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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 28605. page

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

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Why is nuclear energy so taboo nowadays? There has never been a major nuclear accident with modern nuclear reactors, yet so many people seem opposed to building new ones. Chernoble, Fukushima, chalk river, 3 mile Island were all reactors with early designs, and often were decades old. The new reactor designs such as CANDU all have great energency safety systems in place that make them nearly 100% meltdown proof. The local reactor in my town is of CANDU design and it has had 2 seperate cases of burst coolant pipes in the 80s and 90s, yet both times the emergency coolant system worked flawlessly to prevent a meltdown situation from occuring. So many people bitch about global warming, yet they do not support the only realistic alternative to fossil fuels that we currently possess. Solar and wind are still decades away from being realistic sources of energy, and fusion reactors probably won't be viable for another 30-50 years. Why is the public so against it?
51 posts and 8 images submitted.
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Public opinion has been against it for decades and all new reactors have to be approved by governments, opinions shifting though. Also a a bunch of new Nuke reactors would drive the drive of electricity and oil down, the big Energy companies dont want that.

The fear angle is kinda valid, they're low risk in statistical terms, but the price of a fuckup can get very high very fast, the Japan mess basically fucked an entire urban area. SO far a majority of people would rather pay more than take the risk. An then there's the whole terrorist angle, If Allah is Snackbar just once inside a reactor complex shit could get very ugly, Something liek happen you can kiss nuke reactors goodbye for another 50 years.

Stable Fusion when?
>Stable Fusion when?
Most stable timeline ever: in 20 years.
Rollan 4 nam

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"Yay! 15 dollar minimum wage!"

Fucking idiots.
340 posts and 31 images submitted.
>getting paid more
>for doing less
They'll lose their jobs and spread like cancer to Texas and Florida, as Californiafaggots have been prone to doing lately. I swear to god they should be issued a passport so we can ID them and shoot them at the border.
> get paid more
> no guarantees to keep your job
> no guarantees to keep your hours
> no guarantees to keep your benefits
> at least we can say we get paid more per hour
Liberals are insufferable.

"You know what we should do to cure inflation? MORE inflation! BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE! :D"

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What the hell, CNN?
219 posts and 41 images submitted.
>dear niggers on the Internet and in cars
Damn oven dodger

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The flightplan I filed with the Agency lists me, my men, and doctor Pavel here. But only one of you.

The first one named Donald gets to stay on my aircraft.
312 posts and 67 images submitted.
what if i'm a big guy?
flight plans dont list ppl.... this is fake.
Big guy here

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Jewish names/ last names get a virgin chosen gf
171 posts and 26 images submitted.
Cohen get
kikey shlomo get.
Roll for judea gf
It gevalt

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>Delegates The Lion: 752 / The Liar: 463 / The Who: 144

SUPER GOP ELECTION TRACKER: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hkgLa844MzTgeqcmrkeSrLnq7vJJZl2S7lMz8Qf5xq8/





304 posts and 95 images submitted.
Found the fags trying to ddos Trumps Websites
They are at it right now.

Webchat :

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2016-03-31 13.32.54.png
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best name get
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More town hall bullshit.

I want a YUGE rally.

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Phone records of an infamous owner of a DC escort agency, Deborah Jeane Palfrey could destroy the life of one of the current candidates.

Previous Thread Lacked Vision!
There is a time for banter and facts, but that time isn't now!
This is NEWS /pol/!
This is time to speculate and rev those exess social media accounts!

>"Did Ted Cruz Buy Prostitutes!?!?!?"
>"Does Bernie Sanders have a Dark Secret?"
>"Who is the DC Madam, and what does that have to do with John Kasich?"
>"Did Hillary Clinton Murder DC Madam To cover for her husband?"

The story from a fellow anon:
>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gave all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets

Court Fees:
Full Story:
157 posts and 14 images submitted.
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/pol/ WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED AFTER I WENT TO BED??? the board is blue and all I see are name roll threads. DID IT FINALLY HAPPEN ARE WE RAIDED?
Found the fags trying to ddos Trumps Websites
They are at it right now.

Webchat :

April Fools you fucking nigger

One of these people has a trail of bodies. One of these people women have said they sleep with a gun in fear of her. One of these people ahh fuck it we all know damn well it's Hillary.

