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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 5267. page

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Greetings goyim, I will start off by saying I am a Jew and I personally believe your giving us a bad rap. Why can't we all just get along, I hear there are many Jews amongst you goys already. So I was wondering as a Jew how can the Jews amongst you goys and me proceed to inspire the young goyim to leave us alone.
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
I hate kikes so much
Why is this? Ive never done anything too you.
>Commie flag
>Is Jewish
>Tries to insinuate that he's got insiders among us
I hate you guys so fucking much.

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>The former group — those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others — is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.


7 posts and 3 images submitted.
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when will it stop /pol/?
Have a bump - and thank you for archiving correctly.

As for when it will end, presumably when we finally make it. I'm afraid that's all I can say right now.
there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.
Maybe not inherently, but then that is also beside the point as pedophiles specifically target younger children. They would otherwise be hebe- (pubescent youngsters) or ephebophiles (teens past puberty) after all.

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This cunt is a literal Islamist, she voted against gay marriage, how dared she?

>against marriage equality
>wants to import homophobic scum from various shitholes like Africa and Middle East

I am triggered by this bitch and want to kill everyone who voted for her, lol
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
>, lol

your people will burn in ovens.

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Somalias presidents name is Farmaajo which means cheese and they are going to be celebrating their independence day soon. So lets raid his twitter page with cheese graters. They are not even independent why do they celebrate? Lets do this 4chan.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
>/pol/-tier RaHoWa
>expecting Tusken Raiders to speak Italian

what is this, star wars?
They are going to celebrate it on the 1/07/2017. This is his twitter account: @TheVillaSomalia
Just wait for Kenyan Twitter to do it.

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Hey, I'm travelling through Europe and I'm thinking about paying a visit to London.


I'd like to see some YouTube of
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
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you'll have to try some of the famous "British cuisine"
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Obvious (You) mining thread. We all know London is a shithole and the answer you'll get is don't go.

It is dirty, expensive, stinks of fish, the people are rude and the city is essentially Paki central. York, Northumberland, Cumbria, Cornwall, Cardiff are all better choices.
I heard there are some good occult libraries there =(
don't do it.
But if you really really have to, stay in the central zone. Don't set any foot outside of it.

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This is what an out of touch billionaire racist acts like, r-right?
60 posts and 12 images submitted.

Wow I guess trump really is the best president since Jackson
What did he do?
Wtf, I love President Trump now...
A lot more respect in his little finger than the last two presidents put together...
Why is he taking that poor niggers hat?

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let's have a thread about these dumb retards
70 posts and 28 images submitted.
Their leader is the love-child of a brutal dictator, a closet homosexual, a communist, and a fucking retard
Please do us remaining rational leafs a favor and mercy kill us with nuclear strikes, I can't bear the fucking embarrassment anymore
A latin leaf.
No wonder he is such an embarrassment.
>yuropes talking shit while drowning in black cock

Most european """countries""" are the size of north american cities. What are you now netherlands? 11? 12 million?


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When did you realize that Europeans are actually not white people?
125 posts and 17 images submitted.
She's right, only Americans are white.
... she says using the internet and a smart phone made by white, American men.
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>made by white, American men

It was probably made by chinks.

If you mean designed, it was probably designed by Jews.

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>California idiots start ordering all of their food online
>Local groceries stop stocking fresh food due to market shift
>Eventually local groceries shut down and retailers like target/walmart stop stocking groceries
>California is hit with classic Brown Out/Earth Quake/Natural disaster and no one can receive their online food orders
>No food
Have fun with the mass hysteria and riots when this eventually happens
74 posts and 9 images submitted.
>Thinking more than a day into the future

What did you expect?
What was the status on them seceding from the US? That would be icing on this delicious cake
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>status on them seceding from the US?
Same as all the celebrities who vowed to move to Canada.
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White states are SAFE!
41 posts and 12 images submitted.
yes we know, and?
nothing new here.
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never change iceland
can you guys get quicker about finishing off germans.

i`m itching to clean up when you are done, those aushwitz ovens are waiting for islamist mongrels
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West coast 4 life

Deus Vult and all that

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Owen Jones' grandfather recently passed on. Say something nice about Owen.
20 posts and 5 images submitted.
Is this guy a jew?
He's dead, that's pretty nice
As least he wasn't a National Socialist
No more shame watching your genetic dead end offspring kill of what little is left of the UK.

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/Pizzagate General/
Figuring out the Panda Connection Edition

Pic related was drawn by an artist named Matt Sesow.
James Alefantis owns the same mask.

Alefantis and Podesta have puchased several of his artworks and sponsor this artist through Comet Pizza sponsoring art exhibits
241 posts and 97 images submitted.
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America Fuck Yeah!

ISIS is losing Mosul and most of its income

The capture of Mosul from ISIS is imminent, US-led coalition says
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Whatever. I dont even care anymore.

Post em
6 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Easily in the top 10.
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Hey /Pol/, why Tesla was never mencioned in the History Books of my School? (((...)))
39 posts and 10 images submitted.
because you're shitskin
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Try again.
here's a bump for your thread
We are the third country most homogeneous of Europe, surpassing Germany and England.

