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Archived threads in /out/ - Outdoors - 256. page

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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How do you stop allergies

I have consumed half a bottle of allegra today
I have not slept in 2 days
I have been taking steaming hot showers every few hours
I still cannot breathe at all

I am minutes from blowing my face off with a shotgun

How do I stop this hell
22 posts and 2 images submitted.
For emergencies like this, take a benadryl and go to sleep.

Next, find an allergist. Stop taking allegra if it doesnt work. Allegra isn't an "as-needed" medication, it's a preventative. There is no reason to take more than one, ever.

I take zyrtec and nasacort, and use benadryl when things get crazy. Go to a doc and find out what works for you.
Adrenaline shots
Look into ranitidine. Its marketed as Zantac for stomach acid problems. It works by blocking H1 receptors (anti-histamines block H2) and works a treat for me when used with traditional 24 hour antihistamines.

Have eczema on my lower legs and feet as well as hayfever which it works for as well when I outbreaks out of season.

Also, you'll never get indigestion ;-)

Pro-tip, if you try it, discard the "never take more than 2 75mg pills in 24 hours" nonsense. I've researched this one (I'm 42 and no longer reckless with the shit I put into the ol bod) and doses of up to several grams a day of ranitidine have been used without problems in people with very severe gastic reflux.

I take 150mg 3x a day along with cetirizine when I've got the fever or 'zema.. very impressed with the results.
Also, for fucks sakes STOP TAKING HOT SHOWERS.

It opens up the pores in your skin, sinuses and such and lets more allergens in.

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Humblebraggers and adventurers of /out/, what is the single most impressive outdoor related thing that you have done?

Ive kayaked over a 40 ft waterfall
26 posts and 5 images submitted.
Rode a 3-wheeler up a really steep hill and didn't die.

Riding a BMX bike down double black diamond trails in CO was a blast too, not sure if impressive at all but I was passing up hardcore MTB dudes a bunch.
can't do the really wild stuff because of a brith defect, but
>river rafting with some friends
>performed a rescue procedure from a gondola 80m/262ft above ground
>downhill 460m on devil bike (difficulty level hard)
>had a helicopter piloting lesson if that counts
Flying a helicopter seems awesome

Or some expensive fighter jet. The ones that are horribly unstable at low speeds. A Cessna is one thing, but something that can knock you out from the G's has to be so much fun.
Jumped off a massive cliff into the ocean

I'm a new /out/sider

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What is the best way to break a piece of wood in half for a campfire?
32 posts and 11 images submitted.
karate chop.
Pick up a smaller piece of wood

You'll rarely need to cut up wood when /out/. Pieces suitable for fires are easily found and/or broken into size with your foot.
Smack a large log on a tree until it creates a large peojoctile to maybe hit someone in the face?
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What's the difference from a $10 stove against a 40$ pocket rocket?

From what I can tell your just not paying for the brand name.

Can a msr shill convince me to spend +30$
41 posts and 3 images submitted.
I bought a cheap 7$ one. The electric starter stopped working but a lighter still does the trick.
Yeah, Ive been using my dirty cheap one for a few years, no complaints.
I have an extremely cheap one. It could pass for a bunsen burner. It works fine/ but the pot stand isn't as sturdy as it could be. Otherwise, it's functional and seems to work fine
Energy output and efficiency, depending on fuel consumption.

Etekcity Ultralight ($10 on Amazon)
Output: 6,666 BTU

MSR Pocket Rocket ($40 at REI)
Output: 8,200 BTU

Snowpeak GigaPower ($50 at REI)
Output: 10,000 BTU

Which park is most isolated and best to go wild camping in England?
23 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Which park is most isolated and best to go wild camping in England?

most isolated just has to be one of the scotish ones... proably cairngorms. not that i've ever been there. but fuck, all the rest have pretty large amounts of people nearby and are bound to have more humans wandering about them for that reason alone.

however, i've had some pretty dam good times wild camping in snowdonia and the lakes. you just gotta go find a place with no people there and camp, simple as pie. avoid major pathways, and not be a loud obnoxious dick.
>you just gotta go find a place with no people there and camp

pls. I "wild camp" within 30ft of trails and sometimes behind pubs in popular areas and have never been rumbled. Stop being a faggot and learn how to use a bivvy + camo basha/tarp.

That said, I like the Lake District. If you get tired of the woods or hungry there is always some faggot toffs 6th vacation home to invite yourself into.
Dartmoor, because its legal in most areas
>breaking into a Kasim's home to invite yourself to their curry
Surely asking for help is a better way.

