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Archived threads in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender - 606. page

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at least it's not family guy - edition

313 posts and 44 images submitted.
Have any of you guys actually seen that show?

I watched the first episode on a /tv/ stream, and its hilariously bad and also incredibly homophobic. There are like 4 or 5 seperate "jokes" which are just someone being called gay or someone looking like a fag. Heres a sample of some actual dialogue:
>Tito Dickman: "Hey, you shut up"
>Emo Teen: "fuck you man"
>TD: "Ha, you want to fuck me?"
>Emo Teen: "No wait, thats not what I meant"
*comedy sting plays and screen fades to black*

Bravo, filipinos, this is truly a high water mark of your culture.
Is it possible to infect someone if I have rectal gonnorhea and only do anal?
What was your best life experience of all time?

Personally, I think I had the best day of my life today.

I got into my dream university (that I have spent my whole life working towards), watched La La Land in the cinema with my parents and cried twice during, then had an incredible chateaubriant steak afterwards along with some fantastic wine.Then I watched The Naked Gun with 5 of my friends and got drunk on cider while laughing and chatting with them, and finally I am comfily posting here with you on my old Thinkpad while wrapped up in a nice duvet and playing music in the background. Good studd.

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how kinky are you, legbutt?

let it all out
40 posts and 9 images submitted.
Slow missionary with my sober wife.
I'm not joking, these are my limits.
I once touched my butt when I was masturbating under the shower.
Speak for yourself I have a thicc ass
are you a lesbian or one of those awful bisexuals?

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Question for gay bottoms: Does getting rammed in the ass so much loosen up your anus and make you more likely to shit yourself?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yes, anal leakage is a common problem among us size queens.
I've never had that issue. Dicks aren't really big enough to cause that kind of damage.
I'd imagine sex toys could though, like dragon dildos look like serious rectum wreckers

The average dick is much smaller than the average dildo, ironically. That said prolapse is a real thing but most people will never experience it.

Perhaps TMI but related, when I was a kid I would hold in my shits and only go twice a week. Did that for like a decade and a half just by habit. Freud called that the Anal Stage iirc and linked it to homosexuality. Cool stuff! Now I like dicks up my bum. Shitting the equivalent of coke cans all my life never fucked up my ass. In fact I can hold a shit for a week if I wanted but I choose not to because I'd obviously rather not shit something LITERALLY as thick as a coke can (you think I'm joking but I'm not). In fact my ass is so tight more than an index finger really hurts.
I can take something 4 inches in diameter but I went cold turkey for like two months and now I can barely fit 4 fingers in. kinda frustrating, actually

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Am I the only one that thinks there are a lot of cis fetishists pretending to be early transitioners here? Like, the enormous hate on transbians and unattractive trans women makes me think that the people posting that kinda stuff are actually cis fetishists who hate transbians because they won't have sex with them, and hate unattractive trans women because well, they're not attracted to them.
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Probably. I'm an early transitioner and try not to show too much hate for later transitioners, because 9 times out of 10 it's not their fault and they deserve sympathy, but there's so much senseless hate on this board and people actually perpetuating the agp meme, it's ridic. I assume that most "early transitioners", as well as most tranny-hating "cis lesbians", are actually cis guys trolling.

The cis lesbians might be real, just because a large amount of the transphobic left are usually in lesbian TERF communities. But the "early transitioners" hating late transitioners and transbians seems really fake to me.

I figured AGP was just bullshit like pedosexual/clovergender and a lot of stupid shit that comes from /pol/. And I agree with the transphobic "early transitioners" just being trolls and fetishists.
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I've spoken to a bunch of the early transitioners here (albeit most are "early" as in 14-16, although there's one that I talk to that transitioned at 12) and for the most part they're really nice, they just prefer it if older transitioners and other outsiders refrain from butting into their spaces.

