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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 15139. page

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Generation Z is finally saved from the grasp of Marxists
89 posts and 32 images submitted.
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Thank you America

I can watch this gloriousity from my humble non-country

I love you so much

I love Trump so much
I feel bad for the poor sods in the Hillary timeline
they deserve it
Glorious. What a time. Praise Kek.


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In case you don't know, Brazil is in a real life PURGE right now:


342 posts and 47 images submitted.
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Why is Brazil in state of shit?
It's about FUCKING time someone called them out
read the articles. over 52 dead, armed thugs stealing buses, people being shot at if they walk outside. shit is a REAL LIFE PURGE
It's full of Brazilians.

Also, the police are on strike. Kind of. It's complicated.

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In a wild turn of events, Bannon is controlling Trump.

Could it be...Trump is the ultimate cuck???

14 posts and 5 images submitted.
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cool, Bannon is based
But I thought you liberals said Putin controlled him.
Your tactics are predictable and uninspiring.
Surely a person with a Masters in 12th Century Magyar poetry can do better than this?

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Feels good knowing I voted for the true lesser of two evils.
16 posts and 6 images submitted.

We did it, he will never gain access to the nuclear codes!
I love how this thread is so fucking dead.
this board is not for intelligent debate please leave

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Daily reminder that this will happen and no one can stop it. Not even Trump. I have studied conspiracies for 35 years and the Denver International Airport is the most accurate depiction of our future.
24 posts and 8 images submitted.
implying that's not /pol/ holding the gun in pic related?
If it's not drumpf then why does he have the drumpf dick sucking lips. Drumpf BTFO. Prove me wrong pro tip you cant
Congratulations anon. 35 years then you must have heard about:
Albert PikeĀ“s 3 world wars
The """Fake""" Protocols
Oded Yinon

Yes? It is all known. The rise of the right is part of their plan. They need a stronger right + some enforcement of Christianity. So that the two sides are somewhat equally strong so they can utterly BTFO eachother. Then they come in and rule the rebuilding world, this time completely and without challengers.
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Nah senpai. The truth is these are just some old ass magic pictures on a temple under the ice. We don't know shit about them or what they're supposed to represent.

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What do millennials think of Generation Z born after 9/11/2001?


Are they the most based generation?
263 posts and 45 images submitted.
its a meme
Don't like 56% of them identify as bisexual?
memes have power, my friend.
Those are the tumblr girls
I work with elementary kids as a health care professional and these kids are straight up memers who grew up on pewdiepie

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Well, bigots? How does it feel to be literally shaking?
29 posts and 5 images submitted.
Grasping for any straws they can to insult with at this point
>Implying corporations weren't the ones who started all this bullshit to being with.
>Implying prime time shilling from the NFL isn't an established past-time.
The best part is more liberal news sites are shitting on her for not bashing Trump, than conservative news sites are shitting on her for performing.
I bet 84 lumber is literally shaking a lot more than most conservatives right now.

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It's time to take California back.
31 posts and 4 images submitted.

let's hope if he does win, he uncucks the state and gives us back our 2nd Amendment
you will nned to get rid of the snowflakes and Mexicans first if he is going to have a chance.
I'll be interested to see how this goes
guess who's in office...

Also he's gay

Hello /pol/,

This is Donnie Tump.

I want you to know that if you ever hear of anyone saying anything bad or negative about me - they are lying and are part of the fake-news-conspiracy. Please only listen to my facts, my state approved facts. Thank you, <3

-Donnie (MAGA)
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
They have literally been writing blatant lies about him for the past 2 years or so. Where the fuck have u been

I have been away busting Obama's birth certificate:


I know this is bait but a lot of lefties are really pushing this kind of narrative.
How is the person pointing out lies in the wrong and not the actual people doing the lying?

I want you to know that I have the best words, and I'm more humble than anyone.on.earth.ever.

I am so great, that I will bring everyone together. Everyone will come together behind Donald Trump; you'll see.

This is why anything negative about me; couldn't possibly be true. I can't do anything wrong - I could walk out into the middle of fifth avenue, and shoot somebody... and I'd be proven right.