>No Sleeping bag or pad
>Blaze orange disposable tent (poles not included)
>Water packed in boxes not reusable bottles
>Only 7,200 calories
>Only 50 inches of duct tape
>Only 50 feet of paracord
>Shit tier multitool
>No toilet paper
>Almost 20 lbs
>300 dollars plus taxes and shipping

Who buys this shit?
97 posts and 8 images submitted.
well anon there are in this world people we like to call suckers. They are dumb and they do dumb things, like buy a kit they didn't put together themselves, with materials they didn't cq and test themselves, for triple the cost and half the necessities.
Holy god thats worse than those giant expensive med kits

Are there really preppers willing to part with 300 who are this stupid?
Anyone who refers to themselves as a prepper is innately stupid.

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>wanting to go /out/ but not being able to afford it. What are some of your guys' budget pieces? Also, anyone know of any good places to go innawoods around metro Detroit?

Pic semi related
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Totally didn't mean for this to all come out as greentext. Oops.
Put on clothes. Take a liter of water however you can. Take a tarp.

You don't need much.
Be careful anon, you're gonna want a real good knife and Glock for innawoods Detroit style.

Alternatively, fishing is a fairly cheap way to get outside
>tfw my last post was about how I need to stop spending $75/wk on a few lures and little crap.
Metro Detroit, not Detroit native, because I am white.
I've tried fishing, I pulled up a lot of weeds and smaller catfish. Any tips?

Whatsup /out/
My friends and I have planned a trip for the past 3 months to go to Banff, AB and spend 5 days camping there (3 of hiking 2 of arriving and spending time in neighboring towns)

The group (4 of us) has little hiking experience, unfortunately, but we're planning on taking easy day hike trails like Sunshine Meadows or Lake Louise.

Here's my problem: Everyone in the group is 20, but my parents still express concern for this trip. I know that there's lots of cell phone reception, so I could just activate international calling on my phone. We'd be doing really easy hikes with little elevation change. We could also check in with the visitor center to tell them where we are when we leave to go on a hike. I have bought serious cold-weather gear just in case something happens and we get stranded on a hike. I'll keep bear spray with me and we'll be smart enough to stay on the trails and away from bear country. Additionally I am aware that I can check trail warnings before we even head out on the trails for bears/ticks, etc etc.
I just want them to know that I'm competent and that this is a relatively safe trip (until something goes horribly wrong). I am not sure when the next time I'll have this type of opportunity to travel with my friends, but I want my parents to know that I'll be responsible and I want to do as much as I can to show that I am competent.

The reason I'm coming here is that maybe you guys know something that I don't and could be beneficial to this trip or my little hiking experience?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
Only advice I can really give to you is, do it and show them. Also get a cheap bear bell. My first solo hike/camping trip was when I was 12. 14 day hiking trip. 8 Days in and I snapped my leg pretty much making me unable to walk. I ended up crawling back and radioing/calling depends on the way you look at it for military helicopter to come out (closest thing to us) They came out in about 2 hours and located me. I didn't get any reception where I was. Just think about what can happen and do everything to prevent it. Where I was stupid for me to go too. Loads of cliffs and ankle breakers. I jumped a ledge and missed and well we know the story. -Trapping for 8 years Hunting for 12 years Camping for 16 years any other questions? Also AB Canada or down in the states?
Were driving from michigan to banff in 3 days. Then 5 days in banff, and then a longer roadtrip where wer stop and camp at national parks (yellowstone badlands glacier) for the night before we get up and drove again. 13 days total.

I guess one question i have atm
What are some good resources to brush up on my camping / survival skills? Any books or websites I can look at?
I would suggest the SAS Survival Guide by far its the best, check out Far North Bushcraft and Survival's youtube channel. Practice some first aid for the love of god. I saw a guy at a camp site cut his hand with a axe and he ended up bleeding out because he didn't put anything on it. He lived but goddamn.
-First Aid
-Basic safety
thats about it to be honest I never have really been in a survival scenario even with a broken leg I didn't really call it that. I crawled/hopped for a day go reception and called in. Even in -45C and me falling in water (-49F) I wouldn't call it a survival scenario. If I may ask are you allowed to carry a firearm with you in these camps and are you legally allowed too? If so I'd suggest one of you guy's having one. Grew up in Bear country, Cougar country and wolves. Trust me wolves are NOT a fucking friendly dog they will tear you a new asshole.
Items I'd suggest getting
-Ferro rod, even on my city walks or town walks depending on the way you look at it (a population of 800 BIG TOWN!! xD) I carry one
-Decent knife/axe
-A book of plants around the area you are going I carry one with me most of the town but its a small pocket book. That I made.
-Bear spray like you said
-Bear bell just for warning the bears
Edit: when I fell in the water I ended up making a fire and camping out. Mother was pissed at me but it was fun. The good ol days of me being a dumbass.