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Like what feminists like to portray?
59 posts and 10 images submitted.
No, they are the real oppressors and they need to be dealt with
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Early transitioners are basically cis women and have it worse than anybody.
Yes, cis girls have the least privilege. That's not to deny intersectional issues for minorities, racial and sexual. Nor is it to deny cishet men have issues, because even though they hold the power in patriarchy it still harms them, just less than anybody else.

Whatever your gender, orientation, race, you should support feminism because feminists fight for your issues too. You shouldn't hold it against them that they focus on the biggest issues for the most oppressed people first. Letting splinters happen is letting the patriarchy play us against each other. Don't fall for it. Benevolent sexism harms men too, even gay men.
>me on the left.jpg
No, that's Joanna.

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Do trans people have a higher rate of sociopathy and psychopathy than cis people?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
Because we have to put up with your shit.
that's not the reason why.
Why don't we have tranny shooters or serial killers, then?
Yeah just look at all those cis people murdered by trans people!

Oh wait I read the headline wrong

It's cis people murdering us

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Hey /lgbt/

I thought I just like girls, but I realized I am gay for asian dudes.

Is that normal.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
you're just a weeb
That's possible.

Is there a cure.

I live in a majorly white country. We have a new Asian colleague now and I want to have sex with him badly

He is a hetero though and has a white gf. Live is tough
One Asian dude doesn't necessarily mean you're attracted to Asian dudes. Is this a feeling you get around other Asian guys often? If not, you're just newly bisexual. Welcome.

yes, it is normal.
just find someone on grindr that looks like your colleague.
there are tons of gay asian guys.

Now that the BBC has outed itself as an enemy of trans people, what should we do about them? Should we bomb their headquarters? I've always liked the idea of tranny terrorism.
23 posts and 8 images submitted.
...what? Not everyone is from Britainstan?
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You must be mistaken.
Big Black Cock will always love trannies.
Get a big black tranny and show them what the BBC can do
I also really like the idea of tranny terrorism or just a LGBT terrorist group
But I don't like the idea of being raped daily in a male prison even more.

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If there were a sure fire way to change someone's sexuality should it be allowed?
36 posts and 5 images submitted.
Yeah, but you'd probably lose all your LGBT friends
If anything, there'd be a huge influx of failed beta males who change their sexuality because they'll never get a woman.
The failed normie of the group asked my if i knew how to turn gay, because he had no luck with women.
Did you tell him in the end?

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TL;DR at the bottom for you lazy fuckers that don't care about details.

So I'm really confused about my sexuality right now.

I'm a 28 year old male, and I've been primarily attracted to women for the entirety of my life; up until very recently.

I've never dated a man, but I've subconsciously always known of my attraction to them since my first homosexual attraction when I was a child.
At the age it was of course innocent, but it was still no different than how I displayed emotions around a woman that I had a kid crush on.

So I've gone my entire life identifying as strictly heterosexual outwardly, while identifying secretly as bisexual to myself, but never fully exploring it.

Recently I've begun with sexually exploring myself with gusto - especially all the areas previously off limits because of the taboo of "gay" affixed to them, and I've started to experience a weird phenomenon.

My sexual attraction to women is dissipating, and my sexual attraction to men is flourishing.
What the fuck is going on?

I've been a "hetero-romantic bisexual" for my entire life, but after experimenting with myself sexually, I'm finding myself fantasizing about relations with men more than women - where before it was near non-existent.
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Every gay guy goes through this.
It is called "coming out".
You are finally able to see that you have been repressing your sexuality all your life.
Deal with it.
I've had women as both short and long term sexual & romantic partners. I can't deny my attraction to them, and labeling myself as strictly gay does that.

I just don't understand why the primary attraction is fluctuating where gender is concerned.
Ignore the pseudoscientists who say "you were always X" about whatever you seem to be now.

Sexuality is entirely fluid. Experiment with the kind of partners you enjoy most, sexually and romantically, and never assume that just because you didn't like one sex or the other before, in either way, that you won't like them now.

Just keep open-minded. If you're less attracted to women and more attracted to men right now, try dating men for a change. You can always go back or keep switching.
Fuck off not everyone is a lesbian teenager

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What do people think of this site ?