She got shlonged by Obama anyway so the hit was pointless.

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If you get a white girls name, then that's you in this picture
93 posts and 7 images submitted.
OP is a faggot
thats you op
Plz let it be me

OP BTFO as always

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Is this your real name, sir?
134 posts and 10 images submitted.
Of course officer, why would I lie?
Fucking shitlord
* bang bang *
No sir
I faked my ID and all

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These creatures are literally sub-humans. Ugly as fuck, stink like shit, and have intelligence lower then an average 5 year old. These entitled cunts get so many government hand outs but do nothing to better themselves, they just sit in the long grass drinking shit beer and beating the shit out of each other all day, occasionally going into town to harrass people for money and screaming at you when you don't give it to them. Seriously, fuck these cunts.
141 posts and 25 images submitted.
why do they want gasoline
racist scum


fucking oath cunt.

Phone records of an infamous owner of a DC escort agency, Deborah Jeane Palfrey could destroy the life of one of the current candidates.

Previous Thread Lacked Vision!
There is a time for banter and facts, but that time isn't now!
This is NEWS /pol/!
This is time to speculate and rev those exess social media accounts?

>"Did Ted Cruz Buy Prostitutes!?!?!?"
>"Does Bernie Sanders have a Dark Secret?"
>"Who is the DC Madam, and what does that have to do with John Kasich?"
>"Did Hillary Clinton Murder DC Madam To cover for her husband"

Lets create a media scandal founded on speculation!

The story from a fellow anon:
>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gave all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets

Court Fees:
Full Story:
310 posts and 56 images submitted.
Plz be real
God please be real
Shills are out in full force today. This name thread reddit shilling is half shitposting and half direct organized suppression. Start leaving trails to those threads now.
Praise kek
Let it be real

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321 posts and 38 images submitted.
its lit senpai
Adolf Hitler get
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jeb is a mess

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Abandon your slave name

Roll for your new Kekian Name
304 posts and 36 images submitted.
im rolling
New name

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Hello, I went to your office earlier but you must have been on lunch break. I have a question on an issue that is very important to me. Regardless of your personal political affiliation or perspective, I hope that you can look at this objectively without bias.
I just had a class with a professor I would not like to name, because I generally like the guy in most cases. The professor, however, is extremely liberal and Marxist. My issue is this: During the class, the professor in question stated that "Donald Trump is a supporter of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan)."
This is absolutely factually incorrect. It should be obvious to most college educated peoples that a person who wants to become President of the United States would not commit political suicide by supporting an infamous hate group. What worries me is that he full well knows this, yet wished to push the narrative as to influence students within our class.
More importantly, African Americans make up a significant percentage of our class. I fear that statements like these only help in increasing the racial tensions we now have in this country. Many college students do not fact check what their professors tell them, rather they take it as absolute truth. How does a statement like that contribute to the learning process?
I understand that the probability that you are also liberal is high. If the same professor said something to the extent of "Bernie Sanders supports the sexual abuse of children", how would you feel? I would address this with the professor, but I am positive that it would fall on deaf ears. This is far from the only situation where he has tried to "brainwash" the class with his liberal/Marxist perspective.
62 posts and 10 images submitted.
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My question is this, is the statement claiming that Donald Trump supports the KKK something you find acceptable in your department? What are your personal feelings on this situation?
I hope that you will get back to me and not brush this off as insignificant. Ultra liberal professors pushing their ideas onto their students is a HUGE issue for me, most especially when it involves factually incorrect content. I have been compared to Hitler in this same class for discussing various conservative ideas and I feel that is very wrong.
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Hi Brian,

Thanks for writing. There are several issues here. The first is professors saying things that are factually untrue. Regardless of anyone's political leanings, that's just wrong. It's bad teaching. One question is what can you do about it. Another is what can I do about it.

If you feel comfortable asking a question, you can say something like, "I just want to clarify something I think I heard you say -- that Trump supports the KKK. That doesn't square with anything I know, and I just wonder if you could go to read more about that." You could even e-mail him with questions about things that he said in class. That is, if you feel comfortable doing that. If you are afraid that even asking that kind of question would hurt your grade in the class, that's a more serious matter.