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I know this question is out of season but I've got this nice cold weather sleeping bag which is huge when rolled up and in its bag. How can I backpack with the thing? The only way I can think of is tying it onto the outside with rope but this doesn't seem like it would be secure enough
9 posts and 2 images submitted.

Strap is to your pack with a bungee or two. It'll be fine. I've done this dozens of times with bulky cold weather gear. Weighs you down a bit more in the back but it works.
Back in the day (early 90s), any remotely serious hiking pack had an assortment of attachment points so you could strap a sleeping bag to the bottom with 2 webbing straps. Or alternately under the lid of a top loader, but a winter bag might be too big for that.
yeah the bag is honestly almost as big as my pack. So theres no way its fitting in either of those places
Thanks man
Get a compression sack, OP. Cinch that bitch as tight as it goes, and strap it on

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Does /out/ hates mountain house? If so why? Thinking about buying it for a few days +250km hike instead of knorr pastas like I usually do.

Also food general
54 posts and 8 images submitted.
mountin' house is good. it's expensive but you pay for the ease and dem cumfies. the food is good.
I don't hate it, but I'm not that excited about it. I keep a few packs around JIC.
The only really big problem I have with them is the amount of sodium they have. Its a ton. I would suggest you find some you like the best and take a few, and pack other food for the rest of the time. I like the Chili Macaroni, Beef Stew, and Rice & chicken (which doesnt have a ton of chicken in it lol). I feel that most of them taste better with a little bit of hot sauce or pepper in them.

TL;DR Stick to one a day, with something else for other meals.
>it's expensive but you pay for the ease


My favs are Beef Stroganoff, Chili Mac, and Breakfast Skillet.

The Breakfast Skillet meal makes awesome breakfast burritos - just fork some into a tortilla, add a little cheese and a pack of Taco Bell sauce - a single serve package makes about four FAT burritos - easy to prepare and they taste great

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Guys I'm planning to do a 15 day hike to raise money for anti suicide, now, I know we all want me to kill myself but that can wait until after for the delicious irony.

Now here's the thing, rather than a tent I'd rather use a waterproof bivvy bag (it rains a lot in Ireland) but I can't find any for a reasonable price, maybe I'm just a scrub at buying equipment but any help is appreciated. Thanks very much.
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
buy a tarp and some poles and some 550 cord
Bring a pillow too. 15 days on anything but a mattress is going to fuck you up unless you spent the last 6 months sleeping in a POW camp.
Amazon, you can get 1 mans for 40 pound
Surplus USMC gortex bivy

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Anyone surf or SUP?

I'm 6'4 210lbs trying to get an inflatable SUP for easy ocean and river riding but not sure where to look.

Tower makes a 10 footer inflatable but dunno what max weight is.
10 posts and 1 images submitted.

is he pooping on that girl
Google? paddleboarddirect.com
Doubt it, they're married.
That's Gabrielle Reece and Laird Hamilton.
married couples poop on each other more often than unmarried couples

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I found this kit for 65€

is there a flashlight that uses two 18650 under 100€?
I'd like to have a bit more power with me
19 posts and 4 images submitted.
1000 lumens from one 18650 not enough for you?
Eeeeeh it's allright.
I'm actually looking with something with more flood, and small edc flashlight like this one don't quite cut it.

But for some fucking reason manufacturer think that if you want to use more than 1 battery you're an insecure compensating dickwaver and only make stupid shit with 2000 lumens in stupid barrel of fuck that's impossible to carry.

Sorry for the rant.
More flood? What about a mule head?
I'm sorry, I meant spread.

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i found a pond i like to go wading in for bass fishing an wanted to know if there was a way i could bring something on that can hold my phone and any keeper fish
9 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Fucking gators

Just get that Lil Wayne phone. If it can survive champagne and sizzurp, it can survive a little pond water.

