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Archived threads in /trv/ - Travel - 131. page

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American here. Thinking of going to Costa Rica for the first time as a solo trip for a week. General tips? Is it safe to go alone? Mainly would like to go to the beach.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
just got back from Costa Rica a few months ago.

Going alone should be safe.

Costa Rican beaches aren't anything special. I went there hoping to see some gorgeous beaches but was let down.

I did however enjoy the mountains, rain forests, waterfalls, hot springs, volcano, wildlife, and their fresh fruits. I'm more of a beach guy myself but I would still love to go back to enjoy more of what the country had to offer.
did you stay at a hostel or a hotel? I am open to both options
I have not been myself but good friends have been and said it was safe and a great time. You can find all sorts of people's blogs and stories about adventures there with a quick gizoogle search
Go to Dominical, good surf, good food, very safe only hippies live there. It has only 2 street, main street and sesame street.

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In a few months my friends and I will be going on a small road trip from Toronto to one of these destinations. Which one would be best to go to for a 4 day weekend?

Which city has a better a better nightlife? Which one just has better things to do in general? Also I'm partial to cool old architecture, should that even be a consideration when going to one of these cities?

I'm deciding between these 2 because they seemed to be like the best cities in the north east US with in reasonable driving distance, so I'm open to any other suggestions. I intentionally left NYC out because that will be another trip.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
go to Pittsburgh instead

Pittsburgh is nice

everything closes at 2am.
boston is comfy though. I'd suggest dinner, a couple bars between harvard sq, and davis. tasty burger and be in bed by 3am.
What's good about Pittsburgh? Better than Boston or Philly?

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My friend and I are travelling to Tel-Aviv in two weeks and we are eager to see as much as possible in one week time. Can anyone from Israel or someone who have visited this country recommend any extraordinary places of interest? We are mostly looking for some natural beauties or historical ones(authentic though - we are not big fans of museums). We would be extremely grateful for any tips or recommendations!
22 posts and 1 images submitted.
It's a small country so if you have one week you should also go outside of Tel Aviv. It's only one hour by bus to Jerusalem for example.
Of course! We wish to visit as many places as possible. Tel-Aviv is just a starting point ;)
Go check out the West Bank just because you can. It's easy to go there and back from Jerusalem. At least visit Ramallah and Bethlehem.

The Palestinian beer brand Taybeh is one of the best I've ever had. Especially the dark one. By all means try it. It's not easy to find inside Israel though but it's easy in WB.
All right, noted! Any particular places in Ramallah or Bethlehem? Besides the birthplace of Jesus of course

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Hey /trv/
Me and my friends would love to see tha catacombs of paris without a guide ... Not the legal and boring stuff , we would love it if one of the parisiens in here tells us the location of one of these illegal entrances. Even just coordinates are allright
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
48°51'42.0"N 2°20'54.0"E
Friendly reminded why it's a bad idea
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>believing this is real.
I was there for shoplifting some CDs at the nearby Fnac once. 10/10 would visit again.

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Anyone got experience with leaving his car behind in russia (without the costly process of importing etc)?

Thinking about just pretending to have gotten it stolen but im not exactly sure wether thats a good idea.

>pic semirelated
23 posts and 5 images submitted.
go to a car dealer > sell your car > profit
Not really an option because i would have to pay a huge import tax thats actually higher than what i wpuld get payed for the car.
Sell it in the country it is in, dummy
Why not sell it for cash to a local?

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I'm traveling to Rio in April and I'm not exactly sure what's there to do there so some advice would be nice. Mind sharing your own personal experiences, and recommendations? Costs, security, food to try, things to avoid?

Also, should I be concerned with the outbreak of Zika? Is the situations really bad over there?
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
don't mind unless you're a pregnant woman. If you are, better avoid.

Brazil is a strange country. Rio can be really expensive or really cheap. If you stay at a hostel in the city center you'll be ok and pay like USD 30. It's not SEA, specially if you want to avoid poor people (and that's a must.)

>security, things to avoid

About a month ago, some people in a yacht got robbed by a man in a kayak. That happened in one of the best areas of the city, in an upscale marina. No one is safe. Don't wear a watch and avoid bringing lots of cash. Avoid speaking english loud and showing your mobile too.

