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Archived threads in /biz/ - Business & Finance - 3862. page

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People like Tim 'The Kike' Sykes are, in my opinion, pretty shitty traders and I have a feeling that they make more money off selling extremely overpriced books and DVDs than they do off actually trading or investing.

How much do you think those fags who sell """educational""" programs make from selling said programs?

I wanna know because goyim constantly nag me to teach them how to invest and I want to rob them of their money by selling tutorials myself.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
I don't know, but I have a former in-law that slaved away in MLM for 30+ years making not much and then started selling motivational and instructional bullshit to MLM people and promptly made millions.
stocks trade on hype and perceived value. you can do algorithmic trading, but that's just analyzing indicators which affect perceived value. if you want to sell, hype Hype HYPE.
>I have a feeling that they make more money off selling extremely overpriced books and DVDs than they do off actually trading or investing
The fact they're selling systems at all should answer your question.
Exactly. If they actually had a profitable business model in sales that wasn't "educational" material, then they would have an actual business with real employees.

People are so fucking stupid on /biz/ thinking there are easy ways to make money or get rich quick ideas. They don't exist. The vast majority of people on here would just be better off getting actual jobs.

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I have 2 ideas for a crypto currency that coul be quite cool. I call it... iCoin, and AthiCoin.
iCoin being a crypto currency dedicated to making mobile crypto currency purchases, mainly for IOS devices, and AthiCoin being a crypto currency for atheists, because the USD says "For God and Country" on it, we can trigger the atheists into shilling the coin, and we can shill iCoin by getting Apple fanboys to go nuts over it on FaceBook and Twitter, perfect Pump n Dump scenario.
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
lol Athicoin could probably work. Just fix the name up a little, stick a picture of an atom on the front and you're good to go.
Scratch that, make a coin geard towards SJWs and typical lefties, and get /pol/ to shill it on social media. We'll say that this coin stands for love, tolerance, progressivism, and all that rubbish, and harp on about how it can be the new currency of feminist organizations, trans-rights activism, and so on. For added effect, spin some anti-Trump and anti-Trump-coin angle to it. It could be better than banking on atheists.
iCoin is a good idea.

Thanks OP, I'll assume full responsibility for the idea after I create it.
You think Facebook fucking retards are able to use cryptocoins? They don't have the technical knowledge to figure out how to get Bitcoin or Ethereum, let alone your fringe alt-coins.

From a memetics perspective, you would be better off with AthiCoin since whiny Atheist memes overlap more with computer nerdyness memes.

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Tell me /biz/

Where are you going?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Ten years?

How do you plan to get there?
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
i'm going straight to hell via highway
10years Millionaire

Screen cap this
I'm thinking about becoming a quant but I might not be autistic enough.
I'm about to graduate with a CS degree but I just want to work in finance or business.
In five years Im a MD making big Bucks

Guys. Trying to start a club centered around entrepreneurship. I have almost started it, but I realized that there were no girls. I asked around, and only 1 out of 7. Said they would join. What do I do to get more in my club? Also is it me, or are women just less interested in entrepreneurship?
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
hire whores
You raise a fine point. Suggestion considered.
that's actually a great idea
theyre willing to go to extremes for cash
>he thinks the natural balance of every career should be 50/50

Lmao. Men take more risk -> men make up majority of entrepreneurs. Even when Silicon Valley pushes for muh women and offers them VC funding for shit ideas just to force the balance, men still make up like 90pc of entrpreneurs.

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I just found out I have 6-10 months to live, what's the best way to spend 20k
24 posts and 1 images submitted.
>buy a plane
>crash it into a tower
>have a video played afterwards attributing the attack to ISIS
try r9k
give it to me
or pay 6 hookers to blow you at once with no condom
sell me your identity


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Question about counting out coins from a till. What's the best way to do it?

I often need to count out a £50 float using the smallest coins. I was shown how to do it by adding up to £1 and using a tally chart to keep track. Thing is, if you fuck up or get distracted, you need to start from scratch. Is there a better/less error prone way of doing it? I know you can just write down how many there are, but that's kinda irritating in itself when you're trying to add up to £50.