Why not just bring a backpack and get one of those little waterproof cases for your wallet and phone? Used to use those on my jet skis. And then just keep the fish on a stringer or one of those baskets that you keep submerged. Hell, even a 5gal bucket with holes drilled in it and a lid. Tie a rope to it and let that float around with the keepers.
>if there was a way i could bring something on that can hold my phone and any keeper fish
Yes there is.
i usually wear board shorts when wading so what could i attach the stringer to?
Plz respond

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So I'm hiking the A.T.

this is my set up

>100ft paracord
>wool blanket
>alpine design adventurer 2 tent
>water bottle(2 not pictured)
>buck 119 knife
>cold weather gloves, warm weather gloves
>notepad and paper
>Alpinizmo Mt.Rainier 0 degree sleeping bag
>milsurp bag to carry it all

Not picture is my clothing, boots and rain jacket

Will also have roughly 2 lbs of peanut butter on my person at all times and I will restock along the way, I intend to barter any other food I may want

Wish me luck /out/
82 posts and 3 images submitted.
Why the paracord?
Also, I managed to fit a tarp inside of my tent bag. I have a fuckton of wool socks too, and a pair of long johns when it's cold as dick.
I like to use it for things, basically anything. You can use it for so much shit. Most of the time I cut small sections and melt the ends so they don't fray and I often am able to re-use those sections so I hardly waste any. Also, great for boot laces in the middle of the woods.
there's a loadout thread but that looks nice. are you only bringing peanut butter to eat? no stove or anything like that either?

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Hey Outdoors, I'm going to require some of your expertise....

Myself and 15 other participants are plotting out the logistics of sociological experiment.

We have 16 acres with a well, construction materials, and a start up budget.

We are to survive on 1 acre per person, until we are self sustaining. We each get a computer and Internet.

The project will not be done until we are collectively earning more than we are spending.

What we're trying to work out logistically is the diet.

Non-perishable nutritious food, 3000 calorie per day per person.

Any diet recommendations? Perhaps a useful on line tool?

48,000 calories per day, for about 2 months,
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Yeah OP just eat potatoes for 50 days straight, you totally won't die of scurvy and liver failure.
rice and beans senpai

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Fun little experiment I did. I used my bugzooka and went to my sun deck and captured 15 big spiders and they are all in this small tube and I wanted to see what they would do or of they'd just die. It turns out I believe atleast that they are eating each other. I might have sucked in a bit of web too but I'm not sure. Is it normal for them to eat each other? Is it survival of the fittest?
27 posts and 7 images submitted.
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I small it the spidercaust.
>>>/an/ might be a better place for this
>Is it normal for them to eat each other?
Is it normal for them to be jammed in a small space together?
What else are they going to eat?

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Hey /out/, Griptilian or Para military 2?
34 posts and 7 images submitted.
Paramilitary 2 for sure. Great knife.
Mini Gripi
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Para 2 for me. Both are great knives, though. I had a griptilian for a short while but I prefer the blade shape and feel of the paramilitary. Saying that I only got ny pm2 yesterday and have yet to use it so i hope it delivers haha
both are great but i'll always prefer the para 2

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I was hiking a local trail when I came across a weird tree a while back. It had 2 lumps at the base and from that day forward I dubbed it the "balls tree". You don't notice it at all and it's about 20 feet from the trail, I found it by just hiking off trail. Well today when I was out hiking I noticed it had leaned over and I thought that maybe the ground saturated with rain water and it just naturally fell but as I looked at the base I noticed saw dust. At the base of the tree in the pic you can see the cut marks then someone piled moss over it to disguise it. I ran home and got my trail cam and am going to catch the bastards. Nobody and I mean nobody gets away with cutting down the balls tree!! I will find you and hunt you down!!
61 posts and 19 images submitted.
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those burls are highly sought-after by carvists, whittlers, and similar woodfærie faggots. kinda sad when they're unscrupulous enough to just poach them like that (i'm assuming they don't own the land)
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Occasionally assholes start threads here about doing this
There was one up just last month or so

Go get em

did they even take the burl? are they in the process of doing so?
idunno i imagine they're coming back for the burl but idunno

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Old thread: >>771350

Companion Planting - Raised Beds - Vertical Gardening - Square Foot Gardening - Polyculture - Composting - Mulching - Vermiculture - Espalier - Fungiculture - Aquaponics - Greenhouses - Cold Frames - Hot Boxes - Polytunnels - Forest Gardening - Aquaculture


Murray Hallam’s Aquaponics: (sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYR9s6chrI0 )

-Aquaponics Secrets DVD
-Aquaponics Made Easy DVD
-DIY Aquaponics DVD (Aquaponics The First 12 Months And Aquaponics DIY DVD)

Backyard Aquaponics


Youtube channel Growingyourgreens, tons of videos on almost every single gardening subject,