If you just want beaches and bitches, go to barra. Is a very safe neighborhood.

But you probably want to do some sightseeing. Than you better stay in Ipanema/leblon. Copacabana is a shitty neighborhhod.

>food to try
There is not anything I could recommend, nothing unique. But try the churrasco (barbecue).
What this anon said.
I spent 5 months in Rio. Dope as fuck. Some dangerous places, but it's ok as long as you do t wear anything expensive and avoid dark empty roads. They tried to pickpocket me once and mug me on the beach late afternoon, but both times nothing happened.

I stayed in most neighbourhoods around, Copacabana is not that bad as the other anon say. Good price/quality ratio especially if you look for an apartment. Leblon and Ipanema are not upperclass.

If you want some cheap but downtown places, lower Santa Teresa is also nice (not close to the beach though).

Zika is a hyped thing.
Food is nothing special.
t. Brazilian
>Personal experiences
I've been in Rio several times and nothing happened with me. But I'm not white.
2) Always go walk with at least R$ 150,00 with you. Otherwise the thugs can be really pissed off
3) If you are being stealed, even if you are seeing that the thug has not a gun, is better not to react - generally those thugs have a weaponed backup.
4) If you are going to stay in a hostel, it is better change your mind: Brazil and Rio de Janeiro state in particular is facing an acute economic crisis, and there are cases of robbery at hostels;
5) South Zone = good (but favelas); North Zone = bad (and favelas)
6) Rio de Janeiro beaches are not good (= polluted). The best ones are at Barra da Tijuca and Recreio dos Bandeirantes, which are waaaaay far of city centre.
7) Seacost restaurants are more expensive than inner district ones
8) It is worth to take a bus which rounds Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. Ask hotel staff for it. And don't forget "2" and "3".
Thanks for the insight, another question though
Are the beaches any really good over there? It'll be the fall time by the time I go and Im hoping the beaches aren't as packed. Also, is the water (in Tijuca) warm and blue like the caribbean or dirty and cold?

How much would you say one would ususaly spend in a day for just food alone?

Aw, man, thats dissapointing about the beach parts. Do you know any local attractions that are worth going to, like sugarloaf mountain, museum of tomorrow stuff like that?

Evening you filthy Vagabonds!

How many of you keep a travel journal?

Post them here please!
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
any good ones trv recommends?
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I use knock-off Moleskines. I like the Moleskine design but why would anyone pay $20 for a journal.

I like to draw in mine because illustrations make such a huge difference in presentation.
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And when I'm camping I use candle smoke to do shading. It's a technique I invented.
i only send extremely long e-mails to the family when there's internet at my accomodation.

it just started when i was young as a way of pinging my mom, so that i wouldn't have to call her.

these days i send these to the whole family, and cc my travel companions.
my travel buds also used to write, but got lazy, so last few trips they were just forwarding my mails to their families...

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Hey /trv/, I'm from California, and recently my parents decided that they wanted me to travel to anywhere in the world, and live there for 7 months. They're hippies, so they don't give a shit where. The only catch is that they gave me a budget of 7.5K dollars (this would include airfare as well). What are some possible destinations to live in, keeping in mind a few things:

- Hostel or apartment
- I'd like to go out to party about once a week
- I'd like to explore some natural forests
- I'd like to sleep in my own room rather than in a bunkbed
- I only speak English/Spanish
- I have an EU passport

Now, this 7.5k budget could be extended a bit, if I decided to work in the country I'm visiting, but of course there may be a language barrier. I SE Asia is cheapest, but I would prefer to stay somewhere in Europe or Central America. Hell, I'd even consider somewhere in Canada or the US. Any tips, travel experts?
51 posts and 6 images submitted.
India got what you need.
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Alright, aside from India, any other options?
your parents are going to be gone when you get back, they thought it was more cost effective to spend 7.5k to get you to leave for 7 months while they packed up and moved, then have you live off of them for the rest of their days.
Cool. Where should I go?