Also, consider the UK has a shitton of coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p).
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
get yourself a machine for that
Yeah, that's not happening.

I mean, it's not horrible, it's just easy to get distracted when counting out £20+ in small change.
Just use cash drawers with automatic weightable coins. ik1 and ik2 from mogler/germany or tellermate/England
I'm a cashier and I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Do you use cash bags? Any electronic scales? What's the exact task you have to do and why is it difficult? I use cash bags for bulk coin and keep track on paper, amending it whenever I make up a fresh bag or have to break out an existing one.

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Inb4 fucking idiot

My friend asked me to start a business with him. I like the idea but I don't really know even the basics.

Would anyone want to offer their advice?
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Estimated start up costs?
What would be your role, involvement?
How many hours a week would it take?
Do you have any savings or would your friend pay you a salary so you could focus full time on this?

All good questions.
It would be a small start up PR that would get other small businesses Publicity. Around where we live there are a ton of small ma and pa businesses so that's our start up.
We are still working on the savings, we don't plan to launch until mid next year.
I feel like I see ads for or am getting pitch invites for 9 of these same companies every day.

That is important

As someone who has worked for these kinds of companies as a contractor and sub-contractor. Terrible idea.

Pitfalls I have encountered.

1) Getting money from the client is like drawing blood from a stone. If you're still convinced you want to do this, half upfront, every time. Hire a debt collector.

2) Scope creep clause. Always. Always. Always. Otherwise you will work on this until your dying breath.

3) Good luck getting more than $500.00 off them for probably hundreds of hours of work.

4) Do you even know how to do PR? Most of the people that are successful in this kind of industry are VERY good; their business has expanded to a large scale operation within a year, 18 months. They no longer do small business work.

This only happens to people who actually know their shit and can deliver.

Board game lounges are taking off.

So why hasn't anyone opened up a lounge with videogames?

thoughts? any potential downfalls to the idea?
13 posts and 2 images submitted.

Put an xbox in your garage

Put up nice christmas lights and get a liquor license

Invite people over and have them pay a monthly fee to play 24/7

Everyone loves it

Just kidding, why would someone pay to use an xbox across town when they could just have one in their residence

close garage door and turn on engines

profit (ded)
A lot have tried in my city and every single one failed.
what are internet cafes
They have tried repeatedly.

They just fail. A key problem is the tendency to get flooded with kids rather than the 'cool' hipsters they hope to attract.

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he debt is 18 Trillion Dollars. 1/3 of Americans have no savings and 62% have less than $1000 in their savings account. Home ownership is at its lowest rates since 1965, yet prices have gone up. The jobs that have been created have been part-time and more people are underemployed now. Stocks are overvalued. Interest rates were kept artificially low by the Fed for 8 years and once they go up, and they will, inflation will follow, people wont be able to afford day-to-day life, and a huge market correction will take place. Why have you forgotten this? I was hopeful about Trump, but he seems to be filling his cabinet and staff positions with the very people responsible for this mess. Lord have mercy for the shit show about to come.
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
Can anyone provide prediction on deflationary depression vs. hyperinflation?
none of that actually matters.
they tell you it matters if it'll make you vote for them, but it doesn't matter.

in reality our economy runs on debt, more debt is better.
I wish man. But you and I both know that is logically inconsistent.
People have been saying this since 2011. The reality is the stock market will take a hit if the Fed raises rates.

If the elites want to fuck with us hard, they'll hedge their positions, bribe the Fed, and crash the market. Then they'll buy up the scraps while we suffer.

The timing is great right now however, since Trump is president and most elites share leftist views.

Sure they'll lose money in the first 1-2 years but they'll make it back by leaps and bounds.

Especially good time to crash the market as Trump has considered a tax holiday, which they move their overseas cash into the United States after they crash the market.

The alternative scenario is that they embrace a Trump presidency and invest domestically into capital and assets. I'm hoping for the latter.

