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Archived threads in /biz/ - Business & Finance - 1044. page

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3 posts and 2 images submitted.
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buy the dip

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Sold everything to USDT, but without losses
Was it good move right now?
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
dumb bitch
yes as long as Jihad and his other crypto terrorists are out there trying to destroy the entire market it's the only safe move.

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suggest best crypto assets yielding dividends
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
ARK, NEO, Byteball

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So... how low will this shit even go. There is no bottom right. Are you guys buying this dip or is tenx done? It's $3.34/ 0.00083486 BTC. I don't have any, evertime I feel like buying for a potential moon it drops even further.
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
Almost everything is dropping mate.

All eyes on Bitcoin Cash
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you know what to do, m8
I have some monaco, not doing too good either

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4 posts and 1 images submitted.
(((Goldman))) Sachs
Did they give a time frame?

By the way, BTC ($4000) and BTH ($800) together they're over 4.8k, not that (((Goldman Sachs))) didn't pull that figure out of their ass.

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ITT: we give slogan ideas to small businesses in the form of "The SpaceX of the <industry> industry"
I'll start:
The SpaceX of the toilet brush industry
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
The SpaceX of manlet skateboard speculation
The spacex of exit bag technology

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The KEKDAQ is a decentralized asset/art token creation tool that lives on top of the MEME(pepecoin) blockchain. Digital Artists, Game designers and other digital realms that wish to tokenize their items are welcome to experiment. The MEME(pepecoin) blockchain is making transactions cheaper and faster unlike bitcoin's high fees. The KEKDAQ facilitates cheap sends and fun distribution without breaking the bank.

1. You can acquire MEME on Bittrex or Cryptopia
2. Start a wallet at KEKDAQ.com and send MEME from one of the exchanges to your KEKDAQ wallet.
3. Convert MEME(Pepe) to XDQ(the burn token used to create assets and deflationary function)
4. Create asset name of your choosing and number to ever be created. For example "SHIT4CHANSAY" and then issue tokens.
5. Trade with people on the KEKDAQ itself(chat function exists within the exchange also)

We encourage all to test it out and we're still working out the kinks too. Many more projects in the roadmap ahead and we aim to be the leader in crypto digital art markets.
6 posts and 4 images submitted.
Awesome, havent seen thing before, gonna buy some MEME.

What is the best place to buy bit coin?
dank checking out
US customers can instant buy Bitcoin with coinbase using Debit card, MEME is on https://www.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-MEME
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Guide to burning some MEME:


> Next step

Cash out of BCH, buy MCO
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
MCO is a shitcoin
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meh, I bought at ICO even though everyone was shitting on it. Let's see what happens. Honestly didn't expect it to moon as much as it did though, I'd pretty much given up on but couldn't be fucked selling it.
these meme lines suck

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Is Verge a huge bargain right now?

Is it not the best coin for anonymity?

I literally just bought 100k for a few hundred dollars
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
i believe in verge. its simple, just look at the community behind it.

If you go to verge discord, there are hundreds of active people, constantly helping the project.

Go to BitBay discord and its updated once every few days, with barely 20 people in channel. This coin in the future. own 7-10 million if you wanna retire happy
seems good
100k transacted great
sold 500k back in june. good times

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2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Lets fucking go!

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Those jews wan't to send my data over to the jews at the IRS. Don't they ?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
They don't care about you because you're not gonna make a profit peon, they don't care about your lunch money investments. It's basic KYC every site has to avoid btc-e takedown situations for having laundered money on there servers.
>, they don't care about your lunch money investments.
I'm trading with more then 2k.

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i feel really, really bad for people buying bitcoin right now. they don't understand the market's spoofed, the chain is broken, and the bull run is over.
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
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more free money guys!
care to explain.
I have a hunch its being seriously overvalued but I can't pinpoint why exactly.

I'd probably buy at 1500.
>I have a hunch its being seriously overvalued but I can't pinpoint why exactly.
because you're a poor.

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What dips will we buy?

Thinking QTUM, BAT and even OMG...
dont be a wojak, cash in on this drop
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
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I'd buy omg but i am holding too many bags already from previous crash.
Gonna leave that coin alone until i make some profits
> buy HCC
> forget that you own HCC
> chinese pumps HCC next month
> 3x gainz

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Hi, /biz/. I was recently given a bitmain antminer u2 2Gh/s usb bitcoin ASIC Miner. I was wondering if it can be used to mine coins other than bitcoin.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yeah, all SHA256 coins
well that is quite a disappointing list :/
yeah, that's why they gave it for free
could always hold out hope for digibyte....