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What are the differences between the areas of germany? I know there's octoberfest in bavaria, but not much else. Which parts are the best to visit?
51 posts and 8 images submitted.
I'd also like to ask about the differences between Germany and Austria.
I'd like to visit both in the future.
Any large differences worth noting?
They celebrate Oktoberfest everywhere in Germany, but yeah, it originated in Bavaria. Hell, we even have Oktoberfest here in The Netherlands nowadays.
Bavaria is the Texas of Germany, all the stereotypes you may have of the country is probably from that area.
Bavarian reporting in. The differences are that east germany (Sachsen especially) are a shithole while west germany can be nice at some Places.

For seas, awesome flair and an 'friendlier' folk visit the north of germany.
If you like mountains, forests and stuff visit Bavaria.
Did you ever play Witcher 3? It looks exactly the same outside the citys. Especially the Allgäu (memorize it!).
I commute every second day from Augsburg to Kempten so I've seen on tours almost all of Bavaria and I can tell you that there are few plaves in the world (maybe slav countries) that can compete with the landscape and hidden gems.
Thüringen is also nice but the rest of germany is a grey identical boring landmass.

Austria= Germany with mountains, so basically a bigger Bavaria

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I'm going to New Zealand in mid to late April.
2 weeks. South Island only.

What should I see? I think I have a bit of an itinerary ready but I want to hear from some experts.
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
I'm planning on going in October, an tips?
You won't be able to do any great walking tracks in 2 weeks, but there's still lots to see. You should definitely try to do a boats tour in Milford Sound. Takes about 3 hours and costs only $50 which is pretty cheap for south island standards. Definitely visit the Queenstown and Wanaka area and try to do some short walking tracks like Roys Peak or Rob Roys Glacier track. You can do lots of scenic walking tracks that only take 3-5 hours, but you should bring some good shoes. If you're in Queenstown you should take a ride in the Gondola up the mountain and try Fergburger in Queenstown if you can. Cockadoodle Oink is my favorite burger there. Further definitely take a look at lake Tekapo and if you still have time give Mount Cook and Abel Tasman at least a short visit.

What company should I go with to get $50 tickets? Most I've been looking at are way more than that.

And so far my trip is based out of Christchurch. We would travel through Arthur's Pass, down the west coast stopping at the glaciers, across to Wanaka, into Queenstown, over to Te Anau and Milford Sound, and then back up to Queenstown, up to Mount Cook (stops at Lake Tekapo), and then back to Christchurch. Possibly add a day trip up to Kaikoura (not sure about earthquake damage) or over to Akaroa. Unfortunately no time for Abel Tasman I think.

Right now I'm thinking of doing the Robert's Point Track at Franz Josef, the Temple Basin walk at Arthur's Pass, and the Hooker Valley Track at Mount Cook. Think I should add one around Queenstown/Wanaka as well?
Go to Australia instead

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Fucking scared so posting this here too this just happened. I'm going to American Samoa for vacation and I'm doin a two day layover in a hostel in Hawaii. In my room someone spilt beer so I went to clean it up. I noticed a little box for like a vape pen??I took it apart and inside the hull of it there's drugs(I think) and a note I can't really make out, please help me translate it .
First the drugs
>there's like 50 20mg adderall that I google searched to validate
>there's 20 1mg Ativan
>11 10 mg ambien
>50 pills that look like ecstasy but I can't find them online
>and this big tarry brown thing I think is heroin
>a small bag with a white powder that isn't coke I tasted it and it was bitter not numbing
I'd probably just throw this away but I want advice when I show the note. I'm so fucking confused and kind of scared
74 posts and 6 images submitted.
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Here's the note that was inside the box here's what I can make out
He said no btc I think so maybe he means Bitcoin? He said no email transfer too. And he says he wants the 'backage' which was misspelled shipped yesterday and it clearly wasn't because it was still there. He then says tevita is mad, I don't know if that's a name or if he speaking in third person. He says or it looks like he's saying "we have no gun in nadi" all I know is nadi is a city in Fiji
Congratulations OP, you hit the jackpot. Have fun in your vacation.
not really these are somebody elses that were meant to be shipped and if this place gets raided or if some Fijian or Hawaiian gangster comes to get his shit back and she's I opened it. Im trying to leave ASAP.IDK to tell the cops or not
You can
>tell the cops
But you have tampered with evidence (who even eats unknown drugs?) also your fingerprints are all over it
>put it back
Again, you've opened it and the owner will notice so you need to leave soon
>steal it
Potentially very dangerous, would need to leave the country
>wrap it back up and bring it to the lobby saying someone must have forgotten it
Their problem now

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Which are the good neighborhoods to visit/stay in LA? Which neighborhoods are to be avoided?
Also what places should I visit, apart from Hollywood and Sunset Blvd, Walk of Fame, Hollywood Sign, Griffith Observatory, Rodeo Dr, and Downtown?
36 posts and 2 images submitted.
I find the existence of the Griffith Observatory to be highly ironic; I can imagine few places worst to observe the stars and than Los Angeles.