Ollas clay pot watering system,

USA Time of Year Planting Guide,

Food preservation,

Mushrooms, (culinary and psychoactive):

Mother Earth News' Vegetable Garden Planner program, (full version requires yearly subscription $fee)

Tons of Gardening/Farming PDFs
373 posts and 147 images submitted.
US Farm Income and Taxes,

US Grants and Loans for Small Farms,

Managing Risks on Your Small Farm,

Chicken info and forum,

Rabbit guide

A public access seedbank for many types of rare or endangered plants; both edible and ornamental,

Organic and heirloom selections:

Potato, Sweet Potato, and Tubers seed bank (free, but requies filling out forms and waiting in line):

Awesome interactive plant/gardening maps for USA, Canada, France, UK, BC, (frost dates, temp zones, etc):

Sprout seeds and info:

Insect Habitats for attracting polinating bees, predatory/parasitic wasps, hibernating ladybugs, butterflies, etc.

Toad and Hedgehog Habitats,

Chili Peppers

More on Aquaponics & Aquaculture,

Sourcing plants from the grocery,
how do you grow pot guys?
It simply isn't a room plant, it's better to place in a spot in the garden, or at least balcony if you have one.
In that case, freezing winter days may be a problem though because the pot might freeze through (planted out in the garden is not much of a problem because the soil only ever freezes a few cm max) but putting into the warm room then is also not ideal
Alright thanks

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I've never used a bivi but i'm enticed by the small pack size and relative simplicity of them. What's the pro's and con's of going /out/ in a bivi?

I was tempted to throw some cash down on a Rab Ridge Raider (pic related) because it looks so cozy and easy but then I thought perhaps I could just try a cheaper Alpkit Hunka to start with and take my tent fly along with me, which I could throw up over me in the event of rain (I dont own a tarp).

...but then why not just stick with my small 2 man tent as a whole?
95 posts and 16 images submitted.
I want to go bivy for my solo trips because I want to travel lite, go farther, faster, easier. Pack weight just ads up too damn fast.
Most small 1-2 person "tents" still push +3 lbs.
Bivy is about the only way to get below 2 lbs from what I've seen browsing online.
I particularly kike the looks of that model in OP pic. the full length side opening looks awesome
>Not a freudian slip
*Rubs hands*
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>Jewing intensifies

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Let the shitstorm begins!!
121 posts and 12 images submitted.
Yes. The bears are doing just fine, and sport hunting is millenia-old and has aesthetic and cultural value. If you don't want to rail your mistress on a bear rug in front of the fireplace, you're a gay.
What if I have sex with my big beefy boyfriend on a regular rug and we get a little rough to where he leaves a little skin behind on the rug, does that turn it into a bear skin rug?
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There is literally nothing wrong with hunting
What are you getting at desu?

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Does anyone here go hiking with historic food items for their provisioning?

I'm rather enamored with making hardtack, and would like to emulate a roman-style diet if anyone knows much about it. So far I am carrying wine, Meat, hardtack, and a smattering of fruit. Am I missing anything?

General discussion on the topic also welcome
38 posts and 4 images submitted.
Make bread anon
>Am I missing anything?
A girlfriend.

Take a flesh light, cheaper and lighter weight
>roman-style diet

get your house slaves to buy some dormouse, but you sound like a pleb so I'm guessing you probably don't even have one.

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What's the best two person tent in town?! But seriously something from Amazon that I can order on Prime. Lets say a budget of $70. Also general suggestions on MUST HAVES (whether it be design, space, air holes, or the simplest of color) in a 2 person tent for you personally.

• Online Purchase
• $70 Budget
• 2 Person
36 posts and 17 images submitted.
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Bump with tents.
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I took this pano today while on a short hike and wanted to share. Files too big for 4chins so I had to crop some of it out.

Also, general photography thread, since apparently there isn't one up.
148 posts and 120 images submitted.
Nice pic OP, but I have to pick a bone with you!
Perhaps my greatest pet peeve with /out is when someobdy posts a photo and doesn't tell us where it was taken.
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Pleasant looking location. This is just a pic of some moss that I happened to catch when the light was hitting it just right. The picture doesn't do it justice, I'm afraid.
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Oh, sorry anon, I'm still somewhat new to the board. It was taken outside of Toronto, Ontario.

I really like that pic, I find moss so pretty.
File: image.jpg (2MB, 4027x3019px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 4027x3019px
Here's a picture I took on Cape Cod. First time out there, was kinda pretty but I don't get the huge boner people have for it. Is it just an elitist New Englander thing?

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