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How big of a portfolio does one need to get a traditional wife like this?
20 posts and 4 images submitted.
just be a mormon. they have tons of wifes like this and most of em are broke white trash living off the government.

You need to be one of those guys making $100k+ per year.

Own a house, plenty of investments, etc...

They're all ugly tho

Hey biz, what colleges can I go to? I'm in the U.S, my stats above. Advice? Thanks
19 posts and 1 images submitted.
Smart anon
>above 4.0
that's a thing?
SAT or ACT scores?
yeah, its weighted for AP and honors classes. If you get an A in an AP or honors class, you get 5.

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>genius billionaire
what is wrong with tesla? stock is still through the roof
He's a welfare queen

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ITT: We share stories about smart business decisions.

Can be your own or some decision by the company you work for or just by someone you know.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.

i wash/detail peoples cars from my garage. also a bit of mechanical work too
>Started security company
>Realized how much responsibility owning a security guard company is
>decided that at 24 i dont want to have so much responsibility
>close it down after a year

I think once im 29-35ish ill buy a business from somebody , i enjoyed the operations aspect of it but networking and getting clients was a chore and its no fun at this age.

Gonna stick my ass in some trade (probably NDT technician) and do that for money and enjoy my youth for now

Is this retarded?
Sounds like a pretty good plan.

A friend of mine is looking to get into the security business. Any resources you could recommend?
Hmm honestly everything i needed to know i got from my provinces/countries business resource website. Idk where you're from but in canada atleast the government will hold your hand in almost everything (for young business owners) that being said his best rezource will be to take advantage of all learning oppertunities his government provides him (weekly entrepreneurship classes, mentor connecting , startup basics)

If i could redo it i would have spent a good year just staying in these classes and learning more and more. Tell him to go network and see of he can connect to some young security guard company owners. Tell him to stay away from indians/arab/basicly foreign owners because they are all scummy. Im a fucking foreigner and ive never met such ethically devoid business owners in my life. They were all a call away from being fined and losing their business licenses, they are shitty role models and pray your friend doesnt befriend one

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When I read about the success stories of famous tech company founders like Evan Spiegel, Mark Zuckerberg, Ben Pasternak... it just all seem so ABC.
A: Get the idea
B: Make the idea
C: Millionaire/Billionaire
I dont expect them to tell the full story, but are tech companies that straight forward?
I see people everyday taking about their "cool idea for an app" but they will no doubt, never get even close to where Zuckerberg and Spiegel are.
Snapchat founder didn't even programme it himself, his friend was a developer and he designed the UI, and made the UX as slick as possible, other than that, it was just his idea.
Red pill me.
35 posts and 7 images submitted.
its incredibly hard and requires lots of luck too.
Luck I will agree with, but hard?
the sneaky part they always leave out is funding . funding for marketing. funding for salaries funding for growth. w/o connections to venture capital ur dead in the water.
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you can pivot just about any peace of shit into gold with enough funding.

the actual trick is convincing venture capital to plop down huge bucks for you and your team.
therefore it helps to have gone to harvard or some such shit. its just like applying to jobs.
ur applying for a boss to give you a paycheck for your made up job.

expect to do a lot of "dick sucking"

Prove to me democracy, taxing the wealthy / raising the minimum wage, is a good idea.

>Proptip: you can't
52 posts and 2 images submitted.
You want someone on /biz/ to prove to you that democracy "is a good idea"? That's fucking stupid and so is this thread. Kill youself.
meant democratic party, not democracy lol
>raising the minimum wage
we dont want the jews to fuck us on wages, bottom classes are really bad at negotiating so we need it.