Visit the walk of fame. Go to Korea Town

If you're not afraid of the cops LA offers some of the world's best selection of prostitutes. In other countries prostis all look the same as if they come off an assembly line. LA has a buffet of litterally all sorts.
How dangerous is it to visit prostitutes in US? I mean in terms of police being involved, and also in terms or risks of getting some kind of disease?
Do you want to do the blatantly tourist shit or do you want to have a more tolerable trip? There are two extremely different sides of Los Angeles tourism.
I don't know! Tell me about both. My vision of LA is created by GTA games and Hollywood movies, so my idea is to visit places that could look familiar to me, so I can compare the reality with the image I have in my head. So, for example, visiting something like Rodeo Dr could make more sense than visiting some nice place in the county that I haven't even heard of before.

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Hey /trv/
I leave tomorrow from LA to Europe for a two month backpacking trip
my rough itinerary
Copenhagen Feb 2-6
Berlin Feb 6-10
Prague Feb 10-13
Vienna Feb 13-16
Budapest Feb 16-20
Rome Feb 20-25
Florence Feb 25- Mar 1
Madrid Mar 1-4
Barcelona Mar 4-7
Paris Mar 7-13
London Mar 13-17
Amsterdam Mar 17-20
Copenhagen Mar 20-22

I have all of my transport tickets bought, and have several more cities to find lodging for. Any recs/tips/do's and don't for a first timer would be greatly appreciated.

What I'm interested in-
art, mostly. Studied it in uni, have loved it since I was a kid. I work in the music industry so I'm also hoping to catch cool underground music, or just cool underground cultural goings-on.
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
budapest: stay at retox hostel

also, if you have all your transport tickets bought what i am about to say doesnt really matter but...be flexible. if you really like a town, meet a girl, whatever, feel free to stay a bit more and alter your route. you will meet a lot of people on the way who will guide you
There is a big smog alert in Budapest right now (Beijing tier) I hope you wll find it much better when you arrive.

Go and see the national musem.

Also it is very important, to watch out for the taxi drivers and at the subway station ticket checkers. They have a tendency to scam you as soon as they discover it that you are a foreigner.
In terms of art, Copenhagen has Statens Museum for Kunst, which features paintings from the 16th century up to current stuff. Entrance is ~$14. I recommend it if you like the typical national gallery type places.

If you want really old stuff, like Islamic art, definitely go for Davids Samling. Entrance is free and it's a beautiful collection.

Carlsbergs Glyptotek is also a beautiful place. Mixture of paintings, sculpture etc. Entrance about the same as Statens.

Kunsthal Charlottenborg features modern art, often exhibitions with the new graduates from the Royal Academy.

Final rec is Thorvaldsens Museum. Thorvaldsen was one of the great sculptors of all time and this museum is dedicated to his works.
It's also a beautiful building in itself.
>Starts off in Northern Europe in February
>Does Southern Europe in March
>buys every single ticket in advance
>what could go wrong

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Ameribro, here. I noticed this ad in a magazine the other day. Cuba has always been high on my wish list, but it seems like to much of a hassle/risk, even with the recent loosening of American visitation restrictions.

Then I see this ad. It looks to easy. Just book a cruise? What? Any thoughts?

Also, Cuba general. Especially stories of visiting from the U.S. Thank you!
6 posts and 2 images submitted.

As a grammar Nazi,, I'm mortified.
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what the fuck are you waiting for then?

do you live in florida? it shouldn't be that costly man
No, I live in Minnesota.

I just took a look and the lowest-tiered price is more than $7K. Um, no thanks.