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222 posts and 49 images submitted.
It's a waste of money. Liberals will never understand the value of a dollar.
Why do you even need one. I'm a towels only man myself
it's called wearing a towel you stupid fuck

i bet you own a filthy bath robe and never wash it you disgusting cretin
Why the fuck is this news? Is the liberal media going to find every little thing to demonize Trump over? The reach is fucking real, man.

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Your opinion on Immigration and why immigration is bad?
12 posts and 6 images submitted.
Immigration in itself is fine IMHO. So long as we fucking enforce immigration laws and we only accept those that have some thing to positively contribute to society.

I'm against the refugee program. Why the fuck should we take in good-for-nothings when we still got fucking homeless?
Immigration is good, but you can't expect to take in 65 IQ africans en masse and expect them to contribute to society as European immigrants to the US did a century ago.
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Immigration is good, when controlled.
nothing inherently wrong about the brown glob except for purely emotional reasons. there is solidarity in that brown glob, there is reason, there is purpose. that brown glob will absorb, assimilate, and unite the other colors and continue to further it's influence.

>m-m-muh pretty colors

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Sitting here watching RT and just noticed there's no Advertisers, even online. How do they pay for shit?
39 posts and 9 images submitted.
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That's weird huh?!
with my tax money, what else
hope you're enjoying your quality ad-free propaganda
they hack the banks
look closer and listen more attentive.

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>muh cultural marxism
>muh degeneracy
Holy fuck is America this bad right now, or is this guy a deluded fag like Alex jones?
23 posts and 9 images submitted.
You have no idea m8. We meme about it but it's everyday life in the US. They unironically have mandatory gender studies in colleges, even the best of them.
Fuck off weeb tripfag, this is supposed to be anonymous site, if you need to be recognised as epic memester go to fucking Reddit.

I want to snap your fucking neck nigger.
>They unironically have mandatory gender studies in colleges, even the best of them.

We actually got to pick between gender studies, Jewish history, Asian-American history, black history, or Hispanic history at my school... and yes, these were required courses for graduation.
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>deluded fag like Alex jones?

Britshill detected

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WTF I love Trudeau now?
38 posts and 9 images submitted.
Trudeau will probably apologize for this
either that or he'll go full red pill.

nah he will definitely apologize.
Is he our guy now?
>White Supremacist
You have to go back

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The Left wants to destroy The West, while this is well known(Also why The Left is working with Islamic groups & Soros is backing so many Left protest networks) there is a psychological aspect to this that is not talked about enough.

The Left wants to die(killed) & be oppressed.

If you look at all the behaviors/actions of The Left(and who they ally with/work for) its clear they are Suicidal and are more then willing to bring everyone around them down, and even there appearances show that.

With this in mind, its no wonder why Soros uses them as Expendable pawns & Islamic groups see them as allies to bring down The West.

The Left on some biological level were not supposed to exist, and they know that subconsciously. Which is why they proactively destroy society, family & culture around them.
377 posts and 37 images submitted.

Bump for anon5. Have you done a thread about destroying feminism yet?
Future topics I plan on covering:

1) How some EU/US globalists screwed themselves.

2) Anatomy of a Left Protest
>The UN will invade the UK

Fuck off shill.

Slide thread.

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Hey /pol/ I need a Canadian history subject from 82 to present to piss of a super liberal teacher.
21 posts and 2 images submitted.
And don't forget to call it the "lolocaust"
1982 to present cunts, sadly this teacher doesnt recognize the current jewish threat and the need for a second holocaust

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Americans aren't white either, if you're gonna criticize me, then you better not be Senor 56%.

Pic related, average Mexican and even if we're 50% European then we're still members of the white race. We're born from colonialism puto.

Some of your "whites" are actually indistinguishable from our light skinned Mexicans and this is just pure discrimination.

/pol/, I am your Aryan brother, accept me as I am, a white man who wants to better your country.
196 posts and 43 images submitted.
in this day and age, anyone who is >50% white is automatically white.

this is the only solution in the fight against the asian horde.