9 posts and 3 images submitted.

i don't know what you are trying to imply ?
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GenderTrender and the other journals in that sphere were (only kind of) how I got into trans stuff/gender critique in the first place, but mostly they just provided an easy outlet for me to talk about you-know-who.
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What do people think of this site?

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What's the difference between AGP and dysphoria?
14 posts and 1 images submitted.
The one's legitimate and makes you trans and count as a woman and is neurological.

The other is a fetishistic straight cis man and a psychological problem.
You are using neurological and psychological as separate things.

I don't see how a fetish couldn't be inherent.
AGP is a fetish that sometimes accompanies gender dysphoria. You can be trans and AGP but having AGP doesn't necessarily mean you're trans. For some, AGP tends to go away after medical transition and living as a woman for a for several years.

Trans people with AGP aren't any less trans for having the condition. They're still dysphoric and they often benefit and live happier lives after a successful transition.
So you can have AGP with or without dysphoria and dysphoria with or without AGP

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I have been having gay sex since I was 16. I'm turning 22 this year and I only have a vague idea of where my prostate is. I have an aneros helix, a way too big dildo, and a vibrator. I've tried leaving in the aneros for around an hour and doing nothing. I know it's "only xx inches in and towards your penis, feels like a walnut" When I do buttstuff I can only feel it or feel good from jerking off. I've never cum from anal only.

Help pls /lgbt/.
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Most men say they only feel pleasure from it with another man inside them. The analogy I've heard is that doing it to yourself is as useless as "tickling yourself".

You need to find the right angle.

When I use a dildo (it's all I use fyi) I won't cum if I'm in the missionary position, but I will if I lay on my stomach and do it from behind.

Also depending on the kind of lube you have - you may need to work the dildo up to speed (some get softer with heat) - trust me you'll want to be able to comfortably thrust it at the end.
I tried for years and could never get a prostate orgasm. Had my prostate removed due to cancer so will never get one now.
Do you have a diagram like OP with the parts labeled? Better still, a guide for anal/prostate masturbation?

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>baby is an ftm transgender in hs
>a couple years ago my biology teacher called me "she" and "her" pronouns
>went to her desk after school and asked her to call me male pronouns
>she said no because biologically i am female and this a biology class
what could i have retaliated with like seriously why the fuck am i the way i am
70 posts and 19 images submitted.
>*baby me is an ftm
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Start here
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>what could i have retaliated with
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So what are good places to work if you're transitioning? Companies that won't fire you for it (regardless of employment laws), companies that have good insurance plans that cover surgery, etc.

Also places that are out of the consumer-eye
41 posts and 4 images submitted.
look for *big* corporations or gov't

they typically have decent benefits & also have HR protect you b/c lawsuits.
Either Brazzers or Microsoft/Google/Apple
Programming. /thread
Suicide Prevention Hotline

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>Girlfriend (now ex-gf) jokingly puts makeup on me while dating
>Notices I get hard, decides it's an invitation to do it again, and dress me up like a girl
>Fast forward two years
>Jack off almost exclusively to sissy hypno, barely like girls
>Get hard when think of guys and when I see dresses and heels in the mall
How do i get rid of this
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
There's no going back form there. Enjoy the sissy ride.
That's proof that sexuality is a choice and is entirely dependant on porn consumption.
Thanks for the invite but i'll pass. i'll take the hetero ride
Too late senpai. You'll have fake tits and a sugar daddy soon.

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• Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
• Makeup for beginners: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• buddi
• Correct hormone levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• Checking your levels: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

>>7573778 →
797 posts and 151 images submitted.
sorry ;_;
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it's ok

Kinda curious what the people of /lgbt/ would consider the ideal suicide..?

Where would you commit suicide?
Would you leave behind a note?
Do you have a dead line on when you want to commit suicide?..

I know this is a bit of a dark topic, but all us Transgender people from time to time think about Suicide sometimes, perhaps more then others..