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I'm a senior in Highschool going on a 7 day Peru trip with 16 girls and one other guy. I think there's gonna be 4 teachers and a few parent chaperones. How much fun will I have /trv/?
12 posts and 0 images submitted.
Anon, you're posting on 4chan, so statistically speaking you're pathetic. The other guy will get laid while you jerk off in the toilets.
> fpbp
Sorry, OP.
fair point, but he's fat and black. Does my whiteness give me an alpha advantage?
If anything could happen, you'd have had months or years to see the hints.
If you have affinities and go along well with some of the girls, give it a try anyway. It's a chance to show them the redeemable sides of your personality that aren't shown in class.

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/trv/, i'm gonna road trip to the rockies for 2-3 weeks solo as i'll be in between jobs.

shit I wanna see
>telluride (unlikely given distance apart from other destinations)
>red rocks amphitheatre
>pikes peak
>heard Boulder is cool for 2 nights

i've got a route semi planned out. Mostly interested in hiking, music (drum n bass but I doubt i'll find any, also into electronica), and beer. Any suggestions on how to be social? It was easy to meet others in hostels while in Europe, but i'm likely sleeping in my car a third of the time.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
Denver local here. Telluride would be tough you are right. Ig you want to see the mountains though places like Dillon or Frisco are only 40 min from Downtown denver. If you want to see some music, Club Beta and Vinyl are two cool clubs. Also this place called The Church is neato. Pikes Peak is cool but as an avid mountain climber I would almost recommend Mt. Evans as it is a little less crowded while still being something you can drive up.

Boulder is fun and the flatirons are some of the most majestic mountains you will ever see. I hope you go see the Grand Tetons in Wyoming during this trip as those are very awe inspiring. If you like Beer the Coors factory is 25 min from Denver in Golden and they give free tours.
If you want a low-key night there is a place called the Punch Bowl Social which is more of a relaxed chill environment. on the way to Yellowstone you will have to drive through Fort Collins which has something like 20 micro breweries.

When you go up to Boulder hike chautauqua park.
OP here

Thanks anon. I'm not into coors *(puts on sperrys and skinny jeans) but i'm always up for microbrews. Heard Colorado is the place to be for that kind of thing. I'm into racing as well, which influenced my decision to go to Pikes Peak. I'll look into Mt Evans as well.

I'll look into concert listings closer to my time of arrival. Unfortunately the only show at Red Rocks during my time there is Flosstradamus, which is going to be a hard pass. I've heard denver has a good bass music scene, but the vast majority of bass music is boring outside DnB/Halftime/Some trap.

Thanks man. Any recommended places to stay?
Do not stay at the 11th avenue hotel in Denver.

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How is it possible that only 1.5 mil people live in Hawaii when it's probably in the top 10 globally as an icon and dream residence?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
(high cost of living) + (limited employment opportunities*) + (poor infrastructure*) = (people come to visit, not stay)

*outside the tourism industry
haoles get treated like shit out of their designated areas
massive drug problem, crime, poverty
no haole faka stay wen local kine vibes around dakine

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I'm toying with the idea of moving to Malta for around a year, doing any job that I can get my hands on that will pay the bills and using whatever free time I have to plan and prepare for my next move. Thoughts?

I'm from the UK and will have a BA by the time I leave but as I understand it, jobs that aren't the lowest of the low are pretty hard to come by for foreigners so I suspect that I'll be quite limited employment-wise and will be unlikely to save money.

Does anyone have any experience with Malta or have you done something similar in a different country? Any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated.
21 posts and 1 images submitted.
I only know Malta as a tourist, but from what I recall a lot of bus drivers were foreigners. And if I'm not mistaken buses are operated by a British company so that may explain that.
Anyway there must be loads of small tourism-related jobs I reckon, for example around the ferry going to Gozo there were a lot of young foreign people selling boat tours and stuff.
Yeah, I hadn't thought of tourist related stuff. Might be worth looking into. I'll unfortunately be getting there (if I do) just as the season dies down though.
Not to poopoo on your ideas anon, but islands tend to lack jobs, not the reverse. Are you a banker? Do you have experience in tourism? Might take care of an internship for either industry before you ditch all and move there at the end of a tourism season.
Get on hotel and banking company websites now, view their newpapers, see if you can get a feel for the job market, maybe a 2nd language that is a great idea, or some other skill you were not sure was highest demand, or even apply ahead. If you want to work in a restaurant, go get a training class that gives you some cook skills and health code approvals. These little things could be the edge that gets you the job. I dare say you might find a little job now with a company that also exists there, might even get a 2 week tiny internship that will lead to a phone call and clenching the deal later. Sales experience is great, ever worked in an art gallery? Do you have wealthy attire? Could start acquiring some snappy resort clothes to represent a company well.
Thanks for the advice. It's all the more important as I basically have no work experience to put on my CV. I don't expect to get anything more than restaurant or bar work and I know that it's not necessarily going to be easy to even get that kind of basic work.