Sorry, Pedro, one drop rule.
Mayweather rematch when?
I'm 76% white, clearly that is white and you are a reasonable gentleman.

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>James "I hate kids" Alefantis owns a social media site for kids.


34 posts and 14 images submitted.
Is it time for a raid?
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What? Sounds like fake news.

Just read the article. He provides ample amount of sources.

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She gone, rip in pieces
20 posts and 3 images submitted.
I got so comfy just watching this
Holy god damn.
Taking all bets:

Damage inflicted on Tana's career compared to Leafy's career:
Worse: 1/2
Approx. same: 5/4
Less: 4/1
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He's right, but also
>that pokemon skit
>these animal edits
why are you posting this garbage on /pol/ fuck off back to r/eddit

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a.) They show them off in sex ways.
b.) Most girls I've been with I can, or almost can give them an orgasm JUST using their breast.

If it gives you an orgasm, it's a sexual organ isn't it?
51 posts and 11 images submitted.
It's a way to have power over you by demanding something essentially impossible (since it's hard wired into our brains) and trying to shame you when you fail
only dumb, retarded, and mostly flat women say that

and I say that as someone who actually likes flat better than huge tits
>Most girls I've been with I can, or almost can give them an orgasm JUST using their breast.
Oh honey, oh sweetie...
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>b.) Most girls I've been with I can, or almost can give them an orgasm JUST using their breast.
my sweet summer child

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Here lads what's happening with this vault shite
111 posts and 28 images submitted.
soon. need sessions to sign off on prosecutions
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>The second about WWII (might mean it is related to Israel)
Oy vey?
>the quality of that picture

Holy fuck how many aggregator websites have mangled this poor picture?

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so, what's the RedPill on syndicalism?
Is it commie shit or a good weapon against jewry?
22 posts and 12 images submitted.
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Commie crap. Capitalism is the only way anon. It moves our country forward. It's what makes America great, and England okay, and France terrible.
It's communists roleplaying as no steppy on snekky folks
can't you have Capitalism with Unions?
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Sure, that's the great thing about capitalism, it's ultimately the freedom to do what you want with your property. If you want to form your own coop, commune, or socialist enclave, you are free to do so. If you want to form a workers union, you are free to do so. If you want to be self employed, you are free to do so. If you want to go off the grid and be self sufficient, you are free to do so. And, surprisingly enough, when you give people the freedom to make their own choices, the economy tends to prosper, as generally people know what's good for them more than the government does.

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So he steals our memes now!?
42 posts and 6 images submitted.
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Is there an actual link between Steve Bannon and the KKK, or is is just liberals taking their nightmares for reality ?
Why is there a paper between Stephen Bannon and KKK?
Why did they put Bill Clinton with the face mask on? Why not Hillary?
Would have made more sense.
wow really bakes my banana bread

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Ukip= civic nationalists, will likely never embrace ethno-nationalist ideology. Scenario 1 is that Ukip wins Stoke and starts a surge in the North and Midlands- which means the main right-wing force in the country will be civic. It might not be the SNP variety of civic but it will still kill the chances of a genuine blood and soil movement.

Scenario 2 is that Ukip loses and is effectively over as a party, meaning that a more radical party could then emerge to take its place? I really cannot see 4 million voters defecting back to Theresa or Jeremy Binman

My main questions (based on either of the two premises above) is what will the British nationalism of the future look like? What should it look like?

Should it channel the politics of Enoch Powell or Oswald Mosley? Or something new altogether?
29 posts and 14 images submitted.
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Watch this channel, it answers all your questions.
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without anyone thats charismatic it won't look much different to what the far right is now in the UK
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Actually use this channel, this is the real channel.
There is no future for you in general. Your island is shit and it should burn.

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1. Kill all jews
2. Kill all blacks except the top 10% of black women to be kept as sex slaves for white men
3. Kill all brown people - Arabs, Mexicans, Indians, and Asians. Keep the top 25% of brown women to be used as sex slaves for white men

Enjoy your white race utopia!
43 posts and 5 images submitted.
are there jews in india?
Nani bout my jap idols desu?
>10% black women
>25% brown women

>wants to genocide Indians

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