I suspect that what he was referring to was this:

Donald Trump on Sunday morning refused to condemn actions taken and comments made by the Ku Klux Klan and one of its former leaders [David Duke], claiming he needed to do "more research" before taking a position.
Speaking on CNN's State of the Union. . . http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/trump-declines-to-condemn-ku-klux-klan-219927#ixzz44WWf1NXw

That's not exactly the same thing as supporting the Klan, and Trump eventually said he disavowed Duke, though it took him the better part of a week to get to that position. So you could see why someone might think that maybe Trump didn't think the Klan was all that bad.

thread invalid, sorry

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If you could ban one country from posting, who would it be?

My vote: Canada.
247 posts and 33 images submitted.
I also vote Canada.
Toss up between Canada and Australia.
Hiroshima turns this site into faceberg. Still won't IP ban Canada. Why do you hate us sempai?

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>the government is an agency of force
122 posts and 11 images submitted.
>You support me being SHOT?! That is SICK
The government is an agency of force because they force other's ideas on to you one way or another.

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Trips reveals the name of Kek's true human prophet.
65 posts and 20 images submitted.
bow down to your new master!
As long as it's white.

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This thread will determine your new name in the Trumpenreich. If Trump wins we all must change out names to those given by the thread.

322 posts and 37 images submitted.
De'Chicken Watermelon
Hope you enjoy your black dick and gender reassignment tammie
Hello, my name is
behold m'faggots

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alex jones ss.gif
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Alex Jones is talking about us, apparently we're the biggest new form of traffic on infowars.

He's loving our Carl the cuck memeing.

236 posts and 55 images submitted.
Based Alex Jones

Listening to infowars and drinking coffee every fucking morning on way to work
Nice porn name
yours too, Dick Girl.
Nice trap name

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What are the chances your name will be used sometime today?

Check forebears.io/surnames and post rare
309 posts and 196 images submitted.
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Master race
What is the most common surname?

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>Person with the closest name to "Zion" or "Solomon" can decide the fate of Israel

>Person with the closest name to "Kangaroo" or "Malcolm" can decide the fate of Australia

>Person with the closest name to "Rockerfeller" or "Rothschild" can decide the fate of the world

>Person with the closest name to "Angela" can decide what to be done with Germany

>Person with the closest name to "Burger" or "Washington"

Add your own rules if you like. MEME MAGIC
79 posts and 6 images submitted.
k then
Hoping for Rockefeller
lets go Berger
Let's see

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Does their argument hold any water? I'm not a lawyer or anything like that, but, it would seem that if they don't generate the same amount of revenue then it's a moot point.

Does anyone have any idea or know where to locate how much money they actually generate relative to the men?


Looked there and I could not find anything in the PDF's

Also I think it bears noting the amount of money they get from international competition and that should be taken into consideration. Internationally women are less liberated than in USA, on the average across the entire worldwide soccer community. FIFA, as I understand, gives out far less to women as money for training/promo etc. but they give out WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY less for prize winnings in tournaments.
66 posts and 9 images submitted.
thats because the best female player is just as good as a disabled kid with a ball
>if they don't generate the same amount of revenue then it's a moot point.

youre right and they don't

women's sports are a joke world wide
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I'd love to see some charts. The articles championing the equal pay narrative are noticeably limp on providing financial information
That shit was forced by WTA in tennis and it has ruined some tournaments where organizers just do not have enough money to lose to even organize a women part of the tournament.

It is very much cancerous.

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74 posts and 12 images submitted.
Mudslimes aren't allowed to date
yes they are you ignorent piece of shit
As long as she doesnt mind dating a combat veteran who has probably directly or indirectly killed many muslims

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Does anyone else like the new layout?

Having names is really cool!
60 posts and 10 images submitted.
No it's fucking not Lawrence
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>yes, yes good goyim
420chan did it
No, I hate this change. It's terrible. Who came up with this? Really hope it's an April Fools only thing.

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Only womyn allowed in this thread, here we will discuss serious topics like identity politics, feminism and the patriarchy.

I repeat men ARE NOT ALLOWED
140 posts and 24 images submitted.
Sup fellow sluts?
Stop raping me
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Eh, no Peg.
I'm posting here, nothing personnel kidd

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