The problem is that I'm in my last few months of university so even if I manage to find some part time work or a good course, I have less and less time to do them but I'll keep an eye out for things. If I work hard I might be able to fit them in.

Why do you travel? What are you looking for? What are you running from?
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
Started travelling right after I graduated. Been "on the road" for the past 2+ years.

I tried to analyze why I'm travelling recently.

I've been in many countries, seen lots of architecture, met hundreds/thousands of people. Kind of getting..tired of that right now. So what I'm looking for? Just some distractions from the emptiness of life.

I'm not running from anything. Maybe from a boring life in an office with 9-5, suburb house lifestyle.
>Why do you travel? What are you looking for? What are you running from?
Basically all it boils down to is getting the fuck away from the crushing boredom of daily routine.
This was an interesting board a decade ago but now it's beta males and weebs teaching English, or middle aged tech guys planning family vacations. Oh and fat Americans who genuinely think traveling within the US counts as travel.

No, you're just a faggot who thinks SEA is the only destination in the world. North America is a big continent and there are a lot of things to see here.

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ITT Cuba Travel Discussion

What are some crazy, unique or exhilarating things to do in Cuba?

I'll likely be travelling all over the country,
so a wide range of suggestions would be good
(or suggestions that are less area-specific)

Interested to hear any stories, good or bad from travelling in Cuba
(or similar countries if applicable)

Also, Do's and Dont's when travelling there
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
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People are shit, they are just friendly to steal your money, they will stab you in the back and fool you. Yeah i know, "But im smart as shit! ill tell them to fuck off" right? No. After you send someone to fuck off, another one will come after MINUTES.

We hated every minute there until we met a spaniard who emigrated to cuba a couple of years back and told us exactly what to do. Im brown so i just had to wear some shit clothing and people stopped asking me for money.

Prostitutes are expensive. $100 USD and they look like mediocre mexicans. Beer was expensive $1.50 average. Tourist food is expensive and you can do well buying from cuban snacks but you need a strong stomach. Hot dogs 2 x $1 USD is the cheapest i got and some 2 dollar pizzas.

If you dont speak spanish be prepared to be scammed, dont follow anyone, always distrust everyone even if they are friendly.

You are much better at mexico, go to merida, veracruz, oaxaca, much better towns, cheaper, less crowded with idiot tourists, a lot have uber.

Cuban taxis are going to rip you off no matter what, you need to haggle hard.
Cuba is a ton of fun... great rum, the best jazz clubs. The people will hustle the shit outta you, best thing to do is befriend one who you like, make him your fixer. He can get shit cheaper than you ever will. plus he makes a bit off it, so win win. You are super safe there. speaking spanish is def an asset. Always stay in casas, and have them supply the dinners. Stay away from state run restaraunts...
now specifics.... Vinales was beautiful, good for hiking and caves with natural pools inside, hire a local to show you around the countryside, worth the 10 bucks..
Havana expensive, loud, intense hustlers... best music scene ever....
Trinidad, sorta touristy, some nice beaches.
Baracoa, now this is where shit got interesting for me, cock fights, crazy nights with my fixer, river boat rides, shit was wild, santaria....
Santa Clara, so youre going to take buses eventually you will get stuck here, its a shit hole.. maybe go say hi to Che.. thats all
Santiago, I had a hard time breaking into Santiago, felt like there was a lot there, but couldnt hook it up..
Varadero, dont go here, please.

take away notes, drink rum, dance, meet Cubans (and yes go with them) You will love it

>>1209060 this guy doesn't have fun anywhere
wahh, the 2 dollar cuban pizza was shitty...fuck
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I loved Cuba. Can go anywhere and feel safe, compared to Mexico where I never felt safe. Cubans are very friendly, but poor people, so they all appreciate tips just like everywhere else. I spent the majority of my time in Havana. Walking around Old Havana, as there is a lot of history there. Only thing that sucks is the food as it is pretty bland. They don't use many spices when cooking food.
Not OP, but why should I avoid Varadero? Too touristy?