>And Again, Try Again

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7 posts and 2 images submitted.
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That's why most people shoot themselves at the end of killing spree. What's the point of trying to spend the rest of your days in prison.

Guess he wasn't smart enough to figure this part out though.
Fake and old news and no sauce
>derp i cant googles


Mildly obese patients who have a heart attack also have a higher chance of survival than those who are of a normal weight, a new Dallas study revealed

2 posts and 1 images submitted.
(((They))) want healthy organs

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I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I think that WE are speeding up the creation of greater Israel.

The jews in the U.S Government caused 9/11 as a reason for invading Iraq. They really did it to help create Greater Israel, and some more oil, and overthrew Saddam, claiming that Iraq was supporting the group behind 9/11 as a cover story.

Saddam keep terrorism under control when he was in power, same with al-Assad in Syria.

When Saddam was removed from power, a power vacuum formed in Iraq. More terrorism came from this, leading to ISIS.

Now, we are trying to remove ISIS and Assad from power in Syria.

Removing Assad will create another power vacuum in the Middle east, but with ISIS being wiped out, The jews in Israel can take over the area.
They used ISIS to get sand niggers to leave and cuck Europe, and used the U.S and allies to wipe out ISIS, leaving a area to take over.

The jews in the U.S government caused 9/11, this made a power vacuum that lead to ISIS's growth, making sand niggers leave the area, and are using the U.S and allies to get rid of ISIS so Israel to take over the area.
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>power vacuum

That's not a real thing.

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Is this thought policing?

BERLIN — Social media companies operating in Germany face fines of as much as $57 million if they do not delete illegal, racist or slanderous comments and posts within 24 hours, under a law passed on Friday.

1 posts and 1 images submitted.
No replies in the DB for this post!

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29 posts and 10 images submitted.
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really makes me think
that's ridiculous, just goes to confirm that anything besides caucasian is sub-human.
Fetishizing whites isn't the same thing as believing in white supremacy.
She just desperately wants a white bf, but she looks like a boy

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Marco Rubio is destroying Trump
90 posts and 22 images submitted.
To be fair it is retarded. Why the fuck would you want to work with people who are trying to undermine you?
keep your friend close, keep your enemies closer.
>>132983815 (OP) #

So it's confirmed. (((they))) have video of little marco bangin' five year old boys.
who cares what that anchor babby says?
Trump ate him up when they debated. CNN said he was a world class debater, he didn't live up to his fantasy rep.

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This will not stand, war with Russia is back on the menu boys

Washington Post just dropped the bombshell
49 posts and 13 images submitted.
I guess I could keep saying "prove it, just give us one shred of evidence" but I guess it doesn't matter, we're all fucked anyway.
relax cyber cowboy

it was only me and I was only ordering a free communist pizza at your expense
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So much nothing I'm going to be sick
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I hope Russia wins

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Spiderman Homecoming made me realize that its wrong to discount your fellow Americans because of their race. America is a patchwork of different and interesting peoples of all colors, creeds, and places. To fix what ails America, we must create a new America based on the principles of National Socialism for ALL races. The only way the subversive power of International Jewry can be overcome is if we come together as one from many and reject bigotry. All of America will march as one colorful, yet united rainbow under the glorious leader, whoever he will be, crush both the Jew and the entrenched systems of racial and economic inequality he has imposed on us.

May we march under the great and colorful flag of National Socialism, free of bigotry and hate as one America.
18 posts and 5 images submitted.

You actually paid to watch another spiderman movie?
This shit basically ruined the whole fucking movie.

Her names not even MARY its like fucking Michelle or some shit.

Making James Bond black wont even the field.
Making MJ Black wont even the field.
Making Cherly Temple black wont even the field.

The field is even. People just dont want to accept your culture of rape, drugs, crime and "muh dick"

Keep pushing. Youll see real racism soon.
>I had an epiphany after watching capeshit
Just a heads up that holding a rainbow flag will get you killed in five years, best throw that thing away while you still can.

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These countries should unite and defeat the common enemy, (((them))), mudslimes and shitskins.
93 posts and 40 images submitted.
Fuck no
Is Lichtenstein in there too?
1945? We can repeat it.
>No Alsace Lorraine
>No Sudetenland
>No Prussia
Fuck off

How did it happen that London is getting so fast blacked? Where are all the British white people? I was in London 1 week and I was shocked. Lots of british women and polish women have sh*tchildren with niggers and nobody care about it. There is no protests against it. Do all white british men emmigrated to Australia/USA/New Zealand? How we can stop this nightmare?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
Tony Blair/Labour really fucked things up.

>Do all white british men emmigrated to Australia/USA/New Zealand?
Some do, but did you just go to cities when you visited? Minorities usually cultivate in cities and become majorities.
All the British people aren't in London.
And yes, none of us think most of London is British anymore.
I went to my brother who lives in North London. Half of population is black. Usually white people are old people. Brother and his wife and son back to Poland in this year. I have see too much...
H-Hey Poland. A-are you fine with M-Muslim tourists?

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