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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 13205. page

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Who would do such an awful thing /pol/?
74 posts and 19 images submitted.
Hey Rabbi whatcha doin'?
A Jew.
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I wonder how many of the headstones had "TRUMP" spray-painted on them.
Please be Muslims

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Hey guys I have all these cool and flashy/eye-catching photos of Milo, uhhmmm
*checks spelling on Macbook*

Im now going to go onto my homepage(4chan dot com) and post about my hatred for this man- i mean FAGGOT (right?)((too much?))

I mean come on guys just look at him hes PROOO PEDOPHILIA lol we cant have that goys XDDD
3 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Do you guys hate milo yet jesus christ I need more cocaine and a little boy to fuck
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The cognitive dissonance is real /nupol/ is pedophilia friendly I guess teehee :^)

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What's all the Milo-fuzz about? Apparently he said something about a party when talking to Joe Rogan. Can anyone post a transcript or something?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
who cares?
Reminder to sage milo threads.
I care because I fear that a bunch of people are about to fall for a "literally nothing"
Shill attacks , You really think that all twenty of these Milo threads are organic are you f****** serious? go back to rëddit.

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Just how much of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the USA can be attributed to its military-industrial complex, /pol/?
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
Bump for interest
3.5%, based on $600b defense budget and $16.77t GDP

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>Bullseye host/podcaster Jesse Thorn speaks out about raising a gender nonconforming child.
>Then she started asking again, "Why do girls have vaginas and boys have penises?" which was something we'd talked about when she was younger. This time I just mentioned, well, not all girls have vaginas and boys have penises, and she said, "I'm a girl with a penis." So then I took her shopping for some clothes she liked, and she changed over pretty quickly and chose the name Grace soon after that.

This whole article is bullshit starting with the photo at the top. He runs the podcast network MaximumFun, and I'm a big fan of some of the shows on there. I especially like Stop Podcasting Yourself, but MBMBaM and Sawbones are also pretty good. I always knew these people were pretty liberal, but this goes way too far. REEEEEEEEEEE. What do you think /pol/? Is allowing your 4 year old to identify as a girl OK? And should public elementary schools encourage and participate in this behavior?
55 posts and 7 images submitted.
>ITT government subsidized radio program's host confuses child into having a mental illness

We'll see how disappointed the parents will be once the kid turns out to be so narrow minded after hitting puberty
All NPR staff belong in the oven.
People who let their children identify as the opposite of their biological gender before puberty should have their kids taken away.
Well my cousin had his nails painted by his sister when he was 5-7. we of course acted maturely made fun of him for it. Guess what? He's not gay.

We still call each other fags.

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>"This sort of arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys you know understanding that many of us have. The complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex. In the homosexual world particularly. Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents."

>"arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent"

>"the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety"
9 posts and 4 images submitted.
Literally who?
He's basically just describing what it's like for a confused gay kid growing up.

I can see how diehard conservative types wouldn't like this, but the harsh reaction from the left is some serious bullshit.




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>tfw you realize America's enemies from N.K. to Iran whole defense is: "O-oh yeah, well before you annihilate us in nuclear hell-fire we can k-kill a couple thousand non-Americans."
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why aren't there nuclear payloads in the air right fucking now?
That isn't true.

North Korea can kill a lot of Americans that are parked nearby, even if they miss them and just kill South Koreans or Japanese we're still obligated to help them.

Iran can hit nothing of legitimate value, maybe a base with a few thousand troops or a naval group at most. Even then that have no reason to do so. Iran isn't a serious threat to us and not a nation we should be spending time worrying about.
>implying DPRK has the technology

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We have to lower the age of consent. Immigrants are fucking our women before we even get the chance.
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
Age of consent is a jewish trick. A general rule should be old enough after menstruation starts.
Yeah because you treat cancer by killing the patient before they die from cancer.
you wut m8
That would be pretty effective statistically speaking.

