i'm having hard times trying to draw something because i don't know how, i actually don't have an own style yet (i don't know how to develop it ) or what kind of result i want, i want to hear someone saying "draw like this artist"

i'm actually watching color tutorials (like Sara Tepes for example ) and i'm frustrated and desesperated of not getting the same results, i really want to draw like her (is my objetive ) but i'm so blind rigth now, i don't know what to do

i'm mentally tired of trying and trying and not seeing a result

, in my frustration i don't know if go full anime cellshades with flat colors or something like that...i want to do something BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!! i'm actually studing photos but i don't know how to apply to her style.


- sorry for the bad english
- i'm autodidact so no school for me *sob sob*
- pic related, is a work from sara tepes

thank you for your time
17 posts and 4 images submitted.
it sounds to me like you literally haven't touched your fundamentals at all

read the sticky and cry less
post your work?
>>2891685 op here, i don't know if i'm actually apliying the fundamentals but i don't like the end of my draws i don't know if there are to less details or what not
op again ,another style

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Can anyone help a untalented artist with an intermission image for a stream please
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
What's your budget?
20 shmeckles

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weird character.png
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I know it's missing a hand. I'm working on it!
Just wanted to hear advice on art style, color and pose (And other things).
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
I'll give you critique if you post it here. >>2893399
Ok, I think I'll do that. Thanks!

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Maybe it is not my best drawing but I was afraid so I decided to draw my personal fear. It includes everything that is in that drawing.
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
No replies in the DB for this post!

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>that fucker who always got told his painting/drawing/art was incredible in class literally no matter what he did, even if it was garbage
46 posts and 18 images submitted.
>tfw he becomes successful while you're here on a chinese imageboard thinking about why didn't you always get praised
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s-shut up
>tfw it was me
Thank god this place set me straight.
literally me


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how to draw psychedelic art
shear good psychedelic art
make study of art or the style
45 posts and 30 images submitted.
There's this page on Instagram called Infinitebit that sell high quality psychedelic t-shirts. It's like having a 1080p screen on your chest.

I'm not advertising, I'm just a frequent customer who thinks it has good material to study from.
this is bad psychedelic art imo. all of that alex grey lookin shit is. it plays to stereotypes and try-hard pretension related to psychedelics but does nothing to capture the actual experience. it's a bunch of pseudo-buddhist shit with groovy patterns and the saturation bumped up to 100.

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I don't like the label pscyhedelic art, but I'm going to share a few pieces that are probably what you're looking for.

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Been using this chart for a few days, thought I was losing my fucking mind. Anal retentive or significant oversight?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
What are these green lines representing
proportions arent the same lmao
its such a minor difference this would only trouble you if you were a computer.
or autistic

Hello everyone, here is my fanart of legue of legends Katarin, hope you like it ^^
Sorry for fb icons.
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
not sure if bait or if stupid redditor attention whore
Why? Be serious :x
Nice filename you stupid asshole.


Read the rules.

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Just dumping some of my stuff in here. Thinking about making them inte prints on clothing some day.

27 posts and 20 images submitted.
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So tumblr is waiting for new Mass Effect and everyones designing their characters ahead. I encountered this lady (?) whose works inspired me to start a new cringe thread (because who doesn't love those).
Just take a look at this hideous Ryder.
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
Just... I don't know anymore
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Better than 96,87% of /ic/

Didnd't they kick the SJW writer for the Mass Effect project though? I think Bioware is starting to get itself untangled from all this retarded movement

Also, go back to drawing you piece of shit. What do you think you're doing wasting time?

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got a bunch of paintings i've been drunkenly blasting through. I'm going to spam them here.

They're eventually going to be used in a meme painting spoof tutorial reaction and commentary goofseries I'm currently writing, so feel free to talk shit or be funny and I'll totally steal your jokes with zero remorse.
84 posts and 53 images submitted.
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yep. most are 11x14 flat canvas panel. some are 8x10 panel and stretched frame.
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Is there a name for artists simultaneously thinking themselves to be better/more deserving of success than other artists, but somehow also have really low self-esteem about their art?
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Those who don't make it unless they meet a cute anime girl that helps them regain confidence about their art.

Good taste.
Or in addition, the thought that they deserve more success than others, but never seem to do anything to actually find it? (maybe held back by said low self-esteem?)
That's being lazy
>Is there a name for artists simultaneously thinking themselves to be better/more deserving of success than other artists, but somehow also have really low self-esteem about their art?
I believe they're called d/ic/ks.

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How do you get faster? I've noticed, the more I practice, the more detail and more time I put in it. Making 1 image every 5 days is draining my lifetime.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Click more
drink diarrhea with
Practice so much that you don't have to think consciously about fundamentals anymore
OR start stylizing your work more.

But to be honest if you don't have patience and you're not willing to spend a lot of time drawing, then you're not going to make it.