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New Years Resolution: Peru

I want to go early March, spend about 16 days there. I know that's not a lot but I'm hoping I can see a lot and experience a lot.

I have my eyes on a pretty cheap round trip flight to Lima. Now, I definitely want to go to Machu Picchu and all that. I've been researching and found really different responses.

What is the best way to see Machu Picchu? Go with a tour group? Inca Trails? I heard from some people that even though they're relatively fit, they found the Inca Trails extremely difficult, especially with the altitude change. Should I go with a tour guide?

Also, I've interrailed before but how the FUCK do you get around Peru? I read about those buses but god damn those are long hours and where do you even catch one?

If anyone's been to Peru and has any particular recommendations about how I should go about this, it'd be much appreciated. I have to be back in Lima for my flight home.
7 posts and 4 images submitted.
Too late to get a permit for the inca trail for march. Look into the "jungle trek" or "salkantay".

For buses try PeruHop, that will make things easier for you and give you an itinerary.
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Shit, I just wrote a longass message, but the internet in Peru sucks so much it somehow got deleted.

Anyway, I try typing it once again, probably shorter though.

I’m currently in Arequipa, Southern Peru.
Was in Machu Picchu, quite disappointing desu, but I didn’t take the Inca Trail, as I hate hiking. Cusco (the “big” city-hub to Inca Valley) on the other hand is awesome, lots of things to do, nice local vibe mixed with tourists. I rented a motorcycle for a day, visited all small villages and ancient sites in the Inca Valley for about 90 soles. I recommend doing that (or renting a taxi driver for a day, good if you travel with others) instead of tourist trips, as it’s cheaper and more fun.
I didn’t have a altitude sickness, but I took a bus from Lima to Cusco (24h), so maybe I slowly got adjusted. You can chew cocoa to get used to it.
Buses are the cheapest option to travel around, they are also quite comfy. You can select different standards, which help on the long (up to 24h) trips around. As you have 16 days, maybe you don’t want to waste 2 in a bus.

As mentioned I recommend Eastern Peru – Cusco, Puno, maybe Arequipa (nice sightseeing). Consider Bolivia for few days, it’s pretty close if you’re already in Cusco and offers some great (and cheap) sight-seeing. I haven’t been to North of Peru so I cannot give any advice about it. Amazon in North East is pretty good, you might consider it, but I can imagine that logistics of getting there might be quite problematic.

Don’t know about your budget, but I recommend domestic flights.

If you have more questions ,ask.

Pic from the Inca Valley from my motrocycle trip on some rural areas (30 minutes before a huge rain)
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>but I took a bus from Lima to Cusco (24h)
And you didn't kill yourself about half way through?

>Consider Bolivia
Yes. A trip to South America is not complete without taking one teleférico from La Paz up to El Alto and going down with the other one.

>I haven’t been to North of Peru
OP should really consider Chachapoyas, pic related.

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/trv/ I need your help.

Could you share what your favourite (extra) large suitcase/rolling bag/other large bag is?

I'm trying to force myself to live out of a bigger bag, as I move quite a lot.

I was looking at picrelated, but it maybe a bit too big.

I do like that it's fabric, so probably harder for it to be destroyed as check in baggage...

Anyway, please share your large faves, it can be as cheap or expensive as you like.
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Crush bag from PLK New Zealand. Sturdy as fuck, holds a ton of stuff -- Drawback: not good for things you don't want crushed.
This actually looks like something right up my alley, couldn't find it in EU shops just yet... Going to keep looking.
last bump
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i have the 100L and the 140L and they are incredibly durable

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I'm looking for options for countries to visit this upcoming summer and one of the most intriguing options to me is Taiwan. I don't know really much about the country yet, but the scenery seems great, the food seems delicious and the people of Taiwan seem extremely friendly. To me it is probably the most interesting option for a vacation this summer. The only thing is that I need to convince someone to go with me, but if I know enough that probably won't be a problem. People who have been to Taiwan willing to share their experiences? Everything is welcome, especially stuff about food.
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
>I need to convince someone to go with me

No you don't. Take good pictures before you go and hang out with locals that you meet on Tinder.