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>woke up
>check bcc price
>u wot m8.jpg
>sold my bags at.09
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
>he sold before the difficulty adjustment
It's like you hate money

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*blocks your path*
13 posts and 4 images submitted.
Please leave me alone. I'm not interested in joining your cult.
who is he and why does he look like he's got a dildo up his arse?
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It's a sharpie. Don't engage with them.
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Leader of one the biggest, most notorious crypto cults in history.

What's it like to work at Jane Street?

Not that I think I could, those guys must have 160+ IQs Jesus Christ.

On the one hand the lazy and dismissive part of me says this shit is too esoteric anyway. But at the same time I feel responsible for at least trying to understand this shit because it's like the fucking economy right? (Even though it's basically a Sisyphean endeavor for an IQlet like me.)

>Tfw not understanding this shit makes you their bitch
>Tfw MIT grads are running circles around you getting free guaranteed money playing your markets
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
What's Jane Street?
What's Jane Street?
sauce please OP. need a fap badly
all the 300+iq cs graduates end up working there

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nearly 0 networth
hate 9-5 jobs

redpill me on kneepads pls.
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
she looks like she's busting for a poo
It is currently 65% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.
desu you should be happy i dont own any bitcoin cash.

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4 posts and 2 images submitted.
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I'll buy both of those bags, please.

Sia has the lead on decentralized files and DCR is a low market cap coin with good developers.
But when they'll go up?

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> Created millions of coins from nothing
> Like everyone else, Creators and BTC Whales given free bags
> Instantly the second most highly valued crypto
> Used Bitcoin name for brand recognition
> Heavily shill the internet for legitimacy and create fake psyop against blockstream
> Will be the greatest pump and dump of all time

We are about to witness the biggest scam in crypto history. Hope you anons make some BTC off it.
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Babbys first hard fork
Yes goy.

Keep holding your BTC tight and watch what happens
If making a hardfork is this profitable, why isn't everyone doing it?

Anyone wanna make "Bitcoin /biz/"?

> previous hardfork shitcoins were valued at .2 or in hundreds of dollars and this level of shill

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The LTC BTC swings very volatile between 0.01 0.02. It currently is at around 0.011. I think its worth to look at it and give it a shot to double your BTC within a few weeks.

any sugestions?

wouldnt be a big deal to push that price up 150%.
starting accumulation face and with 700BTC ASK buy pushing it up to 90$.
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
+1 we are already on Board - big pumps income.
that would be a fu big thing.

the last few days there were already 50 -100BTC market buys

Didnt mentioned that LTC BTC dropped that mutch. I planned to buy it around 0.012 but forget to set an alarm so buyin now a way cheaper.
it's not volatile, it's steady as fuck. just in usd. so if btc goes down, obviously ltc-btc will go up.
was at 0.07 earlier this week, not as solid as you think friendo

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10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Buy the dip motherfuckers. Ain't goin this low again.
we are the IOmarines
Literally the most undervalued project by 100 fold.

There's a reason BCC is climbing and will continue to climb into August 23rd.

The BCC pump is all an esoteric blood ritual, a great sacrifice. It's a lure to bring in everyone's money. The pump is going to be so high, it'll be mind-numbing. It's going to hit 0.666 BTC at exactly Midnight on August 23rd at 3AM GMT. BTC will dump some $500+ in the leadup to this.

Everyone will think the great switchening/flippening to BTC will be upon them. More will flood into BCC to escape BTC's crash.

But then the Devil Whale will surface and consume all who had placed their faith in BCC. Someone connected to world finance has set this all up. Bitcoin Cash was named "Cash" because they want it to be symbolic of the "end of cash" they have planned. They want to play out the ritual on the day of the eclipse.

You can make great money on this, but stare too long into the abyss, and you'll be devoured by that which lurks there.
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
this is a cute fud thread disguised as something silly. move along reader, I hope you're holding BCC.
>Devil whale
What do?
Lol pretty accurate but people wouldn't ever get bitcoin get that low.

I really think tonight will be the time BCC dies, after the difficulty adjustment hits and it's still ignored as a irrelevant shitcoin they wont have any sort of ground to stand on
Hello blockstream

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Bitcoin Civil War, who will win? China or China?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.

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20 posts and 7 images submitted.
Great time to buy
>increased value in btc
wtf are you talking about fiatfag
when this shitcoin will finally end?
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If the end game is moar BTC, that's great. At least ETH has fiat exchanges, but the alts aren't so lucky.

If you are an altfag, oil your sexhole now.

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