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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 22835. page

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Ok now hear me out, this might sound stupid but...

Say im white and i get teleported to a random country in Africa like Sudan or Somalia. If I was Sudanese or Somalian and got teleported to a country like sweden or the U.S. nothing would happen and i would be able to fit in. Say if a white person got teleported into the middle of one of these countries, would i face any harm?, or would nothing happen to me? Essentially what would be the worst that could happen other than strange looks, or is that all the would happen?
55 posts and 7 images submitted.
Depends man I've travelled quite a bit and sub saharan africa is no doubt the place where you wanna look out the most. A lot of people will scam you and if you're in the wrong place someone will mug you or worse. Always have a contact who can help you get around or be a skilled traveller, but if you were dropped smack bang in the ghetto prepare to die I guess.
It depends. There are a few countries where you would be fine: Ghana, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Kenya. anywhere else and you'd probably be robbed for everything on your body
Contrary to popular belief, whites are respected and welcomed in rural areas of Africa. The cities are just like every city in the world. You have the pickpockets who think they're smarter than everyone, just like every other pickpocket in history. No kidnappings. There's a higher chance of you getting kidnapped in Mexico City than Addis Ababa.

I could keep deconstructing your preconceived notions.
what about persecution just for people white? I would figure that whites arent welcome and may face violence just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time

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Don't they know that if you stop your enemies...your enemies win?
79 posts and 27 images submitted.
Don't right wing retards know that people make up quotes like this to prove that conservatives are the biggest morons on the planet are gullible fucks and will believe anything.
It's okay you don't have to stop Trump. It is guaranteed that Hillary will win.

Obama has ordered the Homeland Security along with 500 foreign observers from the United Nations to make sure that the election will not be rigged by Trump.
Yeah but if Trump is our enemy and we stop him, he wins...so if we let him win, really he loses.
As I said there is nothing to worry about the election. It's already in the bag.

Hillary will be the next President of the United States.

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What is better to stimulate a country?
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
social spending = free housing, free food, etc.?

then military for sure. you can sell weapons.
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It's not even close: Military Spending is much more important. The difference is that Military Spending directs money towards research, products, and (general) responsible people. In the U.S., at least, welfare recipients are the dregs of society.

Are you familiar with U.S. DARPA program. Do you like lasers, satellites, advanced materials research, landscape improvement projects, ... THE INTERNET!, and other significant products. Military Spending baby! You're Soaking In It.
Vote for religion

Military. Social spending doesn't create manufacturing job or really any jobs

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Would you fight for your country in it's current state?
229 posts and 48 images submitted.
>country is good
worth fighting for
>country is shit
have something to fight over

answer is yes either way

If you are implying WW3, I'd join the russians as soon as they cross the borders tbqh.
This isn't the germany of my ancestors, its not worth defending.
Not if its going to be the same after the war.

As a Syrian, i would.

>wagecucks have to work next Monday

How does it feel to be the indentured slaves of modern society?
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
Monday is my day off though
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Feels bad.

But such is life.
>working on Labor Day
Got monday off, paid. Own a house and two cars, 45k in the bank. Feels fucking amazing.

Oh btw rent is due on the 1st, its late on the 5th buddy.

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What does /pol/ think of Niggers: The Cartoon?
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Hilarious. Especially the Obama episode.
Has an interesting way of calling a spade a spade.
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Nigger moment is best moment
Made by based niggers.

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86 posts and 42 images submitted.
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Praise him!
praise kek
Hillary will win

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>Christchurch 5 years after the earthquake

I thought white people were good at rebuilding? New Orleans did a better job.
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Kek, related.

A 7.1 just hit New Zealand.
The repairs would have been done by now if the faggots doing the repairs had stopped fingering butthole. The whole thing was managed extremely badly.
Elaborate? Weren't most structures privately owned? I thought it would be a straightforward process of getting insurance money or a loan and rebuilding.
why didn't the government just print money?

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>Whites are master race

You were saying?
185 posts and 47 images submitted.
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whitey btfo!!!
from babylon , persia, egypt , greece , rome ,byzantium , spain , portugal . there is only one master race and its called mediterranean
A fat mexican with a backhoe working for one hour can do more than this black man working for a week.

Master race indeed.

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So is Trump winning or losing? I haven't visited /pol/ in weeks so I don't know what happens there.
22 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Hes already won
he's winning the popular vote, but the federal government and UN has said they will rig the vote, in so many words.

so yeah, it's gonna be a great election
He is winning yes.

But mainstream media is skewing the polls against Trump.

Obama even tasked Homeland Security with looking after the election after a false-Russain hack took place.
I want to smell her farts

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New Star Wars droid announced. Are they going too far? What is this bullshit
96 posts and 29 images submitted.
Literally r2dindu

The memes are transcending reality
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did make "beep" sounds or "scratch" and "smack lips" ?
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/pol/, can racemixing be a good thing?

When minorities breed with majorities, they kill their genes. As time passes, there will be an initial increase in mixed genotypes, but after some time, the genetic tendency is that these mixed races will breed with with the pure majority, and little by little the race would purify again.
19 posts and 6 images submitted.
This won't work with open borders. There are more of them outside than there are of us inside.
White are the minorities worldwide. They will die, diluted in the black majority.
We fight and kill everyone else.
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Race mixing isn't anything, it's just a process and whom it benefits depends on where you stand, or how neutral you are.