>taxing the wealthy
they scam us too hard, high taxes is an attempt to equalize that and spend it on things we would normally spend it on like schools, hospitals, environment, military and other things.

we can't trust the bottom classes with money a bit too much either so there's give and take on both of these.
im a poorfag so naturally im going to want taxes on the rich and a higher minimum wage
if i was a richfag, id want the opposite
kind of ironic that the poorfags on this website want to believe that theyre just like the elite so they shoot themselves in their feet by supporting elitist policy

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Is it what you learn or is your degree status which makes you valuable ?
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If you learn a lot but don't finish your degree it's hard to get employment since you seem riskier for HR.
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And some positions are almost impossible to get. This gets worse the more regulated and formalized your employment is.
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>Is it what you learn or is your degree status which makes you valuable ?
Depends also on how you define "valuable".
As a medical dropout, you could be worthless for a hospital but worth a million bucks to some people in the jungle.

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>nocoiners didn't buy the dip for the infiniteth time
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>g-guys where i can invest my money? n-no cryptocurrency s-shit
Ahahaha typical nocoiners (homosexuals)

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How can i start from the bottom and work my way up when this world is illed part time garbage. I cant afford to live near a city for an office job, some i stuck between mcdonalds and walmart. Ideas?
18 posts and 1 images submitted.
1. Create something of value. Or affiliate with someone who has something of value
2. Sell it
Sales is the one thing everyone at the top has in common. Sales is the only way you can make more money than a standard hourly wage. Start selling.
Currently i do work sales woth credit card processing, but my community is so restrictive they dont even want to try to buy if its not local
1: get a job in manufacturing.
2: use excess money to invest in stocks/mutual funds
3: once you have a nest egg quit your manufacturing job and trade stocks over the internet for a living
That actually is something i wanted to do but fear ill make bad investments and lose it all

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No really, what went wrong?
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
You were conceived
People use it to trade and not to buy stuff. If peeps would buy a coffee once a week the price would stabilize and would be a viable option.

Anther problem is government regulating the crap out of it in states like New York and Commiefornia.
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>g-guys w-what w-went w-wrong? n-no o-one u-uses it j-just l-like g-gold s-so it's d-d-dead r-right g-guys?

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Redpill me on shitcoin/ethereum mining /biz/
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
what exactly do you want to know?
is it worth it if im doing it on my one shitty computer?
depends how you define worth
depends how you define shitty
my i5-3570k made 90$ a month i mining an altcoin, and i was running it at half capacity. i hear people make more with gpu mining but i dont have a gpu.
there are calculators online that will probably give you an estimate as to what you will earn. setting up a miner is easy, i got it done in 10 minutes. you can do the same and see if it's worth it for you.
which coin would you recommend going with?

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What's the best way to shill my product? Posting about it all over the internet, like here or on Twitter would quickly give me away. Is it even possible to shill without paying and not get called out on it?

If I really, really have to pay for advertising then what's the best bang for the buck?

Don't most people use adblockers nowadays anyway?
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>If I really, really have to pay for advertising then what's the best bang for the buck?
There is no best way. What works for him may not work for you. You have to test everything (pick 5 or so different mediums to market on), track everything, then you can come up with the conclusion of what works best for you.
There's FB/IG ads, Google Adwords, Bing/Yahoo Adcenter to name a few of the 'big' ones. In reality there are hundreds of ad networks.

> Twitter would quickly give me away.
Create a new account, buy followers so it adds social proof, and start shilling.

>. Is it even possible to shill without paying
Yes. Do it yourself. You can shill more by outsourcing it. It's like cloning yourself.

> not get called out on it?
Depends where you shill. Even if you are called out, who cares. Leads can still come from the same channel where people are calling you out. The secret is to ignore trolls.

>Don't most people use adblockers nowadays anyway?
A lot of people use it but it doesn't stop ads industry from still growing. Fraud is a bigger deal than adblockers I think.

Sounds like you're too scared to start. So don't. Leave it to the big boys.
100% this lol.
If your product is actually useful, the people will come at it.

If it is a ripoff of a ripoff don't even bother
This is the case for a lot of amateur business owners thinking they can make revenue on their product/service online.

They place a website on the internet and don't promote it at all. Nobody will know ever about it. Nobody will buy it. They will have no net gain from their online source of leads.