Or if you're too much of an autist/prude for that just go on couchsurfing.
Perhaps he doesn't refer to some crushing necessity, but maybe he just would enjoy some company. Some folks do.
This, I want to hang out with locals, but having a good friend with you on a trip who you know well and you can share your favorite jokes with is always good and fun.
The north has Jiufen, the oceanside town that Spirted Away was based on. For sights, Taipei has 101, Elephant Mountain, Taiwan Democracy Memorial Park, and Tamshui. For art, it has Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Songshan Creative Park & MajiMaji. If you like Myanmarian food, go to Huaxin rd aka "Little Myanmar". Night Marketwise, Raohe & Linjiang have tons of good food.

The east coast is a nature lovers paradise, you have Yilan / Hualien / Taidong. Yilan I've yet to go to, but have heard the scenery's good, and it has the Kavalan Whiskey distillery. Hualien has Taroko Gorge which is impressive. Taidong can take you to some of the outer islands, Green Island & Orchid Island.

Down south, you have Tainan, Kenting, and Kaohsiung.

Tainan is the old capital, and now the food center of Taiwan. If you like history, go to Anping or Chikan Tower. For art, go to Qimei Museum, The Cultural Center or Xinmei rd. For eating as much good food as you can, just walk around Guohua rd / Youai rd, or go to Huayuan night market. You can also get to Penghu Island from Anping.

Kaohsiung is a lot like Tainan, but with more western influence. Here you can find good European / American food. As for places to see, go to Pier 2, LDR, Xiziwan, Lotus Pond, Fo Guang Shan Temple, Monkey Mountain, Rueifang night market, Cijian Island, Xiaoliuqiu.

Kenting is where everybody goes to the beach.

As for the west, you have Alishan National Park for an ancient forest. Ershui / Jiji for cycling in rice paddies / mountains. Yuanlin for a good small town experience. Taichung for Indian food and Luce Chapel. Miaoli for Tea Sage Hut.

Lmk what you're in to and I can give you more specific suggestions

going on a trip to indonesia with Some study colleges, and one professor (Subject Architecture)

We want to visit some old temples, Villages, the modern cities Jakarta and Yogjakarta. General questions:

Recommendations about, temples, authentic old villages other sites to visit (doesnt have to be architecture related, authentic local culture nature etc. is also something we want to experience)

Traveling medium, is the Infrastructure good, can we drive by ourselves or do we have to hire a driver for a tour (we did that in mongolia two years before) or do we even have to use domestic flights?

Do you maybe have some ressources where i can find information about indonesia, maybe even with some architectural focus?
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
roads are shit pretty much everywhere. But the local flights are super cheap and there are lots of them. I was planning to bus/ boat it but ended up mostly flying, which is both faster and cheaper. You miss out on the scenery somewhat though. (But then, those volcano views from the plane are not too shabby either)
any other suggestions ?
Borobudur is a must if you like temples. Also, Bali has a lot of cultural stuff if you ignore the crowds.
Sumatra is full of assholes, at least it was, when I was over there (no, I wasn't one of them)

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I'm coming over to Hong Kong for 10 days. What is the girl situation?
I'm white, and have cash to spend. 7/10, 43 YO and chatty. Wouldn't mind bedicking a pro, but would rather just find a cool native to tag along with me etc…
Any tips?
(asking for a friend)
39 posts and 2 images submitted.
Craigslist HK mainly, if you want to have a (slight) chance to pick up a non professional.
I met and fucked an expat that way
Don't the local girls fuck foreigners though?
Locals may or may not foreigners easily, try Tinder. But hookers are everywhere and easily available, so just consider that option. Websites like 141. Or just go to any bar in Wan Chai and you will see plenty of freelancers. I'm sure most of them wouldn't mind being hired for a longer period than just a night.
How much do they charge?

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