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>Milo talks about his experience with older men a long time ago on Joe Rogan
>Millions of views, everyone knows the story
>CTR shills are looking through his old videos desperately trying to find any dirt on him
>Misconstrue old story everyone knew about to try and make him pro-pedophile
>In the midst of pizzagate where CTR is protecting literal child rapists.

Not gonna work CTR. Ideologues can't be defeated with smear campaigns.

Thats why you LOST.
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
I dont think its CTR. This has Rick "The fat fuck cuck" Wilson written all over it.

I wouldn't be surprised.

If you go back and look at what milo actually said, he wasn't PRO pedophilia. He just said when he has sexual experience with older men in his teens he was mature enough to make those decisions.

I did some crazy shit with people in their 20's when i was 16, 17, 18 and it wasn't that big of a deal at all.

Statutory rape being "real rape" is a fucking meme.

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2 posts and 1 images submitted.
i watched jones since 2005/06, he calls out everyone. he is a humble magic water merchant.

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Good ol /pol/ oc thread

If you wanna make oc's but can't afford photoshop/think its too sketchy to torrent use gimp or pixlr
49 posts and 31 images submitted.
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I was making an OC game a while back, but haven't worked on it in a while.
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Colored version
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Something I never added.

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He's HERE.
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
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he is redpilling normies now.
4chan is a mainstream website. It's not your secret club.

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Is paedophilia and homosexuality just an endless causal cycle?

>Kid gets molested by older gay guy
>Turns gay
>Develops a gay fetish in youth
>Grows up
>Molests kids
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
What do you think?
I got molested but i draw the line at 16 year old girls since it's legal and such
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Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:



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>why do millennials use Adderall?
I see this stupid thread coming up a lot.

I'll tell you faggots why.
It's not just millennials using it. It's businessmen. Even our president is on a more hardcore version of it called Vyvanse, unless he's oldschool and takes Dexedrine. Literally every business takes it. That and modafinil. You're a working machine on them and that's part of being successful. It's literally their fuel.

It shouldn't be prescribed to kids though shit will fuck you up if you're a kid.

Any businessman/smart politician knows to take that shit
206 posts and 20 images submitted.
i have a low dose prescription. it is most critical to have on the weekends because otherwise i would likely be laying around all day.

it's a hell of a drug
>Literally every business takes it.
Meant businessman.
Maybe if you're a weak willed faggot

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How to spot an anglokike state

>nanny state
>half your age plus 7
>rampant ideological bullshit like feminism in universities
>irrational hatred of male genitalia
>(((casual))) sex is the norm
>gynocentrism in the judicial system
>biggest cucks on the planet
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
success breeds jealousy
How to spot an Austrian state

>bunker incest
>half your age minus seven
>rampant ideological bullshit like catholicism
>irrational hatred of sports that don't involve snow
>family sex is the norm
>napoleon in the legal system
>weirdest germans on the planet
>bullshit like catholocism

Keep praying to the queen, proddie cuck
Our only mistake was not wiping out every Catholic on the planet

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Is it true that people are able to reproduce and have said reproduction paid for by the taxpayers because they are on welfare? If so, should we bring it up to Trump to revamp the policies of welfare somehow?
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Of course.
He should take away the welfare benefits of single mothers especially, discourage the sluts from fucking around.
>Is it true that people are able to reproduce and have said reproduction paid for by the taxpayers because they are on welfare?

fucking disgusting
your children them becoming everyone's public property
maybe that's justice
No, that's pussyfooting and not the real core issue.
The fundamental issue is that we have niggers living on American soil right now.
Do you really think that?

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This milo shit is almost definitely a calculated distraction, just like Nazi Frog Day was 6 months ago.
Brietbart will probably be one of the earliest to break, but may as well keep an eye on other trump-friendly sources, especially ones liable to be censored.