I watched a documentary on British history, one episode was on the roman conquest, which featured an interesting story of a Syrian merchant who married a local British slave. You can go back further to the Mesolithic era and find European migration into Britain, bringing the first stages of global trade.

You'll never eliminate race mixing, nor are the effects of it generally noticeable on a small scale. Nevertheless there are other consequences. For example, the African population into the US has brought about Negros with higher IQ's because of race mixing with Caucasians. But of what benefit is this to Caucasians? Negros are dumber, more violent and less civilized. On any large scale, this is a negative.

If you end up promoting it, or ignoring it, this can be a process that can get very out of hand.
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this is Brazil genes getting whiter.

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This just happened in my beautiful state of Utah
86 posts and 17 images submitted.
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Must suck to suck faggot.
How exactly will they enforce this?
>/pol/ is ok with government overreach
Good luck with this law Utah, its literally unenforcable

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>/pol/ will defend this
67 posts and 19 images submitted.

Give up Drumpfkins. My Queen Hillary is leading the polls. Drumpf coming to Mexico to humiliate himself was the final nail on the coffin. He's nothing but an arrogant bankrupt guy who refuses to release his tax returns.
I don't see a problem.
Third line is right. Fuck HIV degenerates.
We all know that most people with Aida are gays.

Fourth line is also right. I mean, just because you're a promiscuous whore doesnt means it's ok for you to commit ki slaying.
It would also encourage traditional families

Last line is also ok. Faggots are disgusting, and the principal reason JlHIV is even a problem
Nobody cares about pence. He's just there to secure the evangelical vote

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Ciggies went up - now $25 a pack WHY????
... so that we can pay for MORE shira plain packaging

89 posts and 18 images submitted.
kek bogans and degenerates btfo
Really? $25? I thought itwas bad at $14 for 25 here.
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Prestige brands go for $35 and up.

i call bullshit... even in central london the max is like 11 quid

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>be collegefag
>feminist in my statistics class
>accidentally use the word faggot in conversation
>she scolds me for it
>ask her if she is straight
>tell her not to police my language
>she assumes im gay and shuts the fuck up
>im not
29 posts and 8 images submitted.
now fuck her furiously she will regret talking back to you
How hot was she though
You're a swede, it's a synonym with faggot.
You're an albanian, it's a synonym with subhuman.

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>illinois is a blue state
americans will defend this
300 posts and 42 images submitted.
Probably one of the worst decisions ever made by the court 2b honest f/\m

u like that i just made it up for u

Gerrymandered districs
how many people live in the red area

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13 posts and 5 images submitted.
Someone should break him out. Not too hard to trick 100 IQ plebs.
>expose corruption
>sent to jail

>18 hours in MS paint
He's probably lucky Clinton didn't kill him

Though I expect he'll have an "accident" in prison

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Leftist chuck sings about not to vote for the AfD (=Make Germany Great Again party)


6.785 : 3.242, Likes : Dislikes, your help is needed!
59 posts and 16 images submitted.
That guy on the left. It's a guy. Believe me. That's a guy. I know a guy when I see one. It's a guy.
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>AfD (=Make Germany Great Again party)

please stay on /int/
Down voted

Fucking hell what a disgusting language, Germanic barbarians

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>A group of 67 prominent intellectuals, scientists, artists and award-winning authors from Mexico and the rest of Ibero-America have signed a statement blasting Republican pre-candidate Donald Trump’s “hate speech,” which they say “recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths.”

92 posts and 46 images submitted.
>mexican intellectuals

>mexican intellectuals
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>mexican intellectuals
>mexican intellectuals

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How do we fix the redditfrog problem, /pol/?
13 posts and 11 images submitted.
If you fixed it, they win.
A few sections of Reddit are like Fisher Price My First /pol/. It would be remiss on our part to abandon our lost children to degeneracy.
We don't.

I'm not a fan of the gross "Poo Poo Pee Pee" comics or the autistic kek worshipping, but the fact that people have made Pepe so adaptable to every situation is what makes him so great.

We see him a lot on here, so it makes it easier for us to sympathize with him on whatever he's being compared to. This is why you see people post with him all the time for everything. When we're angry, sad, happy, etc.

His flexible persona (that we give him) is what makes him who he is, and is why he's still as popular as he is today. He helps us express ourselves in a poster boy fashion which ends up working well in nearly every situation. Don't expect him to die out anytime soon.
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>“As soon as we sat down to order, I made it very clear that I had no intention of paying for lunch,” Peña Nieto said. “And when the check arrived, I made absolutely no move to pick it up.”

54 posts and 6 images submitted.
>the literal president of Mexico can't afford food

Made me think
Trump getting cucked at every turn
Shillary have weekly strokes
The public shart in mart

Why is america so retarded?
>Implying he could afford it

Is there anything more cucked than when an alpha embarasses you by paying for your meal?
So what is he trying to say here? That he's a woman?

BREAKING: The first debate to be hosted in the following format:


Instead, they will answer questions back-to-back


62 posts and 8 images submitted.
This wasn't supposed to be a debate, goofus

this is a joke right?
that's not a debate
how the fuck is this allowed?
The jews are panicking
then why are they called the presidential debates?

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122 posts and 32 images submitted.

Ancaps are worse than socialists
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We're all fucked
170 posts and 37 images submitted.
Fucking good. I've been preparing for this for half my life. Who's /comfy/ for the apocalypse here?
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But I thought that the CDC said that this couldn't happen?

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