For me the Suicide forest in Japan seems like a peaceful place to end it all ((Hurr dur i watch to much anime)) Actually the reason i think the Suicide forest in Japan is a good place is because it looks so pretty and enchanting and so sad at the same time, something about it draws me.

What about you? where would your ideal place be to die?

And if you left behind a note what would it say? or at least what it would say in a nut shell...?
32 posts and 4 images submitted.
My parents house

Shoot myself

Three bullets in chamber

One for me

The other two for my parents
Sheesh, why involve your parents? i can understand self harm, but why your parents?
place that leaves no body trace or barely any human will come across in years in the wild.
those yellowstone acid geyser? seems interesting after reading an article where a guy was melted after falling into his death in there.
was turn 30, then die on the table, then maybe after mom's dead

suicide forest in japan - enjoy hanging company of folks in there. also not pleasant for the cleanup folks.
They will want to kill themselves after they see what ive done

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She used to be so qt. What happened?
25 posts and 6 images submitted.
Alt-right is one hell of a drug.
You took a screenshot and made this thread.
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She's fucking ugly and has always been.
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She used to be so qt. What happened?

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>bisexual girl
>filter out other bisexual girls on dating sites
35 posts and 6 images submitted.
Why tho? I wouldn't want to date someone who isn't bi, either gender.

Tumblr would call it internalized biphobia or something. I just see bi girls and think, "yep. going to leave me for a man." I worry the same thing about myself sometimes.
Not her but you are going to leave yourself for a man?

If only.

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Since AGPs and late transitioners view the transition process as innately sexual and fetishtic, is there a risk that they might try to project this fetishism onto early transitioners that they try to "help"?

Should late transitioners be allowed to interact with trans kids at all, or is there too great of a threat of violence and sexual assault?
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
>Should late transitioners be allowed to interact with trans kids at all,

As an early transitioner, fuck you.
forgot to define that "early" in this case begins around 11-13
>Since AGPs and late transitioners view the transition process as innately sexual and fetishtic
citation needed
>" in this case begins around 11-13
And ends at 13.

Anyone 14+ is technically a late transitioner.

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how come even young ftm's have those chest scars? i thought you wouldnt develop breasts if you got blockers from like 12 to 14 or 16 and then started testosterone? i am confused...
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
go take an anatomy class, hope this helps

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a bumpybump goes a long way HUNNY
It all depends whether or not you get fucked by genetics. Look up keyhole top surgery, those of us blessed with tiny chesticles are able to get that and not have noticeable scarring in the long run.

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What's it like to have a little flagpole that tells you what gender you're into instead of spending your youth entirely confused?

Not penis envy, just curious.
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
>erections only happen when you're sexually aroused

who told you this nonsense?
you're being silly

I'm not like other girls here, I don't have a dick.
It doesn't always work like that. I've found myself aroused by FtMs and other hyper-butch women that I mistook for men. I'm 100% homo and hate bisexuality with a passion, so these instances always shake me up pretty bad and leave me with shitty self-doubt for quite a while afterward.

Everyone has to worry about traps these days, not just straight men.

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We don't have our own place, not that there are many of us..

What piece of clothing is your favourite?

Mine would have to be thigh highs, they make me hard as soon as I put them on.

Panties, Skirts, leggings followed.

Last thread: >>7554427
36 posts and 10 images submitted.
Leggings. I used to like normal stuff like panties, but leggings are just so amazingly comfortable.

I haven't tried thigh-highs yet though.
Shitty pic, faggot op
I like hot pics showing girls, like the last OP.
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I love socks too! these are my over the knee bumble bee oness :)

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What did he mean by this?
22 posts and 4 images submitted.
That's the bastard who forced Joanna to go through male puberty.
dat skullsize

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He's correct and I hope to tutor under him someday.
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"They've made an autist out of me!"

But seriously, if that was skull autist's plan, it worked beautifully. Everyone posts about skull size now, even in their absence.

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