60 posts and 1 images submitted.
What is there to discuss? He's right. The other artist is plagiarizing.
Just an another reminder that 3d baboons can't be creative.
This bitch should be thankful that somebody spent their time to make a 3D of that awful tumblr-tier-numiyumi-loish-moish-boish-cyarin-cyan-cyanure disney ripoff, faggot did fuck up when he didn't state there is an source for the 3d model when getting paid by third party, bitch is now attention whoring and trying to ruin the guy cause this is what tumblr artists do, they try to sent their army of followers to ruin your reputation.
I swear, when stuff like this happens some of you on social media act, behave and suffer like toddlers throwing tantrums.
>she should be thankful someone copied her design and she got zero credit when it was published
When you're a working artist you'll understand

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Here some of my best artworks.
These are the best that I have and i can offer with my currently art skill level.

I will start a patreon campaign into a month. I have around 500 followers in facebook and I think that is a good start.
19 posts and 9 images submitted.
How do I get as successful as you?
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Test DX-D 03-B RS.jpg
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This one is a concept-art. In fact, almost of all my job is concept-art.
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I don't have success yet, pal. I'm just a simple and poor salaryman who want to live the dream.

>more artwork...
Challenge yourself to only drawing in 3 point and learn some anatomy.


Anyone willing to share this set? It looks absolutely gorgeous

I'll share these sets in return ( also from GrutBrushes.com ):
-Oils 01
-Hatchers 01
-Inks 01
-Inks 02
-Natural Media 01
-Charcoals 01
-Ballpoint Pens
15 posts and 1 images submitted.

You don't like Kyle Brushes?
Can you share the latest update of his megapack pls?

I am not sure if I have the latest update, I download the pack that's available in CGPeers do you have access to the website?
Yeah I have the ones on cgpeers but there have been several updates since, the latest one a month ago, thanks anyway anon

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What does /ic/ think of Jollyjack?
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
a pretentious wannabe retard
one of those "im so edgy funny HEHE LOOK AT WHAT I DARE TO SAAAY" people
and his art is really just.. not very good in my opinion. but i guess if you like badly drawn bimbos youd like his art.
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In my own opinion, he has a bad attitude towards improvement, doesn't step outside his comfort zone enough for a professional, he draws two body shapes for everything (one male, one female), his art hasn't changed for years (a key sign of stagnation), and his female faces literally are all the same except for their animal features.

I'm guessing he is also insufferable to work with, given his outspoken sympathy for a certain inflation artist and the fact that he has not had an industry job since Rare. By his own admission his porn doesn't pay a real living wage, so why else hasn't he?
>pretentious wannabe retard
>"im so edgy funny HEHE LOOK AT WHAT I DARE TO SAAAY"
Isn't that most of 4chan users?

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Thank you for giving me a critique before. I had edited out some things.
As a result i have fixed and want a new critique please. Be as Harsh as you can. I don't mind
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
this is fucking embaressing
fucking hell i dont even know what to say
its like the sort of shit a 13 year old would scribble out and get embaressed about when he turns 20

~im le quirky politically incorrect qt grill XD im so diff from everyone LOL! im so RED PILLED! i love the 4chinz!!~

well, or this could be bait and im falling for it. i hope that thats the case.
One thread was one thread too much already. And we certainly don't need two fucking threads at the same time with the same cringy /pol/ weeb shit.

Go fuck yourself.
The harshest treatment possible on /ic/ is apathy.
She's perfect <3

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if i did a better version of this idea and made money would that be intellectual property theft?
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
add a background and change the pose and you're good to go.
Pretty big 'if', anon.
No but it'd be a pretty shit thing to do
Probably it would depend how similar yours is to theirs. The fact that you posted this could probably be used against you since it shows you are intentionally stealing it and that it's not just a coincidence you came up with it. I'm not a lawyer though so can't say for certain. I imagine though that these sorts of things are decided on a case by case basis and there is not a specific law that makes it obviously one way or another.

Mateusz Urbanowicz

Responsible for this, and many other, great water color scenes. He recently had a spot on abduzeedo. Possible candidate for great landscape, multi monitor, wallpapers
31 posts and 10 images submitted.
thanks for sharing this guy.
np, check out abduzeedo while you're at it
>water color
This is water color? That's insane.

Love the palette and the mood. Hope to be able to present a piece like this once in my life. No idea how to though, but getting there. I think.

Anyone know what kind of city or town this is? Architecture is nice. Would like to use it in future references.

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Does anyone have any tutorials/advice on making a spiral pattern out of a singular shape? Do I need to rely on vectors or something or is there a method on photoshop? I don't want to have to manually copy and paste each thing out.
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
pretty sure there are ways to make programs mirror and imitate what you're drawing over a certain axis, google it
You could just design a brush to do it. You can use any image as your base for a brush. Then when you paint it draws one of those 4 lines in your image.

there's no terminology for it?

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Please post/make gondola for maximum comfyness
65 posts and 39 images submitted.
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Wacky Gorgonzola.
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he's in there

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