I watched the milo story unfold. Not only is the story very contrived and baseless, but the break was very orchestrated as well, from the blaze to CNN. I highly doubt they care about/want to witch hunt Milo this much.
7 posts and 3 images submitted.
i don't give a shit about milo nopolupulus

why does /pol/ get so triggerd over this faggot?
Tards and shills didn't realize months ago that he was a potential plant

MSM wants him politically dead, that's reason enough to prop him up.

Deus Vult LARPing toolbags want him gone, too, so it's trolling them for shits and giggles.
Bump. Lads, way too many Milo and pedo threads. Sage and hide. Let them burn their resources.

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>If you dislike Milo "Edgy race mixing pedophile" Yiannopolusteinberg then youre obviously a shill hurr


He went to a fucking all male school in britain in the 80s/90s, that and the video is all I need to know hes a pedophile
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
>trying to crosslink to reddit

Leftypol/reddit is that way cuck
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Its a meme you fucking retard

>Unironically saying cuck
>another thread about that faggot
Can't the mods ban anyone who start a thread for or against that idiot?
Conscious and unconscious sliding.

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Where did he go wrong?
286 posts and 17 images submitted.
He lost the war.
A bullet to the head.
oi thats that cheeky kunt that shot my grandad
he showed the rest of us the blueprints

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>he doesn't work or is not in education
>he isn't married or in a longterm relationship with a loyal loving woman
>probably a long term kissless virgin
>he doesn't lift

What's your problem?
How are you going to save the West if you can't even keep a girlfriend?

Inb4 "muh 50% divorce" (fake stat), "muh women are whores" (generalisation), muh feminism (most women don't even know what feminism is or care about it).

4 posts and 1 images submitted.
got a case of the autism, thanks for reminding me.. jackass.
I'm sorry Timothy, but you can still lift and learn social rules.
Im getting there.

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12 posts and 3 images submitted.

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okay /pol/

this is the thread where we come up with ways to defend and keep Sweden away from the hands of dirty mudslimes. The pure aryan, white country has been getting fucked in the ass so hard, its unbelievable, and its only getting worse.

So, /pol/, how do you think we should go about this?
37 posts and 11 images submitted.
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Sydney, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news
They should wire all the money here, we will keep it safe until they leave for another country.
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Madrid, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
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I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Somalia, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

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Why do you hate Her? All She does it interpret games and explain how they are sexist. What harm is She doing exactly?

Even if you disagree with her you should respect her opinion because you have one too.
228 posts and 44 images submitted.
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>that nose
>that fucking nose
To the oven
ur a fag lol

She's too moderate. She will never present a final solution to the GQ.
She is irrelevant and dumb. But you're right she can shill and scam normies for all they're worth, not my problem.

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Let it be known, that the Bible can pierce through our sickness, sin, and we can then see clearly. And know, that when we live in this corrupt world, though our bodies live, our spirit doesn't (because the spirit is eternal), but when we know God, through Jesus Christ, our eternal spirit lives.
53 posts and 20 images submitted.
This. Being saved and devoid of fear is absolutely the best feeling one can experience. Praise the LORD
>Believes in one God
>Genesis says in the beginning God created the earth blah blah
>Original translation says Elohim, Elohim means Gods PLURAL
>Not advancing spiritually
>Not realizing Elohim means multiple Gods
>Devoid of fear
>If you don't believe in me you'll burn for eternity
alluah akbar

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>Ukip member caught on CCTV urinating and trying to push way into OAP's home in Stoke Central

>Protesters at Irish border block people passing through to prevent hard border upon Brexit

>Blair declares open war on Brexit. Sides with Sturgeon - pro-indyref2

>Junker rolls over in full damage control. Offers to downsize EU to prevent Brexit Dominoes

>Bercow has 11 MPs backing him against vote of 'no confidence'

>Pound slumps against Euro over fall in consumer spending due to inflation

>NHS heavily reliant on foreign workers, needs more

>Brexit begins to benefit UK fishermen
322 posts and 150 images submitted.
Is YKTD /their guy/?
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Who /dayoff/ here?

Telly is shit isn't it

Who's the fifty on Loose Women though?


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