You simply need to allocate time to marketing.

How you separate marketing vs shilling is up to you.

How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop? Apart from things all humans do plus going to the gym, I feel guilty about any of my habits. And I have no goals.

I want to read books but I feel guilty about reading a set number of pages a day. I am worried about being called a pleb for not reading ten trillion boring Western canon novels. I feel like an ADD pleb for rarely reading more than 60 pages at a time. I hate that I'm more likely to put a book down at the end of a chapter.

Similarly for working. I know I could always be working to become better off. I know that people who talk about taking breaks are just lying to themselves. I feel bad for not having the willpower necessary to work non stop on one thing for 10 hours.

And the funny thing is that I'm a Stirnerite. When you stay unspooked then everyone else's belief system feels like a personal attack. Fuck these people who say that X is so important. X is always working hard / enjoying yourself / focusing on one thing / focusing on many things / reading history / classics / philosophy / other shit.

The awful thing is that I know everyone else is a fraud. That NFL player who everyone loves and says is hardworking has never read a book. That mathematics professor known as a genius is a disgusting dyel. That literary figure who goes on about Shakespeare being a god doesn't know any maths or science greater than an 18 year old yet claims to be worldly. That billionaire who goes on about humanity's big issues does nothing but write checks for people who make social media apps.
8 posts and 1 images submitted.

you think like that because you spend too much time on the internet. everyone is showing themselves in the best light - having the most willpower - working the most - no days off blabla. do whatever you want. this shit is brainwashing you.
Agreed. I know it sounds impossible but the mental field can be adjusted. In the novel and movie Fight Club the main character had to blow up his own home just to get his life moving
>I am worried about being called a pleb for not reading ten trillion boring Western canon novels.

I made this mistake, too. Read to learn things, not "classics", or novels.
Try r9k

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There's an unpaid internship, 5 days a week and not paid 9-5. They won't budge on giving me transportation or food

Should I accept it or should I apply to seasonal work at retail stores for Christmas?

I live in NY btw. Graduated a year ago, struggled because no offers
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>unpaid internship
So what's the answer here?
I think he's saying, "Stop supporting unpaid internships, you fucking cuck."
What company is it anyway? Are they making tons of profit? Have you asked them if any previous interns still work for them? What will they teach you and how are they going to do it without you interrupting their work? Are you just going to be the coffee boy?
yes, fucking do it.

its a fucking fulltime position that is not an internship.

Once you work for a month, fucking sue them for illeglally hiring interns.

and internship is only legal if you're learning shit like in a class

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>What would you say are your 5 best qualities?

(Best way to answer this?)
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
I'm FUN!
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That concludes our interview, thank you for your time
Let's talk about my previous successes within the industry.
1. I'm curious/interested
2. I have a broad set of skills that show I can pick things up fast and I'm willing to build on further
3. I can combine this technical knowledge with good communication skills.
4. I tend to not want to let anyone in a team down out of shame.
5. I wont get pregnant at 30.

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I hope you're all investing in shipping. Some stocks are going through the roof DRYS with a 2000% increase
7 posts and 1 images submitted.

Why would Korea Line purchase of bankrupt Hanjin's assets cause this insane gain in ALL shipping companies?
Literally says it in the picture.

People are speculating that cheaper shipping cost for these companies to operate equal increase in profit.

DRYS is going up 2000% because it tripled its previous earning report when its stock price was 6 dollars a share, causing the initial rally to the 20 dps price range, the baltic dry index decreased significantly causing another rally to the 40 dollars per share.

Pre market hype got the stock to 50 dollars per share and this news got the stock to nearly 100 dollars share.

Pretty much the perfect storm of events happened, expect a very drastic pullback when it does fall and invest in DRYS, TOPS and other shipping companies as the long term prospects are high.
>People are speculating that cheaper shipping cost for these companies to operate equal increase in profit.

Why would shipping be cheaper overall? Your picture doesn't say.
Who knows and who cares you have an easy 100% gain if you want to invest in them

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